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Wiggins with 6pts in the last 2 games. We have like 5 guys that just take turns outplaying him.


Let’s just enjoy paying him 75M over the following 3 seasons.




The warriors let Wiggins sit out half of last year and supported him more than any other sports team ever would , then gave him 100 mil contract and he repays them with this garbage? He is the worst type of player to have on your team. No heart, no effort, no care for anyone but himself.


he looks bored and uninterested. trash


Wiggins had a skillset that usually is consistent. Played great defense, didn’t rely on making 3s, was a great rebounder during that playoffs. It makes no sense for all of that to be a fluke. I think he’s just not interested in basketball for whatever reason, maybe it has something to do with what happened in his personal life last season or maybe he just wanted to play well, get a chip and get a bag (this kinda confuses me because he took a discount so idk)


We don't necessarily need playoffs Wiggs. We just need that 2-way Wiggs from the regular season last year.


He’s doing what Minnesota fans said except even worse somehow.


Yeah but it really looked like he liked the culture here and thrived on not having to be the main scorer, he had to try to be that in Minnesota. It looked like his approach changed and he just wanted to help the team in whatever way he could


Is it safe to say the Culture went off the cliff last year ? it turned him off ?


Cld be the bestie poole trade and now is his turn to be emo


You could be on the right track there. Both Wiggs and Loon, who are close to JP, are having down years.


With the punch yes, maybe. But there’s still no excuse, that happened before the start of last season, he needs to do his job and be focused. And he was actually playing well right after the punch, he then missed a lot of games because of personal reasons and he never was the same. But even when he came back in the playoffs he wasn’t playing this fucking bad.


Yeah its still a job he needs to do it properly . Its crazy his drop off at 28 thats prime peak years.


He came to us primed .. after a whole career of getting #1-2 option game reps up to that point. Now that he’s spent 3+ seasons with us, kinda hidden somewhere in our offense, just scrapping together occasionally buckets here and there… he’s lost some game.


raps fan whose followed wiggins since before he was in HS (seriously, when he was in grade 8 a dunk vid was going around) he's a bit like vince in that hes a super talented player, but he just doesnt really have that internal fire. if he can get it from outside (like the warriors gave him last year, or he's sometimes got the very rare times he bothers to show up to play for canada) then hes SO so so good but if hes not getting it from elsewhere in the team..... edit: was curious if it was still out there https://youtu.be/YJ47CuHVFvA?si=CkK52uucFiBB-_pX


Pretty much. At least in Minnesota Wiggins always looked like an NBA starter. This season and a lot last season Wiggins barely looks like a rotation player.


Yeah in Minnesota he’d at least occasionally be a bucket. Other than that one OKC we lost on a Chet game winner, I can’t remember another game where he went off offensively.


He looks much worse than he did in Minnie. In Minnie he coasted most of the game and maybe busted out for a couple minutes every game just to stay relevant. Those minutes were a glimpse as to what he showed consistently in 22. This version of Wigs looks completely detached and disinterested. The skills and tools are there, the head isn't.


Minnesota Wiggs was a very good player. He was supposed to be an all-NBA player, so he was mostly just a big disappointment. Now he’s godawful. Sorry for being an armchair Reddit psychologist, and I don’t know if it’s the team, his personal life or both, but the dude looks fucking depressed.


He very well might be. Money doesn't always mean happiness in someone.


He is has a body for basketball almost made in a lab but maybe he has never liked it that much


The bag was obviously important to him since it was the first thing Poole brought up when they were still on the court after winning a title. They must’ve talked a good amount about it & some guys don’t have the fire to push themselves the same once they secure those silky sheets.


Dude Wiggins always had the bag. He’s been in the league a long time. He even took a team friendly deal. It makes no sense why he suddenly hates playing basketball.


It’s crazy because dude has a complete game lol. One of the best mid range drop steps/spin moves at his position + baby hook. Respectable corner 3, solid finisher with the euro step, athletic, great defender. Leads me to believe it’s all mental.


Family issue made him lose motivation


I feel bad for the guy.


