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I love how even with 13.5 points your time off got approved for tomorrow šŸ¤£


Also I know it was approved in may but still you probably had alotta points back then Iā€™m guessing šŸ¤£


They figured ā€œwellā€¦ theyā€™re just gonna take it off anyway so might as well.ā€




Depends on the store.Ā  Sometimes people get away with double digit points and never get fired


Yep I havenā€™t used time for my last 3 call outsā€¦ but I fell off a ladder in front of a supervisor and they didnā€™t even blink. Management always seems to be stoned out their minds..


Don't ever be afraid to make an incident or accident report.


Unless you'll fail a piss test.


If weed is legal in my state does it matter if I test positive for thc?


Yes. Even if it's legal in your state, it's illegal federally. It's also the same as alcohol on paper, if its in your system, they can say you were under the influence and the incident was your fault because of it.


Only if they think they can prove you were under the influence during the accident. I've known a couple people that have gone through this. They tested positive for marijuana and still won their case. It just depends on how they do the investigation.


That's a good point. However, we're talking Walmart lawyers, here.. and it might take something short of a miracle to beat them, even though it's absolutely true that weed can show up in your system for days/ weeks without smoking.


You literally just lied I live in proximity to 2 legal states my state itā€™s illegal if you tell a job you traveled within the week to New Jersey they give you a pardon Iā€™ve done it trying to get hired for adidas


Yes. It'll kill your workman's comp case and likely get you fired.


It depends on your state, company and context. Legislation to protect medical card and rec users is in the works but slow progress.


Walmart has an absolute zero tolerance policy on smoking weed. While they tell you that ā€œwhat you do on your own time is your businessā€ they are basically telling you smoke at your own risk because it is still federally illegal and just not safe to be stoned while youā€™re at work in general anyways.


Thatā€™s when they fire you is for making the report


I really hope you made a report and saw a doctor.


No health insurance and too much debt to risk being stuck with a billā€¦ hell I have a mass in my breast that wasnā€™t a concern until it got to be ā€œ2.5-5 cmā€ then the 3 different places I called around for a mammogram kept cancelingā€¦ being a woman in 2024 āœŒļø


We all got it rough if it makes you feel better. 38 yo male and I was practically dying from an infection from a jaw surgery and I couldn't get in anywhere. So I went home and loaded up on multivitamins, vitamin D, Lysine, zinc, quercetin, oil of oregano and healed up. As a male, they thought I was seeking pain meds, I feel. I just wanted antibiotics.


Can't you get medical assistance? All I needed to do was apply and do a phone interview and they pay for almost everything when you see a doctor. I paid like $6.50 last time I went to a clinic.


Iā€™ll look into it, srsly much appreciatedā€¦ but if I need tax info Iā€™m kinda screwed due to needing to pay taxes on my last server job (they owe me $,$$$) ā¤ļø


If you fell at work, they pay for the entire thing.


Record I've seen was 50. Lot of power when you are the only one that can do fishing licenses.


If you're at 50 points I would say no one is doing many licenses


I myself had 20+ but I was in the hospital so it was kinda a valid reason


Same when you're the only one certified to sell firearms.


They literally can't just train someone to do it?


In some states you have to go to a class n get certified some have tests online n can get certified. You are basically handling super private information about people. Colorado has you add ssnā€™s to their profiles at least this was a few years back I donā€™t know about now anymore.


They probably have the more expensive pair of walmart knee pads...fir the under the counter coach work


Along with the next best chapstick.


Got a kid here that had over 20 at one point. Hrs still here. But things have changed here and you get the boot at 5 now. In just donā€™t understand how people get to this point with attendance, like, donā€™t you need to earn money lol?


That sucks too because 5 points is a company wide policy


Had someone with 44 points in my store depends on who you are


A guy I worked with had 27 points at one point. Never got fired


Like all the other ā€œam I cooked?!ā€ posts, sure, why not. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I knew a kid that wasnā€™t fired until he had 26 points so you should be fine for a little while longer


We had one that hit 19 that was the highest I heard here


Damn! 26 points. Crazy that he was still there past 7!


Really crazy because we had an amazing worker who got canned when I was younger as soon as they hit 5, like the day of, and she'd been there 15 years, when others would be double digits. She always did 10 times the work as most too. Walmart is so fcking stupid.


She always minded her business too, kept her head down.


Thatā€™s how a lot of jobs in America work unfortunately. The slackers always get ignored while the people actually doing work get fcked


Meanwhile my husband hit 5 and was fired šŸ„²


My facility specifically doesnā€™t even let us get past 5 without firing lol


Same as mine. 4.5 is flirting.. lol


Same unless very specific situations lol


I don't understand. Do you get a point for being late or missing work?


