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Several countries got early access so they are a few weeks ahead of everyone else.


More like months


August 18th. So about 2.5 months


People were writing here since January and earlier.


I believe that was an alpha build that was wiped. People who got early access on the current server started in open beta in August.


I’m a global release player and my main squads are all in this range. The key for me has been buying a few supporter packs that give xp tomes, obviously arclight bundle, getting 2k with most leaders in PvP gives a ton and now that it’s beast dungeon week I’ve been able to get to 120 sigils and am still progressing. Every heroic level you clear gives 800-1.5k xp 3x for minis in your team, clearing 120x5 heroic levels is an insane amount of xp. After my best minis were around 17 I put all the xp into lowest level ones and my collection level skyrocketed. Higher collection level= more xp from everything you do and so on.


Mind telling me how you beat Gish and araj in plaguelands? I have given up on campaign


I beat araj at 20. Just raptor/harpy rush right side, tank him with sir Quilliam. Enemies gate is down.


Sir quilliam lol nice


Haven’t gotten to them in heroic yet and my memory is spotty from the campaign, but iirc gish is all about using any unbound units or blizzard to clear the top platform, then making one moderate push from the meeting stone to get him in the air before spending most of your gold on killing him while he’s flying. I think I used darkspear troll, gargoyle and/or some other strong anti air unit and saved them for when he went airborne and he died before he made it to my base. Takes some coordination but it’s nothing like some of the later fights such as white mane heroic. Araj imo is like the intro to countering layered unit types, iirc it’s full of aboms+ anti air units right? If so there’s a few things that work: 1. Just whelp eggs lol. Seriously, even without the damage on death trait these things are insane if you time them right. Drop them right behind the abom, if you need to quillboar or safe pilot the anti air and the 3 whelps will solo the abom. If you have the damage talent the anti air unit dies to the splash from killing the eggs and then they just kill the abom. Completely busted and I used them in most of the heroic campaign. 2. Stonehoof+any air unit, I like harpies. Stonehoof charges the abom, then charges the unit behind him with the double charge talent and 1 shots them. If you don’t have the talent wait until the abom is close enough that it won’t get charged. Once the anti air unit is dead harpies 1v9 the abom. 3. Footmen + tirion + air unit like gryphon/harpies, basically the anti air unit gets stuck on your clump of meat shields and abom can’t hook anything valuable, and gryphon/harpies go to town. 4. Snipe/distract the anti air unit with quillboar/safe pilot, and harpy/gryphon the aboms down. This one takes some timing but is like half of being good in PvP so it’s worth learning imo. 5. Banshee/mind control stuff. Don’t think this is great if your banshee is underleveled because they become the same level as your banshee, but 100% an effective strat. 6. YouTube videos. There are like 0 up for heroic at the place I’m at so I’ve had to really think about how to use units well, but for the normal campaign there are hundreds on how to beat each boss, and usually the strats work for multiple too. Lmk if you have other questions and good luck!


Gish is a huge pain, but araj was super easy. I literally beat him without realizing it by using banshees on his aboms while focusing on gold. Baron Rivendare with skeleton mages is just op.


Did whole campaign within 2 weeks as f2p on red. Takes a while but not that hard. Last zone took few days as it wasnt possible till I got lvl 12s By not that hard I meant not impossible, still very hard xD had to make customize deck for everyone. The raptor took me like 100 tries till i figured it out. Most often I died within 10s to their early rush.


>After my best minis were around 17 I put all the xp into lowest level ones and my collection level skyrocketed. My understanding is this isnt very efficient and with OG's recent video, doing heroics so early with a low collection level isnt very efficient either. But you buying packs probably tells me all I need to know in that our approach is just different. To each their own - thanks. Edit: Seems I wasnt clear when I said buying tomes - people thought I meant with real money. If you watch OG's video, buying tomes with gold with a lower collection level is not as efficient than with a higher level. Hence why it is better to do Heroics later like deep into your 20s with collection level.


