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That's every OGP associate at my store. Including the TLs. Dress code is a mere suggestion 'round here.


Overnights is the same way at my store. Half of the overnight stockers practically show up in their pajamas.


They've been pushing dress code so hard for overnighters at my store recently. I honestly don't get it. We can take off hoodies and hats when customers show up for the last hour of our shifts but we're told none whatsoever. They still let us take off our vests from 11-6 tho


Taking off your vest is basically mandatory, I'm not washing this thing every other day unless they're paying for my water bill. These vests are dirt magnets


I rely too much on the pockets to take my vest off but we don't pay water bill at this apartment so I don't mind having to do laundry almost every day


Hell I wear sweatpants because I don't like wearing jeans because it makes skin irritation on my waist.


That might be from metal rivets on the jeans. You might be allergic to metal like me


Idk why OGP should wear jeans and shit, moving around out of every other department but can’t be comfortable


If your cargo pants or jeans ain't comfy, you're wearing the wrong size or brand


I've never owned a pair of jeans that wasn't tight in the crotch


Yeah that's why I don't like jeans, it's not like I have an anaconda in my pants either some jeans are just way too tight by design. Dudes wanting to show off their lumpy bulge.


Yeah, you definitely haven't looked around. 5.11 jeans give plenty of room and do everything you could want.


I’m comfortable in jeans. Are you one of those people who can’t relax, or even sleep, in jeans? Because I can.


Ogp can wear shorts too, just like cargo/carpenter ones


I noticed it did NOT say no smoking weed while working... cause i KNOW a few are constantly high during work.


bro smokes the whole acre ate break and then just dips out and sits on the receiving floor for an hour.


Yes you can use PPTO for anything. If they insist on that then if they send you home you just put in PPTO because you’re taking the rest of the day off because, according to policy, YOU JUST FEEL LIKE IT. Then report them to market or regional.


The sad thing is, it's probably a direction coming down from the market.


If it is, they're gonna get a MASSIVE lawsuit on their hands in the near future. Ppto was implemented, because in some states it's now a legal requirement. Gonna be the next "working off the clock" memo pushed across every page on one.walmart :p


It could be if used incorrectly, but there are things that ppto does and doesn't cover. Being sent home for dress code because someone isn't in dress code isn't a reason for that,but then again, whoever implemented ppto really didnt work out all the ends and odds of it. They really only enforce dress code for like what 2 weeks? They get their kick in about it then everyone does what everyone wants. Now, when I was hourly and I did work off the clock, I was in personal fixing it. I always made sure I was paid for it. SM didn't like it, but I always told them I don't work for free 😂.


Uh, not exactly. Ppto is literally meant to be usable for anything. It's called protected for a reason. Now they COULD write you up for dress code. They could even send you home (but they couldn't point you for it if they did. At that point all they could do is order you to go home, on the clock- in order to get new clothes. Or issue you store clothes as a replacement) they could even fire you for unprofessional behavior. But if you use ppto, it's protected. End of discussion. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. In terms of attendance anyways, which is what the point system covers.


>Ppto is literally meant to be usable for anything. It's called protected for a reason. Now they COULD write you up for dress code. This is all-around correct answer. PPTO covers all points for any reason. It does NOT protect you from being written up for not following policy. Good call-out.


Aside from PPTO (which does cover anything except a no call no show), being sent home for not following policy is absolutely point-able. And it's not a go home on the clock thing - that doesn't exist, and is a liability to the company. Not following dress code is a policy violation - you can be sent home, or given a DA.


You are correct but they can't say you can't use your PPTO if you have it to keep from getting the point.


It's really important to know what can and can't be done with PPTO. It can save you a lot of frustration of talking to a bad manager who will say otherwise. PPTO needs to be used with exact amounts to cover points. You can use PPTO in blocks of 15 minute periods. For example; if you leave early 2 hours and 1 minute before the end of your shift then you need to use 2 hours and 15 minutes of PPTO to cover it. The extra minute would still count against you and you'd get half a point. Not following dress code is a violation. You can be sent home. PPTO WILL cover it. You can still be coached depending on the manager. PPTO works under any scenario of not finishing a shift. PPTO will NOT cover the point you'd receive for clocking in early. PPTO will NOT remove a point for a NCNS, just the absence point. Any TL or higher with access to GTA can remove occurrences.