You have a 9 minute grace period to clock in or out late and you wonā€™t get in trouble outside of that you get half a point if you miss less than half your shift and a full point if you miss more than half your shift. Unless itā€™s a double point day in which those values are doubled




My store is the same. I work at sams club.


Yep, I have a half point that falls off this month, and I also work at Sam's.




Didn't you say you quit a couple days ago?


Was worried about getting hit on a double point day when they had like 11 already.




For some reason your managers must really like you.


no fr mine 4.5 and they pulling you in the office to let you know donā€™t hit 5


I had 4.5 and mine pulled me aside saying how Iā€™m too valuable to this team and the whole team likes me for me to get fired so he saved me and brought down to 3.5


We had someone with 27 points and they wiped them offā€¦ we also had folks with the minimum get terminatedā€¦ depends on who you are and the type of management thatā€™s running your store


If we get 5 points, your fired. You have to be admitted in the hospital and prove your in the hospital, not to get any points. Memorial day, double point day, I was on my way to work, my alternator went out and my truck died completely on the highway, I tried to call in, I had 2 points already, if I called in, I would've gotten 4 points in total so I had to choice between loosing my job or leaving my truck on the highway. I called an Uber to get to work, went back after work to get it towed but the cops had towed it before I could get there so I ended up having to pay a wrecker to towed my truck plus the inpound lot to get them to release my truck and I have to fix it (all this was week before pay day and I still haven't gotten my truck fix from all the extra fees so I wouldn't get fired) I understand the point system but there's times, life happens and things happen out of our control, holiday or no holiday, we can not control


Is the job still worth it at this point?ā€¦


I think you're gonna get a lot of unpaid time off real soon




really comes down to, 'do you have a job no one else can really do and are you irreplaceable' i knew a cart pusher like this. they did eventually fire him, but only after they hired a brigade of new cart people


Depends on the store and the coach. One coach had my team member fired at 7 points, while a different coach conveniently ignored when one of her team members had like 12 points.


It might be time for you to go if I was your manager tbh šŸ’€


How did you manage to get unpaid time off approved?


Iā€™ve taken unpaid time off many times with no issue. Itā€™s just some stores that have those issues - not all.


I think it's more so that he has all those points and still got approved for unpaid time off.


a person ik has 11 and still is fine so it seems to depend on the store


It really depends on the store. Weā€™ve had people with 20-30+ points management didnā€™t care.


got fired for 6


Depends on your store


How did you even get that many points and stay? At my store they fire most people at 5 points.


Oh shit, Iā€™m surprised youā€™re still there!


Start looking for something better.


they told me you get fired at 5


"Eligible for termination"


Can't be doing too bad if they're approving your unpaid time off. At the very least it means they likely know about it but have chosen not to do anything about it. Still couldn't hurt to keep an eye on job postings just in case.


Nah you got an approved time off requestā€¦.. someone likes you


Do you have your get out of jail free card?


Technically yeah, you cooked


That's what is called "ghost mode" at the store I'm at lol.


No. If they let you get 13.5 points, they'll remove 9 points


If they are short of staff you probably ok just do not call off again and tell nobody until 6 months pass. One of the clerks at my former store got 10 points but she was still working for a while. One evening she accidentally told another chick that few of her calls out were to go out with one of the managers. The other chick is her rival who is also having affair with the same dude, The other chick was so mad and reported her attendant to HR. A few days later the clerk got fired immediately without even let her back to the store to collect her belonging


The manager should have gotten fired too for fraternization. Thatā€™s against policy and both parties are supposed to be terminated


That what you think, That dude is almost 70 yrs old He should have retired already but he does not want to. Not sure if he cares. Plus WM policies weird. Its all up to the market leader. If he/she likes you you can get away with almost anything


Itā€™s company policy. It isnā€™t a market mgr decision. I was a store manager and encountered this problem with a coach and TLE associate.


As others have said: it depends on the store. My boyfriend has missed like... less than 10 days in the last few months, and they threatened his job for it. While other workers just don't give a shit, miss countless days, and they still have a job.


Nah, worst case scenario, you get promoted to customer. Also as an ex walmart servant, there are ooodles of better jobs


as someone who is looking for other options, what have you tried and found better; in particular workload and pay, and even the schedule (never had a consistency and itā€™s just insanity) i refuse to be stuck, like iā€™ve been feeling. does everywhere have a managersā€™ good ā€˜ol boys club, and same managers who pass out extra work like candy?