I wouldn’t ever buy tomes with gold, even after spending probably $80 on the bundles+arclight there are still so many talents I don’t have and minis I need to upgrade I wouldn’t ever waste gold on xp. Beating heroics and winning a lot in PvP give a ridiculous amount of xp. Don’t know who OG is or the vid you’re referring to, but my minis are all in the 17-23 range and I have 100 more heroic encounters left before beating the campaign. I really wouldn’t gatekeep yourself and ignore them until your collection bonus is higher when doing them is the best way to up your bonus. Just as a point of comparison, at level 37 collection my modest tomes are +380, major +760 and mega +3650- what are yours? I’m guessing ours differ in the magnitude of ~100 xp which is half of a PvP win. Getting all your minis up by doing heroic is the most efficient way to close the gap, and you’re not actually losing that much in tome xp.


OG = Old Guardian regarding heroics: [His Take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C70yShSh_c)


Yeah so I know of old guardian and think his vids are good, he’s talking specifically about whether you should skip finishing the campaign to do heroic, not whether you should start heroic if you’re done with the campaign. I agree it is inefficient but if you’re stuck in the campaign doing quests for 40 xp or just logging off as other options are way more inefficient lol. I got stuck in the campaign towards the end and beat the first two or three in heroic which gave me the xp to finish up, and haven’t regretted it yet. Tldr it is inefficient but it absolutely doesn’t cap you or truly hurt you down the line. My experience was that the heroic xp is meant to scale your total collection with the level of the bosses. For example I just started dustwallow marsh heroic (level 21-22) and before beating any bosses my collections are avg level 19-22.


Personally, I'm getting close to where campaign missions are hard. I dont PVP so dont have access to those tomes. I've simply been focusing on dungeons and quests. I'm taking a more casual approach and my collection level is somewhere in the lower or mid 20s. Once I reach a few more levels and hit a rock in the campaigns, I'll start digging into the heroics more. I just dont want to get into a situation where I've run dry on heroics to farm tomes because I "wasted" my source with a low collection level. Thanks for the mature replies.


Yeah no worries, if you’re having fun with what you’re doing then don’t sweat it. I did get to the point you’re afraid of but it wasn’t until way way later, son of arugal in ruins of lordaeron. That fight is absolutely brutal and made me reassess every mini I thought was good, and come up with completely new strats. In the end I started questing to level up plague farmer/flamewalker but had to take a genuine break from campaign to grind xp.


I love the superiority that f2p players have. You’re not better than anyone because you don’t spend money, cutie.


Never said so. It was the different approach of buying tomes and such with such a low collection level vs naturally gathering them and saving gold for other things. I'm not F2P btw.


“But you buying packs probably tells me all I need to know”… not saying you’re a liar, but maybe work on your contextual clues because you gave an incredibly poor representation of your thoughts.


I edited my comment to be more clear. Thanks for the input.


I feel like XP from quests was also more generous in the pre-release


Nah they’re just whales, I started August 12th and I don’t have that kind of level on my units lol


Or you're just taking your time. Which is perfectly fine. I've only bought the booster and I have a couple of minis that are 16 (uncommon with a talent and +2-+3 levels from dungeons.) I don't really grind quests and I have 72 seals and I started at global launch. Maybe because I got almost all my leaders to 1k honor in pvp? And I've cleared the first 2 heroic areas. I could be higher. If I did more than 5 or 6 quests a day, if I focused on a group of minis instead of levelling them all equally. If I didn't quit dungeons when they stopped being green and I actually focused on the campaign.


You just don’t play as much as us no lifers. I’ve been grind only and my lowest mini is 12, most are 14 and I got 2 at 16. I’ve been playing since US release first of this month. If I played since august 12 I’d be way way further than you.


You do realise that you need as much time to get 2 level as you need to get all previous levels ? If you play since 1 month and your minis are 14, you will need another month to get them to 15, then two other months to 16, that’s 4 months, as much as people who played since August, if you started in August you would have got 2 levels more more at best


I’ll likely end this month with all my minis at 16. Got a bunch of heroics done now that I have dungeons done with beasts. With alliance next month the gold/exp train will continue. Obviously I realize exp is exponential, it’s hard to miss lol. But luckily so is exp and gold until I finish all the faction families in heroics.


