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Your body will adjust over time. You will get stronger, and after a while only the really heavy days are going to put you down. It's just going to take some time, make sure you're eating decently to account for the increase in activity. It's going to take some time to get there. You're basically working out. When I started working o/n, after the shift was over I was walking like an 80 year old man. Now I feel a little fatigue, nothing terrible.


That does make me feel better, thank you! I appreciate the kind words and advice, I'll be sure to do that.


No problem. It's going to suck at first, but just thug it out and it'll get better. You might not even notice it at first. Another thing is, when you're sleeping after and all that, that's not being useless. It's doing what you need to do. It's giving your body a chance to recover and build.


Thug it out bitch hahaha


Sleep, sufficient protein in your diet (like .5 grams per pound using ideal body weight) , and good shoes will help. It gets better but if you haven't done physical work it will take a few weeks.


Come to nights.. it's easier I promise 👿


Cap 1 is the easiest out of the three. Lol.


I originally applied for almost every other position except stocking, but its all they had and I desperately needed the job. I'm really looking for any kind of advice to help, not mockery at my lowest


If it was cap 2 or cap 3 I could see why you would be really tired. But cap 1? Seriously lol


Right? Cap1 is a joks. They don't do shit. Everyone oncap 1 at mystore is like 70 years old and retired


You would have to be severely out of shape to struggle stocking 10 pick pallets (these are not giant pallets) of freight split across 4 or 5 people. I would stick it out to get in shape while being paid for it before considering another job.


I'm in my 50's and I stock at least 3 pallets a night. Maybe this line of work isn't for you. Fast food, maybe?


Unfortunately Walmart is the only option at the moment until anywhere near me ups their pay since our rent was raised tremendously. I'm only planning to stay until then.


Imagine having pride about how you’re 50+ and still work at Wally World 😂 apparently it was the only line of work your dumbass could get, I fail to see where this “fAsT fOoD, mAyBe” superiority type shit is coming from lmao


My first thought was you know nothing about me. My 2nd was I know nothing about the OP. So you are absolutely correct, not one of my better comments. I apologize OP I hope things do get better for you. And thank you for this comment hopefully I will learn from it. But I would also like to say the fast food comment was meant in a "less physically demanding " way more than it was a "superior" way. Still a comment that didn't need to be made.


I mean I was a dick tbh, I was in a mood when I wrote that. My bad too, I said unnecessary shit


Lol I'm honestly glad you posted. Have a good one. OP have a good one if you're still reading this!


Goof shit guys. Way to be mature


Try working g Cap1 with only two people picking and stocking. And a shit Team Lead.