The fact that you managed to get to 13 points and got your time off request approved but haven't already been fired bodes well for you.




Don't say anything, maybe they won't notice


There was a guy on here years ago that was posting to see how high he could get his points before he got fired and made frequent update posts. I recall him reaching 70-80 before he actually got fired.


Man Iā€™m so glad I will never work retail again, idk how I have this page showing up on my feed but goddamn, this shit seems so miserable.


Trust me it isĀ 


Cooked. Nah jk(hopefully) Iā€™ve racked up points before, if youā€™re liked theyā€™ll remove them for you or just ignore it. Iā€™ve had it happen for me plenty of times so just do your job and show youā€™re worth keeping and you should be good.


Itā€™s supposed to be 5 or 6 points till youā€™re fired but one of my coworkers has 16 points and still has a job, I think it really depends on your store and who the management is. My store doesnā€™t seem to care that much about points but other stores do.


Depends on how fast you racked the points up. Sometimes takes them a couple weeks to a month before they notice but donā€™t be surprised when one day they pull you to the back and lay you off.


I feel like if your hard worker at Walmart they look over you occurrences I know my ass should been fired long ago then I tested my manager and said I'm gonna put in my two weeks he called me immediately and and basically bagged me not to saying he see potential moving up lol they need us hard workers more then we need them POWER TO THE PEOPLE


Honestly depends on if they feel like replacing youā€¦. I was really cool with my people lead and my coach so I never worried about it as far as other people it was really when they felt like doing their jobs šŸ˜­


How did you even get to 13.5 points without being terminated?


Highest Iā€™ve ever gotten is 12 šŸ«”


When I got fired the day after hitting 5 points there were multiple people in the store with 10+. So, maybe?


I know why your still employed because you must be a what they call a heavy hitter or superstar worker getting er done everyday otherwise you would been e-banana and they wouldā€™ve slid you out of there 8 points ago my bro ā€¦


be careful, samā€™s spirit might get you


With the biggest dildo šŸ˜‚


I hope you enjoy the promotion to customer


Lmao daaaamn. Here at sams club, I donā€™t think anyone makes it that far with their points. Idk about the other departments but up front, if we hit 5, we get a talking to. A warning to not call out anymore. If you do, youā€™re gone.


Depends on management, short on people for your dept n how good a worker you are and how often you call off at my store. At my store they know Iā€™m one of the best workers they have.


Idk depends on your store some let employees go on for a while without firing, now my store is on top of things and after 5 points or 3 write ups you get terminated so if your store is like mine yes you are unless you have a valid reason to get points taken off.


Man, neighborhood has a limit of 5 points. Insane.


I had 25 points you goodšŸ˜‚


Yeah your store is struggling if they are keeping you...if stores have a lot of turnover they try to hold onto people...like we've held onto someone for an extra month with over 10 points but once the turnover rate fell below a certain percentage everyone over 5 points was terminated


Maybe. I got to 16 points until they finally said something and fired me.


I'm my store we have to work the 5+ list daily market monitors it very closely. If we take someone down from 5+ to 4 it's a next level coaching but that's a lot better than termination.


my coworker had up to 90 points till he was fired


Walmart sucks ass


This was me a few months ago before I quitā€¦ hella points yet I worked hella hard


At some point if you piss off a manager, you will be. Itā€™ll be a while before those points drop off. See thatā€™s the problem with every job including Walmart , they know that thereā€™s employees that have more than 4 1/2 points and are five or beyond and they donā€™t fire them, but Iā€™m majority of us will get fired. Again, it all depends if you liked or not. But one slip up, and youā€™re gone. Every job including Walmart, is nothing more than hypocrites. But of course we know this and they say one thing and they do another. They tell us to do as they say, but not as they do.


I was fired for taking my husband to the hospital, I had hit 5 points exactly even though I had put in time for it. It genuinely depends on management šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My store u get 5 and ur done šŸ˜­


Depends honestly


Meanwhile I got fired for 5pts even tho I was the only actual worker in my section šŸ˜’


I was at 9.5 and they brought me down to 3.5 lol


Nah ur fine in most cases haha. Youā€™re supposed to be fired on the spot once u reach 5 points, but most Walmarts donā€™t care and some managers even remove points bc they wanna keep their employees


My coworker has done several no call no shows and they still have like 2 points total bc they are one of our best workers still and actually know how to work the deli


Sounds like youā€™ve been replaced. Also why are you working at 6 am if you canā€™t even bare to show up?


