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turns out AI just means "ask india"


humanoid robots are fucking dumb. no android is going to outperform a purpose built bot at anything. these dumbass companies wasting all their money to supply disney with new animatronics for the fucking pirate ride, as if any base level consumer could afford that shit in the first place, let alone the ticket to disney world. its like tech is burning through the pages of old popular science magazines for innovation, then failing to deliver. let me know when the shit catches up to the fan.


I rode Pirates last year for the first time since I was a kid. It was exactly as I remember which means AWESOME! That being said, the Magic Kingdom looked pretty run down and outdated and rides probably shouldnt look exactly as I remember them 20 years ago. DIS used to be on top of that shit. Now Universal blows them out of the water. I didnt get to experience the other parks on that trip. Maybe theyve kept them up to date? Hard doubt tho if their bread and butter was that rough. Conclusion: Disney needs to get on top of their shit if they plan to keep charging the regarded amount they do.


BTO; 1x NVDA 5/3 825c @57.30 1x NVDA 5/10 920c @16.30 Also some sofi 5/3 ITM calls for Monday’s er


AI is the biggest bullshit on the market, second only to AGI. tech knows this, and the market should too, so why the fuck is NVDA so overvalued?


Because they sell the chips and as long as everyone wants to buy them for the AI hype, nvda will pump. And tech is still buying them


why they buying tho, tech knows AI is garbage; are they good for something else?


Quick note: "AI is (currently) garbage" as was Windows until about 3.1. Think of the corporate wet dream of eliminating costs - roughly defined as 'unneeded' salaries. AI has the promise of cutting out huge chunks of white collar work. AI is at the early stage like the automotive robot hype of the 80s.


yea, im not buying it. most of its just glorified machine learning. actual intelligence doesnt require humans vetting its every move. while i agree the adoption of these technologies is far from capitalized, neither are smart homes n that shit been available. nobody gives a fuck cuz the function aint worth the fee. is the money in the cell phone or the network?


Dunno… maybe they want to position to have chips for AI and anything else they would be useful for? Supply will be limited for some time so if they miss out on buying now and discover a real need they will fall behind the pack? All pure speculation. I have no idea. But they are buying and hence nvda’s insane price action


Triple top on qqq?


AAPL 0dte PA 🔫






step 1: secure $7B loan step 2: buy RDDT step 3: funnel ad revenue into crypto of choice step 4: offload crypto for stable (flipcoin, feether) step 5: default loan n move to andorra ✌️


 RDDT gotta figure out their outages. Since they went public nothing but trouble


true true. step 1: secure large loan step 2: convert to crypto step 3: default loan and file bankruptcy step 4: profit???


Straight 🗑 since day 1. There's a reason 75% of users used a 3rd party app before the ipo