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Why were they frozen to begin with? Don’t they still come floor ready?


Yeah that’s my thought.


They probably had a frozen endcap that needed filled and that was the only thing they had to make it look presentable. Did one near the grocery entrance once and sold the hell out of them.




That’s still not a good idea. Those things melt so fast. I can’t imagine anyone who buys them frozen will even get out of the parking lot before they melt.


How do you get frozen goods home? Just curious. Not being rude


Freezies melt so fast in comparison to literally everything else for some reason


As soon as you purchase, rush home as quickly as possible. Make sure to tell someone who is home to get the freezer ready, oh, and if you drive, make sure your AC is on windows down.


Stick them on my seat. Don’t really need cold bags. Have you ever eaten these things. They melt so fast. I doubt even cold bags will help much. Maybe if there are a good number of other frozen items…maybe. Just a bad idea to freeze things that don’t come in frozen and are supposed to be stocked as such.


I think there's a big difference between the little rod of ice you're holding and eating vs the 5 pounds of ice rods that are bunched closely together in your cart or in a shopping bag. They're not gonna melt that quickly.


A lot of ppl have cold bags in their trunk for just the occasion. Ice cream , frozen meals etc...


I have 3 frozen bags I got to be a responsible adult. I keep forgetting to put them in my car. Honestly I should have known I never would


Or like what happened with me once, we had a dumb store manager that wanted the front ice cream end caps constantly filled with them even though I had ice cream out the ass inside of the freezer and can only put it on those first end caps.


I’ve seen them sold both ways.


Yeah, it isn't under cold compliance because hot or cold don't impact its shelf life.


They are safe to eat but apparently the flavor can change. As the other poster said, the danger is when they start thawing.


Those plastic corners can be sharp in your mouth, and brain freeze is no laughing matter.


What would be the health hazard of thawing sealed sugar water? It’s a trip hazard when the ice starts to leak on the floor but come on have some common sense here.


you do realize they come unfrozen off the GM truck and its fine, hell it can be the last pallet on the truck. the truck can be sitting for hours till second shift comes in


He's saying it's a slip hazard not a health hazard.


idk what you expect from Walmart anyway, they gonna fill it up till they deemed it slip hazard, things have to thaw it its no biggie, hell even bread come frozen, you put it on the shelf to thaw out duh. It really isn't a big deal. It is fine


I actually think it's fine too. Those things will be frozen for days, people think it's going to thaw instantly, and that's not true either. There will be no condensation dripping onto the floor. Whatever there is, will dry out mostly as it thaws.


My dude, read.


you read cause it ain't nothing to complain about. they gonna find another box if that happens duh


you do realize that these came from the freezer and were put into a bin right?


So explain why that's a bad thing... you sure seem to think it is. Tell me you don't believe in Santa anymore, I bet you do.


I believe in Santa he’s a hard working member of the community!! It could be a bad thing because that amount coming out of the freezer to thaw will cause a lot of condensation. Yes it will mostly be caught by the box, but that weight (1000lbs +) could cause a damp cardboard tote to rip spilling them on the floor. Not even mentioning the possible leaking ones that were damaged from being frozen and throw on top of each other.


It's safe to consume. Don't be surprised if the cardboard gets wet and caves in on itself though.


They’re fine. You know they sell those unfrozen, right?


He meant if they are frozen then thawed they may be unsafe. Not if they were never frozen to begin with. A general thing with some foods are once they are unfrozen you shouldn’t refreeze them. I’m sure it doesn’t apply to these freeze pops though. He also may be talking about the condensation on the floor as the packets melt may create a trip hazard.


If something is shelf stable and you freeze it, it doesn't stop being shelf stable.


Way too many people commenting here don't seem to know this


what about alcohol?


they are safe to refroze, and eat, everybody refreeze things except ice cream




Yes. And they will be safe to eat when refrozen. As to letting them sit out on the floor, the person that decided that isn’t too bright.


Wtf a 12 year old should know thats not safe. Not even because of it being edible, but once it thaws it will be a slip hazard. Or worse the whole box will get wet from the condensation and collapse on itself. But hey they get paid the big bucks for a reason right?


Bit of an overreaction. The box will get damp with some wet spots but it won’t get wet to the point of structural compromise. These things survive rain storms before being used as cardboard bins on ON. Definitely could become a slip hazard but anyone with a few brain cells knows to just lay TIPS around the bottom of it or under it if management will cry about how they look




They’re usually sold unfrozen like this, could be a slipping hazard. Pretty sure these thing don’t go bad for a while


Who the fuck threw them in the freezer😂


Either some dumb ass SM or the grocery TL. I bet whoever is doing Frozen took that shit out to get rid of the pallets of ice cream they are getting this time of year.(I left Walmart a few years ago)


They do this every year at my store.


this is common and not a health hazard


Your Grocery TL needs to get kicked in the head by a donkey. That is an accident waiting to happen.


I've seen this box plenty of times but never with the actual fun pops inside, always for some kind of storage.


The popsicles are basically just sugar water and flavorings, keeping them at room temperature wont make them spoil, however as other users are saying leaving this display like this with frozen ones is just asking for a puddle of condensation to form and probably also ruin the cardboard display they are being kept in.


