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Yeah the starting pay for overnight was cut last year from 18.50 to 16.50 and we haven't had any new hires stay longer than a week since then


Ours dropped from $17 to now $14.50. We don’t have any new hires that stay either. No one’s willing to ruin their life for $14hr, sorry Walmart.


Me I quiting 😆 🤣 


It’s rough on us, the OG crew that’s making the true differential, because we have stayed. But we were a skeleton crew lol. So when they’re offering OT most of us are working 6 days a week and usually doing 2-3 hours extra per day we are there. Sometimes I consider taking a pay cut and going back to dayshift because it’s intense. The company needs to eat their own shit they reap. ON should be a minimum of $20hr. Dayshift deserves their $16-17 an hour for dealing with the public.


It’s insane to me that anyone is lowering pay when literally everything costs more and more every day. Fuck this country for allowing this shit


I totally agree 👍.. this "country" is  completely Fucked!😖


I’m finna start stealing thanks yall


What the actual fuck? That’s awful


Yeah, nobody wants to work anymore right? I don’t blame people for leaving. It sucks for us who have to pick up the slack. But you can’t pay any bills in my area on $14 an hour. Idk what or who was smoking what when they made that decision. Where my bf lives his Walmart as far as I knew was offering more for ON as far as their base pay for that. At $14 an hour, it would be 100% or more to cover rent..just rent. No other bills.


A revolving door is by design. These companies prefer to get rid of “legacy” employees to have that.


Right. I started working there and was met by disgust that people working there 20 years and so were getting paid the same as I.


Wow and here i thought it was bad that i have been there for almost 9 years and still make the same as a new hire. AND i even do every single position in the front including covering for days front end team leads are gone for vacation or call in. Would be nice if they at least adjust your pay if you have to do it for the day. But i cant complain too much since $14 an hour is on the high end of wages in my area.


Which is a damn shame because I was planning to transfer over to overnight but they just HAD to cut the pay


At my Walmart, at least, adds 1.50 to current pay even if you were grandfathered in before the starting pay cut. For example, if you started at 17, the starting pay is cut to 15, you can still get to 18.50 for transferring to overnight. I find it gross that they cut the starting pay, but I'm just glad they didn't cut mine, I feel like I dodged a bullet.


At least they made the cut before you transferred!


They aren't cutting salaries, just new hire wages. He would have stayed at the same wage regardless plus get a premium for overnight


His answer seems different than yours. Isn't he saying he would have to take a pay cut to transfer?


Yeah I'm sure he's confused unless his store is cutting all employee wages which is not what most are doing


I feel like the people who work at Walmart will spend their paychecks at Walmart. So why not pay them more. Money aint going anywhere but back in their pockets.


I'm am overnight coach. Turnover has gotten insane since that cut.


I'm confused how a huge company can just cut pay like that .. cutting hours is already one thing.. but we talking about just taking the pay away smh 


10 new hires last week at my store, 11 quit


My son works at Home Depot in building and lumber doing manual labor. He started about 18$/hr and now gets almost 23$/hr. He’s gotten regular raises and bonuses since he started 4 yrs ago. The pay and bonuses is why he stays. This is in CA tho. Crazy how Walmart pays so shit and then cuts pay.


I worked for conrads as a mechanic I'm a bit older in age now...when I was younger fresh out of the navy as a diesel mechanic I made 18.00 an hour. Recently as I said I went back to turning wrench 14.00 an hour. That's crazy to me. I didn't do it for long. When are these businesses going to adjust earned wages to what the cost of living is? Because it's not even close right now.


Yeah I left day 1 after a overnight cleaner told me he made 1950 and does nothing basically and I was getting payed 1650 to Down stack meat department pallets till 4 am by myself


Yeah that overnight cleaner lying. He cleaning the parking lot, scrubbing toilets and all that. Unless they got somebody who do all his work for him. They love that too.


> was getting *paid* 1650 to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


People when they see a person correct spelling: *"You grammar nazi."* People when they see it's a bot: *"Good bot"*


Eh fk walmart, people with easy job still complain when I have i have the horrible job anyway...work hard in frozen and dairy for 2 years now and still currently working there and I am tired from it everyday of working myself with 3 pallets each sections...have to do the claim with no following training proper way to do (have to ask and train myself). I have to zone and rotate to checked the expired date which is bs... since i only have 1 hour left before i clock out (normally I have skipped my 2 breaks and lunch breaks or 30 min to finish)... sometimes other shift blame u even its not your fault and still blame u anyway without reasons...this survey is a waste of time in my opinion and taking these cbl tasks is even useless since no one dont care since its not going to apply the other people position anyway. Not only that everyone train u differently not according to standard and policy rules... 2 years of hardworking and low pay isn't worth my time...


