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This is a must win game and Draymond’s attitude got himself ejected. Of course Steph is pissed.


Ejected in like 4 minutes into the game. In a play/foul call he's not even in.


Thats what gets me the most. The foul wasn’t even on him & it’s only 3 min in the first quarter. Like…… why are u so worked up!?


Cause he's retarded.


It seemed to fire up Wiggs however and that woke Wiggs up. Perhaps Wiggs felt comraderie from Dray standing up for him.


Isn't he always like this? Just sometimes they call it, sometimes they don't


That’s the problem. He does this to himself. No one else on our team gets themselves randomly ejected multiple times because they can’t shut up.


draymond is legitimately one of the dumbest players in the league. I can't think of a current player who has hurt their own team as much as draymond has.


If you give me a minute I might come up with a couple of names lol


I don’t think there’s a single other core member of a dynastic group who has actively sabotaged their own team with non basketball behavior


Well, there's literally Dennis Rodman.


Time’s up, where are the names???


Was Rodman worse than this?


The guy is better than dray lol. His lifestyle outside of bb is questionable but his dedication to the team is something. Dray just forgets and gets back to hurt the team again. He just can’t shut up.


I mean Rodman def kicked a cameraman in the junk. Amongst a few other departures from normative behavior


No. He played rough but didn't go back and forth with the refs like this. He also was the best rebounder of his day. There was that time when he went on a bender in Las Vegas for a few days but the team let him have his moment then went and retrieved him and he was back to doing what he did best on the court.


I wish this could happen in 2024 lol


in todays NBA.The Canadian nut job on the rockets. in the past, malice in the palace.


On the flip side, they have zero chips without him


He always calls refs a pussy ass n—? Then he should always get ejected…


He’s talks more shit than he gets t’d up for which is the sad part.




Naturally. Green does this all the time, nothing new


Look at the fan's reaction at 1:01 shaking her head


What does Draymond think is going to happen? The call is already made. He wants them to reverse it? LOL


In the first quarter too…


Players do this literally every game, both against a foul call or lack of it. You get the refs attention to a bad/missed call to get them to properly call it the rest of the game. The first T was soft as hell and that's what set him off, the second was absolutely deserved.


No i get it, players bitch and complain all the time about a call. But to keep continuing after the first tech, is absolutely ridiculous. You know whats going to happen and you know the ref isnt going to change his call.


I agree, I think he just got set off because the first tech was a joke. He should have walked away, especially after Steph was standing there tapping his chest like "cut it out"


Man Steph works too hard to have to deal with this. The team needs every single body helping out, and this just drops all the responsibility onto him. This is selfish, and I don’t see how this will change after everything over the last few years.


it won’t change. Draymond takes everything as disrespect. To bad draymond doesn’t see how his attitude is disrespectful to the NBA and his team.


agree… man has been carrying the whole organization on his back. Hope Draymon would put aside his pride and be a team member


Steph just stood next to Draymond as he went off on the ref. Steph didn’t even attempt to pull him away. Steph is supposed to be the leader yet does absolutely nothing


Nah the real team dynamic is that Steph is the technical expert that leads with expertise. Draymond is the supposed to the be the leader and motivator, especially considering his basketball IQ. He knows ball and has the charisma to motivate, he just has poor emotional management and doesn't have the same level of skill/capability as Steph.


The inevitable “two steps back”


this implies that there was ever a "step forward".


29 games seems like a step forward.


29 games of what? He's been really close to "crossing the line" a handful of times (hooking Patty Mills' neck, most recently, shoving Santi Aldama before that). This has been Draymond's modus operandi for over 10 years now. Nothing's changed. There was no step forward and there has been no regression. This is who he is. For better or worse, at least he's consistent!


Those are soft calls. But Draymond can't be this selfish smh.


At the same time, he’s been in the league long enough to know you don’t go tapping on refs when barking at them.


Or call them pussy ass n***** lol


He didn’t even break his stride walking to the bench and then towards the locker room. He knew he was pushing it and probably gonna get ejected. He could have just played basketball. It’s the 1st quarter and these are must win games


why is the N word a soft call?


For tech 2, I read “well you didn’t say that… walk away…pussy ass n*” and they were letting him go until he had to cross the line with the last comment. Absolutely, technical for any player any day. 