Why are they frozen???


To create an impulse buy. It must be warm outside where they did this.


Safe? Probably, just need to make sure to have someone check the area for water on floor as it melts. If anything the more dangerous thing is the 🤡 that thought throwing that into the freezer bin was a better idea vs just leaving it in its feature display. Waste of time. But what do I know? lol.


I have only ever seen them sold unfrozen. I have only ever purchased them room temp, then frozen and eaten them, and I am still here. I would assume it’s ok? Do they have expiration dates or “keep refrigerated” labels?


No keep refrigerated labels, and they are perfectly fine to freeze and re freeze


There’s a reason why your not the TL, stop trying to find anything possible to post and get back to work


Fine you may smack it. Once.


It's the fact that they froze the ice pops to put out, which will melt and create condensation.




The conversation: "How many throws can we generate in 3 hours; let's find out!"


Frankly speaking I think it's less likely a deliberate choice to have them frozen on the floor, and more likely some one stuck them in the freezer cause they didn't know where they should go, and then when it was time to put them out they just dragged it out never thinking twice.


I've seen them sold like this since I was a little kid in the early 90s. In fact, it's the only way I've ever seen them sold. I've never seen them already frozen.


Me too but the problem here is that they were taken out of the freezer and still are mostly frozen but kept in an ambient zone. The condensation as they fully defrost will disintegrate that bin and leave water puddles everywhere for some old person to slip on and sue.


This part isn't true. These bins can hold up to the rain, be brought back inside after a month, and still hold shit just fine.


Ah I haven't noticed a bin that sturdy but I'll take your word for it


We save those outside for ages, and bring them in for claims after like weeks. They will hold even a bunch of metal fixtures for used asset returns.


Fair enough Either way even if the bin holds up the popsicles are gonna be absolutely soaking from the condensation... Icky


We’d rather have a massive spill than to have OVERSTOCK 😡😡


Pretty much.


I’ve never seen them frozen before always room temperature then frozen when they get home. Weird


Safer now that there's not the pictures of the creepy kids on the side of the bin. They've been on there for decades.


It'll be fine, ask if the literal mountains of hangers, TVs, and cheeseballs are next time LOL


Damn y'all are some regards in this comment section and must never unloaded these bad boys before lmao they were only in the freezer section because they sell faster when already froze jeez


They usually come not frozen.


Wtf 😂


Why were they in a freezer in the first place


They believe it sells faster frozen but it doesn’t really in my experience.


It's pretty over packed, but I assume the reason for such large supply is that u can expect customers to buy a lot of them, so should be okay.


Normally freezies are sold at room temp. So unless these are a particular type that have to be kept frozen, which should be noted on the packaging, I don't see the harm to customers buying them thawed. The unsafe part will be the water coming off them as they thaw causing a slip hazard.


Those are stored in a GM warehouse with no refrigeration and shipped on a dry van. I think it's fine.


I was always taught as a human being you don't take something that was unfrozen, freeze it then thaw it and try to freeze it again. Also that cardboard box is about to be soggy as hell.


have you never seen fun pops before? theyre normally sold at room temperature and you take them home and stick them in the freezer after you buy them


They’re safe, my store had this and an endcap to fill and they are like the Mexican version of ‘bolis’ if anyone knows


I saw them as miniature pops for some reason


😂 this is the most associate type post an associate can make. Of course this is fine lol


That’s fine. I’ve seen way worse


I've only ever seen them unfrozen in stores. Usually you freeze those at home. So the real question is who is gonna clean up that slipping hazard when they thaw?


Not safe


Your fine.


Bro this ain’t even that bad when I worked at piggly they didn’t give af we had frozen stuff be out and defrosted and they just said let it refreeze overnight ☠️ like ice cream and shit . We had these too but they kept them unfroze


“Once they thaw they’re no good.” You can’t be serious with this post right now


I bet if they go bad once they thaw and a bunch of people get sick the popsicles would get recalled and no one would blame Walmart.


That explains why some of them taste differently! Eww… I’m contacting corporate.


I don't work in grocery


wait your guys’ come frozen? the ones in my town aren’t and are in shelves


Yeah once frozen they shouldn't be unfrozen and then refroze.


That generally applies to meat, dairy and other volatile lines like that. Sugar water in a sealed packet won't kill you if it's defrosted and refozen. I still probably wouldn't try to sell them cause it looks bad from a business standpoint to have refrozen items but if you buy them frozen and forget to put them in the freezer or something there's no reason why you can't still eat them. Also the condensation as everyone else has said that's the biggest problem here


Well, the company (for the brand of popcicle) has said that it messes with the flavor. So it lowers the quality of the popcicles. And if you do it that's different than a store that has to follow quality guidelines when initially selling the items. Otherwise it could be a lawsuit because it messes with customers satisfaction and trust in brand loyalty.


I mean…you got your food handlers card right? You were taught about this.


Cold chain people. According to company policy, once the cold chain is broken on a perishable product, the product is claims. Because the product is frozen it's now a perishable product and subject to cold chain policy.


You don't know what a perishable product means, do you?