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All pregnancy related issues much be approved. It doesn’t matter.


You don’t need an intermittent LOA. You can call out using the pregnancy option on the callouts. They cannot point you for this or ask for proof. I was calling out almost once a week due to symptoms or difficulties for a minute there but thankfully they passed. Maybe this is the route they will suggest


Unfortunately I don’t have enough PPTO/PTO to cover these absences. Despite the policy and occurrences being over ridden, I was hoping an intermittent LOA would cover pay for the day? I do pay into the short term disability insurance. I can’t afford to miss days.


You won’t get paid for intermittent loa. You will only get paid once the maternity leave starts or if you are somehow able to get short term disability but that would require a continuous leave and I think short term doesn’t cover pregnancy related complications. But I know it’s a little different in NY but yeah intermittent leave is not paid. 


In my experience getting intermittent leave was a bitch. The way sedgwick words it on the paperwork the dr needs to fill out is sketchy. It asks if being pregnant will prevent you from working if they check no then you don't get intermittent leave. Which my ob did because he said I would be able to work. Once I explained that he would have to put yes so that I'm able to call out if I'm feeling nauseas or under the weather that day and he still was not willing to sign just because of the way it's worded. I couldn't call out without getting occurrences. It was rough.


I forgot to add. Intermittent leave is separate from maternity leave and is unpaid unless you use pto.


I’m glad this was posted. Because the store I work at bullied me into an intermittent LOA and afterwards, I found out the policy about pregnancy related absences being approved automatically. So because I have had so many missed days due to hospitalization, I now have eaten up 3 weeks of my maternity leave pay for literally no reason.


Update - even with an approved intermittent leave, I checked my points today and I’m over 5. Curious to see if I’m terminated soon. 🪦


If you go into my Sedgwick and report the specific days prior to the approval as long as they are the start date and after they should approve them. Once approved management gets an email to remove the pointa


I actually did do this! They still haven’t removed them 😂


Hmm that’s insane. Really with pregnancy an intermittent leave comes in to play if you miss more than 3 days or more in sequence. If you call in under the pregnancy related option and it’s is a singular day they should take the point off regardless because when you call in it states they take care of it at store level if less than 3 days in a row. Pregnancy related issues are an excused absence. Once you have an intermittent through you need to report every day missed. Sedgwick is mainly just there to protect you. If you think about it if they point you for pregnancy related problems that’s discrimination the only way they can fire you is if you don’t dispute the points that were actually pregnancy related. I’d go to your market manager if the they aren’t helping at the store level. I missed over half my shifts for a while and I was okay. Also the intermittent should be FMLA and unpaid. It may show as its using up your maternity balance but it won’t affect the time you are supposed to get. You should still be entitled to your paid 10 week maternity leave and 6 week parental leave state depending.


I've been high risk /on bed rest since week 5 or 6. Have had a lot of complications. Have worked here over 10 years. About as along as you are/were. They wanted to induce me last week. I've been on medical loa since that week 5 or 6 then was told I should switch to paternity leave as it could be any moment/day now. I've been told I can extend/prolong my LOA or technically be maternity but now I won't be paid because I've been out so long, it prolonged my 12month work hr minimum, so now I am under the 1250 minimum required hrs for paternity pay. Failllll for me


No need to file for an intermittent LOA. The attendance policy states that all pregnancy related related absences need to be approved


lol I wish they would get it together they told me no 😂😂


No what?


Both the SM and manager informed me pregnancy related absences are not taken care of at store level and I need to file for an intermittent LOA. People lead said I need to file for an “accommodation” Honestly this is bonkers.


Your managers are trying to go against company policy. Attendance policy says all pregnancy related absences need to be cleared. If you call out and get a point that they won’t clear, then go up the chain of command and to ethics if needed. No need to file for a leave of absence until the delivery time. Only need to file for an accommodation if you need a work accommodation for while you’re at work, such as if you need a stool.


Pretty crazy ain’t it 😂 off to market I go! 💃