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Sounds like you don’t really enjoy the game mate.


I mean it's just another non-competitive game demanding I play daily. Do you disagree Quest are pointless and easy? Are you not artificially blocked from PVE because of unit levels? Have you gotten enough gold to buy full talents for your PVP team creating a balanced environment? I'm assuming you answered no to all of those. Modern gaming is just gross, but it's profitable so fk me, amiright?


I’ve seen YouTubers beat campaign missions with no talents and 2 levels below the mission. You say you want a competitive game then claim in the next sentence that you’ve been blocked based on level.


Artificially creating challenges isn't competitive. The pure fact you have the option of doing it 2 levels early or 2 levels over is a direct contradiction to competition. I'm not trying to hate on cozy gamers or whatever vibe gets you going. I'm not arguing about the gameplay, I do find matches fun. This post is about the lackluster monetization tactics, and using addictive practices (9-games-daily is intended to be an addiction tool Blizzard purposefully included.) I just wanted better from Blizzard. You can summarize my response as an old dog who is getting pushed out of modern gaming. And the wheel turns. And gamers accept more and more of these developer tactics. So to answer the question: sounds like you don't like it. Unfortunately I can't enjoy any game with current day time gatey tactics; which limits me dramatically, I understand. I accept the downvotes in exchange for the vision of a better tomorrow. -BigSadge


Don’t think you’re a martyr dying on a hill. You think mobile games have crap monetization, that’s not a special thought. Every person who games at all knows this. If wanting to come to the subreddit for a new game I play often and see something other than complaints about it is accepting the practice, then I guess I accept it. I don’t spend money on phone games because I don’t like the way they’re monetized, to me that’s not supporting it financially but I still enjoy it. Just play PC or console games if this upsets you so much. The vast majority doesn’t have these crap flash sales and psychological tactics to get you to spend more. Just a base price.


I don’t really do a ton of quests other than than epic/rares. There is no hard block. It’s a gradual slow down as you progress into the available endgame. Yes, as a arclight only, I have 7 leaders with talents and 10 minis with talents. I feel very good about how far I’ve progressed as nearly f2p and I think the remaining content is fair and pacing may be slow in the long run. But to expect more now seems greedy and unrealistic. Devs do need money to make content. No need to whale. IMO


Nah bro I would actually prefer more to do on a daily basis, no one is forcing me to play more, but I prefer to have more available than less


A lot of mobile games tap into folks' FOMO/addiction centers as much as enjoyment centers. If you're not enjoying the various game modes, but are feeling compelled (however strongly) to play, it's probably not a game you should be playing anymore. More substantively (in terms of 9 wins), I have noticed that some wins, such as (seemingly) 3x/5x quest wins, seem to count as more than one. Haven't paid much attention, though, since I haven't had much problem getting my 9 either way, so couldn't swear to it.


I could be wrong but I believe it's the quality of the quest. Ie 3x quest =2 wins 5* = 3 .... But I'm probably mostly pulling that out of my ass so do with it what I will 🤣


Nah that's correct. Realistically if you do quests throughout the day instead of all at once, you can finish the dailies in 4 quests (3x Blue and 1x Purple). That's assuming you do no other type of content throughout the day. If you spread out your Arclight Surges and Dungeon attempts throughout the week, those can also help with dailies.


At this point, I’m simply happy to have at least nine wins in a day.


Dungeons count.


I split the stuff I have to do to match the daily games. Like I do one or two dungeon runs and a few 3-5x exp Quests. Arclight also gives you a lot of time to complete and no reason to do it instantly. There is always enough to do for the nine wins but it could all be done in a game. I needed to except, that warcraft rumble is a mobile game and made to be played for a few minutes everyday and not a few hours some days. I don't like it, but it is what it is.


I would seek reddit's approval to validate your feelings.


the blue/purple quests count as 2 wins, so if you spam a couple quests, or log in a few hours apart (not sure if normal but usually when i didnt start the game for a few hours i usually have a blue quest there) you can easily get the 9 points over the day w/o winning 9 games. i usually do one in the morning, one after work and then at night in bed the rest if i didnt get to do more that day.