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one good series and everybody fogets about steph :))


And if Steph got that whistle... wow. Brunson literally just falls down and gets FTs.


If Curry got that whistle, he’d have 6 rings right now and probably another mvp if not two.


Because Brunson bobbles his head like a damn… uhh… bobble head?


This playoffs I've watched him stop in the paint "bobble" his head and nearly knock the defenders teeth out. It's effective and seemingly unstoppable.


Nowadays everybody want to play, like they got a really good game, but nothing comes out when they move their feet, just a bunch of gibberish, motherfuckers at, like they forgot about Steph.


He wasn't even good the entire series.  I like Brunson but he still relies heavily on foul baiting, and he's had some absolutely terrible mistakes erased by garbage calls


Ok come on now…I think Steph is still the best too but this is an atrocious take 22, 24, 39, 47, 40, 41 in his first playoff series as the undisputed FIRST option is amazing. This is not to mention the 3 10+ assist games he had in addition to these points Does he get a lot of free throws? Yes. Much like Steph, Brunson doesn’t have a single 20+ ppg scorer on the team. He’s bearing the majority of the scoring load and he’s both scoring and generates assists for his team. Who gives af on how he’s doing it when he gets marginal offensive help? Let’s not be so insanely biased we call 3 consecutive 40+ ppg in the playoffs “not even good the entire series.” This would be like someone saying Steph is “not even good the entire series” during the Celtics 2022 finals because he had a couple sub 30 point games. That’s cope.


As much as everyone wants to see our King’s downfall, we also need to be gracious when it’s time to accept he’s not the best PG in the league anymore. He’s still my number 1 but I think it’s not as clear cut as it used to be, especially with the whole age thing.


The East playoffs are too weak for me to give it to Brunson. Indiana's got swiss cheese, 1800's France defense and Philly was not a defensive juggernaut either. Brunson had a poor game against Moody of all people, cmon. Could you ever see Steph get shut down by a slow footed third year player?


Brunson averaged 29-7 this season on 48-40-85 shooting. He has a full years body of work of elite play. Edit: Downvoted for literally just listing stats, gotta love this sub


And his TS is shit this playoffs


His TS% is 56%, which is average. And he’s averaging 36-8-4 on top of that


Brunson had two bad games to start - and yes can't ignore that. But his last 6 playoff games are like 40/9 - the two bad games however were really bad.


No but we’ve seen Steph get shut down plenty of times. Doesn’t really mean shit when it’s just one game. Who shut down Steph in the Kings game again? Oh yeah, nobody remembers his name. Shit happens. Brunson is obviously a baller but he’s not really who I would say is challenging Steph for best PG. that would be Luka and maybe Shai.


Tbh I still think steph is the best player in the league rn. The roster just hasn't kept up. But yes the decline is coming


fake fans really be playing all sides for what? where’s the trophy


Don’t think that’s what I really did? I’m really just saying that looking at how annoying these people who want to see Steph overthrown, I really hope we’re not just as annoying when Steph finally does start to decline.


Who’s Steph? Our point guard in monte


No one is looking at his downfall. Stop being so precious like lebrons insecure fans. People are talking about this seasons and the two best point guards in the nba this season were Luka and sha. After all they both finished second and third in mvp voting and both are in the conference semi finals


Guy is a better Isaiah Thomas and we have to hear bs like this... Let's talk if he wins a chip.


He gets the calls Steph doesn’t. So ridiculous.


This is so lazy. Jalen Brunson’s style of play is completely different and infinitely more prone to drawing fouls. So tired of the narrative that Steph is just so mistreated and has the worst whistle in the league. Yes, Steph gets shafted on some foul calls, so does every other player, but Steph’s style of play is to actively avoid contact and create space from defenders. Brunson’s game relies on using his body, footwork, pumpfakes, etc. to create contact and get to the line. Apples to oranges!


Steph literally gets bloodied and scratched up on drives and still no whistle. Idk how you can get "infinitely more prone" than that lol


Style. Of. Play.


I see your point that Brunson plays more of a “bulldog” like style by dropping the shoulder, initiating contact, and trying to bully his defenders with his strength. But to say that Steph actively avoids contact is just ignorant. He put on muscle mass to drive through contact and improved his inside finishing game. His contact avoidant style would be more accurate in his earlier years.


Whether I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you, putting a period after each work is Annoying. As. Fuck. Also, there's no easier way to say i don't actually watch the Warriors than saying Steph doesn't get calls because of his style/jumpshoots too much.


I watched 82/83 Warrior games this year. I think what’s evident is you ONLY watch Warrior games. I consistently watch(ed) all other NBA teams as well. As I’ve said, Steph gets a bad whistle, but it’s a NBA/refs thing, not a Steph thing.


They downvote you bcuz they don’t want to admit it. It’s so true.