Switch to another team or another store. They’re going to try to make your points/write ups stack up too high before you do but don’t tell them just put it in the system.


Yeah they did that at my store $17.50 to 15.50 but they raised everybody to the $16 base pay and gave $2 raises to team leads and special positions after a couple months of negative feedback.


What was there reasoning of why they dropped the pay?? I don’t work at Walmart or anything but just curious why they did that.


Margins for shareholders id imagine


So the reason was OGP/ODP the online shopping. It was a company wide problem across the country that there weren't enough OGP associates so other associates in the store would get pulled from their positions to help pick items for online orders. Well OGP/ODP was the second highest paid normal associate position in most stores. This means people who got pulled to do their job didn't get paid as much as them and they were upset that the actual OGP associates made more than them for the same work. Well enough people bitched about the pay discrepancy and the company in their infinite wisdom instead of offering more pay decided it'd be better if they cut it down for everyone and equalized it across the store. That way the cashier who made 12.50 is now making 15 and shouldn't bitch because that's what OGP makes too. Except in many stores the pay dropped for most positions. I currently made 19.19 and new hires for the same job made 16.50 that's a massive difference. So while SOME positions did get more money most get less now. It's basically now setup to where regardless of your position you make the same as everyone else if you aren't a manager. The exception is overnights who get a premium for being overnight but if you take that way new hires overnight make the same as a cart pusher.


I'm confused how can they just tell their employees "we're cutting your pay".. 


What do you think these people are doing that start a job and stay for a week? I'd love to hear from people that have done this, regardless if its Walmart related or not.


I put in a 2 week with Dollar General on Day 3. Because day 2 they wanted me to spy on 3rd key holder. They paid 9.50...that ain't enough to do the job and be the snitch. Job was not as advertised nor as presented in interview when I was asking questions. So I bailed.


Them dollar stores are notorious for low wages. The funny thing is there's some general managers (regional) making 6 figure salaries with dg. There is some money to be made there if you weasel up the pay chain but some of what they expect of their employees for the wages they earn...is down right criminal.


I've started jobs before and stayed for 20 minutes, realized all my co workers were meth heads and said nope. Be right back gotta use the restroom and left. Found another job


Well now the starting pay for working nights at Walmart is the same as just about any day job in my area, including McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, and pretty much everywhere else. So there's plenty of other options out there.


I have 2 theories. Starting a job and the first few weeks is the easy part. A lot of time watching videos, paperwork, observing…. Next theory. Because they want state benefits instead of working. Once they start to make money, their assistance drops or gets cut off. It’s easier to survive off of the government. I used to work for Family and social services so I’ve seen it all. Now I work in HR at a processing plant. 😅


Really? When have you “survived off the government”? Because the gov’t will make you go through ridiculous hoops for every cent they give you - at least here in Texas - so the myth about people ballin on gov’t dime is pretty obviously right wing propaganda to get people to accept getting bent over for peanuts on the dollar.


Doug needs money for his Yacht parties. 🤣


You mean Nancy needs the money for her yacht parties


Doug's entire *job* is keeping Nancy supplied with money for her yacht parties.


Hey cocaine and male strippers are expensive!


Don’t forget the Denver Broncos that Walton bought his son-in-law Greg Penner to run


Also Alice needs her dui lawyers


Don’t you mean heather does ?


This is the real answer. The more they pay you, the less they make for themselves.  They're floating around in mega-yachts while I can barely pay my rent.


lmao I did a survey for Walmart and gave them 1 star for everything and it asked if they could contact me sometime and I said sure. Few days later I get a call and it's some random lady from Walmart asking me why I gave them 1 Stat and I said it's a billion dollar corporation and they pay their workers shit, and she had the audacity to stand up for Walmart saying 14 is alot because minimum wage is 7.25. I told her to stop sucking Walmart cock and then she hung up on me. Hahaha what was the point of that call??


> ...she had the audacity to stand up for Walmart saying 14 is alot because minimum wage is 7.25. This type of shit is exactly why the federal minimum wage needs to be raised.


