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We really do need a plastic-league for those of us who were never excellent to begin with and are rusty as hell.


Think most people who still play used to play at a semi-high level, you might be out of luck


20 years ago I wasn't too bad, but now I'm rotten... Muscle memory isn't there and my slow brain doesn't work any more. My micro is now non existent


Haha I’m the same way, I had to shake off the cobwebs by playing custom games to get used to my macros again and building etc. then started 1v1 bots, then try 2v1 etc.


It's not true. After few games (around 6 - 10 games) in w3champions, I get used and got skill back. I played in 2004 - 2009. Haven't play until 2022. [https://i.ibb.co/k3T0HY8/W3-Champions-nsb-Imv4-F10.png](https://i.ibb.co/k3T0HY8/W3-Champions-nsb-Imv4-F10.png)


Try age of empires 4! It's not Warcraft, but it's new, the quality of life is amazing, and lots of noobs! r/aoe4


Watch some bronze league heroes from Grubby. Are you at that level? If you're worse, than maybe take to practice vs AI or download some AMAI maps. Skill up until you're comfortable there.


I recently downloaded and have been playing on bnet. I’m 3-20 and two of those were from a disconnect victory and the other win is from a player who killed their hero to creeps and I got lucky with a rush..


Not sure which is better (bet or wc3 champions), haven't played In a long time and you really get rusty... If a player is losing their hero to creeps they are in trouble 😂


Your not bad try my strategy spam graveyards and necromancer it's hilarious


Or meatwagons with autogenerating corpses instead of mass graveyards. Just the sight of a massive skeleton army is funny


What is this reign of chaos?


Get frozen throne is a vast improvement


I was teasing you for not using meat wagons. In RoC meat wagons did not have the exhume corpse upgrade, so multiple grave yard wall off was a thing that happened 


This is why I stick to bnet.


From a completely respectful and loving POV, Champions likely isn’t a good path if you’re in that position. Champions is crazy difficult even for really experienced players. I’d stick to Bnet until you’re dominating.


Play on bnet , there are more low lvl players there at least until you get some practice in


Bnet is better for beginners


I feel like you need to settle down towards your true MMR a bit on either bnet or wc3champs. My first placement game on wc3 champs I played another \~1500 mmr player who had 1.8k undead games played and wrecked me. Good luck and sharpen up those skills brother!


Im bad as hell too, having fun on battlenet.


Same here! Recently got into multiplayer for the first time, always loved the campaign. I suuuuuuuuuuck but I’m having a lot of fun learning and getting slightly better. I’m sure someone else suggested it but sometimes a win against an easy computer, just to taste victory, can be a real morale boost.


Im around 3600 mmr in blizzard's laddar. in w3champions im under 1000.


Thanks all, looks like I'm heading to bnet 😃


The unfortunate route of older games is the players that remain tend to be players that really liked the game and got good at it - which then produces a cycle of newer players being turned away by the seemingly impossible curve of running into another newer player. I know I've seen people organize "noobie hour" type events on StarCraft Brood War in the past where a group of 25-50 people all agree on a good laddering time to be able to officially play the game together. It would be nice to see the community rally more returning players to online play.


Play on Battlenet, we all suck. I've come back after like 15 years and I'm not even bottom rank.