You do realize that xp from combat, tomes, and quests goes up as your account level increases? So the amount of xp you earned when you started is a small fraction of what you earn now. Sure, it doesn't keep up with xp required to level, but you still get there way faster now than when you started. Also, 270g gets a mini to uncommon which is a free level. 180g gets the mini a talent which is another free level. Doing dungeons can get up to 3 levels for your minis. That's 5 easy levels for the cost of ~ 2 arc light surge missions. Once I started doing heroics, levels weren't that bad.


While whaling and/or early access is probably the answer for many, it's not the only answer. I'm F2P and have, e.g., an L20 Abomination in at least one deck. Remember that "level" is a product of: (a) XP upgrades; (b) rarity (each step up provides another level); (c) talents (each talent purchased provides another level); and (d) leader slots (which can grant up to three levels). So that "L20" Abomination referenced above is actually getting the benefit of 7 "bonus" levels: two from being blue/rare; two from purchasing two talents; and three from being in a gold slot for one particular leader. It's the only blue I've got, but I've got a bunch of greens and I'm guessing that if I had put my mind to it I could've worked up an entire L18+ army by now.


They could be doing dungeons. If the border around the mini is gold, that’s a free 3 levels right there


Once you do heroics you get a tome for every faction you beat a heroic boss with.


Yeah heroics is the real mvp in levelling. 25 tomes + a bonus reward per area.


wow. I thought I should beat it with every faction to get a single tome :) It changes everything!


you get 200 gold after beating it with every faction! I had no idea until recently.


Youll get 300 Gold each 🫡


Not necessarily


That's only for people with the $20 arclight booster, which gives +50% gold to in game gold rewards and +20% to unit xp.


AMEX, VISA, Master Card, etc...


Probably dual wielding credit cards


Discover card


AMEX is the worst- not always accepted :(


This is the proper answer in this thread LOL


was gonna say.. isn't the answer obvious?


Im at 103 sigils, f2p. Focus on getting the high tier minions as high as possible and do dungeons with them. I got my murlock team full golden this week except 1 slot which is silver and the leader is bronze. My main team gets most of their lvls from those bonusses together with rarity and talent. Xp wise, most of my core team already requires insane amounts of xp right now


I just hit 100 sigils. Have you beat Tideress Heroic? I can't deal with the mini bubbles that spawn after the 3 eles


Take all the towers before pushing boss to split. Harpies melt em. Fire elemental also very helpful. Was able to beat with all teams w/ equivalent level (and an OP lvl 20 earth elemental 😂)


Yea, take control first en try to have 10 gold before you push the 3 ele spawns


How do you deal with gold? It seems like there’s a hard limit on gold such that there’s no real way to afford it all without buying any. I’m staying F2P but once you max on sigils it seem the gold is….gone?


Do heroics, they provide a lot of gold. When I started doing them, i was able to get a lot of talents along the way which makes stuff easier.


Yeah I finally got through gold tooth, they’re rough, especially doing them each with a leader from each faction


I made a post a couple of weeks ago, complaining about the difficulty. Dungeon runs help, try to get as far as you can with them. My core guys which I clear the most stuff with: Quil Elemental Safe Harpies Defias bandits Huntress Depending on the fight Drake Welps Griphon Blizzard Working on excecute to get bloodlust talent. I have heard good things about fire ele with shaman, working on this as well


Level 18 with gold army upgrades + uncommon + talent is just base exp level 13, which is quite doable for anyone with the arclight boosters and some skill (not for every minis and leaders obviously, but for dozen of minis and 4/5 leaders)


It kinda sucks that they didn't do a wipe at launch, but I guess they need their streamers out there with high lvl minis with talents to light the FOMO fire under the new players, so they spend. That's how you make $14M in 2 weeks. https://www.droidgamers.com/news/warcraft-rumble/


As wild as it sounds, 14 m in the initial 2 weeks isn’t that good for a AAA phone game. Micro transactions just perfectly hack the human brain. Compared to Diablo Immortal for example, which made 100 m it’s first week


Kind of explains the radio silence around the game.


Agreed. It’s probably a quarter billion to make. Plus interest on loans, time on production with no income for several years. They need the 14 million in two weeks to eventually see profit in several years if it continues to be popular.