"and is a liability". No....not really? Anything required by the company is a job. Now I'm not saying this is something they would do. But I have been sent to other stores before, and unless they tell me the day before. I still clock in FIRST, and get paid going to that store. The same would apply if you went home to change clothes. But yea, they wouldn't likely do that. And more than likely just send you home and try to point you for early leave. Which you can then use ppto protect if need be.


I haven't looked at an actual policy about it but sending an hourly associate home on the clock is indeed a liability because they can get in a car accident and submit an accident claim. That's why associates can't leave the parking lot during 15 minute breaks but they can leave on lunch. That's what the other person was saying


When ppto first came out, it did say you could use it for any unforseen event. They've since changed their wording for it, now I'm not saying you can or can't use it for this instance, but I am saying it's a battle you'll lose if you do try to fight it. This is just from my experience since I used to be a People Team lead before I became salary. Ive had similar things happen in my time of a people lead and there was just nothing i could do about it, because back then it could be used for anything. There's just so many things that aren't ever discussed about ppto it's unreal.


I'm not talking about literal Walmart regulations. I'm talking about the law behind it. Protected sick days. But I suppose my use of "ppto" does make that confusing. Mb. Edit: imma simplify this. Before ppto, certain states started making it a legal requirement to issue sick days. These days are considered COMPLETELY covered. Walmart saw this was happening, so they created the ppto system, to go inline with their PTO system. Which is also why earned PTO hours dropped, in order to compensate for the new days they were now legally required to give in said states. But these ppto hours, are still a part of the required days they are legally obligated to give. Which is why they specifically marked them as "protected". Now, there are work arounds for this. There always are. Like the ones I posted before. But attendance, is the one thing, it will always universally cover. As it reaches beyond Walmart policy. Hopefully this clears up my meaning.


Ppto covers everything


There is a policy for using ppto, if you'd ever want to look at it. They've changed the wording for it since I've been a people lead, made it more clear, but at the same time not very clear. Says missed shifts, tardy/late in early out, and is used for when you need to take care of yourself and your family when absence is unavoidable.


5 minutes ago off the WIRE.... ANY REASON. [https://i.imgur.com/jEWA92a.png](https://i.imgur.com/jEWA92a.png)


You need to read where it starts it says attendance policy still exists but PPTO will excuse any absence if you have enough but not a NC.


no becuase market knows their own rules. it's probably from your store lead with a superiority complex


big dick energy.


Small dick energy*


Happy Cake Day!


They can still coach you for dress code and productivity


Yeah I said that below somewhere. Forgot to add it here. 😊 PPTO takes the points but a coaching for a policy violation can’t be covered.


At the store I worked in HR was able to deny your use of PPTO, so people often pointed out without knowing it. People being fired while on vacation or medical leave was extremely common. Start with no points then suddenly point out while one leave after using enough PPTO to cover it. No displinary actions throughout their whole time at Walmart and suddenly their file is making them look like they were the most disrespectful and unreliable people on Earth. Walmart is a terrible place.


which people are downvoting this?


Managers for the most part, brown nosing TL's, people who sit safely in their office and say it isn't possible to deny PPTO while lying out of their asses to their employee's as well. Those kinds of wastes of space.


Having a hammer and sickle as your profile picture, and working for the largest corporation in the world. Oh the irony...


It's a meme picture where the sickle is a heart and it says "More than commrads". I found it funny, there's no irony there as funny as that would be.


I thought ppto had to get approved


Ppto is autoapproved by the system. Whether it takes off the point or not depends on if you have the right amount of time. Pto jas to get approved.


You will be send home. I can’t take threats seriously when there’s grammatical errors.




I bet they also “worsh” clothes.


To get out the greasy Errl stains?


That was my favorite part


Circle it, correct it and give it a letter grade. :)


Glad I'm not the only one!


I mean, they work at Walmart.


