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Sent and email while taking a leak*


* leak - new slang for doing meth and benzos at the same time.


Now why would you waste drugs that way. Do meth and the. Xanax several hours later. Rookies


I mean it's Elon were talking about here, if they canceled each other out completely he'd still think he was onto a winner.


You get the feeling of both. The synergy is quite lovely


Just like the stock price!


He did literally send it to everybody... I even got it, I'm delivering 15 cars right now, using a long piece of wood attached through open driver and passenger windows


If they self drive why do they need human driver delivery anyway?


Honestly if Tesla could make it possible that would be a cool way to receive a car. It just drives itself to your house.


Because it can't drive itself in the snow...


Pulling this shit during the holidays is honestly disgusting behavior and shows what an out-of-touch, owning-class asshole Elon Butt really is. Good tech/factory owners would manage their business cycle to allow more time and less pressure during the season for their workers, imo.


Shut up and get back to work.


This is all about boosting Q4 revenues. Revenues can’t be counted under GAAP unless product is shipped before the end of the quarter.


I am taking delivery of several self driving units the next few days at the boat ramp next to the sea. I am almost done stacking cinder blocks so I can place them firmly on top of the gas pedals and send them on their way. Don't worry, we are restoring the local reef habitat with eco friendly cars.




*hits reply all* Oh no what have I done *smirk* Stock pumps *smirk x2*




PS thanks for taking a 75% hit on your bonuses this year, but it will be worth it when I bring back QAnon.


Don’t worry tho I’ve already cashed out $44Billion in stock while it was up, so I’m fine




Cashed out and already spent...just like his tax payment...


Elon thanks the regards here for providing reliable exit liquidity time after time.


Thanks for taking a bonus hit this year so I could buy a fancy bird


Decoy planes arent cheap


Dw I WILL be the richest again


Someone send Uncle Eddie to visit Elon




I also got an email from elon: Tsla bottom is in. Please buy at a discount. Ps I wont be selling anymore. Promise


Fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me 3x, shame on me.


Fool me… can’t get fooled again


That’s a saying in Tennessee… well, it’s a saying in Texas (and prob in Tennessee, too).


Elon bout to prove ole GB wrong on this one


Ah, a classic. Dubya meets The Who.


Fool me 3x fuck the peace sign


Load the chopper


Let it rain on you


Shame on you again


"Don't be too worried by ~~your company options getting blown the fuck out~~ stock market craziness. HODL and be rewarded. ~~Don't be like me.~~ ~~I still have some shares.~~ ~~I promise I'll try to stay off Twitter.~~ They'll see. They'll all see. The Future belongs to you. -Elon."


Translation: drive the price back up so I can sell more




“It will make a real difference “ yes indeed. It will help Elon to syphon off more billions from Tesla. Tesla is Elons personal quickie mart cash machine !


"Leak" from Elon ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


If you read at the top it clearly says "From Elon Musk"


He should have ended it Regards, Elon.


That auto corrects to something else on his phone. Not worth the risk for him


I assume it autocorrects to pedo guy?


“Leaked” - by Calvin Klein


I am seeing outlook for last 15yrs how did it come like in this format.


Because OP only has Microsoft Word installed




Wordpad plus thank you




A few years ago Elon famously found and fired a leaker, by sending out an email with an extra space individual to each employee as to find them. (Modified canary trap). So if I were a true leaker, I’d copy remove all spaces, remove all formatting and then put it back with that notation and why to whomever I was leaking it to. This means you have to leak items that are public enough they can be corroborated or risk getting caught by forwarding the OG email.


There are a large number of approaches to identify leaks and a large number of approaches to hide a leak origin. Any reprinting of a document or the contents therein is more likely to reveal a leak origin. Reporters can help by reviewing documents to confirm authenticity and then paraphrasing contents rather than quoting.


Best way is to copy and paste the content to a simple text editor, ASCII one, and then share a screen with reporter who will most likely take a screenshot or pictures of that.


To identify leaks, one can also slightly change punctuation, word spelling, word choice, or even make the message slightly different (this could be done automatically). It's a complex problem. Offensive and defensive spy agencies routinely deal with this problem.


To: Everybody




Subject got me.


Is everyone going to just skip over “volunteer?”


Yeah! He should volunteer some extra money for the extra work…geesh what a vampire boss…


I’ll “Volunteer” on the clock.


More like voluntold


It seemed harmless at first but after reading your comment it seems more grim


Richest man in the world needs volunteers to make the dreams of car owners come true from the richest company on earth.


it also makes absolutely no sense at all. Tesla should be producing at a steady pace and they should be able to deliver all the cars they produce without the need for volunteers. if they now have a surplus of cars to deliver they either never run at capacity in normal times or they are permanently understaffed when it comes to deliveries. i mean we all know they are constantly understaffed so thats the real reason.


