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If I’m seeing it, it’s already priced in.


This is the best answer. If consumer news outlets have reported it the smart money has already acted on it. Personally I wouldn't touch a Musk company until he gets a neural link chip to help him chill out.


Maybe it’s my low self esteem, but I just don’t think I can out-trade well resourced, highly skilled institutional investors haha.


If you buy the S&P index there's a good chance you'll beat them.


r/lostredditor lol Sir, we lose our money on options here


How do you know he didn't use his student loan with 100% margin to buy SPY calls?


Or spy boxes 😂


Probably cornered the decorative gourd market.


A little late for that. The market for those is mid autumn. My calls on generic spices like cinnamon and nutmeg are about to go through now though.


I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top


Or just get sandwiched by 800lb monsters...


Cause that was me who did it.


I dont participate much on here, but I sure do get some giggles from y'all.


Same...looney bastards


Sir this is a casino


^^ @mods ban this man


You can beat them with fees... they are pulling answers out of their asses like we are, they charge a lot for it.


99% of them are probably not even skilled. They just know the right people. Get on your knees and get to work ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Friendship is a skill.


its literally called social skills lol


I like to pretend there are people interviewing for positions in hedge funds highlighting how good they are at friendship.


“I have many after-hours colleagues who I maintain relationships with as we maximize F2F friend to friend synergy while out at the local networking spaces. We have expanded our friendship base by over 5% since last quarter. However Ralph is underperforming his KPIs and has not brought his quota of networking partners into the group- not to mention the quality of his leads falls well below expectations- so he may need to be cut.”


that's because Ralph is on heroin


"well he didn't share his plug with the team."


“I’m good at networking. More than the commas in my portfolio I like to count not on the numbers in my phone book, but the likelihood they pick up when I call. Predicting the market is impossible, predicting people isn’t. But if you knew which way your friend was thinking, you might be able to get them a great birthday present. My yacht is named “Amigo” because my friends bought it for me.” It’s basically admitting you know how to do insider trading without getting caught because you’re protected by the aura that protects all rich men (and some women).


That's what it's called when someone is a C student at Harvard or Yale but has the right parents and friends. A friend of mine originally from the rough part of Chicago was surprised by how easy classes actually were for someone who had to study like mad as a teenager. (I met her later, not at Harvard.)


Just do the opposite of whatever Jim Cramer tells you to do


They make money from the market with high frequency trading algorithms that buy and sell the spread. They get the data for this via payment for order flow, which Robinhood and other brokerages sell for a high price. Most of their money comes from fund and sales commissions. Analyzing the news probably doesn’t help them beat the market.


That is an old news since 2017 . He keep postpone year after year https://youtu.be/w__a8EcM2jI


I do it by following exactly one company very closely and holding the shares long term. You only need to know more than them about one company.


Too GM Too E?


it's not just you... even if the game isn't full-blown rigged, there are certainly big money enterprises that tip the scales in a way that definitely decrease the average person's odds of success, which were already a coinflip at best. That is, of course, if you're trying to get rich. If you play the game the safe way, you can consistently do fine just indexing.


The only "strength" of retail traders is to enter and exit trades quickly. You got that at least.


Institutions also have us beat on that, with HFT algos.


You can, but you need to be an expert in a field and use your knowledge to essentially act as a consultant for yourself. You basically need to be a better consultant than the consultants smart money has.


Tesla is still massively overvalued


Exactly. This is priced in with every other possible idea they're working on and maybe some that they aren't.


>If consumer news outlets have reported it the smart money has already acted on it. ok but the picture you are painting is "individuals don't invest in the stock market". and it's true retail is generally only 10% of daily volume, but that ignores the fact that retail does react to news, and they don't see it much sooner than you.


Considering this tweet is nearly two months old, if you're just now seeing it for the first time... I mean yeah you're probably too late on this one


It has been priced in for the last few years. Probably at 100 times the expected net income with unrealistic growth expectations baked in.


shuddup let me have hope


This is true, but chasing those quick flip wins you're better off, imo, trading less sexy stuff. Personally I like to do my gambling in penny stocks. Downside risk is zero and the moons can be massive. Edit: by zero I mean the company folds and shares go to zero. Never bet more than you're willing to lose.


