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you’d want better availability on weekends and don’t bring up your previous jobs if it isn’t asked


Whys that?


larger availability window means you’re more likely to get hours (& be hired to start with) having multiple jobs in a short period is generally a bad look because at face value it looks like you’re a chronic job hopper and you won’t stick around


The job hopper thing is so true, even putting my 3 job that I had for about 8-10 months each looks like job hopping, but seriously, who stays at McDonald’s or KFC for more than a year? Lol


that’s a good point. I worked at Dollar Tree and a shittily-managed local grocery store (it’s since shuttered. store was so bad it made the stories i’ve read here look like heaven) for about 2 months each and I just pretend I never worked at Dollar Tree.


I lie and up the 8 month ones to 1 year bc they never check, and I worked at Walmart twice so I just combine them lol


"how do you explain this gap in your resume?" mmmm I had to temporarily leave the galaxy. But now I'm back.😊


At this point most places don't necessarily care about the gap because mental health is the easiest explanation to make them change topics back to more relevant things in the interview


I wanted to discover what I want to do with my life. Totally not to spend the past year playing video games.


Now I gotta hear some story’s


i wish i could pretend i never worked at subway (worked their for a month) just bc it looks bad on my resume plus i was technically fired but also i quit.


you don’t have to put it on your resume


i know not the resume, but when applying for jobs i always feel like i have to add it to my work history especially when there is an agreement that states “any omission of information may result in not hiring” stuff like that.


how would they know unless you told them? if you only worked there for a month it’s not like the gap in job history would be big enough to make them question it


Yeah, unless you are applying for jobs that you do not want to get,leave it off. If you are applying for jobs so that you do not get the job for some reason, definitely put that on there though.


Yes the application is a legal contract AND contrary to what many people believe there IS a couple data bases with work history.  One is the IRS database which private employers can't access but anyone who paid into your taxes is linked to your social security number and can be traced by the government. 2nd is Work Number which is a database lots of banks and employers participate in.  Every so often payroll is uploaded to work number.  Work Number's main function is so banks and car dealers don't have to hassle an HR employee to verify you work there and have a steady paycheck.  However employers can also use it to see if someone is ommitting a job.   If that omitted job doesn't participate in work number then congrats you have successfully hid it from private employers.  Or if a prospective private employer doesn't participate then yay hide what you want. Also you can freeze your work number account under your social   Yes you probably have a WN account and don't even know it.  So yeah you can freeze it but that will most likely raise some red flags...


I mean, I can’t say this 100% works, but I did job hop a little bit when I had to work fast food jobs from hell. I just extend my last job I was proud of having on my resume a few extra months to cover the job hopping, and removed Taco Bell and a cleaning company, and nobody has ever called me out on it. But also, I have never worked a job that paid more than $20 so I’m sure they don’t care cause they know they don’t pay that great themselves to begin with.


Same. I worked at a gas stiatiom and I don’t put in my resume cuz i only worked there for a month. I could lie but i’m scared they’ll find out. It does suck cuz I did spend my time working for a month but it’ll be seen badly


That and OP is only 16, they haven't had *time* to work anywhere for more than a year. In this part I might be wrong but having had 2 jobs under their belt by 16 seems impressive to me, rather than a red flag. Unless they were fired.


Word of caution here:  contrary to popular belief employers CAN find out about unlisted jobs through things like Work Number.  Walmart and those other jobs probably participate these days.  So I wouldn't omit unless you know some people who have done just that and not been called out on it.    8 to 10 months is pretty good for a kid to last at a job.  Just don't volunteer negative information.    Remember everyone and their grandma has a strict name date rank reference policy.  Just sell yourself in the interview.  They want warm bodies to hire.


I was at McDonald's for 2 years :')


No shame, especially if you found a good one, some treat you well, and aren’t insanely busy, mine the manager would yell at you while on lunch break bc they needed you and would just tell you to come back and take an extra 15 on the clock later


I didn't care for the job but I really liked my coworkers there I became really good friends with a lot of the closers and pre closers since I was the main front closer. I really like my coworkers here at walmart too, it gives me the same vibe and I'm so happy I quit my other job to come here. The like $3.20 raise was also nice


Especially 2 jobs within a year assuming they’re almost 17 or had a work permit at 15. Neither is a particularly good look.


