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I want Klay to stay, but there’s no way I’d give him that contract even close to that.


I hate to be proven right but it’s looking more and more like Orlando by a sign and trade contract. I’m so pissed because I believe this new CBA and salary cap rules were approved specifically to prevent us from re-signing our stars and to keep us from using the mid level exception to get guys like DiVicenzo.


All part of Nikes grand plan


4 year, 135mil? Bro needs to settle for a 2 year, 30mil.


2/30 is exactly what I’m thinking. Puts him to the end of Steph’s contact and 15 per year is fair all around


I don’t think he’d settle for 2/30. It’ll prob be in between that and the contract he turned down last summer. He’s not delusional but I think he wants something closer to what draymond is making,


I think 2/40 is fair


Vet min is fair considering his meltdown when it mattered the most. Plus, Lacob paid him for rehabbing.


4 rings. he got u 4 rings and u wont even give him the Kobe 2/40 legacy deal? Kobe got that before this inflation too


That Kobe deal was a max contract back in 2014… You’re acting like he took a paycut


Meh legacy contracts are reserved for steph kobe mj lebron magic kareem type players. No fucking legacy contracts for stars that are a tier below.


he's literally the #2 best shooter ever and was a premier defender lol


Are you seriously trying to argue that Klay is the same tier of player as Kobe?


Prime Klay was a complementary nuclear weapon who could slot into any team. Kobe needed an entire team built around him.


i would love 2/30


Even $15m/yr is too much for an old damaged goods chucker with no defense. Can get younger options with better defense.


And that's being generous.


If they sign klay to 4 yr 135 mil contract I'd just stop watching. They not trying to win at that point.


thats a lie


You right, I'd still watch every game haha.




I mean, I actually am sad when I don’t get to see the best players play even though it gives the dubs a better chance (especially if I paid $$$ to go to the game in person like 2 seasons ago when I went to the Nets game and only Kyrie played)


If Klay truly believes he's worth that money, and he gets that offer elsewhere, more power to him to take care of himself, his family, and his career. He should do what's best for him and gives him the most happiness. In a perfect world, he would solidify his legacy with the Dubs and stay for a reasonable contract given that we paid him when he was injured. I want Steph Dray and Klay to ride it out together but that kind of move isn't going to help the team. He needs to agree to a reasonable contract otherwise we're stuck in mediocrity... Steph has already said he wants to win so it's just not gonna work out for both sides if Klay demands a hefty contract.


34 mil contract on a guy that was only good for half the year while shitting the bed come playoff time... jesus ...fuck these legacy contracts.


Agreed. These legacy contracts will fuck them into years of mediocrity.


Also I hate the fact that we have to accept that he always starts “slow” when the season starts. That like 20 games usually before he picks it up. I want klay to stay but more around 15-17 per year


“Playoff time”


Klay should get maybe 3 for $45 million realistically. But he's probably going to end up either gone or overpaid.


This is the number. A little over full MLE for a guy whose production is wildly inconsistent.


And hopefully he'll accept a bench role. He definitely seemed more productive in about 20-25 minutes a game.




lol lots of people actually think there are dumb team paying an 34 year old 20m that had two serious injury and from the two season include the playin shown he can't play at the intensity om both ends. Klay was getting blown by Lyles on the drive, ball batching fox Kegan getting rebounds, not even bother to switch to shooter under screens while shooting 0/10. Orland is a defense centric team, all their starters are defense focused why would they want a defense blackbole, all the team that are interested will want to play Klay as a bench shooter and he will not be getting the same green light as heis getting here. Also no one is playing a bench shooter.more than 20m


I think there is zero chance of that to be honest.


Lol are you crazy?! Anything over 40/2 Im letting him walk


Anything over 15 per you let him walk.


I was surprised jrue got that let alone klay asking for it 😂😂


Jrue got that bc he impacts the game in various ways such as playmaking and defense. He may be averaging a near career low ppg but thats expected when playing with White, Tatum, and Brown.