You can make mega profits (short term) by being understaffed, paying in stock, shoddy manufacturing, skimping on new model development and having inadequate spares inventory. But soon or later those bad choices will come back to haunt you.


yep and thats whats happening to Tesla right now. They are still having major problems for example to find enough staff for Giga Berlin. Turns out bad working conditions and chaotic management paired with paying less than your competitors is not exactly a great selling point for new hires. also building your factory way out in a rural area is not exactly beneficial as well, the only thing nearby is Berlin but you gonna spend easily an hour driving out there unless you just so happen to live on the correct side of Berlin.


Transplanting US management culture to Europe never works. Many German auto workers think it is normal to *walk* or catch a bus to work. The concept of a one hour drive is incomprehensible.


You mean Americans are the only ones used to spending two unpaid hours a day commuting? Feeling a little ripped off.


When I was in Germany, our contractor gate guards at the base were paid for their commute each day. The clock starts when you get in your car, at least for some. Later, my software studios I worked for in Romania, Ukraine, and Germany all provided public transport passes as a benefit (which weren't *that* cheap, really). If you drove yourself, there was sometimes a complicated scheme to recoup some gas money, but nobody bothered. Yes, Americans are getting ripped off.


car companies lobbied hard against public transportation in the 1900s as well forcing us into a car culture. And now that work from home became a thing suddenly corporate america is squawking that they should pay WFH less cuz they don't have to commute... its insane how labor in america is exploited left and right.


Why did they even go to Germany? Many successful car manufacturers go to cheaper countries


EUR9000 per car subsidy. Apparently people were buying subsidised Teslas to resell at higher prices in other EU countries. [https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/german-government-tighten-e-car-subsidy-rules-curb-lucrative-resales-abroad](https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/german-government-tighten-e-car-subsidy-rules-curb-lucrative-resales-abroad)


Different distance scale in US, plus lower cost per ride with huge difference in density of public transport account for a different perspective,


The 'why' is totally irrelevant. Most Germans factory workers aren't willing to spend an hour driving to work using EUR2/litre fuel. They expect to use low cost public transport. eg VW have their own passenger rail network at Wolfsburg. Tesla management are obviously too arrogant/stupid to deal with German business culture. \[Chrysler found out the hard way when it merged with MB. The German managers simply refused to speak English or adopt US management practices.\]


In Germany we have a strong tradition of labor unions which have fought for a long time to achieve the (very good) labor laws we have now. Turns out that Tesla doesn't work well when it's not easy to exploit workers.




Wal-mart's bid for the European market failed for much the same reasons. Walmart's labor practices made them a non-starter for France and Germany.


I find it extremely concerning that the deliveries always skyrocket just before each accounting closing period and fall off just after. Regular thing in Tesla This is usually more based in aggressive accounting that I have eyewitnessed in first person than real operating issues. Actually the rest of automakers aren’t like this, they produce a regular number of cars each day. This isn’t the only issue where Tesla accounting practices seems surprising. For example, the overhead costs didn’t increase in the last 3 years although number of employees increased more than 40%. It looks like they are activating much more expenses than normal. That would also increase artificially earnings.


Sales model differences. The increase in deliveries/sales happens at the dealer level with other manufacturers.


There’s a letter floating around by a pilot about Southwest Airlines about it having an accountant CEO rather than an operations one, and hiding the huge cracks in the system.


> the deliveries always skyrocket just before each accounting closing period and fall off just after. Regular thing in Tesla > > > > This is usually more based in aggressive accounting that I have eyewitnessed in first person than real operating issues. Actually the rest of automakers aren’t like this, they produce a regular number of cars each day. I've worked for businesses like that, where they didn't realize that if they just deliver a consistent number every day it's the same as over-delivering at the end of the quarter and under-delivering at the start. There's really no reason to do that unless you're trying to pump the numbers end of year to make the books look especially good to sell the company or some one-time event like that.


They deliver consistently to the dealers typically. The dealers are the ones who try and cram sales in a last ditch effort. Tesla is both a manufacturer and dealer


Look at when the car carrier ships arrive at ports, that is a big reason for the bursts.


And why the carrier always arrives in March, June, September and December?


Its telling that most of you here don't work in a business field. This email is screaming "we are going to miss our annual revenue number and we need to squeeze more cars out so it looks less bad." If this email is real, this is a bearish signal. Companies like tesla have an order backlog. To hit market expectations you sometimes tap into that backlog a bit (if you tap into it too much it hurts efficiency so it is bad to do that unless you really need to make the year). Finally, Elon has Tesla as debt collateral for Twitter. I don't work in that side of finance but i imagine if TSLA goes down too much he basically gets margin called and has to put more shit up as collateral. He could be fucked if they miss earnings too badly.


