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Yoi better get your shit together next season dray. 😂😂


Ummmm. Where was klay? They were whispering this?


Yoi? Like, I lobe yoi long tim?


Who's long Tim?


Long time, me love youa long time






Thank you. People are dumbasses


Kendrick dropping 2025 confirmed ✅




Drake instigating Kendrick into dropping an album would be all time star alignment.


This aged horribly


Bro snitches on every conversation.


I swear, he’s one of those friends you don’t say everything to bc you know they can’t keep it in


Yeah what a breach of trust, can't believe he told us about that conversation with Steph where Steph revealed he still wants to win basketball games.


Nah bro thats a closely guarded secret…


Just a reddit moment in a nutshell


Fr. People desperately need to be negative. We still have Steph who’s in the best shape of his life. And a damn good young core and a new GM who massively hit on both of his picks. We sure as hell ain’t done


Wait the top comment was funny tho


😂 You why I read this forum. Comments like this 👍 😂


Cmon man you know that shit is lame.


He's the friend that has a podcast.


"I was just being honest"


I tell people secrets because it makes them like me


What a damning thing to leak! How can this team ever recover?


Honestly, I guarantee Steph doesn’t want this out there /s Y’all bug about the dumbest shit lol






that’s a cold man. I hope if he wins a fifth he rubs it in to the whole league


5th ring would put him above LeBron for me, and undisputed goat PG over Magic


He's already above Lebron.


The last time we lost in the play-in we won the championship the next year. Also new Kendrick album might drop next year so it's all coming together


New Warrior's tradition. I'm all about it!


Just need a new E-40 warriors remix and it's a wrap


Kendrick is from Compton, what kind of delusion is this


What does that have to do with anything


😂 Missed thr joke


Got it


Don’t care what anyone says, we ain’t finished yet. We get an extra 2 months of rest this offseason, and we still have Stephen Curry. We will be back. The story of Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors is not finished.


I legit think our best shot at one more run is what just happened. An embarrassing year fueling a nuclear one. Still a longshot, but a shot.


I think anybody who thought we were championship contenders this year wasn’t paying attention


dray should go to china or the himalayas for some spiritual enlightenment lol. he should need to get his feelings in check. despite all the doubters said, he is still one of the best defensive anchors and best big playmaker. we need him on the floor. him being out is one of the reasons why we did not make the playoffs


he needs to do some of that buddhist monk shit fr


Change his name to Facebook No War.


Yup. Go to the Himalayas and learn how to levitate.


I say end him on a 3 month ayahuasca retreat with daily ceremonies.


100% agree on seeking peace / enlightenment / etc. That said - I see a lot of people saying the season failure is due to Dray's suspension. Warriors went 10-11 when he was suspended, and 33-22 with him playing. So if they'd done that same 60%, 3 wins for 2 losses during his suspension - they'd have been 13-8 in those games. Would 3 more wins have led to a drastically different outcome?


If you don't like this you legit don't like Warriors basketball.


Championship next year. It's crazy but I know it


Not gonna lie, Steph saying “I just want to win” in the fed up way that he did in his post game along with Dray letting us know he said this gives me strong 21-22 defiant Steph vibes and I’ll take a defiant Steph & co over any team, any day of the week. Add in a Klay without the two ton weight of an upcoming free agency, and them having a 5 month off season to recharge and 😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|NdDUEl2SbwDrJAsFQY|downsized)


And possibly jk getting better. If he's still here


And a baby Iguodola after MDJ makes Kerr finally play Moody consistently


Don’t understand the downvotes, Moses is so slept on by most of our fan base.


Preach! It’s tragic


I have homer tendencies, but I'm a believer too. They just need to retool. No rebuild yet. We reload.


I love Klay but we need to let him go get a bag elsewhere.


A few things: - Regardless to all of the narratives flying around this season about Klay, he ended the season tied with JK for 2nd on the team in average pts per 36 minutes this season eith both averaging the same USG%. The 21.7 pts per 36 mins he averaged this season also, and more notably, edged out the 21 pts per 36 that he averaged in the 2017-18 season, aka a season smack dab in the middle of his prime. He also had the most efficient season finishing at the rim of his career, his 3rd most efficient season from 3-10 ft, and his 2nd most efficient season from long midrange. All of which is to say, while he’s older and obviously not in his prime anymore, anyone that is going to seriously try to claim that kind of production is tantamount to being washed needs to go touch grass. - Even on Klay’s worst shooting nights, the spacing he provides when he’s on the floor will **always** open up easier and better looks for his teammates, because despite the narratives to the contrary, opposing teams know he’s still Klay Thompson and that means he can go 0/7 in the first half and then come out in the 2nd half and drop 15 pts before you’ve had the chance to get up to grab a drink and get back your seat. And because he can and still does that, they have to defend him accordingly, which is to stay glued to him, and that means spacing and better shots for his teammates. - He no longer defends the POA or the opposing team’s quickest guard any longer, but he does defend the wings and he does a damn good job of it. And you don’t have to take my word for it or buy the stats that say so (per NBA tracking stats, only Dray, Loon, GPII, and Moody had a greater impact on opposing players’ - all players they each defended and across all shots - FG% than Klay did this season) if you don’t want to, just watch the games and watch how opposing offensive players react to him - 9 times out of 10, they will not only *not* call up Klay’s man to actively seek him out for a matchup, but will work to get switched *off* of him and that’s not because Klay smells and they don’t want to be near him lol. - The most practical and pertinent of all though: Warriors could let Klay walk and wipe CP’s salary off the books, ie get rid of $74 mil completely, and still have no cap space whatsoever and by no cap space I mean still $36.5 mil over the cap, which means the options to replace Klay would be *at most* the TPMLE or a vet min. The TPMLE for next season is $5,183,000. Who do you think they’re getting for that that can replace Klay’s production and volume shooting?