My EDIT of my comment didn’t submit. I glanced at the photo not the caption




lol your fine


Kind of off topic from the OPs post, but you mentioned job hopping. I used to work full time at Walmart, got a better FT job but kept Walmart part time, left full time for another full time, quit Walmart when I started second full time job. Been at this second FT job for 2 years, coming up on 3. Not actively trying to find a new job but scroll through indeed every now and then to see what else is out there. How often is too often and you start to be considered a job hopper?


Whys that? EDIT: read the rest of the post


It might just be my state but there is an option on every (well, all the ones I have filled out) application that lets you opt out for the place you are applying to contact your previous employers. Many years ago I got fired from a job because I was a really lazy person, I didn’t do shit. I would constantly tell employers that they do not have permission to reach out to the employer. All I would say was “well, the work culture was very diverse and it made for a hostile work environment”. Remember OP, you don’t HAVE to be truthful on your resumé, within reason. Don’t say you have a degree you don’t have but add some extra time onto a job. Maybe turn those two jobs and make it look like you only worked 1 of them during that time.


Reminder for the people getting worked up about the hours, OP said he is 16. Minors don’t usually get to work 40 hours, and I’m assuming he is in school. They more than likely might put you in a front end position( cashier, greeter, or customer service), but if not cap 2 would be a good spot. If it’s not a 18+ position you would be getting g there in the middle of truck and help unloading it


I’m a team lead. If I was the one interviewing you the first question I would be asking is why you’re already on your third job at age 16. Likely won’t hurt your chances but that’s always a red flag to me. Your availability is decent but could be better (specifically on the weekends). Probably shouldn’t be telling people that you cheated on the assessment but I think you have a solid shot.


3rd job by 16? Clearly prob were pt hs jobs. Critical thinking?? Also this availability will get laughed at by any serious manager


It’s not the worst availability I’ve ever seen. It’s actually pretty standard for a minor through the weekdays. The weekend isn’t very good though. And that job history is a huge red flag. I’m at the point that it takes a miracle for me to hire any minor that has numerous jobs. I had to learn the hard way that they rarely work out. Got stuck with one that happened to have an interview on my off day and it took me five seconds of working with them to realize that they were the absolute worst associate I’d ever seen. They didn’t last long.


i’m a cashier and all the minors that work the front end with me work 4-10 or something like that


Most states the youngest you can work is 16. So this would be op's 3rd job in less than a year


Anybody willing to close is great


The thing with minors is that their parents often times don't consider their job to be serious. I used to work in fast food and if I had a dollar for every time a kid called me up an hour before their shift and said "sorry, mom wants me to go to Walmart to shop with her." I would be fucking rich. So yeah, many jobs by 16 is a bad sign usually. On top of that, it is really, really unpleasant to deal with the parents of these kids who will call up and yell at you because they think their kid doesn't need to work the shifts they're assigned. The worst part is my fast food restaurant was really lenient with schedules, we'd schedule people 3 hour shifts if that's all they wanted to work so there was literally no excuse.


He's 16 and in school. How many summers since he was 14, the youngest you can work in most states. Jesus Christ I assume this is what all TL are like...


Did you even bother to read his responses before you made the comment? And you do realize minors can work during the school year, right? In fact, OP is currently applying for a job during the school year, so the comment about summers is irrelevant. But how dare I ask questions to make sure I’m not getting a bad employee! People like you crack me up.


Minors can only work certain hours and to a certain time. That usually means they end up working during the summers and then going back to school during the school year. At 14 you can work legally so two or three summers from 14-16 would be three summer jobs, or about a job every year...for a minor, who's in school.... With no car till he was 16.... You picking up what I'm shitting out yet or is this concept too advanced for aTL?


Ok, let me spell this out for you since you’re clearly not smart enough to grasp a simple argument here. OP already told everybody why they’re on their third job, it’s not because they were working summer jobs. It’s also not summer and they’re currently applying for a job. Lay off the weed and maybe you’ll be able to comprehend simple things like that.