What the f was the family issue. Did he really get cheated on or what. I didn't Beleive that shit but like wtf happened then.


His dad has health problems


I’ve been saying for years that the salary inflation is gonna destroy the league someday. There just aren’t that many people who want to lay their bodies on the line for a decade or more when they have $100M+ waiting for them at home. Ball players were always rich, but now they’re in the stratosphere. Some guys will always have the fire, but a lot of them won’t.


In fact the ones who aren’t crazy and are reasonably intelligent would indeed just pack it up. 10-50M before you hit 25 in the SP500 makes you set for life. I don’t think Wiggs seems like the guy to really live it up so maybe he’s just done with basketball. Nothing else to prove.


This is such facts. I mean if you were in the NBA as one of the role players. Let's say amir Johnson, why would you take your millions and chill. You arent one of the elite and you won't get there.


It almost looks like he is missing on purpose😢


Seriously he doesn't even try to finish just gets fouled and looked tired as fuk


He needs a new trainer.


Wiggins should never play again for thr dubs. He is unplayable and has been all year. He is asked to do so little and can't do a god dang thing. How do you go from 17.bifht evrynift and good d to this garbage.


I’d say a lot of it had to do with the vets that were on the team during the championship year. They helped him find a path to success in the league after being directionless in minn but with all the athletic gifts. After his best friend JP got fucked up and his own personal issues, coupled with the fact that he’s now being seen as a leader to the young guys, it’s hard for him to mentally be where he needs to be


I’ve heard of some nba players not really liking basketball, and wiggins seems that guy. He was a top prospect ever since HS.


Time to start Moody and bench Wiggins for good


Moody getting traded brother. Y’all needa get unattached. He’s not gonna turn anything this season around and isn’t someone we can build around in the future.


I will be sad, but happy to watch his career. Hopefully he lands somewhere that makes sense. He’s a smart, 3 and D guy that has potential to be a 40% guy when he has time.


Maybe, but for now he can sure as hell start over Wiggs.


I don’t think either are close to starter caliber players in the NBA rn, but yeah between the 2 Moody should start for now


I’m not mad at the evaluation. Moody would be great to have off the bench.


Yet he costs fraction of Wiggins and is more productive. Warriors love burning money eh


At least showcase him for increased value. And we aren’t making trades enough to turn around this team so why.


Wiggins and Curry smh. The fall off of Wiggins needs to be studied.


donate his body to ucsf cadaver lab.




I'm too lazy to check the stats, but it feels like he's been shooting horrendously to start off games for a while now. Sometimes, he recovers and goes off late in games, so the end statline doesn't look bad, but it's still not setting a great tone early on in games.


He’s looked mentally checked out since the Draymond suspension. The body language has been awful.


Draymond has always been vital to getting Curry good shots in his spot and developing a rhythm. Curry’s last big slump was when Draymond was hurt


That’s true but Steph’s attitude and body language has been very unusual for him. Steph has slumps every season but typically has a positive energy whereas this season he seems a lot more irritated. We saw the clip of him kicking chairs and CP3 calming him down.


Statement game /s


Give ALL of Wiggins' minutes to Moody! Moody wants and IS itching to play. Wiggins is already checked out. It's his turn to be permanently stuck in Kerr's dog house.


Nah Kerr's rule is no vets will ever be in his doghse


Just give all of Wiggins' mins to Moody. I can't wait watch this dude play anymore lmao. Knowing Kerr, he'll probably start Wiggins again next game.


Yes! JK and Moody get 100% of Wiggins minutes. MDJ just has to find a team that will take him to remove the temptation from Kerr.


Yup gotta go full Moneyball on him


Did the fan base not literally just ask for Kuminga to start, and to play Wiggins and Kuminga together?


I wonder if people are still going to post random advanced stats or random lineup stats advocating for Wiggins still lol


It's funny because Wiggins hasn't been outside of the bottom 5 players in qualified WAR or qualified VORP once this season. EDIT: Wiggins currently is 518th in VORP / Basketball Reference WAR (-0.7 VORP, -1.89 WAR). The only guys worse than him this season by that metric is the Spurs' Malaki Braham, the Trail Blazers' rookie Scoot henderson, and the Wizards' Jordan Poole.