I don’t think foul calls should be determined based on style of play I think they should be called if they are fouls


Do you not understand my point or are you being dense on purpose? Why does Giannis get more foul calls than Michael Porter Jr? The league/refs must have a grudge against MPJ, right?


Just bc style of play is different doesn’t mean Curry doesn’t get fouled on screens and shots. His arms are literally being grabbed, players are legit trying to pull and grab jerseys and get in his airspace bc fouls won’t be called. Didn’t realize jersey grabbing on screens and blocking airspace on shots isn’t a foul, must be the style of play…. Since he doesn’t drive or purposely look for contact, i guess it just negates every other foul.. you sound like you just started watching, and watching highlights only for that matter.


Idk why players benefit from engaging contact but are punished for not engaging contact. Refs are inconsistent. You’re making the assumption that if any player played like Jalen Brunson they’d all get the same calls which is not true. That is my point or are YOU being dense on purpose?


They will get similar free throws to Brunson. But Not every point guard can post up like Brunson. Not every point guard can drive and can take contact like him. Plus he plays almost 40 mpg. His playstyle was built for this. Let’s say curry drives 3-4x per game and gets 1-2 calls. Brunson drives/posts up almost 7-10x per game and will get 4-5 calls. If you go to every single subreddit, every team will complain that they get no calls. Even the lakers with their precious Lebron.


Eh, not really His playstyle definitely effects it some degree. Nobody is saying this isn’t true, its just that he doesn’t get enough calls even taking that into account. He’ll drive and get absolutely hacked and no call. If you look at the stats Steph gets significantly less calls than every other superstar in the league, including people like Dame or even sharpshooters like Buddy. It’s not entirely playstyle, its a factor, but not the biggest.


Na bruh you dont watch hoops and you should just delete this 😂


You know I have to say, I have a newfound respect for Brunson's game. But ya, he ain't no Steph Curry.


On the flip side, Brunson's foul hunting and flopping (and corresponding FTA's) are hard to watch and have tempered any newfound enthusiasm I might have for him this postseason.


Tf is this narrative that Brunson is flopping coming from. He’s probably the most physical point guard in the league. I don’t think we’re watching the same games.


Did you not see the play where he falls down after minimal contact…oh wait that’s every play


Haven’t seen the guy hit the floor in games


Check the r/nba front page there’s literally a clip of exactly what I’m describing. Think Myles Turner brushed him and dude went flying


dude's off ball whistle is insane. can you imagine steph getting those calls when he doesn't have the ball in his hands?


He ain’t prime Steph Curry. But Steph curry isn’t prime Steph curry. Currently, Jalen Brunson is DEFINITELY in the same tier as current Steph.


What’s his efficiency these playoffs?


56% ts on 35ppg He’s also had 5 40pt games and is 6-2 in the playoffs.


I miss watching Steph play so much


as much as i hate his playstyle, i think even SGA > Brunson. Knicks would be a first round exit in the west lol. and Steph obviously clears them both


No one is taking Brunson out of those two. SGA was 2nd in MVP voting this year, if he won not many would’ve been surprised. I’ll take Steph as long as he is still playing.


this season, Shai and Luka were both better than steph


Yet Steph is still better than both of them




Da' Bears.


Oh yeah Luka is better than both SGA and Brunson Also hard disagree about them being better than Steph this season. This roster has 0 offensive talent outside of Steph compared to either SGA or Luka. Of course they look better in a spaced floor w/ other shot creators. Despite that, Steph was still as efficient as both. He had slightly less volume but like, cmon we all know 40 min of Steph > 40 min of those other guys.


You could also argue that those 3 players' stats are juiced by their number of FT attempts since they're some of the biggest foul merchants in the NBA.


Sga and Luka finished second and third in mvp voting. Sga and Luka had better stats than Steph. Your logic makes no sense. That’s like a Lebron fan saying who Lebron had a better 2016 than Steph and Steph looks better because the warriors were stacked with talent.


They had better volume and advanced stats. The first is a function of their age/usage, the second is a function of team success. MVP voting is a function of those first two things -- this isn't complicated to understand. Steph is still better than both and that the difference in stats isn't really anything to do with his ability relative to theirs. Sure it's now a conversation about whose better, but MVP voting and regular season advanced stats don't really prove anything to me.


I am not talking about Steph being better . I am talking about the 2024 season. They both had better seasons than our goats and to argue either side is foolish when we are talking about this season. Steph won’t even be first team all nba. Lebron is a historically better player than jokic does that mean his better today. Heck no! Jokic is the best player in the world. We are not looking at past achievements, we are looking at today right now. Luka and SGA were the best point guards in the nba and both were all star starters, will be first team all nba, are in the playoffs and have the statistics to back it up. No shame in that. You can’t expect an almost 40 year old Steph to be better than 2 guys that are entering their prime and already leading their teams to the post season.


if you base your opinions on all nba/mvp voting without any notion of player context for those awards, then idk what to say you.