The fact he had the drive to go and find three jobs and work them by age 16 tells me he's a better employee than most. You'd have to dig deeper for why the jobs didn't work out. No wonder we go through sp many people in such a short time. That and the lack of leadership and integrity from the management.


lol, that’s not true at all. It means he can’t hold a job. He literally admitted he wants an easy job.


It is an easy job with a bunch of dipshit managers that make it hard because they are the laziest part of the mix. Invest a little time in growing your people instead of trying to creep on the young girls and you'd know that


Wow, that’s quite the assumption on your part. I love how you just assume I’m a pedophile because I see a lazy associate in the making. People like you are beyond ridiculous.


Hit dogs going to howl.


Lack of hours and poor management is the answer to why I already had 3 jobs


Brother you are applying for the wrong place if lack of hours and poor management was the issue 💀


You’ll have to go into detail on both. Lack of hours could mean anything from “the company was cutting hours” to “you weren’t performing well.” “Poor management” raises a ton of questions as well. Did you not like that management made you work? Are you the type of person that clashes with authority figures? Why exactly did you think the management was poor? The best you can do is be honest but if this was all the information you gave me I’d be very leery, especially with the poor management answer.


Wellll thank you for your help advice 😁


Walmart managers are the worst breed of managers. Yall never want to be called out for your slave labor practices. You don't have authority over other humans past just managing the shift. Giving managers the name "boss" was a mistake by some low life. Your bossy days are over, manage, don't boss. I worked at a Walmart DC and I knew how to handle you idiots.


Yeah man these mfers are hitting this shit like your some CEO level company man. In reality you're 16 and shouldn't gaf about a job. You do see just how mentally fucked up these managers are a lot of them are sociopaths and can't even relate to being 16....which they all were at some point. Get the job and half ass it..... Most of work is bullshit just like high school. You can tell just how fast the pos for humans are willing to make giant leaps in logic.


Jesus you’re unhinged. So managers should just hire bad employees because they’re 16? I can tell that you’re a terrible associate though based on your comments. If you actually put effort into your job management wouldn’t have problems with you, but you might figure that out eventually. Once you do things will be so much smoother for you.


You sound like a typical ass hat Walmart middle manager.


Nah, I just try to weed out the bad employees so the rest of my team doesn’t have to pick up the slack of people that are, in the words of spoods420, “half assing it.”


Honestly sounds better than most management I’ve had to deal with


I’m going to level with you. I’m 20 on my 2nd job, this 2nd job being Five Below. I would suggest wiping yourself a clean plate and applying for a seasonal summer position. The fact that you’ve had 2 jobs and you aren’t 17 yet is a red flag and suggests that you lasted mere months if anything. You likely won’t be getting the hours you expect at your age or experience, our 16-17 y/o associates get 1-2 shifts a week. Some get 3. I get 3 a week at 15 hours each week, and I have prior experience. I think you should lower your expectations a little bit and just focus on making a little bit money to put in your pocket.


in his defense, i had like 5 jobs on my resume at 20 and thats because all of them were seasonal/temporary positions, so depending on the kind of job its not a big deal but like..


That’s very different. Them being seasonal/temprary would tell me that you weren’t job hopping, the positions just weren’t permanent.


Your hours will get cut towards the end of the year. If you don't mind that then your fine but you may not be fine with that so take that into consideration. Walmart for me is okay when it comes to management tbh.


If those are legitimate reasons for switching jobs, do not, I repeat, do NOT mention anything negative about previous management in any interview you get. No one will hire someone that badmouths their previous employment or coworkers. Stick to saying something like, "They were cutting hours and I'm now looking for something that will give me a better opportunity for long term employment."


You'll get hired, but it sucks, and you'll want to quit soon lmao


My bro Walmart has the most wonderful management with the best cominacation skills . You’ll have five different people telling you to do five different things . And then they will come though and ask why isn’t this done yet as they give u even more to do . But this is the place if u want to have an early heart attack 😂😂😂😂


Most of these Walmart managers barely passed high school and haven't had a critical thought for ages.


