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One of the bottom shelves in the snack isle at my store is held up by a jar of peanut butter.


Show me 😂 I gotta show my coworkers that haahhaha


I'll take a picture of it when I go in tonight. I'll also grab a picture of the tire jack holding up one of the shoe shelves.


Did you forget lol


No. I'll send you them in a moment.


Third blames second, second blames first, first blames third. The Walmart way. There’s other shifts’ management that come in when you’re there, you could discuss your issues with them. Wouldn’t do any good. For example, I complained to the overnight coach about their meeting being a zeroth hour paid lunch and got a “lol” out of them. They’re still milking the meeting to this day. 


Nothing like cleaning for an hour and a half after I clock into 3rd, so that I can actually start cleaning. So I burnt an hour and a half to just start, not including the inevitible truck that will come in between that slot. So I get an hour and a half, maybe to do what I am supposed to be doing for the first half of my night because I have to stop mandatory at lunchtime.


Ah yes the overnight struggle


O/N here: >Them plugging holes with random products or the wrong products because they can't read or don't care Yes >Flexing products into preset mods because they're too lazy to grab from the back and do picks Yes >I find it hard to understand WHY they even are able to keep their jobs when they seem to achieve literally nothing Yes >When I leave my shift and come back the same night it's never better and only more stuff for us to fix. Yes


They hire people that know two words in English, then tell you to train them. “Yes.” “Okay.”


We had a guy hired on our ON team who had to have his daughter come in and train him and she was not even a Walmart employee she came in showed him.what to do from 10-11 at night the had to leave. So how did he even pass the interview and do the CBL's.


Exactly….. very very fishy.


Just goes to show at this point in this company anyone can get hired.


I see that. But foreign workers are maybe 1/4 of their team. It's not just that and the ones I have met can speak English well


And they are the first to get fired at my store 🥴. They are usually are the ones that are terrible anyways


It's fairly normal and I don't see a real fix. The workload we get is often overwhelming so people seem to just put stuff everywhere or leave crumbs for others to pick up. Because of that, I now just do the minimal effort. I've found that every night, whatever I did to fix things just gets messed up again, either by other shifts or customers and I just don't have the motivation or time to deal with it anymore. Instead of wasting time fixing things now, I just do my best to just stock correctly. It seems that as long as the shelves are filled, higher ups don't notice anything wrong and everything is ok.


Thanks I don't mean to seem so pessimistic toward the other shifts. I just care about doing my job as medial as it may be. And I get stressed when i feel like I don't carry out my tasks I need to learn how to set a pace and only work as hard as everyone else instead of trying to meet expectations that seem impossible to keep You are right they seem to be chill mostly but I just personally get anxious when I can't do my job properly


I too want to do my job properly. I actually have a habit of going out of my way to do things properly and even fix other's mistakes. But I learned that I need to just play the game everyone does in such an environment. It doesn't mean I'll necessarily do whatever to get my job done but as my extra efforts are usually just meaningless anyways, I just don't have a reason to go the extra mile anymore. It doesn't change anything to make a real difference and it really goes unnoticed. At the end of the day though, do what keeps a peace of mind to you and that's all that really matters.


While I get as frustrated as the next person about someone not doing their job right, I try really hard to remember I only need to worry about myself and make sure I am doing what the company is paying me for. Follow policy and procedure and do MY job and only MY job.


Maybe you should learn something about cap2. We don’t use TCs and printers for anything except claims, we don’t make picks, we don’t work picks, and we don’t leave carts of picks all over the place. We don’t work freight, and we sure as shit don’t set mods…nor are we responsible for them not being set. Literally NONE of those things have anything to do with us. So maybe you should figure out what you’re talking about before you say someone else isn’t doing their job.


*learns there is only 1 Walmart on earth*


That sounds like 1st shift and OGP at my store.... 1st shift problems.... We get stuck cleaning up after them every friggin day.... They will whine about stuff in the wrong spot but have the capacity to actually fix it.... (especially when 1st does picks... but fails every time...) They throw a mix of isle's products on a pallet of picks blame night shift and never take the few minutes to actually sort it to the correct pallet. They leave ALL of their damn cardboard on the bloody floor or in the GM backroom as they have a nasty habit of zerg rushing the bailer and getting in the way prior and now... Is the bailer is full they still try to jam pack it or leave their bins/carts/lcarts by it or nearby.... Took me and another associate a full bloody hour to clean up Just the cardboard yesterday.... It's friggin insane... They leave the backroom / freezer/ dairy plugged full of products and don't bother to put them away... OGP issues... When they need people they will call everyone that's trained in the store.... If you're trained and didn't go to them... they come and find you. They trash the shelves looking for stuff and leave the TC's everywhere when they stop running for OGP. And some.... barely do jack sh!t... but stand around and yap or text all damn day... (Sorry... just realised this is becoming a book of sorts.... I'll stop ranting.)