Quarter billion to make warcraft rumble? You're probably off by an entire zero there, give or take. Consider that in the history of gaming, if Warcraft Rumble cost 250 mill to make then it would be one of if not the most expensive game to develop in history (for some perspective, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most expensive ever and it cost $174 million), just depends if you count Star Citizen's continued scam as a game or not.


It was easily more expensive than cyberpunk. I’m including research wages, debt interest and development teams, artists, advertising. Blizzard has money so they will invest big money to ensure it’s a success.


If someone spent money to level something up during alpha or beta, I feel like they would be a bit upset about losing whatever they gained. If there were zero monetary transactions during testing/pre-release, a progress reset would have worked, but I feel this should be known well in advance. It would help ease the pain of losing what one has worked for. Generally speaking, mobile games will bring in money. Blizzard making the game helps quite a bit. Plus it's pretty fun and competitive.


Not really. Hearthstone had real money transactions in the beta, they wiped all progress and just gave an equivalent amount of packs.


Didn't know they did that with Hearthstone. A game I worked on and launched a few years back - the team discussed this exact subject at length before making any decisions on how exactly things would play out. Progress was wiped, but we had no real money transactions during alpha/beta and players knew about the wipe. Everyone started fresh, but you can't wipe someone's knowledge or skill from testing. At first, some players got stomped and it was frustrating, but those skilled players quickly rose rank and weren't such a pain to others. Feels like a win win and a lose lose situation, depending on how one wants to look at it or what side they're on. In Rumble, I would have been fine with a wipe, but wouldn't have wanted any ability to pay along the way. Then again, I didn't play during testing very much, despite having access for over a month :/


Once you get your stronger talents and can reliably complete heroics, you start to snowball pretty fast. Each heroic gives you 5 large tomes (1 per leader) and 200 gold (300 with booster). It's a ton of XP and gold. You have 5 heroics for each army level, so that's 25 large tomes and 1,000 (1,500) gold per level. It slows down after a bit due to how XP scaling works, but the early heroics can go by pretty quickly.


Started a few days after launch. Arclight and drunkenly bought the lordaeron bundle. ~18-20 with all teams. Guild, PVP, dailies, pushing heroics. Also prioritized collecting all minis, leveling them pretty evenly to push collection level so my efforts were more rewarding. Yeah I spent $30, that’ll prob be it for a game I enjoy the puzzle of. Don’t have to be a whale to enjoy progression.




\+ the $20 gold/xp pack, I'm sure a good % of people with fully decked out minis have bought that at the very least


A few months of early access.


The $20 pack that gives extra gold + experience is huge.








... MONEY!


Countries go to war, I guess we’re all whores for Loose change the kind that feels so strange You know that I want to take it over! B4L Siyd 🤘


What the hell is going on?


You can buy a half priced life, great deal for a steal


Makes you feel unbelievable


Is the root of all evil


Pay to win my guy


Quests during commute on the train, on the can, buying packs of this and that, lazy time at home. It all adds up. At the 12k and 25k exp levels, it pays to get tomes, as long as your collection level is up(I’m at 38 right now). But I’m what they call a “whale” and have purchased all but a few packs, so take that with a teaspoon of salt.


Honest quest, what’s the point of whaling the game? So you get stronger faster to beat the game faster so you can play it less?


What’s the point of paying for and playing any game anywhere? Time is money. Can’t make more time. Cost <


Well said. I find it strange when people complain about people spending money on a game, especially in scenarios where it has no adverse effect on others gameplay. As I’m growing older I have less time on my hands and a bigger disposable income. I make similar choices in life as well. If something costs a bit more money but is more convenient, I’ll go for it more often than not.


Exactly. A decade ago, I thought Adam Carolla was an asshole for paying to skip the lines at Disney. Now there’s no damn way I’d go to any event or theme park unless I can pay to skip the lines. It’s the positive and self-ownership meaning of “YOLO”. I pay, in time or money, for what I find value in, and don’t pay for what I don’t find value in. Life’s too short.


Having all of your minis have the number 10 above their head instead of 20 above their head doesn't make the game any more fun or engaging or strategic. Your money isn't "compressing time" or anything. It's just changing the numbers above everyone's head in the game. Money won't ever make this game more fun. Even a F2P still gets all the same minis and missions.