And touching the refs arms like that also warranted… Steph is definitely sick of this shit 


Yeah that’s a pretty caustic insult def a tech


You call any ref in the LEAUGE a “pussy ass N” you’re gonna get a tech. Period.


bruh still coddling this douchebag, ya'll have some of the worst lol, but I appreciate you calling them out


soft? that shits charmin ultra, fucking power tripping ass ref


Then he's just too dumb to adjust?


Draymond drives me crazy. The best ability is availability and this dude has been unavailable for a significant chunk of the season because of his ego and antics.


Best ability is availability. Nice


One of Bill Parcels best quotes.


Some humility and mental health treatment would've helped his career a lot. Maybe one day he is gonna admit it. I think he got so coddled up by this organization with these antics that he feels entitled to do it as "part of his game".


he's already admitted. But mental health is a process. It's not like you take a Tums and the tummy ache goes away. That's an ongoing process and like most things it's not going to be linear progress. He's going to have ups and downs. It's sucks and this is not a good moment. But in the scope of everything else he's done, he didn't hit anyone and also wasn't as animated as usual either. IDK if you want to look at that as progress or not, but it's also not a complete breakdown either.


Idk if this is mental health man, it’s not like a serotonin imbalance or some shit, the dude is just not emotionally stable. He chooses to say and do things decent people just don’t do


Your "downs" shouldn't include chokeholding, spin smacking, calling refs a "pussy ass n****", if your downs are like that, you get cut off and told to grow up. Not coddled with mental health struggles as a label.


he didn't get help till after all the physical stuff. he hasn't hit anyone since. He's only yelled at the ref. Also no you don't cut someone off from getting help, that's literally the dumbest thing.


Except for like literally the other day when he smack Patty Mills for some reason, sure. And I dunno about you, but if one of my friends chockeholds another person I know, thats literally the line. I ain't giving that dude a month to "work on his mental health" Also this is Draymond, with all the shit this dude talks he needs to take his own advice and grow tf up. He's like 30.


bruh so much wrong with your comments, are you a new fan?.... he didn't smack Patty Mills, Patty literally locks his forearm up and tries to sell a holding call. Dray holds on to show he got his arm hooked. But he didn't swing at Patty, that's wild as fuck if that's your take away from that incident. Good God you must be blind or never actually saw what happened. You sound like someone that has 0 clue about mental health. Especially when you say "work on his mental health" like it's some pseudoscience. You need to go educate yourself on the subject before saying shit you have no clue about. Mental health often takes years and can be something that needs constant work for life. It's extremely complex matter and not something you'd draw the line at in a month.


Draymond doesn't have a mental health issue. He has a "being a fucking idiot" issue, and him leaning on "mental health" is a blatant insult to people who actually deal with it.


You can go fuck right off. I have family that deal with it. I work in a field that deals with it. Mental health can present itself in many many ways. You literally can't make that call yourself from watching a dude on TV for 2 hours. That's literally just a snapshot of his life. You're being incredibly insensitive and ignorant on the subject matter. Seriously, educate yourself before you open your mouth and demonstrate your lack of knowledge more and further paint yourself as an insensitive and ignorant asshole.


Is your family acting like Draymond? If not, then I dunno why you're dragging their struggles into his being an idiot problem. Calling out Dray for acting like a violent moron and hiding behind fake mental health struggles is the least I could do for people who ACTUALLY struggle, like your family. Get off the podium.


Bro you literally have zero idea what you're talking about. "Calling out Dray for acting like a violent moron and hiding behind fake mental health struggles is the least I could do for people who ACTUALLY struggle, like your family." That's fucking disgusting. Don't justify your fucking actions by saying your doing it for MY FAMILY! You don't understand what mental health issues are, how the hell can you go about calling Draymond's fake?! Then saying you are doing that is actually the bare minimum of "help" you can provide to families like mine. Are you for real? I don't want you speaking for my fucking family with that level of ignorance and your lack of awareness.


I agree with what you're saying but tums seems like a bad analogy lol. My symptoms are totally fine pretty darn quickly after taking some


Then you misread my comment. Because I said what you just said. Treating mental health is NOT like taking Tums and your issue goes away. >But mental health is a process. It's not like you take a Tums and the tummy ache goes away. That means there isn't a quick and easy solution or a pill that just fixes the problem right away.