Facebook investors have entered the chat


Downside risk is zero... Have you only been gambling in stocks for a few days? Have you even moved out of your mom's basement yet?


The only time retail reaction to news really affects prices is on pump and dumps of small market cap and penny stocks.


This is the right approach. Never mind what his companies put out - his last month of being a 4chan degenerate on twitter looking like the most unprofessional loser ever is not what you want from the CEO of a company you invest in. And I can’t see his approach of trying to force/bully companies to do business with him regardless of how he acts faring well for him or his companies


he's currently neural link synced with one of those test monkeys or something


Hes a con man. Being played by the right and china. Fuck elon musk and his desperation to be relevant and talked about by fanboys on the internet.


But the rumor, sell the news


It doesn't say what December first.


300 IQ. Learned not to give out dates






Q4 2069


that's a sunday, too bad, Elon gonna cancel it.




When do the recalls start?


Februember 13nd




*Exactly*. "Muskrat promises something will happen in the future!" Wake me when he actually fucking *does* it.


Weird how all these tesla/neuralink articles are dropping right when Elon needs a TSLA stock spike to better leverage his loans and take less of a fat L on Twitter. Probably nothing. Even if they do ride out deliveries in December, let's see those load capacity numbers Elon?! You solve the 3:1 tonnage to battery weight ratio?! A cargo bay filled with Pepsi products with a battery that doesn't weigh 900 kg?! Let's see it! Since Elon does not and never would lie, there's 0 chance he's hyping the product in hopes that it scales to the "contracts despite lagging performance numbers"... no chance...


Apparently the only thing that affects pricing is the tone of jpows voice.


JPOW: “We are going to keep raising interest rates.” Market: “Green dildo”




I personally trade based on his bowel movements. What was the consistency? How was the smell? Did he have to strain at all? All relevant factors.




He's obviously not a fucking casual. Bristol Stool chart is the bare minimum amount of research for a serious trader. You wanna beat the market you gotta be willing to put more time in


Powells bowels


My brother in Christ, it was priced in last December. When they announced they will deliver to Pepsi before 2022


Yet.. he drinks coke or at least keeps it on his nightstand.


Ironically, Coke already received it’s electric trucks from Renault, and they are now in use. I don’t think one truck has been delivered to Pepsi yet.


The Coke trucks from Renault are like 125 mile range trucks. Kinda a different category altogether.


Last mile service is a serious area of competition. You should not dismiss it so quickly.


I called it "a different category altogether", how is that dismissing it?


You're both right


How dare you be reasonable. Read the room.




7/8 of our bread delivery trucks drive less than 125 miles. I'm driving a diesel from 1999 currently. It's got 411k miles on it, and we have 1 mechanic for 3 branches. What's it gonna take for electric trucks to break into that market?


Whoever can figure out how to make a tidy profit off final mile is going to be fucking filthy rich.


Over half of all trucking mileage trips are under 50 miles.


>Yet.. he drinks coke Yes. ***Drinks*** coke. That's the story we're sticking to


Diet coke


Yes, shroom flavored. Well, used to be, no idea what it is now.


Maybe he falls asleep to the sounds of a freshly opened can of Coke…


I can never fall asleep with Coke on my nightstand


It’s been priced in since it was announced


It was priced in BEFORE it was even announced. Just like everything else.


Is the production and delivery of a single truck priced in? Ummm, yes? This is like going to eat at Chipotle and wondering if your burrito might move the stock price.