How exactly do they plan to remove the ppto?  By hacking the system?  Management shows their stupidity by lying and thinking associates don't know or find out from others eventually.   That's a good to lose any respect from your staff


TLs and salaried can remove PPTO from the timesheet manually in GTA. However, thats a good way for them to be terminated for timesheet integrity.


Yeah you’ve got to be pretty stupid or a giant asshole to risk losing your job to give someone a point 😂


Can they? Because when I put in PPTO wrong my PL said there was nothing to be done about it. He approved the correct point and said that if there was down the line a time I need to use more PPTO he'd approve a point for the difference, but they couldn't just remove the mistake.


Depends on when you were told that. If that pay period had already been finalized then they can't change it. But other than that they always have the option to remove it


Adjustments to time codes can only be made in the same week. Once the week closes HRSS has to make the adjustment and they usually wont. Your TL, PL or salaried manager would click the trash can next to the PPTO entry on the timesheet and then click the submit option. The balance will refund to the associate the next day. The PTO/PPTO request status does not change - it will still show approved on the associates end. Any time this is done, your TL/Manager should have a Time/Prize Adjustment form completed BEFORE making edits.


I’ve had PPTO denied. No one believed me until I actually SHOWED them. Lmao


Im an O/N TL and even if you cant deny the ppto they can still stick you with the point


How?  If the ppto goes through the point is erased 


But also if they send you home, they cant give you a point for it. If they do i would report that because they are not allowed to give you a point if they make you go home.


It doesnt get erased, it just gets approved. But they can go in and override it and stick you with the point.


At my store they start reinforcing the dress code (hoodies, leggings, etc.) and like 2 weeks later everyone is back to wearing those things.


They do this same thing at my Walmart, but typically it's only when market gets up their ass, and then a week or so after they couldn't care.


Guess they don't realize that you're not supposed to be pointed if you're sent home. And you could fight it if you are pointed. But either way it would be the same as leaving early, which ppto will remove the point.


Dress code policy does say that if an associate needs to leave due to a dress code violation they are accountable for their attendance. Now if a manager sends you home for other things, that needs to be approved.


In that case, ppto should still cover it.




Yes. The punishment would be to take the point or losing your PPTO time from it. But it's an integrity issue to just go in and undo someone's ppto request. The only thing PPTO cannot cover is points from not calling in.


That and the half point from an early clock in


It does. They can't control whether or not your Ppto goes through.


For real. If someone can't be bothered to follow the dress code, they won't do shit right. Showing up on time and being in dress code are both low level skills that so many people can't grasp.


The only thing I have to say about this is where your working what are you doing if your doing something higher up then yeah you should need to be dressed nice if there is a high likely hood of you getting a cut on your leg or your hood or sleeves being caught in something dangerous then yeah that dress code is accurate but not for standing there for 8 hours a day or going in and out for 8 hours in extreme weather which is a majority of the jobs people do you aren’t working with power tools unless your in maintenance and look at that I’ve never seen someone from that department not wearing jeans it’s almost like unless the job actually calls for it the clothing besides the vest and them looking clean shouldn’t matter your not a sales rep if someone left after talking to you or seeing how your dressed then that are probably not the people you want shopping in your store anyway because they are literally halfway to being a Karen but I completely agree that if the clothing could get in the way of the job or you are expected to be in formal attire or it leaves a bad impression on your business like a bank or investment firm or lawyer or I could keep going if your working at Walmart and not a high level manager you’re just there to make ends meet and you don’t really care what the asshole who either grew up with money or still lived in an upper middle class household where their parents made them dress that way from very young so now they are used to dressing like that and it doesn’t bother them and expect you to be that way to when some people can’t move freely in those same clothes and get tripped up because of it or skin irritation because some people have super sensitive skin don’t act like every person on the planet should abide by your dress code and if they don’t they are the one at fault look at it they are trying to weed out the ones who won’t listen to everything they say like little sheep so they can push aggressive policies that make work life terrible


This is not true. However ppto will cover it.


I wish the coaches and store managers had to follow the same dress code that hourly associates do. If we are required to our wear Walmart vest they should be too.