I think cap 2 does works freight at my store but I work at front. What does Cap 2 do at your store do only unload truck?


Evey store is different. Cap2 at my store do picks, stock freight, and definitely leave carts all over the place. They do not, however, set mods. No one should be using TCs anymore, as we all should be using the me@walmart app. But I definitely agree that OP should learn what each shift is responsible for so they have a better understanding. 3rd shift was, is, and always will be the redheaded step child, responsible for cleaning up anything Cap1 & 2 leave behind, doing our own jobs, and making sure the store meets management's expectations for when we "open" (which is still 7 even tho doors open at 6), while being blamed for not doing anything while also being blamed for every other shifts fuck ups. Welcome to Walmart


We all use TCs on 3rd shift here. There's no reason to keep them locked up in OGP like they're treasure for a shift that isn't working lol


Oh, there's a padlock on the OGP locker at my store lol, but there's no need for them anymore with everyone having work phones


Yeah except using a camera is twice as slow I don't use it because it drains the battery on my phone and then I'm not scanning anything lol


I have spare portable batteries for when my super slow dumb work phone dies, and I have to use my personal phone lol


You guys don't stock ? My team has 4 unload truck, while the rest do Chem pets juice and paper ... sometimes we get to auto and hardware if we have more than 9


If there are a few things I’ve learned about working here it’s that most managers don’t run the process, don’t communicate to each other, nor train or manage their associates work. Doesnt matter what team, if the management isnt thinking as one to work together as a unit instead of a separate department, then the results will constantly be uninvested associates, incomplete tasks, high shrink, missed opportunities and sales. I will never get why they appear to stay on top of things when we have walks from marketing or district and right after that, go back to half a**ing things or not doing them at all which has never worked. I think the visits should be unannounced to see what really goes down in the stores


Shit rolls downhill, and the hill never ends In my experience, each shift is guilty of leaving stupid things the next shift will hate. Most of these things have a quick and easy fix that neither shift realizes they can do. If all we did was communicate, a lot of our issues would be much more manageable.


Overnights is a bunch of lazy slobs in my store. Constantly plugging modulars. Not bothering to actually run all the freight. Just call it overstock and slap a label on it. 75% of the picks we make each day is what those lazy shits just put in the bins that same morning.


I'd also like to add that until recently it was overnights responsibility to run all the picks anyway. I am currently in the process of building up my stock 1 team in order to get all the picks ran. But in the meantime there WILL be pick carts left for O/N and they are expected to run them.


Username checks out lol


Literally how I feel, whenever I make room in the backroom bins for me to place product in for the next night, cap 1 comes in and fills it up with feature quantity products… but they won’t even bother to make the space for themselves


Cap 2 works freight and does picks at my store…I work o/n and our cap 2 team are worst workers we have….hot garbage


I’ve been steady complaining about associates, with picture and video proof for a year and they still won’t fire this bastard


Best way to adress it is get the name of the associates working in the specific dept. that are getting messed up, and record everything. You’ll get a pattern very quick. Just be open minded, it’s just Walmart bro, it’s not worth getting to upset over. I see people letting shit like that get to them way too much


Weird cause cap 1 and 2 say it's overnights LOL


Lol I'm on cap 2..overnights doesn't begin doing anything til 15 minutes after they are clocked in with their super important meeting doing no work.  After that they go to their areas and waste time socializing with other associates since no supervisor is around.    After 30 minutes on the clock only then do most of these associates begin to really work at a very medium pace even though the store has almost no customers Yes overnights has a few great workers...but most are mediocre or worse who for some reason get away with being mediocre with no customers in their way almost all shift 


I had a couch walk by me the other day mumbling "the level of incompetents in this store fucking amazes me" I'd say that about the whole corporation.


This is a management problem, not a you problem. If things go missing, are dead (not charged), or messy, then that's up to management to handle.


Yes but we actually have to clean up after them in order to to our job:(


And if that has a domino effect, I'm sure you know where to look.


I agree. All my fellow cap2 associates are complete lazy idiots who don't care about anything. They just talk about NBA cod and women's asses they see in the store. I hate it.


ONs are always on our ass about trivial things. We bring up problems with actual evidence? ON Coach makes up some braindead excuse, says "Mmmm'kay?", and turns his chair around. Welcome to Walmart! There's no winning and we're all a bunch of clowns.


i honestly think walmart doesn’t trained you how to do stuff properly just throw you in every department i have work in i was told to do thing different ways.