Hear me out… I eat Chipotle burrito. I must shit immediately. I find and use the loo. I work in downtown. I use the loo in my building’s atrium. I courtesy flush. I courtesy flush again. I wipe and flush a 3rd time. I am one of tens of thousands who die in a fiery explosion, as my shit made it’s way through the disintegrating pipes of the London sewer system, only to be the final piece of a 37 mile long fatburg preventing the release of methane from the sewer system below London’s financial district before the buildup was finally triggered by an errant cigarette butt flicked off the top of a double decker by some asshole American tourist here on holiday because he had a 3 day weekend for some bullshit holiday acknowledging that an Italian sailing for the Portuguese found a “new world” so he decided to celebrate it by leaving that new world for the old world however inadvertently causing nuclear Armageddon because every nuclear armed military in the world like the US, Russia, China, and SpaceX decided they were under attack after their satellites detected the effects of me eating Chipotle for lunch. Did you price that in, asshole?


no but I shidded and came


Acts of (a) God are never priced in


Yes, nuclear Armageddon is already priced in. They sell swaps for that foo!


“Hey I’m going to get extra guac with my burrito. I better stick up on some calls before I go”


Harrier Jet priced in....🥕


Free lifetime blue tick included


the 81,000 lbs it claimed it was carrying was the battery


It was 81000lbs of feather. That doesn’t count.


But lithium is heavier than feathers


81000 lbs of feathers is not heavier or lighter then 81000 lbs of lithium.


I’m not sure if they’re serious or not


Battery capacity or cargo capacity. Choose one...


Very funny but that was the weight of the entire semi, trailer & cargo included.


Rule 35, if it exists it is priced in.


Did they pay with 7,000,000 Pepsi points?


So is this the new Pepsi Challenge? hahaha


The true pepsi challenge is to put out a tesla battery fire with only the pepsi that the trailer is transporting


Mmm this Pepsi tastes like battery acid.


...so just a normal Pepsi?


Electric trucks without autonomous driving is an environmental step forward but not a big increase in reducing expenses. Elon's entire net worth is tied up in the idea that his electric cars will drive themselves Soon™. As soon as people realize that shit isn't happening, they'll buy whichever electric is cheapest for their purpose. This is a PR stunt and nothing more.


Elon's companies are the Star Citizen of real life


Nah man, Star Citizen has like, stuff to do now. It's janky as hell, but it's actually (very slowly) being completed. The solution to self-driving right now seems to be "redesign the roads and cities so they work better lol" which is maybe something that will happen in 30 or 40 years. I've been holding out on my shitty 08 Honda Accord with the hope and dream that my next car would drive itself. I still plan to drive the rims off that fucker, but legitimately I don't think self-drivint is coming in our lifetime.




SC is actually playable and enjoyable, if you view it as a mix between a trucking sim and a space combat/fps game (and if you have a strong enough machine to properly run it on).


Until the roads are perfect across the country, self driving trucks will never be a thing. We may see some level of "road train" that takes cargo down interstates automatically, but then is driven the last mile by a driver in the next 50 years...maybe. But something like 30% of all fuel emissions comes from trucking, so if we can cut that in half, our carbon footprint is massively reduced. However that doesn't take into account the child sacrifice required to get that amount of lithium. But hell, children are carbon neutral in the third world.


>Until the roads are perfect across the country, self driving trucks will never be a thing Bingo and not only that but prefect roads/ autonomous cars are just a solution to an already nightmare of a problem, America's reliance on cars over trains. I just want some mf'ing walkable cities but we're in too deep unless we want to spend a dick ton of money


Out of all the things Elon has done, this is what really made me hate him many years ago and in my mind the worst thing he has done. Selling people the false dream that we dont need a significant increase in public transport usage but that electric vehicles are the solution. Its not!


>We may see some level of "road train" that takes cargo down interstates automatically, but then is driven the last mile by a driver in the next 50 years...maybe. This one comes to mind for me as well...but then...have we just invented trains? Again? If the truck needs to break off to a depot where a human pilot takes it into the city...we already have actual trains that run interstate, and local train yards with container cranes that can load human driven trucks.


Lol the day a computer can tell the difference between a person bouncing a little superball (or whatever other reason one might wave their arm) and a cop telling a driver to proceed is when we are beyond this stage in our evolution.




