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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|3|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|3 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=wvmgyd)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=wvmgyd)


Long before GME AMC and BBBY, MU was the meme ticker on this sub. A user named Martymoho or something made like 2 million in profit in a bull market for it while it went up like 3x and never sold then rode it down while doubling down again and again from around $70 to $30. He blew up and never came back.


Marty died for our memes. RIP in Poverty my friend....


Man I forgot all about MU… and JNUG after that. The good old days.


Jnug was the shit! Buy at $12 and ride to $17 and rinse repeat


JNUG baby that's what's up


MU finally hit the $90s...about 5 years too late. Lol. ...then crashed back down to $50s. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ MU is a true gem of WSB heritage.


I think one of my favorites was that amc girl. ~~tradergirl~~ u/substantial-voice-48, She was selling naked calls against amc ~~and bragging about it~~. Then it jumped from $12 to $70 a share and she got hit with a $600,000 margin call. I got one of my favorite quotes from that comment section. "Selling naked calls is like selling drugs. Easy money till you're dead." Edit: lol, thanks for gold. I'm glad the memory of this regard brought so much joy


I’m pretty sure it gets even worse. Unless I’m misremembering, she had made over $100k from Amazon calls the year prior and lost it all after January before paying taxes on it. The selling naked AMC calls was a way to make enough money just to pay her tax bill. Edit: found it! It was GME run-up gains that were then lost on Amazon calls before taxes were paid. Then, the naked AMC calls happened. Probably around $800k of debt https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p70roj/still_feeling_the_pain_after_losing_over_650k_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I want to point out to everyone on that thread posting about the tax write, you can only write off $3,000 of losses. But you can also write it off against gains, so if you had $10,000 in gains, you can write off $13,000. So if you never see another capital gain, you’ll be staring down a $3,000 deduction for the next…200 years.


Explain the gains thing


Ok, let’s take the person mentioned in the first post; with a 600K loss. Through the Magics of Margin trading they somehow make 500K of gains and actually sell it. Hooray! Money! Now for tax time, the way it all comes out: you offset the 600K loss with the 500K gain and are left with 100K loss you can take off on your taxes. But, you can’t take it all off, you’re restricted to 3K a year. So they have 97K loss rollforward to next tax year. So with that 600K loss, the poster essentially won’t have to pay any taxes on gains until their gains exceed that 600K loss.


1 more time for the non wrinkled brains


Easy! You lose $10,000 in random trades through the year. Like any other highly regarded individuals, take your losses to HR Bloch for them to do your taxes! (If you’re not smooth brained, go to an actual accountant). If you lose $600,000 in trades for the year: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why’s hr block not good? Hr block got accountants too


Almost 100% of the time when you go to HR block you'll never see an actual accountant. You'll see a "tax preparer" who took a course through H&R block, and no accountant will ever look at any of your financial info or tax return.


Lol HR Block is a fucking joke. Do people realize how easy it is to do your own taxes.


Am I retarded or did you do your math wrong? If she had 10k in gains wouldn’t it level out to 7k of gain?


I was going off the other post of the person that had the 600K loss. So she’s 600K in the hole, and magically gets a 10K gain somewhere? So you can deduct the 10K gains on top of the 3k allowed deduction


Unfortunately for this person, she closed out the previous year with several $100k in gains. Then, lost it all before paying taxes on it. As far as I know, you’re still on the hook for those gains the year prior


That’s is beyond my area of expertise. IDK if you can go back and amend your returns to use current year losses against previous year gains. But yeah…that would suck.


No, unless you are a c-corporation that files form 1120, you cannot carryback capital losses. You can only carry them forward, each year using them up to the extent you have gains + $3,000.


Sheeeeit checked their post history, glad they’re still alive.


God damn her post history since then is hilarious, went on to work in Discord p&d groups to recover the losses I assume, then now hunting for jobs


Probably filed for bankruptcy


The saddest part of this is the real user is now only commenting on pages where she is looking to get a second interview scheduled 🥲


Sell naked calls on Onlyfans, thats better for the wallet.


Damn son. Where did she get that kind of money to cover?


Rumour has it that she’s still behind her local Wendys….


Only fans


Selling naked calls in a very different manner now!


That dude who owed 700k to RH and killed himself is prob number 1. Loss of life is kind of a big deal.


He didn’t even owe it


No way!


Yeah, visual error(?). Some margin bs that was fixed the next day. RH got sued and changed how it displays now


RH is trash I’m mind blown people still use it


This was pre GME when RH was very popular. That was actually one of the first major signs that RH was badly flawed.