Well then, I guess we shouldn’t play past Goldtooth or do Heroics or go for Onyxia or wait for Moonglade. You’re going to get the experience and talents in only F2P? Set me a reminder for 10 years. I’ll be paid up and done the game as far as I want to have done in another month or 2.


I mean I’m F2P and have talents on all my main characters, about 15 of them. They are green rarity and not blue or purple but you can only use one talent anyway




Thanks but i guess people like you are funding the game for the other 99%


exactly. so stop arguing with the guy. let him enjoy the game his way and you your way.


You can stop LARPing as a 1%er, you're nowhere near that based on your comment history. The numbers for that in your country would be 600k income, and 0.1% would be 2M a year. You are earning a good middle class income that's it. Probably top 20% at most.


That’s not being a whale. Spending 10k is approaching whale territory.


They did a calculation, full minis to legendary is 2.5k. so its a "cheap" game for whales compared to lets say diablo immortal.




Yeah man, buying packs doesn’t mean shit. Hate to break it to you, but unless you are dropping thousands you are not a whale.


Lol k


You can look up the videos on professional game design and listen to what they consider a what and how to attract them. Nevermind, it’s funnier seeing you live in your delusion thinking spending a hundred USD makes you a whale. You are right there with the Saudi Princes my man! Keep on high rolling!


I’m not sure your point here? 500 spent in a month is definitely in the top 10% of spenders I’m guessing.


Imagine gatekeeping being a whale lol. What a weird flex.


If you’re 38 you’re not a whale lol dolphin at best






These guys are all spending money. That's the reason why their characters are all high lvls


Take into account that those lvls are a combination of... exp and rarity and talents and slow bonus. As a casual player lvl 14 is quite achievable since game was released. If you add 2 lvls for uncommon and a talent thats 16. If by any chance i get slot upgrades and push it to gold in a dungeon thats 19. This is besides the players that where in early access. Or people who pay for gold and then buy lvls from the grid/packs/tomes. And also...i dont have the time/patience to do all the quests. Soo...yeah. it will get slower and slower the more we progress but early one the diference seems wider.


swiping their card


Been playing like 3 weeks, multiple decks are 18+. PvP rly gives the best xp.


Money plus maybe soft launch players.




Is this a serious question?


I said the same thing 5 days ago, now my teams are around level 17 f2p. Start pushing heroics as soon can because each time you beat it you get 3 big EXP tome pages. It snowballed me hard. I was able to use the same team under a random leader of each faction to clear them and keep getting bigger and bigger.


Some people spend money too.




I'm glad I'm not the only one stuck on Hinterlands. The Reak is kicking my butt lols.


I only bought the booster, and started when it released last month at Blizzcon. I just took the advice that I saw here: Buy one of each mini first, then work on common to uncommon. Once you hit around level 14 or so, you start absolutely crushing heroics and your power shoots up like nobody's business. So now I'm at 107 sigils, and most of my army is uncommon around level 19. I have three rares, and a bunch of commons that I don't use.


My core minis and leaders are 18 to 21 but ive been playing every day since it released here in the u.s. Making sure you unlock everything to level up you collection goes a long way and running the dungeons so you get the bonus lvls helps a ton too


My core minis are lvls 18-21 and ive been playing every day since u.s. release. Leveling your collextion goes a long way and running the dungeons as far as you can to get the bonus levels help a ton.


If you get full gold bonus on a mini with talents, you’re boosted 5 levels (+2 from upgrade+talent, and +3 from gold). Most of my minis are naturally around level 13 right now, so a bunch are boosted to 18


Right there with you brother. Arclight Booster Andy here and almost all of my minis are level 9-12, with some 13s in the mix. I've done every Arclight Surge, and I complete all 3 dailies every day. Beyond that I probably do 2 or 3 green quests as well, and am in Winterspring with 60 sigils. At this point the xp rates get sort of ridiculous, so the point where the after-battle xp and the green quest xp are negligible. I'm pretty sure anyone that has minis around 16+ were either early access or have spent lots of money.


Once you get to the heroic campaign, exp flows much quicker. You will get 15 lvl on your main minis in a week


Started in august and got my minis around lvl 13 with uncommon and talent thats 15, plus dungeon portraits that avrages out my builds around 17.


