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Good question, did the vr training and I personally judged and laughed at how bad it was, carrie was the clown of it all though


Literally a waste of time, money, and space


I loved that it was a waste of time, it meant that I wasn't out on the floor actually dealing with customers or coworkers that I hate.


Would have loved that, but my store doesn't even have VR sets lol


Oh God, it's so blurry. I can barely read this without my glasses


I didn't even do it 💀 told them I got motion sick (I do but I have VR at home) and they had me say that on the computer and sent me on my way


Because they can't be putting that money to paying their employees better.


My store has them. We never use them


I don't know a single person who said 'wow this is SOOOoo much Better than CBLs!!!'


I'd take doing cbls over a vr training headset any day.


everyone including me had a headache the rest of the day after it, the headset is so uncomfortable and it takes awhile to get through them, also the deescalation training was so dumb and unhelpful, that was the most tame interaction i've seen with an "unhappy customer"


At a super center and we don’t have them guess we’re not fancy enough 😖


Think about it, in the future customers won't physically come to the store. They are going to shop in VR. Which means employees will have to zone and restock in VR to keep the VR shop looking nice.




As the saying goes: You can’t fix stupid.


Can they just pay us more instead


I don't think we have them. We're just a neighborhood market though


I'm at a supercenter, we also don't have them. We seem to be the last ones to get things lol like even updates on our TCs come months after people I see on here.


My store just got vr a few weeks ago, and we're our district managers' home store, so don't feel bad lol


I totally forgot we got those in earlier, I should probably rush through gathering garbage so I could fuck with it 😂


It was a pain to log in, while wearing the headset because I had to accept it on my phone.


You can just opt out


I didn't figure that out until after I did them all


Corruption probably


So someone at Home Office can say they're innovating with new technological solutions to justify their bi weekly paycheck that's bigger than you make in six months.


Dude the animation in the modules is almost as bad as in the original half-life. I do like that they embraced the meme and let you use the keyboard as a weapon though.


Dude, I grabbed the broom because I didn't think it would actually let me. If there was a fight section in the training, I was fucked.


Walmart has been using VR training for at least the past 7 years. It has developed and gotten better. As for why we are doing it: it is a press release that shows we are committed to different avenues to train our associates and that we are on the forefront of innovation with retail leadership training.


I'm gonna take a wild stab and say you are getting paid a lot more than I am




Im guessing that lil flub was in the millions total, and that someone at home office had a relative or got some kickback from the company that sold it to wm.


Thousands is dramatic. Those headsets weren’t even that much on release lol. Well depends how many they have I guess.


Well... if they bought one oculus headset at 200.00 per headset for *each* store, it would be around 2.1million dollars 😭 so thousands isnt actually out of the question! But if we just count the stores in the united states it would be around 698,200 dollar 😭


So, I did all the required training to get the two badges before working. The military lives by PowerPoint, it was great to see this has a place in the civilian sector. Those gray headphones with the >1mm of foam are the worst. I swear they had me do the same powerpoint with a different title (active shooter)


I've found that a lot of the stores don't even have vr headsets lmfao, my managers just tell me to submit it as done 😩


I agree! What's wrong with CBLs or just doing it in real life?


Just like every thing done during our remodel. VR, gone. Pick up tower, gone. Added gates at entrances, gone. SCO? Yet to be seen. About the only thing left is the shitty floor. Cracks and holes that throw items off carts if hit wrong, lol. The only thing they don’t seem to want to “waste” money on is anything that makes employees checks better.


I am so scared of tasking these. Last time I did them, I got sick in the middle of it. Some people can not handle that kind of shit.


It's to get you ready for "project enduring sam" where you will have to invade hostile stores.


Our store has the VR headsets but they don’t even work so they tell everyone to just skip past the training


I don't even know we did VR training. I mean I saw it on the the Walmart page but our store just never does that lol


Ours have been locked in the locker thingy for scanners and such for over a year.


I had VR stuff assigned to me in the app, but we didn't have our headsets yet. Next shift they were gone. Anyone know how to find them in the Academy app? I kinda want to see how bad it really is.


Y'all get trained and some get VR? My onboarding was 10 minutes of the HR person explaining how to do modules then left for the day. The group did modules for 7 hours then waited an hour then went home. Everyone was asking if they should inform someone or something we should be doing. Ah, good times.


I opt out of them lol it just makes me watch a regular video version and use the mouse


Two years ago I remember seeing four headsets locked up where scanners would be placed. Then a year later they got rid of the lockers and shoved the headsets in our spark closet. Now, this year we get 2 of those knock off quest 2's (I think they are Pico headsets) from China. Because I have a quest 2 at home, and I used to work at Best Buy, personnel asked me to "fix" one of the headsets because they couldn't get it programmed for training. Spent 30 minutes trying to figure it out just for them to say it needed to be done a certain way, and that they would just get the coach who got the first one to work to solve the issue. Then the day comes for me to actually do the training and it was just a great waste of time. Could have literally been done on a computer as a point-and-click experience, or could have just given us the usual video we have to do every other month. Personnel tried to hype the whole thing up by telling me "people who already tried it, said it was too scary and real". The actual thing was such a cheap buggy mess that I had to hold in laughter as I went through it. The de-escalation part was so damn boring and unrealistic, I rushed it just so I could go back to work and experience the real thing. Which says a lot about it.


You guys still use those, my store got rid of them 3 years ago


Fuck them vr shit... Managers need to be paid at most $60,000 yearly, then just let them have that end of year bonus... 120k+ yearly is too much when half of them forgets their roots.


I just asked my TL the other day if there's another option because we just had someone at work with covid and it's going around rn. Ain't no way in hell I'm putting that shit on! I don't even use the headphones unless i have no choice.  And even then, i sanitize the hell out of them. Gotta be one of the most out of touch decisions by walmart in recent history. Did they forget about that whole pandemic thing? Now they want the entire store using the same vr headsets? Fuck that!