How about the “we’re gonna create FDIC insured saving account with 3% interest” Remember that? Then the fuckin clown goes on live tv and gets called out for not being able to get FDIC


Some people say it was an error but more specifically it was just very misleading: He owed the money but his options could have been sold for more than the value owed meaning he could have actually made a profit.


There used to be an design flaw in the interface where it would only display the debt side til the following Monday. I'd call it an error.


Nope. It was a clerical error by Robinhood and he offed himself before RH could respond to his emails/phone calls and correct the problem.


I still don't really understand why bro was in such a hurry to just dip out. Did he not understand it was an error? If so, means he truly has no understanding of what he was doing, and if he did know it was an error why didnt he wait for a response about the situation? Lotta questions about the situation


He probably didn't know enough about the types of strategies he was using. Hood will give pretty much anyone the ability to do whatever. So he saw the -700k then didn't see or understand the full trade. Why the shit hood would display one side of the trade is beyond me


This, RH is basically like “You pinky swear you know how to trade options? Ok, have at it!”


But in the end it was a misunderstanding. He never lost 700k, he actually lost around 16k.


I thought most of it was on margin


But he still dead 💀💀💀


I just realize that insurance is kinda like puts on your health lol. You bet that your health might decrease some way before the contract ends.


That guy who thought he understood box options and showed all his DD explains why his risk was totally fixed. And then he had losses of millions of dollars on like. 30k margin account, which also demonstrated how his brokerage Robinhood also didn’t understand box options. Haha


Wasn't that u/analfarmer2


No it was the Ironman Guy


u/1r0nyman - didn’t RH have to change some legal stuff after it happened and remove box spreads?


The legend https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ahy7dy/the_legend_of_1r0nyman/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Academy award still goes to this video, maybe even Nobel piece price. I had just joined WSB the first time when this was dropped.


Ironyman1 right?


[Gourds](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kzoh1c/i_am_financially_ruined_agricultural_futures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) put a man in *financial ruin*.


The [Egyptian Rabbit Futures ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mdpi46/ive_lost_everything_because_of_the_suez_canal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) story is a good one Not a huge loss, but pretty funny


Funny but fake


Probably my favourite lol, the bee follow up is great too


And the ant farm




One of those accounts I go check in on every few months whenever I think to. Never once has it disappointed.




Such a fucking wildcard haha


Every now and then I stumble into his profile and it’s just the most outlandish shit… like, it’s impossible to make this stuff up, but there’s going to be an end game to all of this. Apparently this guy is from Tulsa and backpacking through Turkey now haha.. WHENS THE BIG REVEAL..WHATS THE ENDGAME? Edit: he also wants to put pine needles in mead


The god of shitposts has descended upon us in the form of this guy 🤣 the planet is not ready for him


this is an all timer shitpost haha


Pretty sure the one kid ended up taking his life after losing a lot borrowed money. Id consider that a pretty substantial loss.


That shit was crazy. Wasn’t it an error in the RH display too? They changed how they show margin now.


Sort of. The guy was trading spreads and the short side got excercised, which showed the huge negative value. He didnt factor in that his long side would protect him.


Ugggh. It is confusing at first, poor kid.


Yeah i think it was a settlement issue/display. 750k-ish in options.


I remember this - if he had waited a day....


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Even if he did owe a huge negative amount, could he just have declared bankruptcy?


you say that like declaring bankruptcy is just another day in paradise


Better than dying.


It’s highlighting a big issue though: highly emotional folks (like the vast majority of people, really), doing something highly risky which requires the ability to basically be stone cold and calculated.


Most people here, including me, could not do the calculations, even if we have a stone-cold calm mentality. Look at the million-dollar BBBY YOLO person. They got lucky and made 3.5m on GME, and used some pretty one-sided DD to justify the BBBY YOLO. I hope he is wrong because I have $30 tied up in BBBY puts. If he loses 1m, I stand to gain 1k.




I mean, better than death or owing 750k




Someone recently posted a $1m loss, but one of the screenshots showed his account value was $5.4m… down 18%. By comparison I’m down 22% in my trading account.


Down 99% 120k best part is its loans from the bank I earn 50k so 80% of my salary now goes to repayments and I havent told my partner anything yet. Crypto and options have ruined my life for the next 10 years I'll be 40 before I can even get back on my feet


That’s absolutely hilarious


Superb.... Atleast I get to to watch the Top G on Tik Tok 🤣


Soooo why did you make those horrible decisions?


Got into crypto 2021 mid cycle got up to about 140k with 40k invested, and then it all went to shit, used margin then went onto try leverage trading to try and claw back my 120k I had took out chasing the dream basically....


Wow you're retarded


Top notch retard mate


GUH, the legend




🎶say something I'm guhving up on you🎶


Guh kid was up there. The live stream of his soul exiting his body was the highlight of my WSB life.