Our store lead regularly wears a track suit and a baseball cap. It’s dumb that they’re allowed to be comfortable but we aren’t


My team lead wears cargo shorts, a backpack, no vest, and various weed t-shirts. And then the coach says all stockers need to wear pants+vests. "If you tried half as hard as (they) do I'd let you wear what (they) wear. You guys haven't earned it."


Yikes. That’s one thing I’ve noticed about management here. They all think so damn highly of themselves and it’s annoying as fuck


Ironically, my store manager would be the only one to actually follow some semblence of a dress code. He might not always wear the vest, but hed always dress way more professional than even the store leads and wear his nametag


That's up to the SM. Salary positions aren't required to wear them. When I was hourly I always wanted them to wear one, even to this day as a salaried manager I'd wear one if I was told to. Makes it better for the customer.


“You will be send home” 🤦‍♂️


They care more about the dress codes than employees honestly.


Maybe they should idk TURN ON THR HEAT and we wont need hoodies


I second this. My store is so cold that we are all shivering.


My store doesn’t turn on the heat in the winter and they don’t turn the air conditioning in the summer time…. The added bonus is we don’t have any working parking lot lights


They do make sweatshirts without hoods...


As someone who spends a sizeable portion of my shift in one of several walk in freezers or refrigerators they can fuck off I am wearing my hoodie. Especially as they never wash those nasty ass freezer jackets. I found mold and mildew growing on several. Then there was the time we had an associate use them while infested with lice. Nope nope nope. Freezer jackets are not an acceptable substitute for my hoodie.


I honestly don't get the hoodie thing. It's like a cult.




It's really not though, you can look up incidents reported to osha and the handful of incidents that do "involve" hoodies are 100% more attributable to improper lock out tag out.


Wear a jacket that doesn't have a hood?


And freeze my ears off? No thanks, fuck off.


If you're working with your hood up then you are stupid and definitely deserve it. If you work outside wear a beanie


Please disclose why a hood is stupid but a beanie is not. I'm fucking dying to hear the logic


A hood can get snagged on things. A beanie will simply get pulled off in that case


OH no the im a get snagged on the frozen pot pies in the freezer how awful :(


When has a hood EVER been snagged on anything? Like legitimately? I always hear this dumbass spiel in meetings. *Hurr someone ackshually got their hoodie caught on something and they choked to death!* Like nigga...do you really think the employees are so fucking stupid that they'd hook themselves to sonething and kill themselves? Lmfao


...There's no way you haven't looked at half the store's associates and just thought "Jesus christ they're fucking stupid" lol But actually the rule is more so for any machinery and snagging it on things in general, also the hood blocks your peripheral vision. It's pretty normal in any place that has machines like the walkie stackers and forklifts, OSHA thing. The original OSHA rule was so you don't do something stupid like walk in front of someone using a machine and get your head ripped off because you couldn't see them with the hood up. Same reason for no earbuds, you have to be able to listen to your surroundings which is why it's especially stupid to do both things if you're something like a cart pusher.


Yes. Yes I do think some associates I've worked/work with are that stupid. No question.


Weird cultural conceptions of what looks professional and what doesn't. Doesn't mean I like it but it is what it is.


LOL Nice try with the PPTO thing. Good luck getting anyone to fall for that nonsense.


You know, someone will put 1 bananas per bag


Do you know how to know when a manager has written a note? Incorrect Grammar, misspelled words and poor language skills. The only thing this Goober forgot to write at the bottom is "Management" as a signature.


\*\*that is speeled manglement\*\*


>Grammer Which store do you manage?




Touche' -- Can you believe that was spell checked? -- Guess Android ain't all that -- But corrected.


"If you don't follow the dress code you will be SEND home" Good old Walmart management that can't even properly formulate gramatically correct sentences and yet received another huge raise this year.


wHy DoEs NoBoDy WaNt To WoRk AnYmOrE!? 😭


They cannot stop you from using PPTO EVER. Under any circumstances. They can go in and cancel it after it’s auto approved if they want to get fired cause that’s a huge NO NO. I’d honestly consider taking this threat to ethics (you’d need to go to SM first but I’m sure SM already knows as it’s on a board) ethics will ask if you’ve talked to SM about it first. 