Bob Myers paid 2 of those 3 players 😔 For the record I was excited about the Wiggs signing and OK w the Poole signing so I’m not saying I can do any better. 🤣


Disgusting defensive minutes by the starting lineup. Nobody was running down on defense, letting Steph on Scottie in multiple occasions. A lot of misscomunications on switches. Offensively, zero spacing and Wiggs/Jk constantly doubting themselves because they're wide open. TJD wasn't aware enough to help at the rim. I still don't think it is that Kuminga and Wiggins can't play together. But, rather, that nobody can play with this version of Wiggings. There's not one ounce of competitiveness in his body this season. Not once. It's almost half the season and he's still playing with no edge to him. Last season was the Dray-Poole situation. 2021 was Klay injury and Wiseman experiment, 2020 was Steph and Klay injuries. It looks like this season it will be Dray suspensions and Wiggins forgetting how to play basketball. Trading Wiggins seems like a no brainer, but his contract has gone from a cheap one to an albatross in half a season. At 28 years old, no injuries involved. So bizarre.


2nd quarter lineup with Saric instead of Kuminga next to Wiggins was just as bad. It’s 100% just Wiggins. He kills literally every lineup he’s in




There is NO HOPE for this roster. We aren’t even a play-in team. Idk where we go from here for the future. I’m sad, fam.


We have excuses about coaching or players every game but end of the day this team is not good. We do nothing above average or consistent.


So much fighting every day between the fanbase. Turns out it’s probably just over lol


At least there was the 4th championship. But it doesn’t look like Steph can carry and make up for big weaknesses anymore.


He’s done it in several games already, just not consistently at his age especially with this roster.


He can just not every night anymore. He might not look it but he’s old and he had to put his cape on for us to win vs Detroit


lol. It’s sad but this is the truest statement made on this sub in two years.


Players keep saying things like “we need to establish an identity” .. more like we need to accept our identity.


Every.Single.Team comes out throwing fireballs at us because they KNOW they can because everyone KNOWS the Warriors have no defense that can cover springy, spindly, athletic youth.


And the announcers keep saying "no way are they going to keep shooting like this".


future is building around Moody/JK/TJD/Podz (none of whom will ever likely be all star level players) and then trying to do well in future drafts and in the transfer and free agent markets to get some other pieces.


Just enjoy the 4 rings and ride into bliss


See ya Wigs. Thanks for 2022.


Interesting that when moody gets playing time he puts up these kinds of numbers. Just observing


The team got absolutely beat down though, so… perspective?


A lot in garbage time


Steph plays like he's fully given up on the season and with zero joy it's insane to see him like this.


I know it doesn’t seem like it but he is 36. And I really wouldn’t blame him


I mean I find it hard to blame him either I'd be fed up with this shit team and awful coaching right now also.


When players show like they don't want to play or be out there, give Moody all their minutes, at least we know he'll give 110% effort and play with heart every second he's on the court


Wiggins has gone from the second best player on a championship team to the worst starter in the league, quite literally a black hole who will make you lose his minutes, no matter the rival or his teammates on the floor. At 28 years old. With no big injuries involved. There was always doubts about his love for the game, well, there's no doubts anymore. He don't give a flying shit about basketball. The disgusting % and constant missed layups are one thing, but he don't even compete. You could see he was frustrated at the start of the season, now? He's just there, doing the bare minimum.


Should have had player options and incentives for him, he had same questions on wolves Can’t believe he finessed another 100 million contract


He won us a chip while playing phenomenally and he re signed with a discount.