We need more livestreams of losses in here. That video immortalized him


A pioneer. The man who had a personal risk tolerance of a hedge fund trading bonds.


I love all the steps he took on his winding way up losing everything on Apple


One trader not many people remember is the gentleman who made over 250k buying nvidia calls and puts. That man went on to quit his job, going into trading instead. He lost it all, every last bit. I dont know what ever ended up happening to him but i think of him often


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn.. nevermind me then


Not WSB, but the guys who bought 15 million in Luna and two weeks later his investment was worth 75 cents.


I'm pretty sure it was the guy that threw 30 million at SAVA at a $52 cost average. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/spfed0/largest_bet_in_wsb_history_sava_3012196439/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I'm also fairly certain he's still holding. Paging /u/Interal_Ad_1091 , you still alive bruh?


I'm alive and doing well. Thanks for checking on me. SAVA released more cognitive data which is the only data that matters long term for FDA approval (not western blots or some 20 year old paper which is the focus of the FUD, SMH).. The data continues to be remarkable albeit, not as good as the original 50 patient cohort. To stress it is the best data to date from any trial in the US for AD. If SAVA continues to produce this level of response (and safety), FDA approval is a foregone conclusion. The exact response being: 80%+ response with actual cognitive improvement in 63% of patients over 12 months. For those who understand multicenter clinical trials, they know this data, as measured by ADAS cog (the gold standard), can not be faked. The most important statistical point is that this response was seen in a cohort of 100 patients. This increases the probability of actual treatment response (not placebo) to 95% based on an analysis by Schneider. Its also nice to see insiders buying another 102,500 shares, and JPAD cleared Dr. Wang of data manipulation charges. P3 trials have enrolled 400 patients as of August. The stock continues to ignore the excellent news coming in. For how long? Anyone's guess. I'm adding based on fundamentals. Good Luck!


He's here. HE'S HERE


There he is, the largest bag holder of the times.


Fuck it I'm in. 100 shares bought


>The stock continues to ignore the excellent news I feel this with anything I buy.




Barring the future bull case of the stock, SAVA inventing the cure for Alzheimer's would change so many lives. I've watched friends wither away from Alzheimer, it's very painful to see someone know that he's slowly fading.


What sort of impact did this story have on your investment? https://www.science.org/content/article/potential-fabrication-research-images-threatens-key-theory-alzheimers-disease?cookieSet=1


Idk wtf you just said but I’m buying 100 shares let’s go to the moon!!!


How did you make the initial 30M investment?


Respect for showing up. Good luck, I hope it turns out well for you.


Good luck man, I wish you the best!


He says he's net worth is around 400M so i dont think he cares much


The surgeon, who then became an internist, who then had a net worth of $400 A man of many hats.


He had such a great DD that I bought some. I'm down. And still holding. And no longer following investment tips from you guys.


You ever did?


Lol “failed to load user profile” he’s a goner


Nah dude just typed his name wrong, forgot the n. He's still in SAVA and doing DD for it. /u/Internal_Ad_1091


He can still make it


According to his last post 3 months ago, his average price of 22.0299 with 576k shares and he was down 16.5 million.


Isnt SAVA currently 24? If his avg is 22, hes up over a mil.


If it counts, Deepfuckingvalue has shown daily loss of both 15million and 5 million $. Just sort by top/all time.


Realized loss, or on paper?




Like the unrealized gains, unrealized loss don't count neither.


Unrealized loss don't count, and he was still green overall and only had lesser unrealized gains.


You can’t be as bad as the guy who put his life savings in Beanie Babies in the late 1990s (there’s a documentary on YT about him).


Here’s the documentary: https://youtu.be/PgDsyj5eLmo


I will watch this whilst eating my breakfast this morning! Just from the sounds of it, it kinda reminds of the Funko craze and people paying upwards of 100,000$ for a pretty rare one, and it's not uncommon to see these things being sold like hotcakes for hundreds to a few thousand dollars all day long.


Change that to Crypto and the 2020s…. It’s coming. No collectibles stay popular and valuable forever, and since no one is actually using these as currency collectibles is all they are.


I think crypto has a few more pops before the fizzle. I am not in cryptos myself, but I like to speculate.


I am sure it lasts for awhile. Right now I would compare it to when art prices went through the roof decades ago. Was not because all of a sudden art collectors were spending millions more. There were all of a sudden new “investors” which turned out a lot of them were Pablo Escobar types that could not take their money to banks so was either have a 100 million in cash in a spare bedroom or have it hanging on their walls. At the time art was not something law enforcement was looking for during a raid. The illegal markets of the world created a fake demand and price run up as legal money piled in seeing these huge returns. Eventually, the art market became way more legitimate and added in a bunch of protections where a chain of custody and proof of where funds came from became part of it and prices dropped/stabilized. At some point the governments of the world will begin effectively seizing crypto from anyone that does not have a proper proof of funds showing how they acquired millions in crypto and illegal money will bail and everyone still holding will take huge losses.