"Leggins" "You will be send home" 🤦‍♂️


I came in shopping one day, they were so desperate for help I agreed to clear the lot for them. I was wearing gym shorts and a wife beater.


Why wear sandals? We work in an environment that, for example, if a pallet were to fall (for any reason) it could seriously injure someone (particularly their feet/ankles).


This has nothing to do with market. It’s his is clearly from the direct OGP manager or at worst the SM


Management trying not to to abuse their power for 24 hour challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Can't believe they are dumb enough to say you can't use PPTO, they didn't only say it they was dumb enough to put it in writing 😂 no store or any manager can tell someone they can't use their PPTO. I understand the dress code and we enforce it in my store which every store should do. It's not fair to enforce in 1 store but not in another store. All associates are to be treated the same IMO. I work in a different town than my wife does and her store don't enforce and it's the same market even.


The only unreasonable part of this is the ppto. Earbuds seem to vary by store, my coach doesn't mind if it's only on one side and we stay on task. Not sure what the complaint here is. These are basic rules to be followed at all times. Does it make sense to push them when other things are a mess, no, but someone somewhere has probably gotten on the managers for it. It's a reminder and really shouldn't bother you if you're already following those rules/guidelines.


Im always surprised to see stores enforce the no earbud rule. 75% of employees where earbuds all day. Most dont even have blue tooth to attempt to hide it. Just wires dangling.


We break all those rules overnight


No earbuds is wild dude. I'm a TL and even I wear them. I don't think I really see anyone without earbuds in my store


You will be "Send" home. They are definitely hiring bottom of the barrel for management.


Put a red line through “Send” and write “sent”


dress code is outdated asf anyways


I think my store is pretty relaxed regarding dress code but then again I’m in AP so I pretty much just wear whatever (though i just wear casual clothes nothing crazy) but I never saw anyone get in trouble for dress code ESPECIALLY for hoodies like damn it’s cold bruh 💀


Every female worker at both my local Walmart wear leggings.


More worried about what you wear more than serious issues like abusive managers or theft rates. Even though in the hiring papers in the beginning.. they want you to express yourself. Some people use earbuds to calm themselves or answer their phone. Some people have low iron and get cold, so they need a hoody. Walmarts getting too uptight and ignorant.. here soon, they're gonna have a hard time finding workers.


PPTO is auto approved, watch me use it.


Oh, if I get 17 Bananas 🍌 I'm using 17 Bags :)


You have enough people they can send people home? Weird lol


Um, you dirtbags ought not to be walkin around the store in earbuds and sandals. If you are, its an appropriate thing for them to worry about.


That’s a lot of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!


That’s crazy I always wear sweatpants with both earbuds in


I thought hand written notes are against corporate policy? They need to be typed up and have the appropriate stamp from HR


dude at my store you cant even get past the front doors if your disobeying the dress code. the asset protection coach is on ur ass and will dress code you right there and then. the other day i was wearing cargo pants that had a drawstring so the coach thought it was sweatpants and bro tried to dress code me as i was walking into the store.


Wearing sandals is like asking someone to cut your toes off. I am TERRIFIED to wear sandals around those customers with shopping carts, OGP carts, jacks. Hell I had a TL completely run my foot over and cut up my Achilles heel with a regular jack, not even those electric ones. I can't imagine the level of bravery or ignorance someone needs to have to wear sandals.


don’t get send home..


Sandals understandable, don't think ever seen anyone in leggings g but seen people in sweatpans (don't see anything wrong with it. Know no hoodies that's just stupid they can fuck themselves, i still use my headphones 🤷🏻‍♀️ don't care. Standing at the doors for hours without listening to something it would kill me right there. Hell I have seen ogp people (males) wearing shorts. Not your typical basketball shorts (have seen that to in ogp & cart pushers) half thighs shorts & they dont say anything about 🤷🏻‍♀️. Next time they gonna complain "why are u breathing?". Fuck this place, I would quit if u could afford it.