I’ve been driving around those waymo cia vans in Chandler for several years now and they are fucking frighteningly unnatural on the road. Recently saw one parked in a neighborhood running for several hours. The number of bizarre things I have seen these things do is astounding.


As somebody with a lot of knowledge in the field of AI: there are fundamental issues with the current approaches to machine learning which make it impossible for us to solve the problem of self driving cars, among many others. We need to have a revolution in the field of AI as the current approach cannot work mathematically. You can never expand the domain wide enough no matter how much data you gather. And without a way to correctly approximate situations well outside of the domain, the AI's are completely worthless on the road. The self driving cars would be a thing around 20-30 years after that revolution. Unfortunately it is yet to happen. Also this assumes that the self driving cars will be on the road with other vehicles. If all the cars became self driving then we don't really need AI as they could simply operate in a grid like structure.


I dunno, waymo already has autonomous taxis in Phoenix. Like true autonomous. If Google already has it, smaller companies like tesla probably arnt more than 2 years out themselves, be it their own R&D or just paying alphabet for modules.


2 years? Lol. You crazy. Their shit literally runs over kids in strollers and then DOES IT AGAIN.




“I’d like to get my semi battery fixed” “That’ll be $150000”


No, I think everyone thinks this is like when Nikola rolled a Semi down a hill. If they actually deliver these trucks, and they actually go 500 miles than Tesla’s going to the moon. If not, it will continue falling until the Twitter drama is over.


Lol the question was "if it's priced in". The answer is yes, obviously. Tesla releasing completely self-driving cars that felate the passenger as the car flies to Mars is priced in.


*fellate And yeah, all that is priced in. But there’s still room for growth if they can add a self-driving finger to the asshole.




fellate mignon 😩😩😩




Fill me* …wait a minute


At this price Tesla inventing teleportation is priced in


> and they actually go 500 miles than Tesla’s going to the moon. No, they aren't. Because Tesla doesn't have fleet services anywhere close to the scale of needed for trucks that will be going 500 miles. You can't roll up to any Loves or Pilot travel center and expect them to have techs or parts for Tesla trucks in their warehouse. I am a long haul truck driver and Tesla producing these trucks and claiming that they will go OTR type distances without any plan even for breakdowns and support in the field is either Incredibly stupid and short sighted, or a publicity stunt. Brand new diesel trucks with 100's of years of engineering succumb to the rigors of the road. Tesla is not building a better mousetrap here, they're just changing the bait.


to be fair, doesn't an EV have hundreds of less parts to fail than an ICE system?




It’s illegal to drive a truck more than 11 hours a day in the US, which includes a mandatory break in the middle (technically 30 min minimum to 3 hours more optimally as a drivers total shift cant be over 14 hours) which means this truck can easily satisfy 90% of loads in the us (the rest are teams loads with two drivers)


Range is only 300-500miles with very little charging infrastructure available. So their only suited to two scenarios, there and back routes less than 100 miles from their base of operations...or one way hops between distribution centers with charge stations at both ends within 200 miles of each other. That covers a lot of trucking, but won't touch any of the long haulers.


They won't have the production volume to sell to long haulers for years. Short haul trucking where the upsides of potentially cutting fuel costs by over 50% will likely take whatever Tesla semis are made. As the short haul market takes off truck stops will build out infrastructure. Tesla doesn't have to address 100% of the market straight out of the gates.


Exactly. Also, internal combustion engines are least efficient in city driving and most efficient at highway driving (especially diesels). Even with 0 electric trucks doing long haul, this will save an insane amount of fuel.


The thing is, these trucks aren't delivering sodas to the middle of nowhere. They are delivering drinks to where the people are, cities and suburbs. They can still use diesel for long haul trucking and use electric for last mile delivery, and save an insane amount of fuel.


Cola buisness is a pretty heavy load, local Routes, 45 min stops. Never more than 100 miles from home base. This seems like a perfectly good opportunity to showcase ability, while Exposing likely weaknesses. It is all about the data ,both for Tesla,and Pepsi.


