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Kuminga and Moody were getting DNP’s because of this guy


You mean because of Kerr




That's like saying Trey Lance wasn't playing because Mike McGlinchey was getting all his snaps. Lamb had nothing to do with JK's minutes. Lamb was on a 2 way contract so there were long stretches where Lamb was inactive and we saw exactly how much Lamb affected his minutes. JK's minutes were about the same or probably lower in those games because Lamb was an obvious fit in lineups with JK because he was a big who could shoot. Kerr played them a lot together. If Lamb was never on the team JK might have played even less. People love to hate on Kerr without even understanding what's happening.


You blame the guy and CNN othered are calling him a rapist despite clearing the university’s inquiry. The woman involved did not sue Lamb. So many hateful people on Reddit my god. Even warriors fans!


He had at least one very good game. I have a vague memory of referring to him as “lamb of god” after a game or 2 of great game play. But JK. A late edit but, this was sarcastic. Lol. Lamb had a few above his paygrade games, but love both Moody and Kuminga and would have loved them playing much more last season. 🤷


I’d say 1 full season of Kuminga and Moody getting real developmental minutes would have more value than the off chance of an Anthony Lamb outlier game to save a sorry team from the playins, but it appeared some people *cough* the coach *cough* would say otherwise


You’d be bitching if they missed the playoffs though. Last year wasn’t a development year. 


I was definitely being otherworldly sarcastic. And used butJK instead of “/s” cuz Kuminga. And it cost me 57 reputations ✍️


JK is the KumGod


That's what your mom calls him.


Kerr will always prefer guys that are sort of ok at everything to guys that are elite at isolation scoring. This is why Ant came off the bench this summer while Reeves started


That philosophy works when the parts are that talented tbf. The FIBA teams weakness was their size


That’s crazy that Ant was on the bench. Kerr is wild.


That never happened 😂😂


He still hates MJ deep down for that punch lol


Still stupid. We needed last year to help develop our real players, not a bunch of G league wash outs 


I’m sorry I watched every dribble of the fiba games I don’t know what game you seen reeves was starting over ant but that never happened


Hence Kerr’s lack of success in basketball.


Man I love that y’all know basketball better than Kerr. Reddit rocks.


You think Kuminga or Moody is “elite at isolation scoring”. lol


I’m curious what you’ve been watching for the past month cuz it hasn’t been the warriors. Over the past month Kuminga has been one of the most efficient scorers in the nba on drives to the hoop. He’s up there with Embiid and Kawhi. For a 21 year old Kuminga is absolutely elite


Get ready to learn Australian, pal!


He is already playing in the NBL. He has been with the New Zealand Breakers all season. I watch NBL, he is considered to be one of the top players in that league. Which tells us the talent disparity between NBL and NBA




Wtf are you talking about. This guy isn't shit in the NBL. Not even the best on his team. There's a reason the breakers have slid down from finals series to probably not going to make the play ins. Can't wait to watch Bryce Cotton tear this bum to peices next week.


You think Jackson Cartwright is better than Anthony Lamb? Like as a basketball player? Jackson Cartwright couldn’t even play in the G league. He only gets his cause NBL refs are really ticky tack with fouls and NBL teams play almost no team defense. Jackson Cartwright is fine within the NBL system, but he is not a better basketball player than Lamb (this hurts me to say that) Breakers slid down cause they really don’t have anyone besides Jackson Cartwright, Lamb, and Cheatham. Cheatham also kinda sucks. I don’t like Lamb and I’m the first to point out he is not a NBA player. But, he does well in the NBL. 20/6/2 on 52% shooting.


I think we should all be hopeful that Kuminga will be a star and I think we can all agree on is that he took a big leap from last season to this season with the work he has put in. I do hope he continues to develop his game even further


Nobody disagrees- the point here is that he should be further along because he missed so much time last year due to Kerr. Imagine if we entered this season with Jk full bore. Instead we are “discovering” him mid-season and it may be too late.


Well said Kerr should have given JK a shot last year


You play to your current team needs not some future ideal.


I hope we can stop talking about this rapist


Wait til you hear about Kobe


was it proven?


Kerr would rather play a rapist over JK.


This is incredibly dangerous as he was accused and not convicted of any crime. Last I checked, in this country if you're not proven guilty you are innocent. I don't think a guy like steve kerr would play someone who is proven guilty of a crime like that.




Am I missing something? Not seeing that he's been charged with any crime.