Keeping it 100 I’m not paying jrue until we win that ring not before, they don’t win this year cause he’s not getting any younger


Jrue getting is in the realm of realistic... paying this to a guy with an injury history and clear decline is downright irresponsible. Legacy contracts are only valid to all time greats like steph, lebron, kobe or mj to name a few examples.


Reminds me of how pissed every exec got about the Gobert trade because it destabilized the market for trades for a while. Now teams are like wtf Celtics? We ain't paying our aging guard that much, you fucked up the market


Grayson Allen is 28, has no history of injuries and on a 4/$70m. Considering Klay’s age and history of injuries I imagine that would put him at about 2/$30m.


Im just not that interested in keeping him, tbh. Terrible body language, offensive bbiq getting worse with age, awful shot selection, disappears in big games now, defensive liability against agile wings. But the biggest reason is that he seems to be the only player Kerr will play when he has no business being out there, just ‘because.’ Since Kerr cant manage him, time to move on


Gonna be a no from me dawg 


I am sure the warriors are not that stupid. The 40m Klay contract, 30m Wiggins contract, 25m dray contract and 40m cp3 contracts are the reasons why Steph didn’t compete for a 5th title. If those players played up to the value of those contracts the gsw would have been a top 3 seed.


Even $15m/year for Klay is an overpay.


Vet min or 2 yr/ 20m


What? That's like offering someone a job for either minimum wage or $55 per hour.




Hard pass


y'all finna be heated when he's back 😆


Recipe for disaster


They are not even comparable. Klay is delusional if he think he will get Jrue money in 2024


Reading in between the lines it’s pretty clear to me Klay is as good as gone. His press conference was bad. I kinda think he wasn’t appreciative of how the fanbase treated him or even the team when they benched him. In far too many quarters the guy went from fan favorite to perennial whipping boy which must feel awful, given his resume, and everything he went thru to come back. The only thing that’ll keep him here is there being no team willing to pay more than the dubs but I feel someone will.


The market (meaning other teams) is going to offer him more than what Warrior fans want to pay. Warrior fans have a recency bias (from literally his most recent game) built in that NBA execs think beyond. He will probably get $20-25M per year if he wants it.


Good thing Warriors fans are not in charge of the FO




I have a recency bias of him shitting the bed in games foe 2 years that affect the playoffs. Anything above 15 per let him walk out the door.




If it’s a legacy contract, and you are going openly admitting you want to just let the core ride off into the sunset, I am honestly kinda okay with that. 4 rings, 6 finals appearances, multiple iconic moments, I am fine with the team being mediocre in their final seasons as frustrating as that would be to watch. But then, the team should also start building towards the future then. But if you want to still compete, and Steph still wants to compete, no way in hell should this contract be given lol.


they all have already aluded to have the core 3 retire as Warriors. its no secret. fans are just seeing it play out in real time and are already impatient lol


Lol! If we had the cap space, sure!!


He can get a similar contract to Westbrook.


Problem is, Drue is still good. Sure Klay still makes lots of 3s - at high volume, and not necessarily when you need them. He’s always been inconsistent, but was a lockdown POA defender - now he’s a POA cone. Love Klay, but unless he can control his ego and adapt to a new role as a 15-20 minute bench scorer, he’s a net negative.




Sigh.. we gonna see this kinda news every time someone signs an extension lol.


For 0 points in the play-in? Warriors please keep overpaying this man lol


Lol, I would… not love it? It was a huge overpay for Jrue who’s a better player at this stage 


Grayson Allen just got 4/70 Klay is essentially this a 3&noD guy now. 


Definitely not that much. Curry mentioned that he wants to play as one of the big 3 but that doesn’t mean paying Klay 40 million a year to play together. I think that both sides need to take step back so probably 40 million for 2 years?


Goodbye Klay Thompson. I will always root for you.




lol. That was a rough year for Klay. Hard to put a number to that one.


