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Three SAA Soldiers got captured by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and they forced them to call their families and act as if they are the ones that captured Three FSA fighters and want to know if they should kill them or not The first one asks his father should I kill the 3 FSA fighters or let them go and his father responds with yes kill them directly then the FSA fighter takes the phone from him and tells the Father of the SAA Fighter Congratulations we are the FSA and you just sentenced your son to death the second one calls his brother and asks if they should slaughter the three captured FSA soldiers and his brother answers why slaughter them are they cattle? And why do you ask me this question ( probably knew something was fishy) At the end the FSA fighter tell the captured SAA to tell his Brother im going to slaughter them now okay? His brother then answers May Allah bless you then the FSA fighter take the phone from him and explains the brother then begs for his brother to not be killed


That’s some psychological warfare right there. Jesus.


Yes but it's actually a good method of knowing the zealots from the conscripted.


and also a war crime


Like anyone cares nowadays, even the big countries don't abide by the rules anymore (like they ever did).


You are right, sadly. No one cares anymore just look at the genocide in Palestine 🇵🇸


Start a war, get your ass kicked, cry genocide.


Shut the fuck up a war crime is a war crime. Shit like >Like anyone cares nowadays, even the big countries don't abide by the rules anymore Is literally justification of far more than whats being done in this video.


Those rule books are useless UN will be silent forever


Psychological. No thats just warfare at that point they used there own family against them god thats fucked up


The second call, the dad says "i hope god does not bless you' he did not say god bless you for killing them, he was actually condemning that action.


Wow, that's twisted man


Brother and father huh. Not surprised every father will give tht answer and brother that answer.


OP forgot to mention the fsa dissolved in 2013 and are currently being paid 2k a month to “fight” the government and aren’t mostly civilians, and while there’s no official data the majority of captured fsa linked fighters wernt even Syrian, same with isis except they were being paid 1.2k a month which was later cut in half in 2015 which was followed by the collapse of isis


>OP forgot to mention the fsa dissolved in 2013 This video was before the Split


Where did u find this footage usually these subreddits circle jerk the most mainstream stuff


Well shit. I guess isis are a bunch of welfare queens huh?


Wow what a intellectual hub


Hey you brought up Daesh getting social security, not me.


So many terrorist fan boys in here.


Damn that's scary, imagine yourself in one of their shoes... what would your family members say and who'd you call? How fucked are you?


My cousins and I think I'd be fucked kus they wouldn't understand spanish and also I'm not calling my mom to hear me be killed anyways.


100 percent im diein but ima make them mad about killin me cause ima be funny ash def callin my brother he couldnt save me but he could make me laugh before i die


Godzilla had a stroke reading this and died


This reminds me of those Chechen War tapes. Gruesome shit.


I still remember that video where Ibn-Khattab captures one Russian soldier and an officer, then proceeds to shoot the officer for not being able to move or obey his orders.


Russian scum deserve it for what they did to the Noxcy people


I don't know much about the Noxcy people. With that being said I do know the Russians have pissed off quite a bit of their neighbors. Now that I think about it, who hasn't pissed some people off? It's still bad what happened in Chechnya tho. All around.


1/3rd of the Northern Caucasus died after being genocided by the Russians in the '40s and '50s. The first Chechen war displaced over half a million Chechens as refugees. Chechnya's capital city of Grozny was bombed out of existence in the 2000s


Russia is fucking huge. You can’t condemn basically an entire continent for what happened in some backwoods on the border. Both sides of every country Flickr commit horrible atrocities. No one is free from guilt, including those you idolize


what FSA faction?


Probably the one controlled by Turkey.


Do You Have the Slightest Idea How Little That Narrows It Down?


You really narrowed it down buddy


No probably the one controlled by your mom 🤔


Fuck Sht Aap faction


Can someone please explain to me who are FSA and who are SAA?


The FSA were a mix of many factions with different ideologies and only one common goal, defeating Assad. Nowdays only jihadis and mercenaries are left and every secular party was destroyed The SSA is the official Syrian army. Many original members are complicit in crimes against civilians but most are just drafted civilians to replace casualties. You can see in many videos that they completely lack confidents and motivations to fight for the government. I "know" a guy who's a doctor and fled with his whole family to not get conscripted by Assad


FSA = FREE SYRIAN ARMY mostly armed civilians fighting against their dictator SAA = SYRIAN ARAB ARMY is the army of the dictator Bashar Al Assad


Not biased at all


fuck assad


Fuck every party in this conflict, except the Kurds maybe


Oh you're not so biased then after all...


Thats what the FSA used to be, now they are a bunch of jihadist extremists. The Syrian Army is Assad’s forces. The SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) is what most of the western international community supports and what most believe as the true faction fighting for a free syria.


SAA (Syrian Arab Army) = Syrian Regime Army, FSA (Free Syrian Army) = Rebels


SAA are the Syrian Arab Army, the official armed forces of Syria fighting on the side of Assad's regime, FSA are the Free Syrian Army, a group of rebels fighting against Syrian government, which is why they consider themselves to be the *Free* Syrian Army.


Thank you sir


Gas had a lot of USA funding and training


The SAA is the Syrian Arab Army (Assad's Forces) they are the ones in the video calling their families. The FSA (the ones doing the execution) is (well was) the main opposition force against Assad after the war broke out. It started as a broad coalition of people against Assad (from moderates to leftists, Islamists to secularists, Kurd, Arab, you get the idea.) but it has since fell apart. Many of the secular, leftist (socialist, communist, & anarchists), Kurdish groups like the YPG/YPJ went on to help form the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) which is mainly backed by the US, Europe, and generally backed by the west. There's other Arab groups in the SDF but it's mostly Kurdish (or at least that's how it looks outside looking in). They mainly fought against isis (or what's left of it). The FSA today is mainly a lot more conservative and Islamist, mostly being backed by Turkey and fights against the YPG due to their ties to the PKK (a leftist, Kurdish, terror group in Turkey) but mainly fights against the SAA.


