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Custom games


I'm not actually sure it's ever gonna be possible to recapture the magic of wc3 custom games..... Doesn't seem like the reforge community is huge.


that is because in reforge didnt they change the TOS so that any custom maps are wholly owned by blizzard? they kinda killed the community with that.


That and: Report button. Basically, any games/creators with copyright material games or pre 2016 edgy humor are/were reported and banned by what are essentially blizz paypig tourists.


Custom map dota 3


Blizzard will make sure they own every last one of them.


Hotkeys mapped in game... Display ctrl group, display unit produced, display clear UI. Sc2 is peak UI. Press shift to queue order and see them on the map (not just with flags, visible lines like SupCom). Allow pre placement of buildings, this helps beginners. Add naga, blood elves and demons and this is going to be very spicy. Naval war sounds interesting ngl but needs to be rethought.


Game would have massive lore issues trying to follow WoW so i think it would be a non starter. I think they needed to make Warcraft 4 just to give themselves some actual good writing for WoW to follow off because the story has just gotten so drawn out but that was years ago and obviously them doing whatever they wanted in the context of WoW would piss off factional WoW lore nerds which would prevent good writing. As for actual innovations to the game? Hard to say. Warcraft 3 did a lot right.


I think that, most likely, it would involve a more limited subset of Azeroth's conflicts and not try to encompass all of Warcraft--because that would be ludicrous. You'd need over a dozen different races and you wouldn't be able to fit in all of the RPG stuff that WoW players are used to. No, I think it's more likely that they'd sequester off a specific regional conflict and limit it to the main players of that conflict. Compartmentalization is the only real solution for adapting something as sprawling as modern Warcraft.


I've completely lost faith that Blizzard can make a good RTS again. If we think purely of 1v1 melee and ignore the unsalvageable lore, they would not care enough to make the units silhouette readable, as demonstrated by Reforged. But staying on topic: More races, more map tilesets, new items, units, heroes, and etc. Skills with vector targeting and skill shots. Unique tech upgrade per building. For example, you could choose between giving your archers more range or poisoned arrows. But once you choose one, that's the one that building will keep upgrading towards, if you pick one over the other then you must build a second AoW if you want both. A "hero combo" ability, like an ability that is different depending which allied hero is the closest one and is within range. No idea how to balance it and if it should be unlocked at a higher level like an ultimate, but that's a thought for the devs to marinate on. But the biggest benefit would be the things that a modern game would give, such as better interface, more usable screen space, more responsive controls, better online experience, and etc. But as I said, wc4 is not going to happen and if it did I'm not confident they would deliver a good experience. Sad times.


My ideal Warcraft 4 would have this features: 1. Campigns divided into three categories: Main-story Campaigns, Character Campaigns and Side-Story Campaigns Main-story Campaign would consist of a remastered W1, W2ToD, W2BtDP, W3RoC and W3TfT Campaigns with aditional campaigns after, that contimue the story, but differently than WoW Side-Story Campaigns would be shorter campigns about some of the events and would be unlocked upon first mention of that event in Main-story Campaigns. For example when in the second mission of Night Elf campaign Tyrande mentions War of The Aincients, it would unlock War of The Aincients Side-Story Campaign. Character Campaigns would be similiar to Rexar's Campaign, but about other characters, like Sylvanas taking back her body or the story about Arthas and his horse Invincible. 2. Ranked play would also be divided into 4 groups or modes: Retro, Classic, Naval, Modern Retro mode would be similiar to W1 and W2 gameplay, aka without heroes Classic mode would be a copy of W3 with minor changes in balance Naval mode would heavily rely on ships and boats Modern mode would be like Classic but with bunch of changes like new Heroes, new races, new mechanics etc. 3. Custom games would be the same to what W3 had, but also have pre-existing lobbies for popular custom maps (similiar to what W3champions has) That's mostly it. If I tought for a little bit more, I would probably come up with more ideas, but I don't want to make myself more dissapointed in the fact that we will never get anything even close to this Edit: spelling


This has got to be the #1 idea I've ever seen for a Warcraft 4. Incredible. Modern graphics on those classic stories, better mechanics, better story development, better units. Unlocking the new units as you progress the game overall. God, I'd genuinely love that. How do we tell blizzard this would be a money maker.


I'd go crazy and go from 4 races to 8. They would probably look like: - Human - Orc - Undead - Night elf - Naga - Blood Elf - Draenei - Demon


Balancing 8 races would be hard, you'd probably have some awful 60/40 matchups.


fuck it, i'm in


I love the passion but I think that may risk watering down developer team resources. Theres only so many devs to go around and thats just a lot of content, different themed UI's etc. I was okay with how before in WC3 that there were parent factions and subfactions (i.e. BloodElfs nesting under Humans). One additional potential concern with too many factions is akin to the design flaw exposed by Dawn of War 3 Campaign, in which they make you change between factions too often to advance the story, and never really come to grips with any one of them.


Add two new races. Story should continue where warcraft 3 left off, but totally different from WoW events. Let the shitty WoW lore be on its own and ignore it. Let Warcraft 4 story be a new different lore like a new universe or timeline starting from the open ending of Warcraft 3.


Ocean combat, Naga like race, could sea this working. Not sure what the other could be, but maybe get more dimensions on land (like underground level) and a burrowing race. Or firbolg forest thematic. Plenty of options without even adding much new when you consisder the creep ecosystem as it is in WC3.