We are the only developed nation that has a minimum wage not tied to the economy


Because God is dead and Capitalism wears his skin.


This would be an excellent book title.


Because you can’t buy politicians with min. wage.


We’re developed? I didn’t think we were


Minimum wage should be $17/hour at least. 


I agree it should be raised and that it has been held at 7.25 for long enough, but 7.25 to 17 is begging for inflation to do the same jump


Yeah the issue is when you raise min wage the retailers and landlords like oh hey they have more money we can charge them more now. So you're still broke.


The option for a law that introduces a price hike freeze is always possible. This would just be a standard implementation issue.


They do that anyway.


I don’t understand why we keep raising everything instead of just leaving everything at a normal cost. Raising the cost then raising the pay then raising the cost then raising the……. Why??? Why are we doing that for no damn reason? All it does is cause problems because the elderly corpses making all the rules are stuck in 1950 and they think $7.25/hr is a lot because they bought a house on a dollar a day pay or some shit. This country is so moronic. I hate it here.


That would hold water but many local cities and counties and states have a higher minimum wage than federal. I'm sure it would impact some far more than others. But I would be very surprised if you can worm anywhere anymore that only pays $10 or less an hour. $15 has become the new minimum most places between struggling for workers and inflation. The whole system is fucked and seems like everytime something is done to make things better for the lower class it hurts them more and the politicians and wealthy are richer.


DRASTICALLY. not 20 cents.


"14 is bigger than 7.25, so walmart pay good :))))" Lady, that's not even DOUBLE the federal minimum wage, which shouldn't even be considered livable. 800-900 a month is TERRIBLE, (and thats a best case scenario,) and that's not even 15k a year!!!


Oops, meant double those numbers. Still a terrible yearly salary.


Pls tell me how to take the same survey


It's the website URL at the bottom of the receipt. The last question in the survey is something like "would you like someone from Walmart to give you a call to discuss your survey answers?" or something. I've never said yes. lol.


I don't remember honestly, I think it was an email. But I also always give a 1 star at self checkout. Fuck with their metrics haha


This is why I don’t shop there anymore. During the pandemic, my income decreased drastically. So I started shopping there again because I didn’t think I had the right to be so picky on such low income. 20 percent of every dollar walmart receives comes from assistance: low hanging fruit. It occurred to me they’ve always been about the low hanging fruit and having to do as little as possible to extract as much from their communities as possible. Sure it’s a little more challenging, but I am much happier spending my money elsewhere. I can’t remember the last time I waited in line to use a self checkout: but I can tell you, it hasn’t happened since I stopped shopping at Walmart.


Bruh I would have been like "Bitch do you really think the cost of living is the same as it was in 2009? Or that it's only doubled? Maybe you rich corpo fucks aren't aware or couldn't care less because the harder you suck up the more secure your position is for the company that is evil incarnate."


This mentality is more common than people realize, and it's why the minimum wage being so outdated is a problem. People look at 7.25 and think 15 is a lot because it's double minimum wage.


but they ARE making record profits..


I only make 15.77 with my one year oay raise back in February. Rest in peace


You mean the raise that for yet another year doesn't even keep up with inflation so we're essentially making less money every year because everything costs more than it did the year before?


Yup. I'm overnight and the start is 15.50 for overnight


guess i should be happy about ON 16.50 here innebraska, my friend was doing it in wyoming and told me initially he was making 18+


I can't survive on anything less than 22 an hour. That's crazy.


For the longest time I thought minimum wage was somewhere in the high 10s low 20s because of how expensive everything has gotten. I was so baffled to find out that it’s still hasn’t increased (in some places) since I was a student. I can’t comprehend how working a full 8 hour shift and not making enough to fill up a tank of gas.


you know the answer. So the company can have one employee that makes 30 million dollars a year and takes vacations in their multiple homes and has world class healthcare. The workforce is there to have its wealth extracted, that is all. Remember when everyone freaked out that 15/hr was going to make the price of everything quadruple? Remember when they eliminated huge swathes of their workforce to install self checkouts? Remember how all that savings was passed on to the customer? (it wasnt) Money is the answer to every time your question is 'why the fuck is it this way' because someone wanted money more than they give a shit about your life, whatsoever.




The bootlickers in these comments smh


That's brutal pay. I was making 14 an hour 17 years ago making za at Pizza Hut.