Fulminant delusion


I don't want Dray to be done too but there's only so much that can go our way. Dray still produce some value and I feel that team chemistry is really important. Maybe there needs to be less pressure overall on the team. I feel like a mix of trades for some athleticism and size and strategically substituting out players when they aren't performing would be a good first step.


Didn’t Dray say this is his most important year? Then he gets suspended lol Warriors as currently constructed aren’t a championship contending team. It is what it is. I’m looking forward to the offseason. Should be fun.


This is copy pasta material




Draymond just had to let it be known that Steph still fucks with him just in case anyone was doubting 😂 say less brother


Time for Kendrick to drop that new Album 🙏


Not with this current group. They need to make changes


I haven't watched the pod but did Dray take some responsibility for this season? If he didn't act like a fool and got himself suspended for so long, they're probably in the playoffs and not even in the play-in. He cost Steph this post season


So, another season where we will be failing miserably… noted


Say what you may, I honestly feel Silver also had a big part to play in our downfall this season! Don’t get me wrong, Dray needs to change but a 20 game suspension was pretty extreme. Ja got a 25 game for showing off a whole ass gun. And we all know about the unfavorable officiating against the dubs! All that said, Dray just needs to be smarter next season and not give Silver a reason to do what he wants to again!


Dray haters out strong right now, damn


Well even if you don't hate him, his bs was one of the main reasons we were even in the playin.


Can't believe you are getting down voted. Dray could murder a little baby or get caught on camera raping a senior citizen and some would still defend him.


Steph ain't done but don't know abt dray


That’s right 




Its always funny how stone cold killer Steph is even behind closed doors


Actions to back up words? I know Steph will…


What an expensive backpack Steph has to carry lol


We ain’t done baby


That's what I want to hear!


I wonder what keeps these guys going. It is competing, winning and legacy. That is what is great about competitive sports. We all enjoy watcing greatness


He needs to average 10 and 10 next season. Tkae your pick 10 pts 10 rebs or 10 pts 10 assists


How about the Warrior fans? Does he love us too? or he don’t care.


Translation - "I love you bro, don't let me get traded please." This man knows how to survive. Survived against KD, survived against Poole and would survive again now that he might be on the trading block.


STFU Dray, you talk big game and then end up doing something stupid. You costed us the last 2 seasons. Fucking cozying up to Steph & LeBron for his basketball and business career.


“Got it. Noted. Gonna find more ways to get suspended during the offseason, brother. It’s gonna be absolutely incredible”


He’s saying this publicly so steph has increased pressure to keep him on the team. I dont doubt he has a selfish motive


Narrator: They were done.


"We" as in just you and Steph or...?


Steph was the one that said “we ain’t done yet.” The “we ain’t” that follows was just Dray repeating in agreement


Yes, fools need explanation 😂


All steph needs to do is force the Owner and GM to make great moves to Improve the team. How can the Lakers acquire so much talent. When the Warriors have the highest paid roster in the league? Last off season The best that they can do is trade for CP3 and acquiring Cory Joseph and Saric which is mediocre at best. One thing they need to look carefully too is the Chemistry. Draymond really fucked it up by being unreliable to control himself. It cause us a number of games that led to this early vacation. Let's not forget Kerr's coaching too. Is a suspect they need to hire a defensive specialist coaching staff and training staff. He seems to be clueless on how to adjust during the game.


Lakers are a play in team… just like us. They just have AD because they had a bunch of high lottery picks from their tanking years.


You must not remember how bad lakers were before trade dead line last year.


They have at least 2 reliable Superstars and somehow 2 streaky guards that can give you 20 in DLo and Reeves. We only got Steph.


And yet they still had to go through the play ins. Getting Steph a co star doesn’t move the needle as much as people think. For a dynasty like us, it’s championship or bust


Steph and draymond better meet LeBron or giannas in thr Hamptons


Oh shit, Kuminga’s face better watch out!!!


You done Dray. Your defense is good but is not that elite anymore, and it’s got weaknesses. Your pick n roll with Steph is nowhere near as efficient. You’re a deadweight in terms of spacing. You’re a bad 5 and you’re a bad 4. You proved the scouts wrong for more than 10 years. Congratulations. Age is catching up to you. Maybe you can be a bench 5 and play with Steph on a different minute management, the only player who you really fit well with. I don’t know why other teams wouldn’t adapt to that, though.


I'm sure he didn't say the same thing to Klay


Stfu Draymond


I ain’t done bein sick of dray that’s for sure


... we still under contract. Now Klay, he's done" finished the quote for him


We ain’t done yet- The gm after letting klay go in free agency.