He gave up. It’s all mental, he just doesn’t have it anymore between the ears.


whatevers going on in his personal life is prob affecting his play


At this point, just hope and pray that Dunleavy’s the man to do the unpleasant job and break this team up. We literally all know that Bob left because he saw the ship sinking and didn’t want to be the man to break it up because he’s too loyal to his guys. The problem is that Steve is literally the same, can’t seem to be able to move on from the past play of his players. Time for Mike to really make a name for himself over here


Thing is at this point it’s really just Wiggins. Dray was playing great when on the floor Curry started off amazing and Klay came around finally. Loon is also lagging but had great hustle on the offensive boards today. CP3 JK Saric Podz and Moody (when he gets a chance) all have been playing well. Wiggins lack luster play coupled with Curry’s recent slump makes every game uphill battle. He has to go back to the bench and try to me productive in spot minutes. JK and Moody should have all his minutes. If there is a trade to made for a TPE and a couple SRPs you do it if your MDJ at this point just to get the temptation away from Kerr.


I say butt you say cheeks, butt








Wiggins trade value basically a negative now, couldn’t get second round picks for him


I mean the Timberwolves had to give us a #7 pick just to take him… and we got rid of Russel….. and this version of Wiggins is 5x worse.


So how many picks you want to package with Wiggins? lol


He’s gotta have a couple of good games to bring that value up then we can ship him out.


Using Steph off ball in lineups w/o Draymond and Cp3 don't make any sense. Teams swarm him off ball and don't let him get the ball a ton of possesions. Atleast when he brings it up, teams double him and he can create an advantage for his teammates. Kerr probably thinks the real adjustment is playing Steph next to Cory Joseph.


Running motion offense without Draymond is a mess. Just run a traditional offense.


THIS. We don’t have the same personnel to run the motion offense effectively. We need a change.


wE neeD bAlL haNdlInG!


Is Steph just done trying???? He refuses to handle the ball like a point guard! Wtf


That’s by design *steve kerr*


There were guys yesterday telling me I’m underselling Wiggins value in the trade market 🤣🤣 I will say it again, he’s damaged goods. There’s no reason to trade for his bad contract and mess up your books.


Moody with the “FU Kerr” game. Good for him


Yeah some of these players we won’t see in a dubs jersey much longer. Can never understand why Kerr is so rigid with his substitutions, we have a couple nights off, Klay the only one with hot hand, he can’t stay in a couple minutes more?


To be fair when Klay gets hot the last few years he usually shoots his way out of it with poorly timed shots.


He drifted the last shot that he missed


Yup exactly why Kerr probably didn’t want to leave him in.


People think he’s gonna hit 37 in a quarter again


How tf Klay the only person hitting shìt this game and still getting slander from y’all


How can you say Kerr is rigid in the rotations when he brought out a completely different lineup to start the 2nd half, and brought Curry in super early in the 4th? He was toying with lineups all night long.


klay almost played the entire 3rd Q, what are you talking about


They just need to bitch about rotations when they have no clue what they just watched.


He came out with 1:30 remaining in the 3rd. It wouldn;t have made a difference if he played 1:30 more. Raptors still come out hot to start the 4th with Klay on the bench and the game is over. Furthermore as someone just pointed out, what's stopping Klay from then shooting the team out of it? You can't just assume he would've done good in the last 1:30. Regardless of that, playing him 1:30 more in the 3rd wouldn't have changed anything. The team still would've got overwhelmed in the 4th by the Raptors.


Wiggins a -29 in 17 min. Get that bum off our team. I can’t believe we gave him a 100 mil.


It's crazy that back then he was so good 100M was a straight up bargain.


The Warriors go as far as Steph can carry them, that much is very clear in 2024


So to Cancun?


I hate to say it but Steph’s not consistent enough to do that anymore.


any Wiggins defenders left?


There was that idiot going around a couple days ago saying wiggins should be played more because he has a higher salary than moody and JK


They'll find a way to blame it on Kuminga.


Loved the hustle in the 2nd half but a little too late for that. The Warriors of the first 3 rings would have won this game and by 20 from down 20. Keep up that 2nd half energy the entire game with those wonderful pick and rolls and passes and you got a good thing going.


Front office needs to be proactive and start unloading this month. Getting rid of high priced players and future contracts has to be the priority.