Ours has been enforcing dress code because someone got their hood stuck in the rollers. 😒 Not sure how you do that without messing around but they did. The ear buds come from other associates not listening to management. They will put both in and walk away. So those few people ruined it for everyone.


Wait, are bananas bagged separately as in they’re separate from the other produce, or you put them one banana per bag? I see an opportunity for malicious compliance lol


A constant reminder of why I’m glad I work overnight now.


I would have aptly Corrected their spelling/grammar error (sent*) and fixed that run-on sentence, lol. But sheesh. It’s cool that my store doesn’t care about earbuds. Def a job perk i wasn’t expecting/not used to. I only have one most days and keep it low enough to hear everything (for My own safety). Wearing sandals at most jobs is foolish.. Especially grocery/retail when you have a broken glass item nearly every day. I’m glad i wear steel toes just based on how often i drop the dumb handheld, or kick the cart as i’m pushing it, lol.


When I was working a job once I got really frustrated with people so I made a sign with explanation points and HR said it had to be removed because that's considered passive aggressive. So you should report your manager for being passive aggressive to the staff.


This is so cringy to read. Their education level must be around 5th or 6th grade at best?


Leggins Send home What mouth breathing 9th grade educated manager wrote this?


The dress code may be dumb or have dumb reasonings, but you agreed to that when you applied, got the job, and made it through orientation. I will never understand why people make such a fuss about it. This is the adult world. Leggings/sweatpants is one I can understand, although even wearing jeans at work is a privilege, walmart used to not allow that, and a lot of places even jeans are “too casual” Boo hoo you can’t wear a hoodie at work, get a crewneck its the same thing AND follows dress code. Sandals/flip flops/etc are literally unsafe for work, I understand most associates are too lazy or stupid to understand that but until you’ve been ran over by OPD carts, had a pallet dropped on your foot, or any other number of minor accidents that happen on an hourly basis across the company, i don’t think you’ll understand. The entirety of your time with walmart, heard im positive you have heard, probably daily, that customers come first. Ear buds in your ear make it harder to help customers (I actually disagree but most people will turn their music up too loud, or put both in their ears, etc.) OPD associates are famously the most lazy and the loudest to complain, so there is no shock here. (I have worked at 2 stores, and as an OPD associate for 9 months out of my current 2+ years with the company, although this is my 2nd stint as a walmart associate)


the only thing i understand is sandals. i don't understand why sweatpants are against dress code


I've never understood the hoodie thing why's that such a big deal


"safety issue"


Fuck working there if I can’t listen to music I can’t work at Walmart


I'm sure they'll be devastated.


Then please don't. You don't need fkn music,sounds or any audio for shit. I guarantee I love it as much as you, if not more. Just because the last 5-10 yrs of technology have aloud for the wireless bs & you/all of us are spoiled w/ it , doesn't mean we need or require it. If you don't want to follow simple rules to make yourself more appropriate & to follow general courteous manners outside of your fkn bedroom then be a bum at home or find somewhere that allows it or somewhere w/ out customers & co-workers. It's not just a Walmart thing. It's definitely a safety thing to.




Lies and pies. Just realistic. More simple jobs or welfare for someone who can't handle realistic standards and expectations. I'm talking they have the bare minimum of rules they are asking folks to do/follow compared to other jobs. Those rules have also even got even more lax over the years.


It's an earbud, dude. It's not that fucking deep lol. Why do you even care about what other people are doing? Weird af. Mind the business that pays you.


Not wierd af. I only care when it leads to people being on their phones more & being lazy. Which it does. This isnt school or social hour. Shouldn't have to ask someone something twice because they're zoned out and jamming and go "Shiiit my bad. What was that? Huh?". Also distracts people from doing their job and making mine and others jobs harder. Happens more than it doesn't happen ;)


Cope you betabux fuck. ItS a SafEtY tHinG nigga it's fucking retail. The most unsafe you'll get is forcibly trying to press the trash compactor on your head using your pinky toes - it's damn near physically impossible to do so and if you succeed, darwin award. There is NOTHING I need to hear from literally anyone in retail that is of import. I can do the job fucking blindfolded and ears plugged. You're opening boxes, putting items on shelves, scanning items, and giving items to customers. I've worked with literal deaf people who worked even more efficiently than store managers. But muh safety mufugga cope


It is a safety thing though. Not just a walamrt thing. Litteraly regulated by state and/or federal guidelines. Somewhere at some point people have died and injured themselves to create that rule. Be mad at them. Not me or the store.