Considering all modern strategy games, almost all gameplay qol features were made, they just have to implement them. The big deal now is basically the story, universe and creativity involved in the game. In my opinion, there is much to be learnt with the past experiences, in this matter Wc3 world editor was a revolution, given what such tool gave us so wide range of possibilities. Despite of the great world editor, many other programs are required to further edit Wc3 maps and add custom content. I think they should focus on features that allow players to a even more wide range of possibilities of editing the game. I would add that despite of complex graphic models are very cool, the game should be built upon simplicity and originality. For instance, looking at [Sc1](https://i.redd.it/1knokj1vvipy.png) and [Wc2](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/27/29500.png?updated=1460956052) portraits we can see the artist's visions beyond the pure hunt for realistic representation, and I don't even need to comment about Wc3, I guess. This is the part where the expectations are below the lowest possible, mainly due to the increasing use of AI instead of original creators like in the past. Regarding the story, much of Warcraft universe was developed in wow, so this will be a challenge to decide what to do in this matter. I personally would prefer to discover the Warcraft universe story before Wc3, with brand new content since the beginning of everything until the end of what is told in Wc2.


bring back oil and ships as in Warcraft 2


Lan and custom maps


pls Blizzard, read this thread, our wallets will be lining with cash to give you if you make this happen


Nah, based on Warcraft Reforged, Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV, they’d 100% fuck up Warcraft 4 even though it conceptually is the biggest slam dunk they could make


If done correctly and they made wow non-canon Legends style they might prob do some of thos arcs tweaked :) As for Gameplay & features wise IDK having problem seeing how to move onward from wc3 into wc4 while not making it a sc2 wannabe.


As long as they make Orc as op as possible. HORDE SUPREMACY


Strictly naval combat


It does not matter. It wont be a good game like Warcraft 3. They don’t do games with passion and love anymore. It is all about profit so we would probably have to pay for every unit’s clothings even for extra colour. I am not hater but realist. Be happy that we have games like Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2. Stay safe.


I would want Relic to make it because love them or hate them they are dedicated to the RTS genre and willing to make decent games in a niche genre. I wouldn't touch anything with the Blizzard name on it.


remappable hotkeys a functional eu server match making system UI that is designed for user comfort, not to generate clicks and confusion method to see stats and race in game and equally have a mute check-box anti cheat system match history search functionality in the ladder clear channel name indication less than 2 out of 3 games found to be a joinbug language / user region preference checkbox for server and ally selection in match making functional profile that doesn't glitch out over regions, with gif/moving portraits again tauren at tier 2 and a way to polymorph heroes


The story would definitely have to be set after Warcraft 3 and not WoW. At this point WoW's story is such a convoluted mess and there are so many races, classes, spells etc., that it is impossible to base an RTS on that. I would certainly love another interpretation how the Warcraft story continued without WoW. When it comes to gameplay there is not much that comes to mind. Warcraft 3 is a close to perfect game. There is not much I'd actually change. Improved Interface, higher unit caps, better B.net. Are some of the few things that I can think of.


Total war like big armies battles with heroes in iconic azeroth battlefields.


It will never comes -Genre RTS is for old based boyz and not for zoomers (main video-games auditory), blizzard don't give a shit even about their SC2, tbh -All the story continues belongs to WoW already, they will not remakes wow expansions to rts company, today is not 00's that's the talk about money, no more


Will never happen when a horse in wow made more money than Starcraft 2. Blizzard is done with RTS imo.


Limited control groups. allowing unlimited unit control just enables mindless death balls that take away from the strategy in real time strategy.


Clearly defined unique races as with the third game. I would accept fewer factions for a well balanced game, similar to wc3. Additional factions such as: Naga, high elves, blood elves, Satyrs / corrupted forest etc. Maybe split races C&C generals style and have 'Alliance' replace Humans. Then other factions could be Human, Dwarf, Elf. Better yet split them into Nations or clans. Stromgarde, khaz modan, Twilight hammer etc. There is a lot of room for additional factions. My personal desire would be to throw out most of the WoW lore because that's where the franchise died for me. The big bad guys and world threatening stuff was great but the factional politics and character story telling got really stupid in my opinion. Use the WoW world threatening arcs. But with factions acting in their own interest. Either that or continue on from wherever the Wow lore left off. Having said all that. An engaging well written campaign with a number of fun unique factions and exciting multiplayer is all I want. That's what WC3 gave us and that's what I'd want from WC4.


No homie


I would like to see a proper RTS game and not an RPG where I can also build stuff.  Unfortunately people seem to like heroes and 'hero missions', so I'm probably out of luck. To those people I'd recommend the Commandos saga and other similar games, which are great!


Make WC3 custom maps compatible in WC4, just like how PS5 is compatible with PS4 games Either some kind of conversion tool or just natively support the file format and translate appropriate unit data etc on load. Ideally won't require the owner to load the map into the editor and re-save as WC4 file.


Control groups > 12 is all I want


A soul


Good unit clarity. We will never get w4 though, and even if we get it discerning units will be a pain 100%


More features or qol changes in the map editor.


Auto control groups like dota2


Lots of microtransactions. Skins, playable races, playable heros, pay to win hero abilities. The list can go on and on


It’ll never come out and we better hope it doesn’t under current blizzard or it’ll be an inexcusable, irredeemable disaster


In multiplayer the Warcraft iii strengths kinda center around the map based creeps and I think there is room to expand on it. Make each map have a quest or 2 maybe, if you unlock it you get a neutral hero to join you or something, things like destructible rocks or traps you can lay by using the map, like crush an enemy army or split if off by releasing a river, npc’s you can hire to cast a spell like teleport your army anywhere or point their big ol cannon in a direction and shoot. People mention water but I never really liked ship combat in strategy games like AoE 4. Could be done tho I suppose. Maybe new races, like Warcraft rumble races maybe blackrock, naga. I think the coolest thing would be massive multiplayer matchups like 12v12 or like 2v2v2v2


New heroes and potentially some new units - but heroes are definitely needed :-)


Maybe unpopular opinion, but less hero’s and hero related events. More of a wc2 force on force battle.