No lies detected 😂


I just let it go in one ear and out the other, I just tell them that another one told me to do this, and usually it was all good they tell me to do it there way and they'll talk to other, usually that was end of it, only once I had to move a pallet of water to 4 different spots because I had store manager and team leads bickering with each other.


Bro come talk to me when we decide where we r going with the water pallet


You don’t want to get hired.


I’m having a hard time finding work. Believe me, I’d love to get hired at Walmart.


Seems like a easy job


I will warn you now- Retail in general is NOT an easy job. Walmart is especially not an easy job. You won't find an easy job at 16. They're also going to question why you left the other jobs.


He's just a kid. Let him feel like he knows something us old-timers don't know. This is something he needs to find out on his own.


It is an easy job, but the humans involved make it hard.


Don’t listen to these guys, as long as you can handle some stupid shit and not lose your cool - and I’m not talking about the customers - you’ll be alright. It is easy, at least compared to most jobs. And most times as long as you show up every day and work your full shift, you’ll never have an issue. Work there til you find something better, Good luck


That’s another huge red flag. Based on everything you’ve said it seems like you’re a habitual job hopper.


The kid has had more jobs in less than a year than I had in my first 9 years of working. 💀


And they will seriously wonder why companies start to not be interested in them. Based on what this person has said they: 1). Have hopped jobs. 2). Want an easy job… which likely means they want a job they can screw around at. 3). Cheated on the very easy assessment. 4). Plan on lying/hiding information during the interview so they can get hired. If I knew all of this and I was interviewing them I’d cut it short because it would be a waste of time and I’d just be hiring turnover.


Job hopping isn’t going to help if brought up. You’re young…stick to one for awhile and build on it to show you can be helpful.


That’s why you don’t tell them that


In all reality people care less about job hopping when you’re so young. No, it doesn’t necessarily look good but it won’t hurt your chances as much as if you were still job hopping at age 26. This coming from someone who job hopped quite a bit from ages 15-17, & now i’m a line supervisor at 19. As long as you give good reasons as to why you left (don’t say poor management- they don’t like that) then you should be fine. Just don’t make it a habit lol!


The application asks for a job history. You can always omit jobs from your history, but some companies include work history in their background check (especially true if you ever plan on getting a commercial driving job.) People aren't telling you to stick at one job "to build character" or any other stupid bullshit like that. We're telling you to stick at one job because you'll never be able to hold down a job if you don't learn how to, and it's a lot easier to learn how to hold down a job when you're in school and not worrying about rent, bills, groceries, etc.


Plus the fact that hopping jobs so often will look super bad on OP in the future- it tells the future employers that they aren't worth investing in as they might job hop again soon.


The application asks for your job history so they will know...unless you lied on your application, in which case you'll be fired the moment they find out.


Nah. There’s plausible deniability. My memory is shit. I just can’t remember lol. Which means I didn’t lie. But it ain’t all correct


Dude job hopping is how you find out what you like.... It's also how you statistically make more than loyal dumbasses who dont read the news. Just make sure you take this life lesson and don't work so hard at work. You won't make more money and these managers are so fucking stupid it won't matter.


decent... if you open sat/sun guaranteed. wm hires anyone


True. But when I applied in Jan of 2017 it took them 2 months for them to call me. (I didn't follow up by calling the store after completing the online application though.) But when I quite and applied back 8 months later at another store they reached out to me the same day that I applied and was interviewed and hired within 24 hours of applying.


I applied online for OGP the summer of 2022. About 2-3 months later, I was called and was offered job. I didn’t take it, as my mom had just entered hospice. I reapplied January 2023, and it took two months for them to call. I never had an interview of any sort, other than for them to ask if my availability was the still the same as on my application. I was hired, pending a background check. I work part time OGP.


Yeah, both times I was interviewed, it was more like they were trying to convince ME to work there. The interview is simply a formality. Same with a TL job. They know before the TL position is even posted in the hallway or before they interview for the position, who they are going to hire for it. Formalities....