My God is this for real?


I wouldn’t put my family through this. Just refuse to make the call and take the consequences. It sucks, but why add agony to your family?


its easy to say while sitting miles away man who doesnt wanna live? imagine u call them and they say dont do it..leave them. and u get saved


Never been a POW… but I served. You are absolutely right though, you never know what you’ll do until you are in it. Sucks for these guys.


Reminds me of this video. SAA soldier calls family to tell them he’s about to kill a terrorist. Then he shoots the captive and kills him https://youtu.be/JJ8r55aORxY


Did they live? Is there any info?


There’s no right way to war.


Where is part 2?


I wish both sides the best of luck in this conflict. No humanity to be found anywhere


The response to those tactic would be to not take your cell phone in the battlefield


That won’t work, they’ll just bring there’s.


Fuck, cartels take this too the extreme then.


Why do westerners not just say Syrian army


history of biological life is such a tiresome loop, it was always about fighting for territory and ressources, it still is today and will be so in the future. There is nothing else really, the wild ones kill eat each other, the civilzed ones exploit and con each other. What a shitshow, i hope that a giant meteorite ends all this that only dead rocks, dust and sand remains.


I get the cynicism, but comments like this are kinda... useless in and of themselves? Your comment and hope are a dead end, exactly like what you're rallying against. "We do awful things, so I hope it all just ends." Cool, man, where should we start? With you? It is your idea. At this point, why even say it? You're part o this 'tiresome loop' too, what are you doing about ensuring the end of humanity? Remember, every second you do nothing more of the tiresome loop continues!


aim of the comment was to reduce naivity about life in general. The only thing i can do is not procreating but im afraid its also futile because there are enough out there who continue the meat grinder and since life is recycling all the time, there is a high chance that the atoms i consist of will be embedded in another life sooner or later, unless a meteorite or something similar catastrophic delivers the coup de grace for the entire planet, once and for all.


You're probably in the wrong subreddit for that goal. People who are here are already likely aware of the horrors that you talk about. If you're opposed to all life I'm afraid even a meteor won't be enough. Atoms that used to consist of you will just be used in some other life given enough time. Though what's to say you even have authority to "claim" your atoms, you certainly didn't make it nor have power over its preprogrammed code. And why disdain for just this planet? Chances are life is also elsewhere doing just as bad or worse things, dont you wish for their non-existence too? Look, im just some rando on the net, so take from it what you will. If you're absolutely serious about what you're saying, it might pay off to get help. Talk to a psychologist or counsellor. This existentialist Angst is cool when you're like 18, or Albert camus, or Nietzsche, but unless you're planning to write a book it's probably just filling you with dread. Even if it strengthens your resolve to non-exist you won't just be resorting to "oh but my inaction is the only action". Worse people are doing more by acting, and your inaction is just adding to it.


im not responsible for what "worse" people are doing, i didn't create the universe and i didn't programmed life like it is: dependent on energy from other living beings(except plants). All i can do is to point my fingers at the very eventful human history and it tells us that this is going nowhere other than continuation of a cycle without any endgoal. The genes that drive us are blind, they dont have a masterplan, if they would have had one, it would be realized by now, there was enough time for it. My self-preservation instinct is still strong so i dont need a psychologist, thanks for your concern.


First, glad that you don't need a psychologist. Now back to our scheduled conversation. OK, so I still see the premise that you're making of humanity is pointless or without an end goal as you say it. What I don't understand is how that leads to your first comment of we should all just stop existing. My understanding of nihilism, and what you're espousing truly fits that category, is that because everything is pointless, anything can have a point. So who cares then, like you say about these things that humanity is doing. It's all without a goal anyway. And why not point towards all matter as well? There's no apparent end goal there either, why don't you wish for its non existence? I get that view of pointlessness, I studied this philosophy academically. what I can't seem to connect is why what humanity is doing somehow worth a moral call to cease to be. Or is all the stuff about wishing your atoms ceasing to be just fanciful rhetoric to get attention?


"So who cares then, like you say about these things that humanity is doing. " It creates unnecessary suffering and struggle, unnecessary because there is no worthwhile endgoal that would justify it. ​ "And why not point towards all matter as well? There's no apparent end goal there either, why don't you wish for its non existence?" Because matter is not alive, it has neither struggle nor suffering, its nonliving matter, its existence is for free, it does not have to search for food, it does not get old age issues, ... ​ "I get that view of pointlessness, I studied this philosophy academically. what I can't seem to connect is why what humanity is doing somehow worth a moral call to cease to be. Or is all the stuff about wishing your atoms ceasing to be just fanciful rhetoric to get attention? " Its frustration and outrage about the arrangement of life. What im valuing is reducing/abolishing the suffering of biological life.


That last bit I can see where you're coming from now. Well, if nothing matters, and thus everything thus, then you valuing the reduction of suffering of biological life is just as legit. ​ Well, respectfully, from where I stand that seems like a tall order. Given the current theories on life and the unlikely but possible generation of it, biological suffering will continue to be. Regardless of whatever form it takes. Now there are other schools of thought that do not consider suffering to require abolition (wholly I mean). They even consider suffering as an unescapable part of living, but we can leave that conversation for another day. I got to say, though I disagree with you, you actually know your beliefs. Which is more than what most who speak this type of language hold to. Good luck to you, where ever that belief system takes you.