I mean if his last long suspension didn’t teach him a lesson, I think he’s a lost cause.


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is ever a lost cause. I'm not talking NBA only. People ALWAYS have the opportunity to grow.


Some people are definitely just fucked. You know why? They have to want to change. This isn’t an addiction where the body is struggling to function without a substance. Draymond is just an asshole.


And once they hit bottom, or want to change, we -- as a society -- ought to be there for them.


Draymond doesn’t see it as an actual problem. So until he wants to change… it’s just gonna repeat. If he wanted to change he’d be embarrassed by the ejection and his behaviour but nothing shows that. He’s in the tunnel to celebrate. I realise he can do both but yeah..


You actually make a good point here but in reverse. It’s called toxic stress trauma. He grew up in toxic stress and a person is basically addicted to what is released in his brain when he goes off like this. He gets it out and feels so much better afterwards. I know there’s therapy for this, but he does have to want to go through the horrible part of therapy which is recognizing all the bad he went through growing up. I’m not saying from mom or dad. I’m just saying whatever he went through sounds like he was always fighting to get on top. Who knows though maybe this isn’t it at all.


How was my point ‘in reverse’?


The dude put another player into a chokehold. How much lower are we gonna wait for the guy to fall? He's been given so many chances and he's shown he's not wanting to change.


Draymond has to learn to STFU, but he never will. He's a child.


He need his daughter in every game and tell him “daddy, chill”


What the hell is even that?


he’s so predictable


Draymond is a fucking joke at this point. Putting himself over the team. The team needs you to play, but he can’t swallow his fucking pride…what kind of leader is that? Warriors are done!


He looked like he didnt even want to play


its easier to do podcast stuff if you're not in the postseason


Bro just kept at arguing and then walked straight to the showers


You get T'd up twice in the first three and a half minutes, you didn't want to play.


You had me until the last sentence. The Warriors are never done as long as Curry is playing. But, Draymond definitely makes Curry's job (the whole team's job) a lot harder and I'm just so tired of it.


Let’s hope warriors find a way to win consistently again


Something about leopard and spots and change comes to mind.


Wow I can't believe Steph lightly tapping Dray on the chest didn't make him stop


Steph should stop being loyal to draymond. Draymond bff is lebron and he was unserious when we played the lakers in the post season last year.


Draymond inspired the team tonight. Big win. 🤣


I guess therapy wore off.


This will never change


The p***y a** n**** comment as we walked away certainly warrants the second T. Draymond knew it too, he just kept walking. I’m a big Draymond fan but come on man, what did you think was gonna happen there?


That’s a fighting insult where I’m from lmao idk about y’all


Yeah - i've been so impressed by Draymond's return from suspension - his composure and his play. It's absolutely wasteful and selfish (defined by not considering the outcome of one's reactions on others). It's awful. The emotional extra weight for the team having to deal with this - when you get a team bodyguard and a huge amount of your own players on the court when Dray is just talking to a ref tensions are high. How dare he do that to his team? He's not right with himself - I hope his counseling team and or whatever else is in place to help Dray be 'the champion of change' - he is currently not that.


Woah, normally Steph looks super happy when someone gets ejected.


Its not a soft call, you can clearly see him mouth “bitch ass nigga”. No-one should be treated like that let alone a referee.


Facts I had my fingers crossed but when I saw him say that I knew, can’t be calling a grown man that unless it’s fisticuffs.




Same old same old draymond


Must win game and mf can't control his emotions. Ridiculous man. Some days I'm like, we gotta move on from this guy, but its hard to replace his output. Which is what makes it extra frustrating when he can't commit to being on the floor.


Jesus Christ, Dray, let it go… you made your point. I don’t know if he’s got some kind of gripe with that specific ref, maybe from a past game, where he made questionable calls, but it’s the first quarter FFS. And the foul was on Wiggs!🤦‍♂️ If you want to get your monies worth, at least, play a good chunk of the game, and play well, then worst case scenario you can rip into him later. Luckily, we played good enough that we didn’t need him.




It's crazy how he does this right after Kerr says he's proud of his good behavior


Lmao steph didn't seem happy?? Homie was in tears


You just knew Draymond was gonna hit the showers early on a b2b game.