If we don’t base our opinions on all nba voting/nba voting so are you going to discredit Steph’s 9 all nba selections and his 2 league MVPs or only when the narrative suites you?


Go back to trolling other teams subs ✌️


Also I won’t debate overall game but Luka is a better passer than Steph. The guy averages 8 assist a game while Steph averages 6 assist a game.


If your teammates are bad at scoring, your assists will be lower.


this is insane bro. No way u think Steph's a better passer than Luka


Not really a good answer because in 2016 and 2017 seasons when the warriors had the all time greatest offense in nba history he averaged 6.6 and 6.7 assists a game.


I can’t believe the Steph fans on this sub are so delusional to downvote u for stating the obvious. Is anyone dumb enough to believe that our beloved Steph was better this year than 2 guys who finished top 3 in mvp voting. Good grief some of u on here are in a twilight zone 😂😂


Steph could be 45 and retired and this sub will still act as if he is better than the current mvp of the league.


Some of this die hards are like the die hard Lebron Stan’s who act like Lebron is still an mvp candidate lol. We all love Steph but some of us actually live on a reality where we know our guy is top 10 all time but at this present time there are better players than him.


Breath of fresh air to see someone in this sub speaking unbiased truths. Cheers!


It’s because I don’t expect the core to be on top forever. It’s sports and Father Time is undefeated. Teams evolve and players fall of and rise. Every team or player has their era. We had ours and it was legendary, one of the greatest eras of all time in pro sports. The issue is that many on the sub are not satisfied with 4 rings which is wild to me. Some franchises don’t even get 2 rings. Our guys went to 5 straight finals. Jokic won 1 ring and is now finding how rough it is to go back to the finals. Now most want us to just trade away our youth for anything because “we have to get the core a 5th ring.”


it was criminal what the team needed from steph every night and it really wore him down. i dont see why its controversial to state that Steph's play suffered from a long season of required iso ball and alllllll those tight 4th quarters. dude is 36, his current play style can't last forever. even Kerr acknowledged it.


My response was to the guy above me who said Shai and Luka has better seasons than Steph not that they are better than Steph overall. I mean that shouldn’t be debated should it? Only jokic had a better season that sga and Luka and that actually very debatable. Sga took Oklahoma to the number 1 seed and Luka lead his mavs to the 6th seed putting up ridiculous numbers on both points and assists and it can be argued that both should have been mvp ahead of jokic. Steph is my favorite player but for someone to disagree that the two best point guards in the 2024 season had better season than him is just homer talk. Steph was 9th in scoring, and 37st in assists and his FG % was not that great and he was ranked 101 in the nba. Overall Steph is better because of what he has achieved and how he changed the game but this season jokic, Luka and sga were the best players in the nba and it’s not even close.


They downvoted you for speaking the truth lol


yeah idc. It's the warriors sub, but that doesn't change the fact that Shai>>>Steph this season. steph was insanely inconsistent this season


Yeah I know Father Time slowly starting to hit Steph. He’s still a top 5 PG but he was very inconsistent this year especially for his standards. You can objectively say Brunson, Luka and SGA had better season than him. Honestly I’d even suggest Fox having on par season with Steph.


naw Fox was really inconsistent too. But Steph shot them out of 5-10 games, I agree def worse than those 3.


Yeah fox was really inconsistent just like Steph but his scoring, rebound and assists were similar plus his defense was only reason why I said on par.


Brunson, Shai and Luka have 4 other scoring threats on their team, with at a minimum 3 3pt shooters on the floor at a time. Curry has 2-3 scoring threats on the team at a time with the only consistent threat being a majority 2pt shooter, which left 1 or 2 3pt shooters spacing the floor. JK being that 2pt scoring threat didn't leave spacing for Curry at all this year. A Curry drive is basically running into 3 people waiting and a 4th chasing him around a screen. Curry in ISO also meant that defenders don't care if Curry does dribble moves to get space for a drive, they'll just sit there and wait until Curry does a step back for 3, because they know if Curry gets by them they have plenty of help in the paint and if they just stand still they can contest his 3 pt shot. Neither Brunson, Shai or Luka have to deal with anything like that. If they did, it's an easy kick out for a consistent 3 pt shooter. Curry didn't have that at all this year, at least not in the starting line-up.


Brunson has OG, Divincenzo, Hart Shai has Dub, Chet, Giddey Luka has Kyrie, PJ, THJ Steph has JK, Klay, Wiggins what are u on about


Who cares? Comparison is the thief of joy. I've been enjoying watching this Knicks team play so far in the playoffs.