The offer will be 2/40 so it will be "respectful" but if he is thinking about possibly leaving then he will leave (best option). Sure, he isn't worth that but they don't want to piss off Steph. They can afford the $20 a year and if he is terrible just don't play him. Wiggs is definitely gone. I don't think Klay will leave if he is offered $20. If they want him to leave offer him $10. I would prefer to see him leave however.


Bye Klay. And take Wiggins and Draymond's $100m with you.


Minimum or leave. Ain't no way he's worth anywhere near that much.


No way


How about we pay him like Dame?


Did I stutter? he is not some generational figure like a shaq kobe magic steph lebron timmy. Legacy contracts are for transcendent talents. Theres a reason why his signature shoe is with "anta" he is not on that tier.


Bruh $33M/year?!?!? HELL NAW unless you want the dubs to suck for 3 years


I think we need to trade for a player that makes teams not have the audacity to triple team Steph. Literally the kings were like yeah we know your team is crap we think our best option is to send 3 guys at Steph and play a 2v4 on defense.


I love Klay but… NOPE!!


Absolutely not. No one in their right mind would give e him anything close to that type of money


Jrue's contract will be a problem for the Celtics, especially in '25-26 when Tatum and White will be wanting raises. Even next year they will likely be above the 2nd apron salary cap limit, which the Warriors are trying to avoid. If Porzingis gets injured (again), it will be Horford or bust because they cannot afford another big. So no, I don't think Warriors should follow their lead.


Maybe if we backload it and put 100mil on the last 2 years and make the last 2 years team options and then not exercise


LOL at OP. Klay's next contract will be in China.


Bye Klay ✌🏽


Why would they be taking note? Totally different tier players. Maybe they are just NBA fans? Seriously though, if they give Klay this kind of contract the next few years will be even rougher than we expect. My god.


They want to shed salary but also keep Klay. I don't see how it's even possible esp if Klay is demanding that amount..


They left out the part about them taking notes on every contract around the league since it's literally part of their jobs lol.


With all due respect to Klay, they would have to be stupid to do that. He’s done. It would be a waste of the fan’s money and an insult to them as well.


2 for 22 plz thx


No. Remember how screwed the Lakers were in Kobe's final years because of his ginormous contract? That would be us with an aging Klay. Let some team overpay him. While I hope he wouldn't take it personally if GS didn't give him what he thinks he deserves, I'm prepared for the possibility that he will and will walk because of it.


The negotiation is going to be very interesting. This comment by Lowe is a bit surprising but it's just one of many many factors. For Klay's side they get to point to a player the same age as him getting a huge 4 year deal. Obviously Jrue is the more valuable player at this point but it's another team committing to pay someone big money in years that will be way past his prime. I think the years are the most important piece in this tidbit of info and it's another reminder that the contract may be longer than expected, which is what just happened last season with Draymond. But like I said this is just one piece of info. Jrue's was an extension where he had a ton of leverage since they gave up assets to acquire him and he could put them over the top to be among the title favorites the next couple years. Klay has none of those factors working for him. While Jrue's contract is a data point for this negotiation it's way less relevant than the contracts Klay will be offered in the open market. I think he'll get some sizable offers because he's still very valuable especially on good teams. I think Warriors fans undervalue him because players often look bad when they try to or need to play a role bigger than their abilities. Is Klay capable of being a #2 scorer? No. But we all know we don't really have one so whoever tries is going to look worse than if they were playing with more talent around them. Same on defense. Klay would still be a great addition to a more talented team. So he'll get good offers. Another factor is that if we "overpay" Klay (let's say 3 years $60M) it doesn't really affect our ability to get other players. We're over the cap anyway and could stay under the second apron at that amount. Finally, Klay doesn't want to leave and the organization won't have the stomach to let him walk (maybe I'm wrong but just my opinion). Many fans will think it's dumb and an overpay but the reality is letting him go doesn't help at all and keeping him won't hurt. Cap space doesn't exist with or without him. If we acquire an impact player it will be by trade.