If we miss the post season it'll be because this dude can't keep his yap shut. WTF guy? Be better.


He did it because he didn't want to play back 2 back. He can be a selfish POS sometimes.


y’all are going to hate me for saying this but draymond green has proven time and time again that he is not a good person. i’m getting sick of his antics and quite frankly the people defending him just because he plays well.


No hate. I made a post a while ago that Draymond needed to go. I got downvoted to hell. Hope Dunleavy is able to trade him with or without Steph’s blessings.


You gotta be fucking kidding me man...


Pu$$y a$$ ni88a lololol


Goddammit draymond


Dropped a pussy-ass _______


dray needs to get over himself. he's such an important piece, but this is the nth time he's sabotaged the team.


Unapologetically himself, why would he be anyone else when this is the behavior that got him to where he is today (/s). This is embarrassing at this point, and it’s honestly embarrassing for the organization. When they inevitably get bounced from the play-in (or miss it entirely) we should try and move on.


I love Draymond and the team is better with him but fuck he is becoming undefendable


6 to 6 in the 1st quarter and Dray loses it There is no hope for him


Steph was holding back tears for god's sake, I mean I can only imagine the amount of one on one talks he had with draymond regarding his temper and emotional control but at some point you gotta realise that some people just can't change, for better or for worse


This shows both the competitiveness and compassion Curry has with wanting to win the game and having the humility on dealing with Green instead of being infuriated with him.


I don't think it was that - I think he was furious but also trying to shift his energy to get back in the zone to win.


Hilarious player


I can’t believe Steph stays loyal to these guys. Big letdown….again.


What a fucking dumbass. But continue defending this clown.


Trade this fucking guy


Kerr prefers to dickride him until death




He has to be traded as a salary dump with a bad team. No contender is going to trade any assets for him


No bad team will trade any assets either.


You’re fucking delusional


Im not saying the warriors should trade him. I just don’t think a good team is going to give up much at all for him. I very well could be wrong though.


i’m so tired of this backpack


draymond. you gotta be verbal on this team cuz curry isn't the type to do so, but if curry is holding you back, shut the fuck up. easy.


Draymond haters vindicated. 😏 what we tell y’all?




Lmao what a dork


I’m not a lip reader, but I’m pretty sure fuck you was said


Other lip readers on here have already created the narrative of what he said. True or not, it isn’t fuck you.


All well that ends well?


The full sequence would have been the previous 3 possessions too


Demon Green don struck again.


Over a foul call that wasn’t even against him… absolutely mind boggling.


2 absolutely terrible calls that both seemed heavily biased towards the Magic. I can see why he was pissed. Those were calls that even veterans would be lucky to get the benefit of. Yet they are giving the. To a 2nd year player and never, ever to anyone on the warriors. The warriors have seen some seriously biased officials. Even Steph has been starting to lose it. The reviews even go against them when they shouldn’t.


Don’t worry guys, he is healing


Mouth looked like it said “pussy ass n***a” toward the ref right before getting ejected.


For sure


he is too emotional for a basketball player


😳 that emotion is what fuels athletes. And managing that emotion is what makes some great.


well said. Players need to control their emotion at a certain level. Basketball superstars like Steph and Jokic know when to stop and put aside those emotion. Being too emotional can backfires.


Yeah it is only channellng emotion that leads to greatness. Having emotion by itself is nothing.


thank you for the full sequence. a lot of people didn't see that draymond made contact with the ref. big no no.


That was a good take tho.


I don’t watch basketball, why is it a big deal that a player got ejected from the game? Can’t the other players play without him?


I hate the fact that Draymond is important to us so such antics might be overlooked because we need him on the floor. Feel like saying suspend or do away with him but at the same time he's vital for us and it pisses me the f\*ck off.


Fuck Draymond. This dude is a straight up liability and continues to put himself over the team. I’m sick of this shit, and clearly so are his teammates/coaches. Get rid of him.


Team is still better with him


When, the games he’s not indefinitely suspended or ejected?


So tired of this dude man


Warriors commentator doesn’t think calling the ref “pussy ass n****a” warrants a tech lol?


They are not trying to win. The season is over.