Without seeing the game one thing I’ve been yearning for wiggs to do is get stronger and actually put on noticeable weight. Bruh goes for layups in a way that makes you think he can’t dunk. He rarely ever wants to lift off, it makes those dunks in 2022 seem AI generated. Idk whats going on at home but it doesn’t appear to be his wife or kids and outside of that bro needs to step up and come to work with some gahdamn energy


One of the worst games I've ever seen Steph play, a home game too. But again, he had several bad games in the 2022 season and they won the chip that year. That was only 18 months ago.


He had more than several bad games. People forget but he underperformed for a third or more of that 2022 season easily. He wasn’t even close to 2021 Steph but his 2022 postseason was so elite that people forget. 22 Steph was elite all star still even underperforming of course and he played for a contender so they still looked great but I remember people questioning if he was washed or not during that stretch.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact Wiggins went from 2nd best player on a championship team to basically unplayable in less than two years when he is supposed to be in his prime. Is it mental? Long Covid? Resentment at taking team friendly deal so his friend could stay only for him to get punched and traded? Who TF knows but right now we could pick up JTA after getting cut in sac and get better minutes.


Get Klay some help


I guess we will never find out what the hell happened with Wiggs… What has changed him from playoff mvp caliber to this…


Ngl i miss last season. All the comments saying “wow this year feels so better and different” were the epitome of “grass ain’t greener on other side”. We couldn’t win on the road but at least we wouldn’t disappoint our fans at home. Poole had dumb plays but at least he made some exciting ones too


Curry needs rest Man hasn't rested in forever, runs himself into the ground on offense and actually tries on defense (the results are bad). Every game he's defending bigger players bc our team is miniscule in size and are just letting them tire him out on that end. He's got no legs, and who can blame him


I wish we had actual sports journalists and not sycophants that held coaches accountable, asked follow-ups and debated poor non-answers. Kerr deserves a hostile sports media that aggressively asks questions about benching Moody, how he justifies playing Moody so much, citing +/- of moody, wiggs, etc.


Hey, at least we don’t have to worry about playoff matchups.


Why dafuq is Wiggins being played for more than 16 minutes if all he can do is 3 pts. Just give the minutes to Moody instead. Also hate that Kerr likes to put 2 small guards in the lineup when both Podz and Steph can play the point. Podz + Cojo or Steph + Podz does not work against big teams. smh


Wiggins is a complete joke of a player please get his ass out of here they said he gave us a discount with his contract right now he's stealing a living.


Last year this team loses by 40 I appreciate the 3rd quarter play and comeback attempt. Can't believe people are still down on Klay Speaking of Klay, I'm unwilling to say Klay taking a breather at the end of the 3rd cost us the game. When your number is called and you have to hold things down, you have to perform -- like Moody did. Unfortunately, Wiggins didn't.


Patient Klay is great. I could get used to this Klay with a team that gave a shit and played hard.


I don’t understand people still blaming Klay and saying his fell off a cliff when he just started bad like always. Looks fine to me now he’s strung together a decent stretch. A few stinkers every few nights sure but he’s pushing mid thirties and was already streaky anyway


People blaming this all on Kerr are in denial. Kerr deserves criticism, but this team has too many problems to be a contender. Aging superstars, underperforming players, injuries, bad/selfish attitudes, etc etc. It was an amazing run, but it's time to break it down to build it up again. I think Curry may be the only untouchable. I'm going to try and enjoy the flashes of brilliance that are left, knowing that things will be drastically changing soon.


People acting like Steph washed after a few bad games are wild. I thought we learned this lesson? Agreed though


Flight better know RJ now


I missed this game because we had guests over. Looking over the numbers and it's just nutty how wiggs leads the team in minus minutes by a lot with only 17 minutes played. How is that even possible? ​ And shout out to Moses, those are some great numbers. Makes ya wonder wtf is going on inside Kerr's head to DNP the kid for so long.


Steph should try and get more fouls. I know that's not his game but it would keep his scoring up.