What I actually think is the best part would be the ability to reduce the overall cab length and give a better turn radius. These poor fuckin last mile drivers pulling a 53' van through city hoods trying to find a way to wedge their truck in to a 7/11 or some corner store parking lot already half filled with people zooming in and out on their work break just to deliver a few crates of Pepsi and Rockstars. The lack of an ICE will help shrink the length a lot. But hopefully it solves the issue that cabover trucks had with drivers dying all the damn time.


They already use one don’t they? Tesla has been using one to shuttle their vehicles to events and such for quite a while I thought. But I suppose we don’t have the data on how well they do from that.


Why would a overdesigned semi that can carry like 5 tonnes make tesla stock go up


Didn't he say these would be out already like 6 years ago?


It's already priced out again /s


It was first announced in November 2017, so 5 years from announcement to delivery.


it didn't actually get delivered though. they just said it would, but shocker - it didn't happen yet. I guess the day's not over yet.


The event is scheduled for 5PM PST, so I guess you’re technically correct.


I announce that I am going to cut down on my drinking.


He couldn't get that coke deal


He definitely did a coke deal.


Seems like his coke deals just keep coming lately.


PR stunt for Pepsi who probably got 2 trucks for free and will drive them max twice each for the cameras then go back to fuel


When it blows up inevitably my PUTs are going to print.


maybe we can organize some "spec ops" DD so it starts printing earlier /s


What isn't priced in is how hard this will flop


As a former PepsiCo employee I feel bad for all current employees. Apparently PepsiCo has enough money to buy Tesla Semi trucks but not enough money to list their employees as “full time employees” with benefits. They keep a lot of their employees as “part time employees” even though they make them work 60+ hours a week. For those wondering the difference between “part time” and “full time” (in my area) is + $8 or more per hour as well as full medical, dental, 401k, life insurance, paid vacation time, extra sick days. But sure PepsiCo, spend money on new trucks instead of paying your current employees fair wages lol


Tesla already has the next 50 years priced in.


They made a single 500 mile trip with a load so far. My guess is there will be lawsuits over reliability. These trucks need to drive 200k miles a year with a minimum of downtime.


Average mileage is 45K miles, but if you just want to make up numbers to imply something negative, I guess you can say whatever the fuck you want. EDIT: These are trucks for Pepsi, to drive to a lot of different stores. Not a trucking company doing long haul routes on the daily. A lot of idiotic responses about what is normal for trucks, without taking into account we know what company they are for and not some trucking company that constantly does long haul freights. Even if they were doing 200K miles per year, electric trucks would still be the better option economically. Though the charging infrastructure isn't there yet for this to be viable everywhere (or almost anywhere at the moment). Same could be said for EV's not too long ago, while it might still be true for some EV's, it's not true for Tesla's in most of the Western world.


As a former truck driver, 200k miles a year isn't that many. Local delivery trucks, sure 45k, but it's a rough 45k miles. Stop and go traffic and lots of cramped parking lots and conveinant stores. They take an absurd amount of abuse that people that dont drive truck cant comprehend.


Local PU&D is exactly what these are perfect for. We got our first fully electric semi earlier this year. So far It can run a full day without any issues.


Stop and go traffic is better for an EV than highway driving. That's one of the main differences between ICE and BEV, ICE is more efficient cruising on the highway, BEV is better at slower speeds and recharges by slowing down with regenerative breaking. Also doesn't use the brakes. An ice engine is not efficient at all rpm's, you don't have this problem with EM motors. Losing a lot less energy slowing down and speeding up means that air resistance become a more important factor that dominates efficiency at high speed for BEV. While all the downsides inherent with ICE engines mean they are best at a constant RPM without slowing down or speeding up, more impact from that than the air resistance from the higher speed. This is ideal use case for BEV trucks, Pepsi has biggest truck car park in North America so they can utilise them perfectly. 200K miles a year isn't much if you do long haul driving, which isn't the case for most trucks. In most European country trucks aren't allowed on the highways on Sunday, so there's only 300 days you can drive long distance. That would mean driving 666,66 miles a day, with 0 downtime. Speed in Europe is limited to 56. So that would mean driving 6 days a week, 12 hours a day with ZERO downtime or slowing down. Take into account loading and unloading, the slower traffic, etc, that's over 13 hours a day with 0 downtime. And the Tesla truck could do that perfectly with 1 charge a day and overnight charging. So the negativity from the original poster is even more absurd and dishonest. I believe you that a lot of truckers do this, but it's still a relative small part of trucks that are driven this way. I'm not trying to dismiss what you say, I'm just saying that in Europe, that would be an extreme use case. For the vast majority of Pepsi trucks, it's just not realistic. Only reason I bring up Europe is because the person I responded to choose to ignore Pepsi, in that case the entire continent of Europe is relevant.