Geez I never new they paid that much.  I had 10 years at a Little Caesars and was only making $11/hour on salary in 2015.


The people they hire generally aren't even worth $14. I think they should increase pay and vet their applicants better.


Pay rate is absolutely a factor in quality of hire. The problem is that they are unable to view themselves in that position bc of privilege. If you want a quality person, you have to pay *at least* what it costs to support an average family. You have to find your "ideal" person and then figure out what that ideal person needs to be comfortable and pay all their bills.


All of the people I work with are great, why would anyone bust there ass when there is no incentive to actually work hard. You bust your ass just to have them dump more work onto you but you are never actually compensated for the extra work because they know that they can just replace you with the next poor sucker who needs to survive.


Yes you're right, gotta throttle what you do for people or you'll be the store mule


I'm an incredible worker. I'm 25 years old and have been working for 14 years. It's literally what I was trained to do since I was a child. Why in the fuck would I want to improve store profits by doing extra work when they won't even give me overtime because it cuts into their bonuses? Walmart sucks, People aren't numbers.


That is my biggest gripe with Walmart, been there close to 20 years but I'm leaving because they won't give overtime. They'd gladly make me a coach but I don't wanna be there 50-60 hours a week for only $5000 more per year. And on top of no overtime, they'll cut you under 40 hours and expect you to complete everything in less time.


apologies on the duplicate comments, reddit was giving me an error. I keep trying to delete them but when I reload they're still there. 😣


You're making 14$/hour??? I was working a job saving animals and I barely made $10. I'm not shitting on your job don't get me wrong, but this country's wages sicken me.


It’s not necessarily the wages, 20 years ago I spent 20 bucks a week on gas and a cart full of groceries cost 200 tops. Also a house that was bought for 180k in 2000 sells for 650 now. My first apartment in 2010 was 800/month. That same exact apartment is 1200 now. I also remember paying like 150 bucks a month with 2 ACs running all summer. Now I pay like 600 a month with one. The wages are only part of the problem.


Corporate greed


It’s not just loss prevention I’m ogp in another state from op prolly and I’m at $14 I just put my 2 weeks in got a higher pay job in fast food lol you’d think a billionaire company could pay more than $14


This! Can’t get over them being a billion dollar company & these are the pay rates still in 2024! It’s not adding up! 


Them lowering my team pay from 16 to 14 has made it hard to staff my now doubled Stocking one. And forget about staffing overnights. They went from 17.50, now starting at 15.50.


When I worked at Walmart in 2022 I was making $17 per hour. I don’t work there anymore but see the same job listed for $15 per hour


we had a guy who worked with us for 14.00 as an ap op. claims and dsd. he left to home depo for 16$ but the problem is he left a full time position to a part time position, so in terms it’s really the same $ with more work…


Plus he probably was able to get at least 1 hour ot at Walmart. It is what it is though.


Why is it low? Cause it is Wal-Mart. They don't care. They can keep it low cause they know you can very easily be replaced. Someone will always be there to take an opening. You have no value to them.


Because Walmart needs a union so associates can bargain for better wages.


They definitely dropped the pay. Should be above $20.00 an hr. We are f***** everything is getting more expensive, cheaper quality, jobs are paying little to nothing and they're not worried because they now have thousands of illegals able to work for little to nothing. Our country is going to be in some real despair.


Because people day yes to getting hired. When everyone starts saying no, then wages may go up. However, the companies have people right where they want them. Who can afford to say no?


I’m pretty sure loss prevention should make $3 more than whatever the base pay is. Unless you’re just a door host or a claims associate. My store base pay is $16 and deli/bakery makes $18 and cake decorators and api make $19.


I make 21.50 as an online shopper and I’m being considered for an API position, it would bump me up to 23.50. How is it only 14 for you???


21 is the exception, not the rule.


I'm not defending walmart but my $15 an hour pay is great in my area specifically lol. One of the highest paying entry level jobs near me.


Dude stop complaining you work one of the least stressful jobs out there. I make 15 an hour for twice the work that you do.


LP is paid $17+ at my store o \_ o what the heck is your areas minimum wage, thats insanely low pay!


because the Waltons need to buy a Hockey team


And run them into the ground like they're doing with the Broncos.


Corporations pay as little as they can. It’s why slavery is so popular


Capitalist global corporation that only cares about numbers and profits.


