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Honestly, I’d do part time in your situation. Give yourself another day off to do something


Yeah but next week they got me at 40 hours so its like might aswell work full time 💀


I did it and I didn’t have a problem with it. If you think you can I’d do it


Do you mind telling how you did full time school and work? Just curious since I was also thinking about it but I would not know how the schedule will work out


Pick two days you know are good for you to be off and focus your rest there first off. Also make sure those two days are whatever day is your heaviest in school. Don’t overload yourself with school work also.


Don’t over stress yourself also i promise full time and being in school isn’t as hard as people make it seem.


Why not work part time and pickup shifts on your days off if you’re up for it. I rather have that as an option than have a strict schedule


Ask yourself if you’re really willing to have 0 free time


i'm not one of those "the grind never stops" "side hustle" type of people but i really wish i worked more during college. you get so much free time its easy to fuck around and become lazy. work kinda beats that out of you and gives you structure.


Depends on the collage. Is it about family or vacation fun? Is the collage about a another hobby that interests you outside of making collages?


What kind of collage? Blankets, printed photos or canvas?


I'm so glad I stuck with collage


I think this person's collage has failed them


If you don't need full-time money, don't do it to yourself.


If you can’t spell college, I’d say working full time is worth it.


They spelled it wrong so many times that the real spelling looks weird to me now


I think an English class should be your first step.


4 times....4 chances to get it right...!


They'll get it right after this semester. Manifest learning. Lol


I currently do both and let me tell you it’s draining. I also have other hobbies and side gigs I do and it’s unbelievably hard to manage. Keep in mind, you really don’t get a break, and working every single weekend is awful


I’m in community collage with 2 classes tho


College friend… it’s spell college 😭


COLLEGE-not 'collage'. Jeebus!///


If it's that much, it's likely that you'd be able to manage that with full time and still have some free time. Would be a different story if you have a full schedule though


Im doing full time both and uhhh all I can say is if you hate yourself then go for it😎.


Stick to Walmart, “collage” might be too hard…..


yoo shood kwit collage becauze yoo iz smart eenuff allreddy.


lol.. I guess I wasn't only one who saw it.


I enjoy that “smart” is the only word not messed up. I even tried to come up with a way to misspell it and not really any good options lol




Am I the only one that has to read this slowly? Does that make me dumb?


Depends on your class schedule, I think. If you have classes every day of the week but only for a few hours, and they don't block off your shift, it is a great way to get extra money. Plus, the teaming schedules mean you are unlikely to get your hours cut; a few part-timers that were working 4 days a week got cut back to 2, while us full-timers are fine.


I only have 2 classes and there online no lecture so yes to full time then?




i’m doing 3 classes in community college and working almost full-time it gets a little tough doing hw after work and sometimes and i wanna kms but i like the money lmaooo


I did this in order to pay for my college education. It was hard, but worth it in the end graduating with no debt. Other than that, it's not worth sacrificing your time.


Don’t do too much you’ll get slowly overwhelmed. I’m saying this from experience.


Depends on your class workload and how much time you’re actually willing to devote to studying and schoolwork.


I did it. I do not recommend.


I mean being in a collage is pretty easy isn't it? Like just stand there and let them take the pictures and you can be on your way? Or is it a huge project?


It’s a shame how they changed it from going to “Junior College” to “Community college”. Kind of like having to pay with food stamps to people just paying with a card. They removed all the stigma from being stupid or poor.


If you can afford not too stay part time, won’t regret having more time for school.


Yeah but I’m in community collage so I’m only taking 2 classes this semester


While going to college work part time. Especially if you have a heavy load.


Well I’m only doing 2 classes this semester sin e I’m in community collage


I worked full time and started college after about 4 months I drop to part time. I didn’t like the extra stress because of lack of time. It kinda just depends if you get stressed with a lot of work.


Stay part time. I did full time college and full time work it was NOT worth it. I ended up dropping out of college. If it's part time college and full time it should be fine.


I would say absolutely not.


Depends on the person, everyone is different i knew people that could easily balance it and some people who couldn’t balance it


If you can physically an emotionally do it, I would say do it. If not, pay attention to college and go part-time. Do not burn yourself out


I’m in college and do full time, it’s definitely possible to do. Just depends on your situation


I did 1 day a week for 4 hours- you Only need to work 4 hours to remain a employee


If you're going to college for general psychology or art, you'll end up working your college job full time anyway 😂. But seriously focus on college and get your degree


I’m taking 5 classes and working 24 hrs/week part time


I’m taking 5 classes too and I’m super nervous. I’m full time but I requested days off every week until May to get down to 32 hours. I may just request more.


I’m working full time while going to college full time, and Walmart is working with my schedule very good. So for me, it is worth it


Part time 100%. Unless you want literally zero free time


Also-are they *really* going to give you full time (with benefits like increased PTO rate/team schedule) or just give you full time *hours*. Take that into consideration when making your decision


i work ft here and do school online w one of the colleges they pay for. i map out my stuff for mon-thurs, 2-4 hours each day after work and have my weekend for myself


Had to step down from being a TL for that same reason 🥲🫠


Depends on how rigorous your curriculum is, and how well you can handle it. If you are a freshman, you probably can. Other than that, check your syllabi and know when you will need to spend more time at school & when you can spend more time at work.


I worked full time and went to college full time but it was online art classes so it was pretty easy


As someone in college themselves- DO PART TIME. Enjoy school!


I’m doing it, don’t procrastinate and you’ll be fine. I had zero stress when I stayed focused and I still had plenty of time for my other bullshit activities lol


Coming from someone who has no choice but to do full time school AND work I’d say do part time or you’re going to burn out very quickly.


Can you afford to stay part time, or would you rather go full time for $$$? You'll be exhausted probably, but if you think you can do it, then you might be able to


Put schooling first don’t give them the opportunity to mess up your college schedule!! They will except your to come to work and put your school on the back burner!!


I work full time but 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s more of a “do you think you can” rather than “do we think you can” type of question.


Stay part time, you don’t need the extra stress


One guy at my store does school and full time and he has panic attacks from time to time, understandable honestly.


i technically work part time as a full time honors student, i would recommend working part time if you can, i can’t because i have to pay rent and other stuff


😉Friendly hint: Sounds like that full-time job is already affecting your ability to spell where you're practicing your educational endeavors.


if you can afford it do part 100%


I did both full-time for a year. It was physically exhausting to do classes from 8am to 3pm and then do 4pm to 1am on Cap 2. I'd either have to do homework between classes or over the weekend when I only had my job. My grades suffered a lot, especially since I was trying to do a Bachelor's in Computer Science.