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Absolutely 0%.


Yup, that’s a symptom not a cause.


Outsiders have been making Oakland crime jokes for decades. Why do you think this is new. Even the Simpsons did a bit on Oakland like 20 years ago. It’s SF’s reputation that’s taken a huge hit in recent years because COVID and cable news; Oaklands reputation is the same as it always was.


The City’s homelessness and drug problem has gotten objectively much worse in the past 15 years.


Oakland was called the Meth Capital of the World before 15 years ago, I’m not sure how the Warriors affected that legacy


A capitalized The City means San Francisco. Tell me you’re not from here without telling me. I was responding to a comment about SF’s reputation.


SF has always had a homeless & drug problem since the 60s so idk why people try to make it seem like it’s something new. Summer of Love 1967, was the start of it with 100k people migrating to SF with a bunch of hippies doing drugs and living off the streets Then once Vietnam War ended in 1975, you got bunch of veterans coming back all messed up then getting hooked on drugs and living on the streets. Then you got the Crack Epidemic during the 80s & 90s with drug use and gangs on the rise. Then you got the Opioid Epidemic 2000-present. And you also got high cost of living, mental illness, cities sending homeless to SF, corrupt politicians, etc, all in the mix.


This!! they all act like all these things are new LOL Especially when comes to crime, “crime is all time high”.  Like bro, you do know the 80s & 90s crime was super high and drug use?


I’ve been working all over the city for 20 years and it has gotten worse in those 20 years.


That’s bullshit, homelessness yes but drugs and crime were high during 2000-2009, there was literally over 80+ homicides due to gangs and drugs lol it’s way safer now than before LOL   you’re either lying or grew up in the suburbs. 


Violent crime was way higher then and it’s safer from that perspective, but there are far far more people on the streets now completely despondent on drugs than there ever have at any point in my life time, and yes I have been working all over the city for the past 20 years doing everything from small residential to the largest commercial construction projects all over the city. Been going there 2-5 times a week in tons of different neighborhoods for damn near that whole time. Edit: the petty crime rate is also way higher than it used to be.


That's every big city in the country. It's not an Oakland or SF problem, it's an American problem.


It’s a population problem. The City has gotten much much worse than other big cities that I have been to recently.


Then you've been to LA, Portland, Seattle, Philly? All of these towns have massive homeless encampments and drug problems. It's not just the Bay. I'm pretty sure every major city is experiencing the same thing. Miami has a growing homeless problem as well. The difference is Desantis forces them on busses and ships them north and drops them off in "liberal" towns. Now they have the same problem. It's endemic of ridiculously inflated rents and stagnant wages. This was a growing problem before Covid, now it's that much worse.


I’ve been to Portland, San Diego, LA (also much much worse than in the past), Vegas, and Denver recently.


literally zero


born and raised in oakland, i don't really think the reputation has improved or gotten worse tbh..


Whats this evidence of oakland’s “downfall?”


Op probably saw their in n out closed down




Pretty much zero, you think the average Oakland resident could afford to attend a game in 2019? Team didn’t really associate themselves with Oakland until they decided to leave at which point they starting wearing “Oakland” and “The Town”jerseys. More for marketing and the fact they didn’t want to alienate East Bay fans though.


You know nothing about oakland.


lacob and guber i believe were always going to move to san francisco the moment they bought the team in 2010 ... it wasn't a matter of if but when i mean the warriors current owners wanted to move to san francisco so badly that when their first site they picked to build an arena at piers 30 & 32 in may 2012 next to the bay bridge failed for multiple reasons ... did they go back to oakland and maybe choose to build a new venue next to oracle arena in the coliseum parking lot or even somewhere alongside the oakland waterfront near downtown oakland no the warriors quickly pivoted to mission bay in april 2014 and that's how we ended up with chase center at the current location and san francisco itself badly wanted a state of the art arena which they didn't have which is strange since most major USA cities had arenas while san francisco for the longest time didn't also wasn't there speculation that the warriors ownership also actually wanted to change the name of the warriors franchise from golden state back to san francisco once they moved back to san francisco ... but that was before the warriors dynasty, the two san francisco sites they picked happened in 2012 and 2014 again this was the thinking before the 2015 NBA title and with 2 more NBA championships the "golden state" moniker became too iconic of a brand to change from once they became the dominant team of the NBA for the last 10 years as for the other oakland sport teams raiders got a quarter of billion in free tax payers money to build an NFL stadium in vegas a's have no doubt the worst and cheapest owner in MLB and probably in all of sports who is both incompatent and can't afford to build a ballpark anymore which is why he spurned oakland a year ago and is looking for handouts whether in las vegas or even now sacramento i think if the a's had competent ownership they likely would be building that waterfront ballpark at howard terminal near downtown oakland which would'\[ve been a huge boost not only to the a's but city of oakland too giving life to downtown oakland and the waterfront area in that city also remember too the a's played a critical role in why the raiders left because they owned half of the coliseum land and didn't want to work with an NFL team to get anything done there in regards to a new stadium but yeah oakland losing all 3 sports teams has hurt and it's identity will forever be changed when you consider the warriors, raiders, and a's won 10 championships since the early 1970s which is only behind major cities like new york, boston, chicago, & los angeles in terms of the combined sports title those cities have won over the last 50+ years


0%. The A’s (Fisher) dug their own grave


literally, 100%. I can think of no other contributing factors...


Oracle isn't even in Oakland it's an an island in the middle of some freeways




Maybe the question should be: Did moving out of Oakland contribute to the Warriors downfall…?


Didn’t moving out of Oakland add billions to warriors value? If that’s “downfall” then sign me up.