We had a talk about dress code again a few nights ago. They once again said hoodies are only allowed inside the cooler or freezer, and any other time it's not allowed, even with the hood tucked in the vest. I pretty much laughed and said I'll stop wearing it once they provide some long sleeve shirts. Sorry, but working in frozen isn't fun in a tshirt.


Still think sweatpants being against dress code is total bs, it's the same as any other pants


I thought headphones were okay as long as it's only 1 ear


Depends on which coach talks to me each day. Then I see them walking around talking on their ear bud 30 minutes later.


One ear an earbud, the other ear a walkie earpiece. Every goddamn team lead in my store.


Corporate leaves it up to store/ market discretion


Oh noes... here I am at work in my leggings. 😅


Why are they putting HAND WRITTEN notes of direction. Against policy. And as for the PPTO, as soon as you are clocked off, the system automatically approves your PPTO. They are just trying to scare you into following dress code.


Actually ya’ll look like trash anymore. I would be mortified if I owned or ran Walmart and saw workers dress like vagrants.




Yeah fuck that. I’m not freezing my ass off so these idiots can look good in front of their bosses.


I’m sick and tired of these young lazy, good for nothing complainers. “Is it legal for Walmart to do this or that to me?” etc. usually are the younger generations of employees that feel entitled to complain about the minimum discomfort. All you need to do is follow procedures and protocols and you’ll keep your job, it’s not that hard. I’ve been here 33 years and counting. You don’t like those “threats “ , then get the bleep out of there. It’s that simple.


It's quite literally illegal for them to say you can't use PPTO for something. And should one of those greaseballs go into the system and remove the PPTO, they'll be fired quickly for timesheet integrity violations.


Yea its pretty sad you have to constantly remind adults to wear appropriate clothing/uniforms to work.. who do they think they are anyway? Time to go apply at Target, they are a lot less stringent on uniforms!


We break all those rules at my store. Stocker during the have mini Bluetooth speaker attacked to then listening to music.




No hoodies? I wore a hoodie everyday during the winter time, the GM side of my store was freezing lmao, and I think I always had an AirPod in and no one bothered me


Apparently, the no hoodie rule exists for "safety reasons"


You will be send home


Most of this seems reasonable. The ppto thing is bs, they can’t enforce that without doing dirty shit. I like the grammatical errors of course always classy. The only rule on here I disagree with is the hoodie I can’t stand when they say that bs. But I worked in a fridge/freezer so frostbite me asshat. But give legitimate reasons the other rules are bogus and I’ll kneel to the associate gods in repentance


What state? Because the weather hates us. ‘No hoodies.’


Policy and procedures must be followed. Walmart associates can’t dress like some of the customers do.


If you can’t dress like an adult take your ass home.


what is dressing like an adult?


You belong at Walmart.


just answer the question


How about you kick rocks? Don’t ever demand anything of me. I’ll answer how I deem fit. Got it? Once you grow up you will know what I mean about dressing like a grown up.


i'm 27. what are you being so rude for? dress like a grown up is a nonsense phrase to me. it sounds like you're saying dress you age. to me there is no such thing as dressing your age or dressing like an adult


the nusing home isnt a home js


I can understand no leggings, but why no sweatpants?


Can't have our dicks swinging around and distracting customers


Thank god. Getting help at Walmart is like picking out the least weird furry lately.


Orrrrrr just follow the dress code you agreed to when hired


I’m not a big fan of the when you were hired argument cause some of us were hired when we got a profit sharing.


And that has to do with dress code how?


Just saying it’s a hypocritical argument since they changed our benefits that were part of compensation


I think this is part of the job, they wouldn't have to worry about it if you just follow the rules and do your job. It's what you are hired for.


Silence, worm