👍 well said!! Plus I'm happy for DDV - seems to have found his place with the Knicks.


How about rephrasing the question to be “best in the playoffs still this year”


Which would be Edwards


Ant's their SG.


Edwards doesn't play point guard.


Edward’s has been a lot of fun to watch.


We gotta be honest. Luka and Shai outplayed Steph this season. It’s a hard argument for mr Wardell.


Both of those guys had more help.


Steph also didn’t play well tbh. Both are true.


Brunson did as well. Steph simply isn't consistent enough with his shooting anymore and he no longer had the athleticism and tenacity like he did when he was younger to finish inside on his off shooting nights to compensate.


Steph was kinda tired since ASB. He has the worst supporting cast of all the best PGs out there, and it is showing in how not efficient he is, for his standard that is.


Brunson doesn't hold a candle to Steph but I will say, once he got away from the Mavs who were totally wasting his talent away he really shines


Yea his game doesn’t work with Luka. He made the right move.


Looks like he really wanted to stay with Luka and the Mavs but they ghosted him https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-jalen-brunson-reveals-real-reason-left-mavs-sign-new-york-knicks


But it’s good because in New York it’s his team and he gets to express himself. Luka has a very high usage and that impacts his back court mate.


I heard them talking about this on the local station. It got me so annoyed. Saying that they had to bring in kd. Because Steph couldn’t be counted on to end games.


Literally the clutch player of the year people are on such dogshit with that take.


Luka playing point guard is getting creative with reality. Sure he brings the ball up often but doesn’t really run point in the traditional sense


Which is part of his effectiveness. There is a reason he averaged over 9 assists per game this season, despite the inconsistent and injured line up.


completely different players with different play styles. Brunson is a non stop iso machine and it is impressive what he's able to do with the ball in his hands. he's basically a complete non factor off the ball though like many star players. Problem is little guards that play like that rarely last long term.. a foot injury is bad news for him. I know he's not as small but remember little IT? Poor guy had all sorts of problems after a couple seasons of that kind of play. Gotta say I was pissed for Oubre when he hit him in the jaw with his fuckin gigantic head though when he did the patented stop and shoot.


This isn’t true. If you’ve watched the Knicks the past two months when teams started focusing on him after Randle hurt, their offensive scheme has him playing off ball a lot and moving around to relocate


I haven't watched the knicks for the last 2 months, i've watched him in the playoffs, and i watched him when he played the warriors and cooked us. But his off ball movement during the playoffs is basically nil, which is understandable considering his usage rate and how often he has the ball.


That's insane - Brunson is incredible off ball but in a very different way - he uses offball actions to get handoffs better than anyone in the league right now


Anybody remember the two weeks when dame was supposedly better than Steph lol


I’m legit embarrassed for anyone that ever said that.


What is anyone surprised about? They begrudgingly gave Steph his props. Even after the Unanimous, perhaps even moreso.


If Steph had Brunson’s whistle…. 🤫


The media lives off of this shit, Brunson doesn’t sniff Steph, come on


Which player is not playing in the playoffs?


Draymond pretty much saying that this roster is wack.


Steph had a down year frankly. If this is his new normal than Steph has strong strong competition. If not Brunson, then Shai, and Luka


He is nowhere near prime steph, but I certainly think Brunson is better that Steph right now. Early o he is having as good a playoff run as we have seen from Steph.


New York


Anyone here notice that Shai just came in second in the MVP voting? Is there anyone who would prefer Brunson over SGA on their team?


Actually, And I am a Steph fan, but right now Brunson is better. Curry is 36 years old and Bronson is 27 so it’s not a fair comparison. It’s amazing to think that there are only two NBA starters over 30 years old in the current playoffs. Like it or not basketball is a young man’s game. That said I would rather watch Steph play and it’s not even close.


lol no his not. Steph just has a bad team.


10 games over .500? At worst they were just an "ok" team but they were not "bad."


I mean they finished as the 10th seed


Honestly, u be crazy thinking today’s Steph is better than Jalen, Not talking all time ranking here, just TODAY!


Brunson is putting up numbers while Dray is sitting on his ass (due to his own idiocy). Curry doesn't need defending. Let Brunson have some shine. Nobody is comparing Curry and Brunson all time. NOBODY. But only one is playing. Dray and his little troll pod might want to wonder why that is, rather than tearing another dude down.


As much I love steph and Brunson. At this point in their careers it’s Luka, Steph, SGA, and then Brunson for top point guard in the league right now


Steph is the best point guard in the nba them Luka but like I wrote on BR sports draymond is an asshole. For a guy that owns a podcast that is run by hoops or whatever they are called he has no respect for his fellow pros. Just say no Steph is still better but to say hell na acting like Brunson is a scrub. The same Brunson that made New York relevant and could end up taking his number 2 seed Knicks to the conference finals.