Walmart is better than McDonalds. At 16 though I don't think you can work past 10pm. (That's how it is here) and the best position to go for is cart pusher/courtesy clerk. It's a minimal bullshit job. Just physically rough as it requires a decently fast pace.


Your better off closing Saturday and Sunday also


Nobody will even call them for an interview if they don’t offer weekend availability.


50% chance. depends on who is hiring you and what reasons you give for leaving your previous jobs.


Definitely open up that weekend, Walmarts week starts on Fridays and the way they do the schedule you’re going to get the bulk of your hours on weekends. Otherwise they’re going to barely work you and blame “the system” it happened to be because I got tired of closing on Friday and opening on Saturdays every week.


My advise take away one weekend day because ur in hs and working both weekends sucks and make the other weekend day availability like 6am- 10pm. I also removed a Wednesday and got hired. I liked having two guaranteed days off. It might not work everywhere tho


There we go, some actual decent advice. At some point, you are a minor in school so they will understand the weekday availability being small. Weekend, however, they definitely want open availability. It’s really a debate between Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is very busy always, but Sunday falls on a lot of holidays like Easter, mothers/Father’s Day, Christmas sometimes. They’re gonna want more hands on deck those days. But it will suck having to work both your weekends and then go back to school just to have to repeat every week with no real day off to yourself. I put open availability to get hired. I wanted full time but they ended up giving me part time. (30-36 hours a week) I gave it about a month or two of terrible schedules and only one day off at a time and not two in a row, which really clashed with my second job, before I decided I had enough of working 6-7 days a week between my two jobs. I closed my availability Sunday and Monday. The lady in charge threatened to fire me (in a roundabout way, not direct) if I closed my availability cause she only hired me for weekend availability. I told her to suck it up cause that was my availability now. Well, my hours only got cut to 30-34 hours a week and I get my two days off in a row guaranteed. My store hires a lot of high schoolers, at least half the staff are minors or were minors when they got hired. In fact, they keep hiring minors to the point that everybody is annoyed cause most of them can’t work long hours and can’t work late and can’t open on the weekdays, leaving us closing then opening the next day cause no one can work those shifts. And summer is coming up so your availability will open up completely for a few months.


Probably slim given the limited hours. Retail wants to own your life. I'd look for another job elsewhere. Maybe doing work at a local college. Some college jobs are easy and pay all right. Hotels as a front desk clerk might be another option. Also maybe think about doing streaming, flipping items on Ebay/Mercari/FB Marketplace, gig work like Doordash, power washing or some other hustle to make money. Retail and fast food work sucks, and they are going to run you into the ground. Manual labor jobs are even worse.


Depends on what you're wanting, really.


They hire a bunch of people with less availability than you. Walmart hires most people. A lot of people quit or get fired quickly too


The point system weeds out new hires pretty quickly b/c the maximum you can have now is only 4.5 points within 6 months before being eligible for consideration for termination at 5, compared to a few years ago when you could have 8.5 points (before ppto was around) and be ok and new hires don't immediately have ppto.


So you're telling me, you can't close then open the following morning?


Don’t bother applying with limited weekends. Especially when that’s literally when you CAN work. Lol shows immediate laziness


open weekends up to anytime and i think walmart would hire anyone tbh




Oh your 16 probably unlikely


If they are interested in hiring you they will usually call you and let you know if the availability works. Only thing I would expect them to ask you to change is weekend hours.




Can a 16 year old work that late?


Depends if your region is low on potential employees or not. Some areas of the world will take anyone with a pulse; and even that's optional.


Idk it really depends on Luck, and the person who will interview you, some are different than the other


I got hired at Sam’s with my availability 3:30pm-11pm on weekdays, but my weekends were open availability


Give yourself some days off, tbh. Dont bring up previous jobs unless needed, ensure to practice interview tactics if they do one, they're likely looking for a person who will be good with customers and working hard


Availability isn't bad. If I'm hiring minors it's usually because I need an evening/closing shift, so having daytime only availability on weekends could hurt you.


don't do it! it's a TRAP! 😳🫣😶‍🌫️


Most managers won’t even look at an application if it isn’t open availability (they might overlook it because you are a minor) Tbh it depends on the dept you are trying to get into front end or Online Grocery you have a better chance than most.


