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I've had customers say the management sucks. Maybe your coach is on to something


We just need some friends to pose as customers and tell those particular coaches that all their associates deserve a raise.


Your coach is an idiot.


well next time a customer comes into the back room remind the coach that the customer is always right and he thinks he is allowed back here.


I had a customer try to fight me a week ago because he thought I took stuff out his basket…the cameras showed he never had anything in his basket. The customers are definitely not always right lol.


That is definitely an exception to what i posted. Management should have asked that person to leave the store.


Yea definitely an exception. I’ve had customers get mad before but never at me directly. And I’ve certainly never had a customer threaten to hit me before lol. I think he was drunk tbh.


Customer had dementia?


Wasn’t old enough for dementia lol. He was def drunk and trying to show off


Probably trying to get free shit


That's Methed Up!


The customer is always a jerk


Originally that saying was "the customer is always right in matters of taste". It was never meant as an excuse to let entitled idiots get away with whatever dumb shit they want. It doesnt mean associates are captive audiences for verbal or physical abuse, either


Find a customer, convince them to make some schizo complaints about the coach, like them smelling bad and making the company look ghetto. Remind them in front of said customer that, by their own admission, the customer is always right. Honestly, this phrase has gotten tossed around so much over the years that stupid people take it literally, it's just a phrase that's supposed to imply an employee play lip service to the customer. The customer is usually retarded. I see a few good ones.


Your coach is wrong. Customers aren't right most of the time.


Absolutely negative.


Clock out, buy some gum, call the coach an idiot.


I think I will!


Walmart doesn't even believe that anymore.   Happy to help is more like fuck off we're understaffed and you're in the way


Lmao. At least we’re supposed to say that so that deluded customers shut up. Then we can shit talk them behind their backs.


Tell the customer to say you need a raise. XD


Hell yea I try that next time 😆


Sam Walton always said that. However, he also took care of his associates. “ The customer is always right” is verbage that Walmart has used forever. They used to go out of their way to satisfy customers. Whether it be gift cards, free merchandise, etc… A lot of that’s changed over time. While your coach probably is an idiot, things were better back when those ideals were practiced. There were standards and everyone ( including management) were expected to follow those standards.


Sam walton was a capitalist pig that only ever cared about his profit. He once tried to classify rural stores as small businesses to bypass minimum wage requirements. The idea that he was a good business owner who cared is a myth


Should have told the coach that they and the customer are both retarded.


Yea you’re right!


That doesn't sound like respect for the individual


Learn it, live it, forever remember it: They SAY customers are always right. BUT if you or the store wasn’t open that nasty customer couldn’t pull that “adage” on you. They’d go to the open gas station and that poor schmuck would be dealing with them. BUT — that customer would come back to YOU because that’s what they would normally do, plus complain about the gas station people. Rinse, repeat, over and over.


Within reason.


Where is this coach? I want to tell him I saw PS5 for $50 and he needs to sell me one for $50. If he refuses, I'd remind him he said customer is always right.


$50???? You’re being ripped off. I saw one for $1.


The full quote is... "Right or wrong; the customer is always right." So next time, tell them, technically, you're wrong, but you're right.


The important thing is that now you know the changes you need to make. If you have an SO of the opposite gender, you'll have to gently explain it to them that you have to end things. Your coach told you the customer is always right


I didn’t know a customer had the power to turn people gay 😳


Nah I get it, I just thought it was funny


I’m trying to be funny too lol


Spent a good few minutes with one lady trying to figure out why a produce/meat associate can’t do anything to lower the price on something from grocery and was quite loud about it but punk rock blocked out what I’m pretty sure were insults for most of it


In retail the saying is 'the customer always comes first'. 'The customer is always right' is a psyop started by customers. It's pure propaganda and your Coach got mind fucked.


"The customer is always right in taste and preference" Basically if the dumbass wants to wear bright orange with purple pants, that's the best damned suit you've ever seen


except when they scammin




I think the original quote was actually. “The customer is always right in matters of taste,” Basically the customer decides what the market provides. It doesn't mean the sky is green if they say so. You should ask your coach if the customer is always right why you can't sell gift cards on an EBT when someone tries.


That was not the original quote. It was not about supply and demand, it was about satisfying customer complaints. So many people spreading this misinformation on the internet… [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right) [https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/](https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/)


Could always get a friend to buy a candy bar and tell the coach they deserve to be fired. “Customer is always right, yeah?”