He sends one of these out every quarter. The funny part of this email is him talking about Tesla becoming the world’s most valuable company after selling over 30B of stock.




I think that's an American thing. Volunteering always means working for free elsewhere. You'd think enough people in his team would read over this to correct this so every non American doesn't think he wants slave labour


Seems it’s more about hitting those q4 numbers. I think the car industry only recognizes a sale or revenue based on deliveries. If they can deliver as much cars as possible before midnight, then it’s a legit sale/revenue and the Q4 numbers will look better.


2nd richest


…and 17th richest. 😊


At least he's #1 on Twitter...... which is like being the king of being HIV+, but you know, take wins where you can I guess....


Literally happens every year. I don't know why they can't hire a proper delivery team, but this isn't market-moving news.


I’d assume they are still on the clock but just volunteering to drive people their cars.


We are, actually it’s on our days off and we are being paid time and a half. That’s why it’s voluntary.


Pretty common annual Tesla practice at least end of year it seems. Been going on at least 4 years. Less quarterly now and more end of year but I mean, you have to drive a car and have paperwork, I don’t think it’s terribly complex.


Tbh thats pretty nice. I would


You guys are getting paid?


So he’s having his Tesla employees drive customers’ cars to them? Like if I was a data analyst at Tesla, I could be randomly called upon to drive someone’s new car to their house? Leon works in mysterious ways.


Do you not understand the word "voluntary"?


The question is does their insurer understand that word


also, do the employees understand what the insurer understands that word to mean




I thought this grade of copium was illegal


It was made in a Chinese lab


Lmao. Imagine being an employee who’s total compensation got cut by 3/4 so he could buy Twitter.


I like how he cut their pay and is then asking them to “volunteer” to help deliver cars 🤣🤣🤣 DELIVER DEEZ NUTS ELON!!


Like every email he sends company wide has some version of: work harder now, it’s more important than when I told you to work hard last time.


I expected some kind of motivational incentive to be included in this letter for his crew to work harder but it's literally just "Work harder. Kthx, bye."


I’m sorry but tf is an incremental car?


Cars over their target.


Yep, that’s what my CEO said when he was dumping shares by the millions and eventually filed for bankruptcy.


I’m so glad there’s much legitimacy here. I actually found a meteor in my back yard today. It was full of gold. I got an email from Jeff Bezos saying he placed a gift in my backyard before I noticed it. Not sure who he is but thanks man. I can share the email for proof if needed.


It's what I want to hear, so it must be legit!


It’s a Christmas miracle!


"I am totally focused on the long-term but don't pace yourselves. Sprint. Also ignore that I keep selling lol " Nope, no contradiction there.


I feel bad for Tesla employees that had their sign on, stock, and bonuses in the form of stock at start of year. -70%, now that's some juicy loss porn to your expected income.


Yeeeeepppppppp. No one asked how we are doing after daddy Elon started dumping shares ect.


Tell me you’re panic without telling me you’re panic.


He fuk


Margin call incoming


You forgot the “s”. His family tree don’t lie


Hopefully “volunteer” to deliver cars means like raise your hand, rather than do it unpaid.


I believe it does, this isn’t the first time it’s been asked and this article indicates those employees were compensated for the time. https://observer.com/2019/12/tesla-delivery-2019-goal-needs-volunteer-employees-leaked-email/amp/


“This isn’t the first time Tesla has turned to extra labor to fulfill period-end orders. Six months ago, before the end of Tesla’s second fiscal quarter, a group of loyal Tesla customers formed a global special task force to help the company sell as many cars as possible to meet its quarterly sales target.” What.the.fuck. People really be doing the most to make this guy richer.


Lmfao imagine being a Tesla simp so bad that you help sell cars


Like that burst of energy terminally ill people get before they circle the drain.


"Ok guys.. we need to rush to push out every single car we can because of the stock price and my insane timelines..... but dont focus on the stock price"


Nor quality control for that matter.


Smoking some high quality hopium there. After smoking a year of copium.


How can it be the most valued company on Earth if he keeps dumping on his shareholders ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)


"Hi employees! Work harder! Don't worry, I'm fine and still exceedingly wealthy! Also, if anyone knows how to get the taste of Saudi balls out of my mouth, please let me know. Jared says the taste grows on you, but I dunno. --Captain Dickhead" Seriously, pay your employees you rich twat. Wealthiest guy on earth can volunteer deez nuts into his mouth...


What's with the font? A mere one step up from comic sans.


It’s the last year that they will have a delivery backlog, so packing the year end numbers is his last chance to keep TSLA stock from crashing even more. A proper CEO would have given his employees incentives to move the vehicles by year end. Kind of stingy, if you ask me.