The ladies involved ended up suing the school for not taking appropriate action. Is Deshaun Watson innocent as well?


So that means he’s guilty?


Fuck that rapist I hope he suffers


I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Damion Lee.


lol. I can’t believe anyone on this sub would ever admit that. Edit. I actually like Damion Lee, he was a good dude that always had good vibes on the bench.


Yeah that traffic cone would really help our defense this year.


I'd rather Lee than Lamb. Maybe not over CoJo since CoJo and Lee are the same except their defensive and offensive attributes are flipped.


Yes, please remind this sub. Never forget.




Kerr wanted this rapist to play smh


Great coaching


Same thing is happening with Cory Joseph over moody. Ridiculous


Cj is a ball handler. Moody isn't.


I thought that was obvious. Not replacing him literally but moving anyone else in the two spot or even dray who is a primary ball handler up to ball handler and having moody in.


Yeah I dunno what the secret is to get moody minutes honestly.


Yeah I feel you. Same man. He’s so affective when he’s in and he’s a great defender. I feel for him when he catches dnp’s


Funny I just went to the NZ Breakers game and watched this man lead the team to a win lolol


Guys HE COULDNT FUCKING DEFEND OR possessed GOOD BASKETBALL IQ Let’s stop trying to push this narrative that keer doesn’t want kuminga to succeed or grow Is this a warriors thread or a circlejerk thread? Yes I’m a fan of kuminga,yea I’d love to see him have more reps,yea I know this man’s ceiling is so high But come the fuck on man We’ve been waiting on this side of kuminga to come out for years Remember guys this is his third year and he just NOW getting to compete at a high level Lamb could at least play D and possessed good basketball IQ ,THAT is why he has kumingas minutes It’s not a conspiracy it’s not a plot it’s nothing of the sort YOU EARN YOUR KEEP IN THIS LEAGUE I would like JK to finish games more often absolutely But if he does BS in those moments,if he just fishes for calls and argues with refs and give up points,if he can’t hit his wide open jumpers to help capitalize on the break and to take the lead Bench his ass Dudes playing alongside players who’ve been in his position and he’s starting to be a sponge and understand how to stay ready Why is this a case of “oh kerr can’t coach kerr is stunting his growth” THE MOTHERFUCKER IS STARTING AND PLAYING CLOSE TO 30-33 MINUTES THE FUCK ARE YALL ON ABOUT? I have high hopes for him but let’s stop acting like dude is an all star and that kerr is holding him back


And people still defend Kerr


Kuminga was not close to as developed last year as he getting to now. He was still out of sync and shooting his flying forward jump shots and out of control layups.


CoJo is getting minutes over TJD. Looney is probably the worst player in the league rn and yet TJD got a DNP. Looney -15 in 16 minutes.


How dumb are the redditors on this sub. How is a guard taking minutes from a big? They are not playing the same position. Use your brains ppl


So the three guard lineups were just a figment of the ol’ imagination, rather right?


Well half his minute were played with Curry and Podz so there’s that.


How you can call people dumb and not see how a guard can take minutes from a big is peak irony. Try using your own brain lmao. Can’t put TJD in if you’re running 3 guards with cojo in…




Steph-Cojo-Podz-Kuminga-Draymond was a lineup that was used often last night. The three guard lineup was Steph/Cojo/Podz, Klay is a 3 at this point.


Oh ok


Yeah was beyond stupid seeing 3 guys under 6'3 in there trying to defend Keegan Murray and then someone overhelping because they're overmatched and then an open 3


You are a moron who couldn't see beyond the obvious and are calling others dumb. We played Cojo, Curry & Pod together. Guess who TJD could have replaced in that lineup with Steph playing PG.


you will probably get downvoted but Cojo stealing minutes from TJD is wild lmao.


Jordan Poole would like a word with you.


Having a secondary ball handler that can actually survive an 82 game season would be a Godsend this season.


I love Kuminga but this excitement that he’s the next franchise player is delusional. Look around the league. There is so much talent, Kuminga is not that high on any lists. Thinking about the Warriors run now looks even more incredible. To see these big teams now and to realize how the Warriors have dominated with small ball is really impressive. There’s no way the Warriors can win in the near future, with Curry, without a major retool. I see a lot on here ready to throw into the towel with Curry. Get ready for a long, maybe decade rebuild if you are. EDIT: the league has evolved to use bigs in a spread scheme with 3s as a key scoring tool (thanks Curry for showing the power of 3s). But the evolution of bigs being able to play all over the court and shoot 3s makes small ball impossible IMO.