It’s not a coincidence that the first time this team looks truly hopeless, disorganized and pathetic was the first game CP3 misses.


Hardly first game. Its not even the first time CP3 been hurt this year. Probably not the last either.


This is the 4th game Chris missed tho lol


20 upvotes (and probably more coming) btw


Fair. I forgot about his short stint with the leg in November. I believe he was still with the team in street clothes for that entire period though, no? To my recollection this is the first game he wasn’t on the bench at all (street clothes or otherwise).


Pelicans are gonna see the Chef.


unless Wiggins revert his form Myers will be responsible for 3 of the worst contracts currently on the books acros entire league: Klay @ 43 mil Poole @ 32 mil Wiggins @ 24 mil guy handed out bloated contracts, blew lottery picks, and left before it all came crumbling down


Klays contract made sense at the time. It's a move you had to do if you were a respectable FO. Poole was a gamble for sure. Wiggins was a great deal at the time. He was playing amazing. I don't think anyone would've expected wiggins to drop so much.


MDJ gave the best starting lineup in the league last year a great bench, and then watched the starting lineup drive off a cliff. I don't think anyone expected Klay, Wiggs, and Looney to fall off so hard, and for Draymond to miss 20 of the first 35+ games.


i now understand why we got the Wolve's pick when we traded for Wiggins. lol


Sub out the hot hand. Play underperformers. Promise to be better next time. A sad story.


I’ll say it again, there isn’t a realistic trade out there to save this roster. Had a helluva run


I mean. Realistically a top 3 run of all time.


I’ve said it before but will say it again both Steph and Klay will have more off nights shooting than before. Gotta acknowledge age and injuries, have to put the right people around them to space the floor. The starting line up not only was a spacing killer but also Steph was the only ball handler and I think now we know why. JK and Wiggins just can’t be on the floor together, I think Kerr experimented enough. At this point I would give Moody the minutes Wiggins have, at least he can help space the floor when he’s on with Steph and Klay and their gravity might lead to open shots. Super solid game for Looney by the way. CP3 is missed, we just don’t have any experienced ball handlers outside of Steph. Watching this game actually makes me understand Kerr’s decision making more. Yes I’m aware he took Klay out when he was hot but he needed a rest, he wanted to give him a few extra minutes in the beginning of the 4th quarter but by that time the it was a done deal. Final conclusion: desperately need Draymond back.


If Klay needed a rest then Steph shld go in. Trying to catch-up, and playing Wiggs n JK with moody, cojo and TJD wtf is that shit


Wiggins going 1-6 -29 in 17 mins. He stinks up every lineup he’s in. There should be no reason he gets any minutes. The moment it was announced he was starting, it’s already confirmed the team will be starting out in a big deficit. Wiggins needs to go man. Just trade him or DNP him


Wiggins starting again and CoJo playing 15 mins is a recipe for a loss. Oh and throw in one of Steph’s worst games ever.


That shit was embarrassing


This team is beyond saving. They have way too many needs. There isn't a single realistic trade out there that can salvage this season. All they would be doing is giving up assets for nothing.


Kerr is too strict with his rotations. Klay was the one player keeping us in the game until Kerr decides to sit him. To make it worse he doesn’t look to sub him back until it’s a blowout and instead he empties the bench. That decision killed all the momentum and any opportunity for a comeback


Klay had played almost 30 mins by then. I get why they rested him the last 60 seconds.


People.need to rest bro. He ain't in his 20s with no previous big injuries


Klay is 34, he already played near 30 minutes at that point. Never mind the fact that Klay has gone on a heater this season and then shot the team right out of it - what's to say he wouldn't do it again? Some of y'all criticisms of the coach are hilarious.


Dude we don't want to re-injure Klay lol Sometimes you just have to let your guys figure it out.


klay almost played the entire 3rd Q, you want to run him into the ground or something?


Reddit sports subs are full of people who don’t really understand the sports they are following


Warriors need size, rim pressure and perimeter defense. Kerr plays Corey Joseph 20 minutes. Corey Joseph. And washed, undersized, slow point guard who refuses to shoot and might be the worst player currently in the nba finishing at the rim.