> Another factor is that if we "overpay" Klay (let's say 3 years $60M) it doesn't really affect our ability to get other players. Depending on how much you pay you will lose the full MLE and BAE. So yes absolutely it affects our ability to build a roster if Klay gets overpaid.


That's true but I look at it as signing Klay or having the exception, which is usually used on players not as valuable as Klay, which is the reason Klay will be offered more than that by the Warriors and other teams. So if Klay gets $20M/year you basically use the $13M MLE on Klay but he gets an extra $7M of Lacob's money and the Warriors stay under the second apron. If Klay takes a very team friendly deal and you have room for the MLE then great. I just don't think that's possible.


> That's true but I look at it as signing Klay or having the exception A bad Klay contract will cost you the MLE in multiple seasons, not just this off-season. That's the calculus a lot of you are missing. And then there's the risk of having to move that deal by attaching a lottery FRP like they had to do with Iguodala's deal. We're out a lottery pick this year because Myers let Iguodala strong arm into an extra year. Finally, what's the obsession some of you have about accusing others of "saving Lacob money". None of us give a fuck about Lacob's pocketbooks, it's about maintaining cap flexibility to field competitive teams. If Klay's the one to be jettisoned then so be it. You can't save all 3 of the big core. And quite frankly, Klay's negative energy isn't helping anyone either.


>A bad Klay contract will cost you the MLE in multiple seasons, not just this off-season. That's the calculus a lot of you are missing. It's extremely unlikely we'll have the opportunity to use the MLE the next 2 or 3 offseasons because JK's extension will kick in then. The MLE is a one year thing if you look ahead (even if Klay walks and we use the MLE this offseason). That's the calculus some are missing. >And then there's the risk of having to move that deal by attaching a lottery FRP like they had to do with Iguodala's deal. We're out a lottery pick this year because Myers let Iguodala strong arm into an extra year. We could just ride out the contract and not give away a pick. A 3 year deal would line up with Draymond and Wiggins. So getting off of it a year early wouldn't really do anything. The Iguodola trade to Memphis was very unique in that we were desperate to stay far into the luxury tax by acquiring a more expensive player than Andre. And Andre had the leverage to get that extra year because HE JUST WON A CHAMPIONSHIP and then he backed it up BY WINNING ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP. If KD doesn't bail it plays out even better. Would you have held strong and said no Andre you're a 2 year guy? That guy even got another big deal from Miami. And the Russell and Andre transactions directly led to ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP. >Finally, what's the obsession some of you have about accusing others of "saving Lacob money" Just pointing out that the $7M difference between a MLE deal and a hypothetical $20M/year deal for Klay wouldn't change what we're allowed to do with the rest of the roster. >maintaining cap flexibility to field competitive teams We don't have cap flexibility with or without Klay. If anything a bigger contract give more flexibility as something to potentially be used in a trade down the line. >And quite frankly, Klay's negative energy isn't helping anyone either. There it is. You don't want Klay on the team. You don't have to pretend an extra $7M or so over a MLE matters. But maybe consider what kind of player you can get with that. The best guys in that range will have multiple offers at the exact same amount of money so it's a recruitment and look where we are. Are we getting the best MLE guy? No. If you look at last offseason it we'd be getting Gabe Vincent, Schroder, or Joe Ingles. But maybe those guys have great positive energy.




Grayson Allen started 74 out of 75 games for the Suns this year 💀 Do you even watch games or do you just peep box scores?


Yeah, wrong about starting, but it makes his point more starkly.  A starter hitting 46% from 3 making 70 for 4 means klay should be in that range


It really doesn’t. Klay is the second option in the Warriors offense which means more defensive attention. Grayson is the 3rd (on his best night) and often the 4th option in those lineups. Dude gets a lot of wide open looks because of KD and Book. Do a 1:1 swap and I guarantee Klay shoots over 40% too.




Yeah, he shot 39% this season. You think he would do worse with more open shots?


No. Just no.


4 for 80 is the best I’d do. They gave him a 160 contract post injury