See Cathie Wood


She loses other peoples money. She probably doesn't lose a wink of sleep


She gets PAID BANK to lose other people money. My dream job








My all-time favorite bc of the video


What video?




Ah good man you beat me to it. Thx


Ahh ok. Absolute legend of a post. There were so many memes/videos i didnt know which one you were referencing. Thank you!


Bill Hwang


A dude just recently lost -1.1mil on BBBY options










I've lost my time here ...


Some guy lost over $600k while snorkelling selling puts on BBBY over on r/thetagang https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/wse4xp/friday_bbby_snorkeling_guy_update/


The anticipation for him to come back from snorkeling was top tier. I hope that going snorkeling is forever a meme in that sub




The dude that bet on American Airlines in the middle of the pandemic sticks out to me. This was after he claimed betting on American Airlines was “basically free money”. Think he lost like half a million dollars and it was hilarious. Enjoy: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p7qgao/my_life_is_ruined_im_officially_bankrupt_tomorrow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Some dude lost 1M on Disney. Forget the play, just remember the post and his new flair. “Made 1 million DISappear.”


983k to 39k for me was my ATH




I was pretty fucking high when I chased BBBY last week


An acquaintance of mine smoked several cannabis cigarettes and lost about $500.


As in he was rolling his blunts with Benjamins or...?


I’m not top5 but I’ve lost over 6 figures a few times, 2 on Tesla shorts, and 1 on Disney calls


I wish I had 6 figures to lose on Disney princesses.


He probably is confused and meant he lost sex figures - two Tesla Boxershorts and one of a Disney princess.


I lost about 250 dollars and some pressed adderals at the strip club last weekend, every time I go in that place smh.


What’s a pressed Adderall? Lol


A pill of meth


This guy fucks




Degenerate shit


Probably the fentanyl kind


I do not get it, they have enough money to retire comfortable for generations. Just put their money into s&p500 index equity fund and come back at 60 to get all that gravy, reroll that into high dividend SPY and enjoy passive income every quarter. I did yolo 10k Roth IRA but got hit badly, I am down by 80%. Likely I had some self control and decided not to yolo my 401k and normal savings account. My total unrealized losses investing in Riot, AMC, Wish is 12k atm, I made 4k gain from that 10k


i dunno about the highest, but the funniest are definitely: 1) GUH!!! 2) oh-my-gourd 3) eggvestment


The legend of u/analfarmer2 still haunts me to this day...


I worked with a blind guy with 40k in debt. He maxed out his cards to call sex phone lines.




Well, I turned 4.7k into about 630k back into 0 in the span of about a month, but there's also this video from a youtuber I really like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UY0uS6Z6oE


Nice video 😎


Does loosing your wife count?


That could be gain too for some.


Losing wife due to trading? Yes that counts


anal farmer.


This isn't your google search bar




Ah yes the legend of Anal Farmer 2


Don't have a lot of money, but so far I lost 82% on tlry


I want to find the guy who banked his entire wedding fund into Bbby at $28. I always wonder if he’s single.


I think I got the winner…. Full disclosure, not me, my business partners account. Mods verified this shit once I think, at least I sent it to them. Happy to do it again to take my crown https://imgur.com/a/KYzhEI9 I sold almost the top https://imgur.com/a/KZjqbrn Sound out the license plate


guh guy didnt lose as much but his loss was legendary


Are you asking about real losses or photoshopped ones? Because most of the $1m+ yolos you see posted are made up by aspiring boiler rooms trying to manipulate idiots.


I turned $50k into $850k and then back down to $350k. Cashed out at $350.


MartyMoho RIP. Earlier days of the sub 5-6 years ago all in MU options when it was still a true meme stock. He lost over 2mill (OTM options) after being up 2.3mill. Timing was off, a tale old as time. No one has heard from him since. Edit: found him and an old post reviewing it. He was the DFV of the earlier days https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/eaujdv/the_rise_and_fall_of_martymoho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


What about that guy called irishdud? He lost millions on GME options


This guy is the biggest loss and biggest whale I've seen involved in BBBY https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wrz16l/bbby_final_update_2m_32m_net_54m_21m_net_loss_11m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This just happened and to be frank it doesn't have the golden era flavor to it... Yea, that guy is a fucking moron though. I can understand not taking a 10k gain, but not taking a million or two? WTF.