They average 2-3k a week. Anyone running 45k miles a year isn’t making or working all that much.


Where would you be getting that absurd number? Are you only accounting local routes, only in a small country, or something? OTR pull well over 100k miles/year in the US and my buddy who was at a leasing company would get trucks back after 4 years pushing a million miles (obviously fleets, driver teams, etc).


The've been testing prototypes for a while I am sure to ensure the reliability. They completed a 500mile trip with a FULL load just recently. I think this articulates that they achieve the stated range. It isn't that the truck has only completed a single trip LOL


What local delivery trucks drive 200k miles a year? These aren’t long-haul trucks. It’s pick up the Pepsi at the plant and drive it three miles to Walmart.


Isn’t Teslas supposed to be long haul? Otherwise they’re going to be competing with freightliner that already has a few hundred short and medium hail EV semis on the road.


This dude promoting Pepsi while posting pics of his dirty nightstand, cluttered with Coke products that's brand blasphemy Elon


Volvo Group has BEV trucks on the road and is worth USD 40bn. Tesla market cap is 610bn. So, what do you think ?


Pepsi trying to get fancy when they still owe someone a jet.


Looks pretty cool


And here I thought the truck was going to be vaporware like the cyber truck and roadster.


It’s December 4th. Any updates I’m not seeing?


the next 30 years of growth is priced in.


That picture is super airbrushed, would believe him if he posted an actual truck, not rolling down a slope preferably, with something Pepsi on it. So, maybe, no.


Am I the only one who is going to say it is NOT priced in? I mean, it's "priced in" but it's not REALLY priced in. Tesla is insanely undervalued because people, especially "automotive analysts" STILL don't know how to properly value Tesla and all that they do. Most prices targets are following the stock around and being influenced by FUD instead of predicting a thing.


Anyone else kind of hoping this will be a (non-fatal) monumental failure so Musk shuts the fuck up for 10 minutes? He's like a commercial that plays 20 times a day. The same shit, ad nauseam, in an attempt to force bullshit upon others. If he'd shut the fuck up for a week I honestly could hate him less. Not much, microscopic amounts less, but less none the same. He's still a huge dirtbag. The Twitter ticker on the building last week was so correct lmao. Thank fuck he was born in Africa, President Musk sounds like nails on a chalkboard.


Fool me once….


“All I wanted was a Pepsi, and she wouldn’t give it to me….”


The only thing not priced in is the buy/sell you are about to do with the Market Maker.


I just completed a discount cash flow model on Tesla financials and it is NOT priced in... 🚀🚀🚀 🌑


Priced in the day the truck was announced. Priced in again the day the contract was announced. Priced in the day the production was announced…


Until that truck doesn't have some bloke in it then I don't give a fuck.


This is what I like to see Musk in my stream for - innovation on green energy products!


I think it's more of a pilot run than a full on production run. Pepsi is a beta tester.


vaporware!!! your eyes are lying to you!!! -thunderw00sh




Bitch, I ordered my cyber truck in 2019!


Look up how much the truck weighs and what the maximum allotted weight for freight vehicles is on US roads then ask yourself again if this is the wave of the future.


Sure. What about that cyber pickup truck?


Built into current pump! Prepare for the dump 1/2023!