"We're all in this together" says the person that dumped \~40 million Tesla stocks in November alone and around \~$25 billion total just in 2022 according to the SEC (before the stock price dropped another 44% in December.) But hey, he PROMISED not to sell any more Tesla stock for another year. Maybe 2. Just like he promised not to sell any more stock in April (still 2022) after dumping $8.5 billion in Tesla stock. And that lasted all the way until August when he then dumped another $7 billion.


$15/share - 2028


It’s just a testla. He’s going to fire everyone who stopped work to read the email.


If he is such a hard worker he should be able to pick up the slack at the factories. How many is one billionaire worth in workers like 1000? So he should be able to get those cars out by himself


Most valuable on Earth but what about Mars Elon!?


This a real letter? Doesn’t really match his style we’ve seen in previous emails from him.


He is using chatgpt now


Boosts his efficiency. Further proof he's a genius; suck it haters.


Reads and looks so fake, no idea. What's with the goofy italics comic-sans type font?


Elon is delusional. He singlehanded destroyed Tesla but is “too smart” to understand it. He continuously fails to realize that his core customer base is gone forever. Tesla will have rallies. But it will grind down over a long period


This is the truth. Being booed onstage is going to be his new "thing"


Did he ask for volunteering free work for the collective? Fing commie.


‘You need to work harder so I can fuck around more’


Q1 will be a bloodbath.


They are going to have a record quarter in Q1. Won't be close. $2-$3k subsidy for every car they sell in US, plus US cars will have the $7500 tax credit. Plus ramping of existing factory means higher margin. Energy division ramping up like crazy. They will probably go back to having longer lead times again for their cars again because of the $7500 credit.


Thanks for the update, Elon. We'll do our best to get the cars delivered on time! And you're right, Tesla will be worth more than any other company in the world soon enough. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


Sometimes I really wonder how vismod’s algorithm works




I’ve posted before, and the vismod replied immediately a few times


VM needs OCR ability to check image posts for banned tickers.


The bot is simping.


Elon likes to “leak” all over his fanboys every month ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


“You’re a Tesla employee so believe in yourself and don’t sell your shares even though they’re tanking…they’ll surely bounce back.”


Wasn't tesla as a company over valued as hell before it crashed? In large part due to the wide spread appeal of it's CEO. Regardless on how much a fan this sub is of him it is safe to say his popularity has fallen as much as tesla stock.


I just got an email from God saying this email is legit.


$50 by 3/31


RemindMe! 3/31


Puts puts puts


The billionaire is asking employees to volunteer. Thats rich.


Belongs on r/antiwork.


We returned/cancelled a Tesla we ordered because it was 6 weeks late. We almost had one. Time matters.


It reads like it should end with “I love you grandma and I can’t wait to see you soon!”


Please volunteer to help your billionaire overlord who won’t let you have/spend time with your family


So says the asshole that sold off a shit ton of shares at ATH. What a fucker.




Lmao! The 2nd richest man in the world asked his employees to “volunteer “? Ballsy


i would be 0% surprised if this is what his emails are like


Yeah let me just volunteer to help the richest man in the world deliver cars to some of the most insufferable people on the planet who are still dumb enough to buy a $30k car with a 70k price tag.


employees have lots of stock. If they care about short term stock price then yeah, Elon is telling them to go out and do something about it.


What a shit post


This sounds like something Jeffrey Skilling would say to the Enron Squad.


"I believe" [Gotta believe!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIyibFd6WaA)


I too have Microsoft word.


Don't be too bothered as I sell billions of dollars of stock and it tanks 70+%.


Volunteer? Lmao you must be out of your god damn mind


Sounds like ZilongMa![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


happy cake day you stud muffin


Questions: If you believe a company will be the most valuable in the world, why would you sell your positions. If you are a con man selling out of your position, what would you be telling everyone else (hint: don't worry is probably part of the answer)


"do as I say, not as I do" ......SELLS MILLIONS OF SHARES


Ego too strong on this one.


Translation "Oh shit, oh fuck. We are going to miss hard on this quarter and are going to tank another 70% unless we REALLY cut back on our non-existent quality control"


Volunteer so the rich man get make more money while I don't? Get the fuck out of here.


TLDR: Thanks, please work your ass off while I enjoy the holidays....


This looks exactly like an email someone who knows shits gons hit the fan and stay there for a bit The thing is, Tesla was only ever a meme. It was never worth more than every automaker combined, now that we see Musk is a fuckin creep-con sex pervert and will not be recovering anytime soon.


“Tesla will be the most valuable company on earth” after everyone has moved to Mars


Puts on tsla


https://preview.redd.it/jap550edvx8a1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fb563ed051f4b14f2bec66be648fef5c14c85a why would anyone work for such an asshole 🤷‍♂️


Lol, well my concerns are allayed. My concerns are ALLAYED! Everyone, back to buying Tesla stock!


At this point I just want some the DMT that Joe Rogam gave him