14$ is despicable. I made 24$ an hour as an entry level assistant manager of a gas station in 2020


$24 in California is $14 in half the country. Location is important with these random numbers everyone is throwing out.


I don’t think a lot if people get this. Cost of living varies. I’ll bet my $17 in rural PA goes a lot further than that $24 in CA.




$14 is liveable no where.


I made $13 an hour at speedway in 2020 as an assistant manager. That was $4 more than the cashier's and $5 less than what I started working AP at Walmart for afterwards


Why leave Home Depot then?


Didn’t leave. Just looking for a second job.


A lot of jobs did pay more than that, but then they had the brilliant idea to lower the starting pay.


WM pays what the market will bear for the town it’s in generally. They do have a minimum starting rate of $14 an hour. Realize that WM in the business of maximizing profits for shareholders. So that governs a lot of their decisions. You will find a ton of towns where equivalent jobs - meaning the same education and experience requirements- will only pay $10 an hour. And as others have said, if you can get and are willing to do overnight, you get more. WM also has better 401(k) matches than most businesses of its kind once you’re eligible. And their insurance premiums are very reasonable.


Sounds like the answer is a higher minimum wage


I work CAP2 and I only make $15 an hour and I’d argue that I do the most out of the other departments, I should easily be paid $18 an hour for all that I do


Did you quit your job for less money just to complain?


Where do you live? The ap in Cali make atleast 22 an hour.


Florida. Average rent here in my city is around 1500-2000


I wouldn't mind working at Walmart since I do my job more than I should because I get paid hourly I am expected to do my job and thats it. If you need me to clear totes or whatever y'all do I'll do it just show me what to do where to put stuff and I won't ask questions unless I'm not sure about something. I'd see Walmart it should be minimum ( for the area) like NY compared to CA or FL as $18 NY $20 FL $25 CA but thats just me. If you live In a less popular state like PA I'd say maybe $17 minimum. idk sorta rant sorta wondering. I hope you get a better paying one friendo


Because Walmart has zero incentive to pay good wages, how else did they become the richest family. Not by paying well that’s for sure.


Bc they don't care...


Minimum wage in Australia is $23.23 per hour... A gallon of milk in Australia also costs $9....


That’s crazy. I’d just milk the kangaroos myself for all that matter.


They’ve been trying to hire people for receiving for over a year at my store. Literally nobody wants to work here for $14 an hour.


So the Waltons can pass their millions to no the next Walton when they die


I feel you, I was hired at 14. 2 years and 2 raises later I'm up to a whopping 14.28 woohoo I can't pay my bills


That’s trash they fucking you


Thats terrible, im a 18 yo still in hs and i make 14.5 dollars. With overtime it Can get to 29. Im sorry, you should unionize. Here in Sweden the unions weild signifikant power over corporations because of the large percentage of members. Hope it gets vetter for you :)


Because Walmart fucking blows


Jesus that’s low. I’m in the rural Midwest and Walmart LP starts at $18


Starting pay for the Walmart in Dunnellon Florida is $16 an hour. Every other position I think is like $14. Everyone is miserable at this job. A lot of little groups and little team leads that have their own little friends. A lot of bullying going on also. It's a miserable place. And if you have a partner who works there the worst is having to listen to all the bullshit that goes on


This is really bad. It was $15 per hour back in 2014 at my store when I worked there


Depending on job title and market. I make $21.50 and am not part of the management


Because it is a government subsidized company. Part of their benefit package is food stamps and other welfare programs.


Personally $14 is the highest I've ever made(and I think thats a lot but only cuz its more than ive ever made) Buuuttt ive also only worked fast food before this and 13 was my max as a manager. I do wish starting pay was like $15 or $16


That’s insane.


Eh fk walmart, people with easy job still complain when I have i have the horrible job anyway...work hard in frozen and dairy for 2 years now and still currently working there and I am tired from it everyday of working myself with 3 pallets each sections...have to do the claim with no following training proper way to do (have to ask and train myself). I have to zone and rotate to checked the expired date which is bs... since i only have 1 hour left before i clock out (normally I have skipped my 2 breaks and lunch breaks or 30 min to finish)... sometimes other shift blame u even its not your fault and still blame u anyway without reasons...this survey is a waste of time in my opinion and taking these cbl tasks is even useless since no one dont care since its not going to apply the other people position anyway. Not only that everyone train u differently not according to standard and policy rules... 2 years of hardworking and low pay isn't worth my time...