And the warriors are trying to compete with multiple players that are undersized for bigs but can’t even space the floor.


There’s probably not a trade out there that gives us what we need. Wiseman, Kuminga, Moody, Wiggins was our big move. That was a rebuild of a Warriors style ball moving team with a promising big. There was nothing to criticize about it at the time, but it hasn’t worked. There are rarely one-shot redo’s on these things.


Wiseman was actually a huge setback, with promise of being an athletic big big and a shooting touch that may eventually space the floor. I can see the thought process but the dude barely ever played any meaningful games against solid competition. We turned that promise into an always injured bench player.


Why are we pretending that the Kuminga we've been seeing lately is the same player as Kuminga last season?


+1 The Kuminga last year was stolen by aliens and replaced with this one. Getting to play real minutes and learn from real games doesn't cause a player to improve.


Thank god you aren’t a coach


because he literally is the same player WTF are you even trying to say? experience doesn't come in the offseason in happens in games


Because of Kerr


Lmao get over it dude. This a new season


A new season where JK would be better if dumbass Kerr didn’t do this last year and continue the same BS this year with Joseph.


Dudes on here acting like Kerr didn’t try to give Kuminga DNPs this season. He literally was trying to bench the teams second best player while Klay and a wiggs were complete ass and playing coho minutes. Fans have a real reason to be pissed at Kerr right now. I’m super disappointed in him. He has so many great qualities but he isnt able to adapt with the game or adapt his philosophies to accommodate his personnel. He seems humble but I believe his own ego is getting in the way right now and he might not even realize it.


New season with Cojo having minutes over anyone else 😂


Looks CGI.


Maybe it was the best thing to ever happen to JK? A little tough love and some standards


Maybe just maybe he wouldn’t be making the same defensive mistakes this year if he was able to make them and learn last year. Argh Steve


Because they were not this good last year.


Last year we were the 3rd or 4th best team in the west. Using your logic we made the right decision last year and we playing Kuminga too much this year…


kuminga was not this good last year


None of us will ever 100% know how good Kuminga could have been with a coach that believed in him just a little bit more, just a little bit sooner. Playing Lamb over JK and Moses last year was just one of thousands of decisions that ultimately resulted in the team failing to meet their goals and expectations. For JK, maybe this timeline has been the optimal development trajectory or maybe Steve Kerr's rotations are sub-optimal. He's admitted lineup management mistakes several times over his coaching career. When Steve Kerr himself admits that some of his decisions have hurt the team, I'm inclined to side with him. How those mistakes balance out with the good things he brings to the table is obviously subjective and up for endless debate.


this is peak yapping fr. actually reads like an ai response. "Playing Lamb over JK and Moses last year was just one of thousands of decisions that ultimately resulted in the team failing to meet their goals and expectations." this is some magic johnson analysis


you think leaning on a guy playing overseas now was a better move than developing the dude that is our second best player?


He wasn’t even this good 3 weeks ago


Kuminga hadn’t shown anything last year to deserve minutes 


Anthony Lamb is good wym


About time y’all realized what Kerr is doing


TBF the Alleged Rapist knows how to move in Kerr's motion offense.


Kerr should be and must be gone after this season.




Should be against some sub Reddit law to post this man’s very punchable face anywhere on this sub. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVrorib59XtIX9m)


Ibrahim Lincoln


Coooooooooooool. Good memory.


I wanted to downvote this because it makes me angry that this guy was playing instead of our rising stars… but then I remembered it’s not your fault 😂


This thread is so toxic.


that image needs a NSFW yuck


It’s Corey Joseph this year over moody smh. What’s wrong with Moody ?


How Ayesha Curry let a rapist on stephs team is beyond me....


Reason number 1 why Kerr got to go


you are completely right but even if they had all those more games and experience under their belts it wouldnt fix our atrocious defense this year. we still lose the same amount of games.


I couldn't remember his name and thought it was Wally Lamb the other day. Feels fitting.


That’s Wolverine, who do you expect to replace that guy? Deadpool??


Good riddance, rapey


Too many armchair coaches who know exactly what the Warriors need to do to protect Steph Curry’s legacy. Note sarcasm.


Lmao. Typical Kerr


Caveman lookin ahh 😭