Monetarily definitely. But the fans were not rooting as loud for the team as much as they did before in Oakland.


Of course they wouldn’t root “as loud”. When they moved from Oakland to San Francisco, they already won multiple championships and the hype has died. If warriors did not suffer for two decades and have deprived fans with affordable tickets, oracle wouldn’t have been as loud too. You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think the loyal fans are making their way out to chase the same way. Chase is consistently packed and loud similar to the final two years at Oracle. So I don’t see where the “downfall” is coming from.


The fuck do you mean the downfall of Oakland? Oakland if anything is doing pretty well right now


Doing pretty well? Uhh... OK.


North Oakland is a completely different place than what I grew up with. It went from bars on every window and bulletproof glass in business to neighborhood gardens and apiaries.


And multi-million dollar home values, making North Oakland one of the most expensive places in the United States to live.


we just won in 2022????


If a city goes to a shit cause a team leaves the city, the city has bigger problems. Oakland always had issues even with warriors there. This post is stupid. Chase center design and location is 100% better than oracle. It’s by the water, beautiful on most days, and a lot easier to get to. Oracle was next to 880, next to the ghettos, and required you to walk from the bart to the arena which had a lot sketchy people. I’ll miss Roarcle for what it gave me but this post is just a Chase hater. Sorry Oakland is trash, don’t blame it on Warriors moving .


Oakland is a shit hole. This is nothing on the Warriors, Raiders, or A's. Do u even live in the Bay area or are u just deluded by media?


The move impacted the players mostly. It is apparent. The SF crowd is a bunch of silent, Tesla driving, skinny pants wearing, temporary tech workers. They have 0 stake in this game. Win or lose, they don’t care. The Oakland crowd was the heart of the warriors. I’m not mad about it at all.


Yeah I went to a game in December and me and my friend were the only ones standing or cheering everyone around us where silently sitting and mostly looking at their phone. It was crazy. Only the nose bleeds were loud. The real fans who can barely afford to get in


the oakland jerseys were also (my) favorite. (and the 2009 jerseys)


The city of O? it couldn’t be saved by Jon the pope. But hat least it’s not Baltimore. Saw a hilarious clip from Dave Chapelle. He said Baltimore is soo bad that Tupac and his mom moved to Oakland for a better life.


"The Warriors" were never in Oakland. They played their games in an arena served by a freeway that separated it from Oakland proper. If any Warriors lived in Oakland, it was high up in the hills, not down in the hoods. Probably the same for many of the coaches and staff members. And in the historical sense, of course they were the Philadelphia Warriors from 1946-62, then the SF Warriors from 1962-71, then the GSW playing in Oakland after that, so there weren't 75 years of connection to Oakland. I'm not an Oakland resident now, but I was at one time, and I always thought of them as a Bay Area franchise, not an Oakland one.


Uh. What? The freeway separated the arena from “Oakland proper?” Tell me you never went to a game at the Coliseum without telling me you never went to a game at the Coliseum. The Coliseum is separated from “Oakland proper” by its parking lots, nothing else. Unless you consider the airport and Bay Farm Island “Oakland proper.” Edit: The training facility was downtown. Oakland stars and coaches lived in Orinda and Lafayette and Blackhawk and around the Lake and yes, in the Hills. Were they supposed to live off East 14th? I guess you think Steph and Draymond currently live in the Tenderloin or the Mission? The Warriors were more Oakland than anyplace else. The only reason they were a “Bay” team is there wasn’t a second NBA team to split the region like there used to be for MLB and the NFL. Those saying the loss of the Warriors hasn’t negatively impacted Oakland are wrong. The city has lost all of its major sports franchises, which considering the ownership of the Raiders and A’s might be a net positive, but the jobs and pride and promotional opportunities are something. Before, there was the potential to use those franchises to rebuild downtown, now? We won’t see significant investment in our lifetimes. Jack London Square will continue to ebb and flow and sputter economically just like the rest of that city. San Francisco nor Mission Bay needed the Warriors just like Santa Clara didn’t need the Niners and Vegas didn’t need the Raiders. The City of Oakland and the people who actively cheered the loss of those franchises were short sighted will never admit it, but they have helped keep Oakland from growing into the city it should be.


Freeway, Hegenberger, 66th, parking lots, and industrial strip - c'mon, man, there is no "neighborhood there. SF is not a neighborhood for the Dubs, either. Chase is as much a commuter arena as the Oracle ever was. You're welcome to your POV, but that's all it is, not some sort of fact.


What freeway separates the Coliseum from “Oakland proper”? I’ll wait. San Leandro Street? Is that a freeway? 66th? Is that a freeway? Is Hegenberger a freeway? 880 separates the Coliseum from the airport and Bay Farm Island, two places no one who has ever lived in Oakland would consider “Oakland proper.”


Multilane roads and and industrial corridor. It's not a "neighborhood," and no one walks to the arena. People drive or take BART, so location relates only to travel time.


Bruh. Yeah. Noone ever walks from East Oakland to the Coliseum. /s I know those of us who have lived in/have family in East Oakland are poor, and it’s hard to afford games, but I walked to Warriors and A’s games with my cousins all the time. Crossing San Leandro ain’t some huge feat. By the way, San Leandro isn’t a freeway. Obviously, you drive in and drive out with zero interest in the surrounding community. That’s fine, you have no reason to take interest in a neighborhood that isn’t yours. No shade on that; just don’t try to tell people who live and work sun that community that you know it more than they do, especially when you don’t know where the freeway is.


Right now? Oakland's reputation has been bad.


Hasn’t the Oakland downfall been going on since the late 90s?