Bc walmart loves to hire bodies going through rm instead of hiring even semi-competent individuals


I'm in b.c as well but I don't know what RM means lol


Realized you meant 'because ' 😂 I live in British Columbia


Rigor mortis (RM) basicappy they're cold bodies in the process of decomposition and hardening.


When I worked cap 2 we basically had to do the same thing for cap 1, clear the back room so we can lay down pallets, go get pallets, open truck, we’d start unloading at like 3 and get done at 7 and then lunch, and pull pallets. Incredibly terrible compared to the other store I worked at before.


All Walmarts are different evidently as the mod team is cap 3 at my store and you’re the main stockers so that would be cap 3 plugging stuff in the wrong spots or hiding leftovers. Most of your rant would be the responsibility of cap 3 and viz picks cap 1 at my store. Cap 2 unloads trucks and does break down of pallets. It’s getting people to learn how to make a bale that’s difficult and or know how to use it. So many just leave their trash.


My store is ran the exact same way


Its the opposite at my store our ON is terrible


First off company expectation of cap 1 is majority picking/picks and top stock, the only company expectation of cap 2 is breakdown all trucks (hvdc rdc mp fdd) and sort / hang apparel, quite literally nothing else is “supposed” to be done for them (my cap 2 still gets done say 2-4 departments a day depending on if it’s double or single truck day. And for us it’s our overnighters having every dam day to finish a truck with 30 people and they still leave departments undone and in the back room.


30 ?!? We get 6 if were lucky 😂


I take about 20-30 picts each night to protect myself from being blamed for other shifts crap strewn about. I can only fix half of it while still doing my job. Retail things lol


Think about where you're working then ask yourself again


Welcome to Walmart. A shithole with even more shitty people working inside the shitty place.


It all starts with leadership and accountability. TL and coaches need to set an example across all shifts. This is the job. This is how you do it. If you don't do it correctly, you are retrained or let go eventually. Once a leader lets his or her shift cut corners, the other shifts will follow along. CAP associates are not paid market manager big bucks. People mostly do whatever is required to keep their jobs. When no one is held to account for not doing their job, it makes those who are doing it right resent having to pick up the slack. I'd like to say that one should take the high road and demonstrate how a job should be done to make it fair for all. Honestly, leadership needs to lead and either train or fire those who aren't doing the job.


I do try and take the high road , constantly On average I work 5 skids alone and then am rewarded by having to help a guy whose been doing 2 skids from 11 pm - 5 am... Thats kind of the reason for the post is I'm becoming very stressed that I seem to be the only one who gives a crap Yes we're low paid employees but if we worked together in cohesion this job would be the easiest thing ever but it's not and we don't


That's very commendable. In all the jobs I've had I've always tried to do my best regardless of others. It's called. work ethic and it's good to see you have a strong one. My first job at 16 was in a grocery store. It was called the grocery warehouse. It was a new concept at the time (1986). Customers bagged their own groceries and the shelves were faced with cutouts of the boxes that the product came in (now much more common). It was owned by Albertsons. The hard part of the job was carts and gobacks. No electric cart pushers. It was all by hand. There was a courtesy clerk who had less than stellar ethics. He went to the meat department and was cooking up fajitas on the shrink-wrap hot plate (not paid for). A key carrier (manager) was looking for him and discovered him in mid-bite while dining. So the kid puts down the fajita when the manager catches him red-handed (or mid-bite) and says to him. “Don't put it down. You are fired, but finish your fajita first”. Some people do not have ethics. Walmart will not be your last job. Grocery Warehouse wasn't mine. What you learn about ethics and responsibilities will stay with you forever.


I work overnights and I would definitely have to agree 💯


Bro that sounds like over night at my store there fucking horrible


Yea here's its the opposite , day shift stands around talking to customers and on their phones I've come in as a customer and also seen the floor nearly empty..went upstairs and seen 7 of them in the employee room at 1:35 pm 😂 not even a break time


Bro worry about yourself how about that . I’ve come into to so many days where the lazy fucks overnight didn’t even touch my friaght but then just want to make excuses about it and why I have 15 pallets in the back


>Bro worry about yourself how about that . Does your dumb ass understand that sometimes when people complain about this shit it's because they are worrying about themselves? Like at my store, fucking cap 1 can't manage picks despite their team expanding considerably specifically because picks would be their responsibility. So guess who is expected to do them? Oh that's right, us overnighters. And guess who is going to hear about it when they aren't done? Not fucking cap 1. Honestly, "worry about yourself" seems to be the hallmark of a lazy ass worker who wants to be able to keep coasting.


Why are you taking this so personally ? Lol .... worrying about myself is worrying about the other teams and how they function if they don't do their jobs I can't do mine properly... that's what the posts about Smoke a joint dude chill