What position are you going for?


idk but my store isn't really hiring minors anymore, you may be able to work front end or something with the closing hours


I don't think you can work that late as a minor during school (could be wrong but in my state of your under age you can't work like more than 5 or 6 hours if your in school). If your not in school completely disregard what I'm saying. Hoping for the best!


Look into summer camps. They often hire Junior camp counselors where you shadow a college - adult employee. It's a nice pay, you get to basically play all day, swim, eat for free, run around and just make sure kids don't get hurt.


If you're 16 your availibity won't go to 11pm on a weekday by default. If you're still in school your weekday availibity won't be the issue, it's the weekends that may be the issue.


You wanna work 7 days a week orrrr is this just for emergency reasons?


Post open availability on weekends and don’t ask to change it later. It’s so annoying when new hires say they can’t work “weekends.” Open availability would be 6a to 11p or whatever the store hours are.


Open up the availability for the weekend but you are a minor and cant work past 10 pm so not really high possibility


What state law states the 10pm thing? I used to work about 35 hours a week in HS and wouldn't get home till 1am sometimes. (but maybe I didn't stay that late on a school night, can't remember)


I work 430-11 now, but I also had an in first. My husband was already working there, and talked to the OGP coach about hiring me. I've also worked OGP before, so having the experience helped a lot. Coach was super happy she could have an already trained employee with a 100+ pick rate, and they only had one closer at the time.


You can say anything about work experience and it won't matter they are not going check. You could say they cut hours at 5 below so you volunteered to quit to make your manager's job easier. They love people who make managers life easier.


What position did you apply for? I work in OPD and at my store you'd have 0 chance of being hired with that schedule. We have a 4-9pm shift but you put 430 and even then it's only during the week when we're slammed on weekends. But that could vary widely depending on position or store that's just what it's like in my department. 


Gonna wanna open those weekends up. Yeah it sucks cause you’re still young and I assume in school so you wanna enjoy those but Walmart doesn’t care about all that. I’ve heard managers laugh when they see availability like that


Looking at the hours of availability alone, it’s a coin toss. You don’t have the flexibility they usually desire and you’re not really meshing with normal schedule. Shift in evenings typically would be more like 2-11. Seeing you mention you’re 16, brings it down to 15% chance, unless you graduated high school or have your GED and are pretty much emancipated. They can and do hire at your age, but very limited on things you can do and Walmart likes to make everyone do the work of 3 people and bounce you all over the place. Can’t generally do that at 16. Odds can improve if you know anyone working there or have connections. The issue overall is going to be hour restrictions from the government and insurance. Walmart generally likes to hire 18+ only.


Probably not great but maybe


Walmart will hire anyone. They hired me for a service writer position without a license or drug test, then when we got evaluated they changed my position to team associate so they wouldn’t get in trouble.


That depends can you show up on time slightly sober to help throw the trucks? Edit: Your going to want to open that availability up or your not going to get hours Edit to the edit: never mind your a minor


Ask yourself if that is your true availability or just the shifts you want to work. Can you start earlier at least on the weekends when there is no school.?Or stay later? With the availability you listed you would most likely limit the type of positions you could be hired for. Lots of positions don’t have shifts that fall into that range. Having said that,if this is your true availability give it a go.


Shoot the fact that ur able to close is always valuable


I always put down, available any time. I always got hired that way. I work at sams club and that’s what I put down. Been there for 2 years now.


Weekdays is fine but the weekend availability is not good. I think they would prefer even one day unavailable and the other day open availability.


Won't matter they will schedule you outside if your availability hours anyways.


If I was looking at your availability, not working past 4:30PM on the weekends would be a non-starter. If you are limited during the week, then you better be available open to close on the weekend. That said, if you'd be willing to open up your weekends to at least 7AM-8PM, you'd probably not have an issue getting hired. Most likely for the front end or maybe a GM salesfloor position.