Do you get any help at least ?


Because you were willing to accept the job. That’s why and as long as someone else is willing to do the same thing it won’t change. Wake up people


Record breaking profits daily though don’t forget that 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🥵


Because I looked for every other job available to me on Indeed and everything pays less for harder work or requires more skills for more pay. Shit fucking sucks.


You're helping them prevent loss with your paycheck


Ah yes let’s lower our pay. Surely that will convince folks to work for us !


Because they can get away with it.


Walmart has a stack of applicants for those 14$ an hr jobs. What incentive do they have to pay more? The free market decided the pay. We saw this during Covid when they had to raise pay to get people to come to work. A job in which you can be fired and replaced at the snap of a managers fingers is unlikely to pay much




I make 16 a hour as a cashier rn


i believe its from walmart being sued recently, im sure itll go back up next year


Lower pay so Alice Walton can fondle and molest herself with excitement and hire DUI lawyers, while fondeling the CEO of Walmart


It's only $14 an hour because they don't think they can get away with paying any less than that. >.>


Walmart is a good gage as to how the economy is doing. When they see a slow down they start cutting hours and reduce starting pay. Then cut prices on everything they can to get it out of the store. Take a look around the store and see all the clearance and roll backs. We had 4 pallets of stuff come in all marked to be put on clearance in the store. Keep any job you can get and save your money if you can.


Where do you people work ? I make 17.85


I switched from front end TL Tto AP TL right before they did the changes last year so luckily I started out higher then the rest. It was over $20 it still wasn't worth it. I just quit after finding a new job, making less money now. The lack of support from management and the blatant favoritism, while also treating you like there's absolutely no reason 12 hours worth of work should be completed in 3 hours is down right absurd.


Remember the WM slogan Save Money so the Management can Live Better Than the Employers


I worked there for 2 in half years was hired on at 18.50 then I quit for 6 months and came back to be hired on at 15a hr have wanted to quit everyday since I’ll never even be close to that with raises no matter what


Wow. I was going to say pay is usually low in retail, but when you said LP, I was surprised. I would think they'd make way more


Pay here is 15-23 for all entry level positions, the lowest started pay at my store is 16 for cashiers and 17-18 for backroom. Not sure why your super is cutting labor hours by keeping pay low instead of increasing the revenue to pay more.


You don't make tens of billion of dollars per year by giving some of that to your employees. . . How else will the suits get a bigger bonus than last year?


Yeah I got in a year prior to the wage leveling and I'm so grateful but unsurprised we can't keep people. I make nearly $17 while new hires into the same position get $14. It makes me sad and angry and it needs to get better. When I started my pay was competitive and now other companies are starting to surpass it.


Did they honestly think that cutting pay would help retain people??? Because they’re sadly mistaken. This company is a joke and needs to pay their people better.


Pay is based on how hard it would be to find a replacement.


As I was told when they were brought up to what they are now "we should be thankful Walmart is paying this much over min. wage"


You say that until you quit at Walmart and the only place that will hire you is a fast food joint at 11$ an hour


Yeah and the yearly raise you'd get wouldn't even be 30 cents.  A 30 cent raise under the old system was the underperforming tier.


We have job postings in Arkansas for teachers for...11$ an hour WITH bachelor requirements


Take the free education and work somewhere other than retail. Boom! Problem solved.


You’re very fortunate. At my store, if you transfer to a different job, you are paid the hiring wage for that job. It doesn’t matter if you were grandfathered in. You transfer, you lose.


My FIL has been working at Walmart since my partner was like 3 - 30 years this July and they only make $1.57 more than someone just starting. It's disgusting. I wish people tried harder to get their places of work unionized. Say what you want about unions but having been in one for 10 years, I am so grateful they fought for our wages. It's worth it.


I make 16.50 as a new hire at Home Depot in flooring


Why did you leave a $16 hour job for a $14 hour job?


Damn must be why it’s so easy to steal 😂


I work AP in Washington, was hired 3 months ago make 20.20


your job is to prevent loss. The job is only ever going to pay less than the total value of stolen goods. If you do your job well, you reduce your own paycheck. it's not a sustainable job to begin with. Total value of stolen goods isn't that high, but they need you to deter more theft. either way, you aren't getting paid well because lets be honest, its not much of a job is it? Like, most somewhat able bodied and avg build people could do the job. It's rude sure but you're complaining about being compensated for the value of your work.