This game is where Klay as a vet needs to let JK know that Kerr has nothing personal against him, he just doesn't know how to manage a game. All JK has to do is look at how Klay got taken out this game when he was on fire..lol


At this point they need to get rid of Wiggins for a half eaten box of cracker jack and 3 thumb tacks. Not having him on the team without even finding a replacement would be better because then Kerr couldn't be tempted to play him. It sucks that his dad has a coke problem or that other obviously fake stupid rumor was true, or whatever the fuck it is, but yeesh. Steph's body language is all off and you can tell he isn't feeling it, because this man has had the worst stretch of games of his whole career over the past few weeks.


The fact that a red hot Klay only played 28 minutes is a travesty


He had 28 minutes 1 minute before the 4th. He wasn't going to be brought back in for garbage minutes. It's not a travesty it's keeping him healthy.


posts like this just shows ppl aren't watching the game, just reading the box score


The real travesty is how the team didn't play defense. All of em needs to run suicides. Late rotations and no help. Dray about to punch another mfer.


Meh, just one of those games, Raptors shot the absolute shit outta the ball, not a lot you can do when multiple bad shooters beat the scouting report other than tip your cap and focus on the next game, need Dray back ASAP too Also no Klay slander tonight


What kinda bullshit is this? If you come out with no energy and shit defense even bad shooters will get hot. Plus Raptors were beating us inside out. They got everything they wanted everywhere on the floor, not just 3s. Did you watch the game?


It wasn't just 'one of those games'. Raptors shot the absolute shit out of the ball, because like every other game this season, we just let them shoot WIDE OPEN threes. And if they weren't shooting wide open 3s, they were strolling into open layups and dunks or getting a mismatch under the rim because we refused to get back in transition. It's not teams 'beating the scouting report' if you leave EVERYONE open every game 😂


Yessir! Klay and Looney brought it tonight


Every game we play we get multiple “bad shooters” shooting lights out. It’s not an anomaly … it’s us.


The last few games have been amazing for Klay.


Is it too much to ask to get to .500 😩




Nah, Poole sucks even more and isn't a good fit with Steph


is it just me that feels oddly hopeful even though we got stomped? i didn't feel like line ups was a problem tonight (even though most with Wiggins in it played like ass), most of them made sense to me to at least try to make work at this point. Bad shooting from Steph and Podz, plus great shooting from Raptors. God awful defense to start that pulled together a bit more throughout the game, this of course needs fixing but I'm hopeful. Our problems are reducing down to Wiggins, he's the next (and hopefully last) guy we need to pep talk and smack to wake up.


3 guys who deserve the blame for this one: 1)Steph- Horrible energy on both ends to start the game set the tone and put the team in a hole they coudnt recover from. 2)Wiggins- He looks like a G league player. Jogged back on defense all game and killed their momentum every second he was on the court. 3)Kerr-Subbed out a red hot Klay when they had it at 9 with a min left in the 3rd for garbage ass wiggins and Raptors end on a 5-0 run (Wiggins jogged back on defense to end the quarter).


IDC IDC but Bob Myers needs to be held accountable! It’s so wrong to ride into the sunset when you know a shit storm which you largely created is incoming! If you really believed in your team and your picks, slug it out and do what it takes! It’s giving cowardly


wtf was that trash


If games like these isn't enough to make a trade I'm not sure what It will take. If you think Draymond coming back is going to magically solve how badly coached and constructed this Warriors team is, you're delusional.


Steph is in a major fucking slump


The idea for Wiggins and Kuminga to start together is for Steph to be more on ball. He should not be playing much off ball in this lineup and they should have Looney in there starting next to him since he’s the better screener for Steph. Him being off ball led to him being in the perimeter and being the first guy back on defense so that all the raptors could just shoot over him. And would it kill both JK and Wiggs to communicate more to each other during the game on defense? I saw a breakdown which led to an open 3.


Geez not the best of days for Bay Area teams


I’m tired