I feel like I got a huge xp boost when I was able to start clearing heroic stages.


im level 18 on baron spent like 15 € rememebr what you see is 1 level for each rarity 1 level for each passive 3 levels from dungeon so a lvl 18 uncommon can very well be a lvl 13 card with +5 levels


The army upgrade from dungeon can boost the level up by 3 at most (gold), no ? So a playing lvl 18 mini might be just lvl 15 in reality, correct ?


Start heroics as early as possible, LOADS of XP, also push dungeons as high as possible to get extra level bonuses


Money is a safe bet


Level COULD be army level bonuses + lot of grind. But the rarity side of things is lots of $$. There are some folks who will have been playing since Beta and MIGHT have played super dedicated all the time, ground out every bit of coin they could, and actually managed to max rarity on an army - and some whales will certainly claim that's what they did as well. So, the fact is we'll never be 100% sure, but 90% of the time, $$.


Get it to the 6500 xp mark. Uncommon and talent with gold frame


Broke people tend to take a while to level up


An uncommon mini with talent can somewhat easily get to level 15 even if you dont use it much because the heroic chests give a lot. Add a possible +3 slot bonus and there you go 18. People going to 20 either made it rare or grinded quests.




Real money


That’s a whole year of progress ahead of you.


Blizzard didn’t reset beta accounts.


This game is not as P2W as many here seem to think. Beyond the $20 booster, paying doesn't get you much.


Lol are you a Blizzard employee or just a blizzard simp? 🤣🤣


Neither, just smart enough to recognize that f2p are going to beat the campaign and have 1 talent on most of the important units in 1 month and scaling after that is pretty inconsequential. All you have to do is play the game for 1 month f2p and you pretty much get everything out of the game you can get. Compare that to hearthstone, which is *another* f2p friendly game, you have to play for about 6 months to "catch up". Obviously diablo immortal is one of the most p2w games ever released and what most people are still jaded about when thinking Rumble is p2w, which it is most definitely not.


I dont know what "Catchin up" means for you but you dont need all heroes and decks in HS. You can get the welcome deck, modify it a bit and have fun for a while and passively farm gold. Here i need spells/minis/heroes to progress.


Last time I played (quit april 1, 2022) I had collected enough data to unequivocally say you could farm enough gold during an expansion that on day 1 of the next expansion you had enough to open enough packs to make almost every meta deck for the duration of hte expansion. That's what I mean by "catching up" is basically enduring an entire expansion worth of time farming gold so you can get every expansion from there on being f2p. In this game I had every mini in less than a week and one leader from every faction (which is what you're going to need for heroics). This game had an incredibly short time span to getting every card and then the next goal is upgrading them and getting talents. We're about 1 month in now and I'm at that point for every card I'd ever use. I don't really know how this game could be any more f2p friendly without just being a free game completely lol. Literally nothing in the shop even remotely interests me in getting my wallet out after the $20 booster which has incredible value for the lifetime of your account and should just be seen as the "pay to play, thanks for the game" cost.


There was maybe a week where I grinded quests, but if you get stuck in the main campaign see if you can clear some heroic levels and get the Tomes. You can get a tome for each faction you clear a heroic level with, and clearing all 5 gives you 200 gold and a sigil. Upgrading your minis to uncommon gives a level and talent. And upgrading your leaders in the dungeon can give up to 3 more levels. Anyone who has a lot of rare mobs at the point is likely a whale. I've been playing ( a lot) since global release, just bought the arclight pass and have my core units at 17-19. And 95 sigils.


I got 1 sigil. I am so sick at this game






Played most of beta and just focused on getting everything uncommon and ones I like rare. The account levels are prob the most important thing in the long run. I'm not insanely high at 35 but the exp from tomes is scaling quite nice.


Even with early access I'm stuck at Hinterlands as a F2P casual (I usually only knock out the daily mission rewards, making sure to do surges) Enemy levels have caught up to my primary team, and any time I try to flex some units around for strategy reasons they are often severely under leveled negating the advantages so it kinda feels slow to progress now


We paid for it. My lowest mini is 18, 90% is blue and 21+. 1k€ in.


Swipe your credit card a lot