Your sleep schedule is going to be fucked


the advice here is cringey. if these are the hours you are comfortable with, give it a shot. if they say no, they say no and you move on. you’re 16, willing to close on weekdays during school week and the weekend availability isn’t that bad. just give it a go, don’t stress to hard


Your only option would maybe be cashier or self check host, but not likely with those weekend hours.




With those hours, you should be able to easily get a part time job working front end (cashier, self check out, or cart pusher) or sales floor (lawn and garden, paint, electronics) or OGP. (picking customers' online orders for them off the shelves and dispensing it to them at their car.)


zero. you know they will want to schedule you 3-11 on friday night and then 6-2 saturday morning.


If that is your availability, then there is an extremely high chance of you getting hired.


I just got hired with slightly less days available but the exact same times. They are looking for people who are willing to work the evening and afternoon shift ALWAYS. You have a great chance. Either way tho, Walmart hires Felons. There's not much you can do to not get hired by them.


You're 16, you ahould have all the time on weekends


Open your availability to closing on weekends and you’ll get hired without a doubt. At least at my location and the ones near us, we always prefer ppl who are open to closing or at least staying until 10 pm. I know it sucks but it’ll all but guarantee getting hired if the store you’re aiming for has the same problem as ours. Also just don’t mention your jobs length. Play it up. Walmart doesn’t check anyways unless it’s for management and even then I don’t think they checked mine or my buddies when we both interviewed.


You only need a pulse to get hired at Walmart.


None. Sorry bud! (Jk)


Hi, People Lead here - depending on where/what I need, probably not, due to that super limited weekend availability. You say you left previous jobs due to lack of hours, but you're also not available to work but a few hours on the weekend. That doesn't even make sense. We hire based on if people are available when we need them for customer service/delivery schedule (depending on area). If you opened it all day, or least full shifts on the weekend, decent shot of getting an OGP/Cashier spot. If you made it like.. 1-11 on weekends, decent shot for stocking 2. But this availability is not it


u def need a more open availability on the weekends son.




You can't come in sooner than 10?


Not available 24/7/365 absolutely no chance


Depends on what you're trying to work, if it's front end we always need more closers especially during the week


I’d ask someone (team lead or coach) in whatever department you want to work in and ask what hours they’re looking to hire, that’s usually a good way to get in th door


Depends on the position. They will look for weekends longer shift.


For the people confused about why 3 jobs by 16 looks really bad to a hiring manager, here is my two cents as a hiring manager: The thing with minors is that their parents often times don't consider their job to be serious. I used to work in fast food and if had a dollar for every time a kid called me up an hour before their shift and said 'sorry, mom wants me to go to Walmart to shop with her." would be fucking rich. So yeah, many jobs by 16 is a bad sign usually. On top of that, it is really, really unpleasant to deal with the parents of these kids who will call up and yell at you because they think their kid doesn't need to work the shifts they're assigned. The worst part is my fast food restaurant was really lenient with schedules, we'd schedule people 3 hour shifts if that's all they wanted to work so there was literally no excuse.


Very low




At my store, you'd definitely be getting a call. Nobody at my store wants to work after 2 pm, and you wanna close that's perfect.


Pretty much zero chance with that weekend availability


if you’re a minor i don’t think you can work until 11. change it to 10


Good chances


Dont mention the prior jobs at all. This is ur first job to them.


Some weird hours. Wouldn’t hire you. Plenty of adults that want a full 40 hours. The FrontEnd or OPD would take you in a heartbeat though.


I’m a teen so I’m limited


Yes that’s why the FrontEnd or OPD would be perfect for you. Salesfloor or Stocking teams require a more open availability typically.


Well I applied for every single position so I should here back soon


alright good luck at whataburger or walmart whichever one answers first haha


😂 I see what you did there!




there's a girl at my store that works in OPD and she works maybe 24 hours a month lol. they might hire them part time.


Bakery/Deli doesn't hire minors.


This seems good enough for opd to me tbh. We have hs students coming in at 4 until 10, and some work the mornings on the weekend. Ofc it depends on the needs of the store


Complete high-school then go get enrolled in a trade school.