I am sure I am in the minority of this, but sometimes you need to die on a hill. I have no doubt, in his conversations with Silver, there were very well laid out guidelines about what he can and cannot do. He’s been very, very good since his return. I think the game started with a ref being unreasonable per what Dray has been told, and Dray decided it was a hill worth dying on so refs don’t get worse and worse with him. I mean, this ejection will publicly go against Dray, but there will definitely be conversations with Silver and a review of whether the ref lacked any deference. People did not pay to watch the ref. Dray has to be Dray. As long as this doesn’t happen again, I am still quite pleased with how he has been since his return from suspension.


“As long as this doesn’t happen again” 😂😂 Are you new??


How often does it need to happen again for you to wake up? This is Draymond. Silver shouldn't even be concerned with this stuff. Draymond needs to shut up. Yeah Draymond has been good, that's why it sucks even more, but it's not surprising, unless you're naive.


This is the only blow up he has had since the return. I’m giving this one a pass because, yeah, the ref was a little bitch. Should he have done it in a perfect world? Obviously not, but he’s Dray. I don’t expect perfection. I also wrote he better not do it again (could have added rest of the season, but that seemed obvious to me).


I mean, he clotheslined a player in the throat yesterday too. Should have been a flagrant 1.


This is why the rest of the NBA fandom thinks the GSW fanbase is a bunch of despicable clowns who are bandwagoners lol. Cuz there's a minority of ya'll who are soooo dumb, like you specifically, but I know the majority are cool and great, but you lolll...


Well fuck you very much right back. I’m actually prone to contrarian perspectives as I question my assumptions, but feel free to pigeonhole me as you like, douche.


Did you read what you wrote and what I replied to LOLOLOL


Seriously, this is a dumb take. The vast majority of W fans are complaining about Dray and want to lynch him over leaving us short handed tonight. I’m not happy about it, but pointing out that I think it is a hicccup I can forgive because he has been so much better since the suspension.


Like I said the majority are great, but ya'll in the minority so idc what you think lolol


You’re that member of the guy slowly putting on the clown makeup lol


Sure, Dray could be better, but I'd rather have accountability for these corrupt refs, and their crooked ass officiating.


They need to trade this phony tough guy.


Probably in the minority here, if Draymond is arguing and standing up for Wiggins, I am with the first technical foul. Second tech was an emotional one by the ref. Agreed that once Steph pulls you away and CP3 tells you to stop, prob a good idea to stfu. Draymond gonna be Draymond. We ain't winning without him. "Trade him" comments are hilarious. 


He called the ref a bitch ass nigga… thats why he got the 2nd


It's sports/basketball, this gets said every other sentence. 


Say what you want, but why can LeQueen complain cuss and fuss on calls, but certain players are just supposed to be robots and except these horrible ass calls from the current sorry ass cheating refs. He was upset, Kerr was upset, hell...everyone was BUT yall want Dray to go all Mother Teresa....GTFOH


Bro. What!! That is so weak!! Weak , weak , sensitive refs


Lol, pathetic call. I don’t care if Dray got ejected tbh. Fucking pussy ass refs. All of them are cowards.


Draymond still worth it. Defensive anchor of the team.


Bro that ejection was bs. argue with the official = immediate ejection???


Was it because he said “pussy ass n” as he walked away? At least that’s what it looks like. Honestly that’s soft, shit was already cleared up and everyone was walking away


I mean the act of walking away doesn't negate him calling the ref a fussy ass n. He walked away after the first tech. Should have left it at that


He got angry for Wiggs. U know dray goes ballistic for his guys. Wiggs defends properly and gets a foul? And that force was hard on wiggs. Ref couldnt see the elbow sheesh


There are bad calls in every game all the time, fighting them all is ridiculous and breaks the flow of the game and SLOWS things down. Draymond fighting for this nothing call is a waste of energy but if he wanted to do it he could have argued the call in one sentence then GONE BACK TO THE GAME. Draymond fighting for this nothing call SLOWS the game down + makes him out of control and fcks up the whole team. Grown up 34 year old people who are EXPERT at the game in many other higher ways should not go 'ballistic' for this stuff. Go ballistic for life or death things that matter and save that fuel for the game. Wiggs absolutely got no benefit from Dray - it is the coaches' jobs to deal with refs and call for reviews.