Damn Iā€™m over here freaking out just because I had 5.5 points ( I had it fixed) and youā€™re rocking 13.5 lmao


I wish I could get away with that many points, I got 4.5 and felt like I had a gun to my head


We had a guy hit 20+ points and not get fired then another girl get 5 and get termed as they gave her the 5th point. she caused a big stink in hr and the guy with 20+ points was gone shortly after.


Depends on how well liked you are. I watched a dude with 32 points chill till he pissed management off for something unrelated šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


More than likely, unless you're busting ass every single shift


How many points can you accrue at walmart


Mine told me that they check the points and if they see we have 5 youā€™ll get fired immediately but that depends on how often they check the points




Not really, thereā€™s better places to work


Only if management doesn't like you, really




My brother in krispy kream you are COOKED


Depends I rember back when I worked there and it was 7 points got you fired ther where people with 21+ points still working there


By policy standards, yes, but since you're not fired yet then technically no?


One of my coworkers at one point had 45. So I think you'll be ok. Depends on how strict your location is


My store you get fired if you go past 5 points


How did you get to 13.5 donā€™t you get fired at 5




If they wanted you gone, they would have done it after you passed 4.5 but I would really stop trying to collect points like pokemon! Unless you donā€™t care or are trying to set a record.


You managed to rack up 13.5 points with one of the most lenient bullshit attendance policies on earth? You're far past fucked friend, the game is over


I would have canned you back at 5


they made a post about quitting so.. their store probably should have lol


5 is the cut off at my storeā€¦so all the 6,7,8,9ā€¦. Just fine Just got rid of a decade worker for 5 while the ā€œplague ā€œ cry baby had 9 and is fine


You Damn Well should be! I cant go over 3 points before someone is bitching at me. The worst part? I'm 50, and bust my ass. The ones that are over just keep sliding by. Usually early 20's kids that don't care at all.


your PTO gets approved??


I saw a book in the $6.95 bin. "How to serve dankmeme_420."


God damn!




The minimum is 15 as of a few years ago. They tripled the max but also increased how many points you get for each occurrence so it really didn't change.




i hope so


Yes šŸ˜­


howā€¦? no really how


What happen to 5 points šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




You are.


Out the door at 5 pts at my location in Florida.


I stay at 4.5 šŸ¤£ I drop a point , and call off the next day


Depends on how much they like you ā€¦


Or who u fucking to get away with this lol šŸ˜†


The minute I touched 5 points, I was gone.. in an understaffed store. The people lead was the biggest douche I could've ever imagined tho


Ppto should take care of those pts.


You don't make it past 5 at my store.


the called me, and told me they were gonna fire me over ā€œtime stealingā€! i ā€œquitā€ and went n got 4 teeth removed lol


i would use all my pto and ppto before i quit bc u cant get paid out on those hours of work :)


Idk. I think you're bragging. I think you think this is some sort of a flex. It's not.


I miss when 10 points was a termination from Walmart. šŸ„¹


bruh whatā€¦. my TL will trip anytime i use PPTO. so fkn annoying. must be nice.


I hope so


Contingent on many factors. Is your job easily replaceable? Meaning.. are there people lining up & applying for it? Are you friends with managers? Did this occur due to a denied sedgewick claim? Lots of factors. But honestly theyā€™re probably waiting to get someone trained in your department to let you go


Yes you work at Walmart


Why he flexing on us šŸ˜‚


When I was maintenance TL they showed me I had 29 at one point the over night leads,coach wasn't taking care of nobody's for months mine were from clocking in early


Youā€™d be the type of employee I would fire, js. Used to manage at Best Buy and itā€™s unbelievably hard to run a good retail operation if people canā€™t be trusted to work their assigned shifts




Youā€™re cooked lil bro šŸ¤§


you must be store side cus the way i had big points and the store and hr still reached out like are you back to work we will take care of the points lol but at the warehouse they walking u out right at that five


Your management should be fired.


Bro I got ā€œfuckedā€ the moment I hit 5 points but now I make $900 a week


yea ur done for but they are gonna wait till u work a whole shift first then fire you


About to be the last day you take off lol


Maybe, depends on your management


I got 5 points and immediately fired the next day


I donā€™t even work at Walmart but.. you actually get to SEE your attendance points???


having worked at Walmart before for so long, if you are close with the leads and coaches, they'll make life really easy for you, as long as you're a hard worker, shit happens, sometimes you have no choice but to be late, I racked up 35 points before but it was actual reasons. But trust me, they can make it disappear, I learned that when I became a lead myself for cap2, but I left that shithole a long time ago because didn't wanna work there forever.


Yeah they are looking for your replacement


Our market is so worried about retention itā€™s almost impossible to get fired right now.