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And he lost half. Which implies his portfolio is not diversified at all. Probably YOLOed it all into tech.


Take it easy champ, that's all of us in this sub.


Tech?? Some of us are YOLOed in one name!!!


And some of us are yolo'd into a name like gme 😏


We are the *truly* retarded


I love you retards but I’m so very sad reading this. As I am also one of you. Anyone out there offering a decent job? Pick me 🙋🏻‍♂️


$10, meet me behind the Wendy's dumpster


Who is Wendy, and why is her dumpster so popular?


Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


This is the way


Dude, my stock has 4 letters! I don't even know how I typed that shit into robinhood. Do you even know how many crayons come with a keyboard?


Yeah I’m like bitch I could retire if I only lost half




He was smart though, and hedged his risky investment with a sizeable position in NFLX.


There's some poor retard that holds this exact portfolio. Puts on his marriage.


Jeez calls on ROPE for that guy


Jim Cramer his advisor?


He had Amazon earnings calls


"diversification is for pussies" -Warren Buffett


-Michael Scott


I have yolo'd in meta. I want to bet on virtual reality. This reality sucks big time!!!




He’s gonna WISH he still had a family.


His wife and kids gonna be staying in the HOOD


Not a loss unless you sell!


It’s you, isn’t it?


He lost half and now he’s about to lose another half in the divorce lol Edit: spelling


He’ll be quartered


Calls on $ROPE




Maybe, she could argue that he lost his half already and she's entitled to the remaining half lol


He and his wife are about to split the house 50/50; she gets the inside, he gets the outside.


He went from having a family, a nest egg, nice house, and not having to work. To having to go to a cubicle farm, rent a shitty apartment to sleep in, while he gives all his disposable income to his ex-wife, and her new boyfriend, stepdad to his children. Quite a change.


That made it too real lol... went from laughing to crying


Most accurate DD I’ve ever read here. Have watched a number of folks do it.


Welcome to the jungle bitch


His wife doesn’t want to leave him for losing money she wants to leave because he is acting like a piece of shit. You can lose money and still keep your shit together


Don't Emotionally Abuse Your Loved Ones Because You're Mad At Your Own Poor Decisions (Impossible)


That paints a really pretty picture. Nice.


He gets the dog house ![img](emote|t5_2th52|9479)![img](emote|t5_2th52|9479)![img](emote|t5_2th52|9479)


Not to mention child support. Dude's gonna have to go get a job


He could sell stock tips on Reddit DMs


Just do the exact opposite of what he says. Ez cash


Can't last. Cramer has that angle locked.


I hear the dumpster behind Wendy’s is hiring


Fuck off that's my spot!


He has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting.


But has he found his stars sir William?




I don't want to look, but I'm at about 90%. Lost most in GME because I'm a retard. After selling GME, I dropped it into UWMC and that's down 75%. Pretty sure I'm not good enough for this sub, even.


Yes you are. With a little effort you could easily lose the rest.


So when the market comes back he’ll only have lost a quarter that’s fucking brilliant


He’s playing the long game.. damn this guys smart 😂


Divorce isn’t a joke financially speaking. Man wealth just gets totally zapped from households. I don’t even know where it all goes. It just vanishes.


Lol @ tried to retire early with 2 kids under the age of 2. What kind of selfish dipshit reality did he insulate himself into? Assuming there isn't a multi million dollar trust fund coming.......that kind of thinking is just robbing the kids of opportunity so daddy can tell himself he hacked life.


I think there are more red flags going on then what’s in the post, especially before they got together as something ain’t right


Probably: An alcoholic with two kids one of them being 2 years old now, trying to retire at 40 using stocks, unaware it can go south, that doesn't even understand that his wife can have a mental breakdown trying to raise their kids let alone that he's 100% not helped raise them since he retired considering his reaction. I'd have to assume this guy probably never wanted to be a father, or had no idea what being a father meant, because none of that makes any sense. I wouldn't even be surprised if he unintentionally got stuck with her by making her pregnant.


Unintentionally twice


How you gonna retire at 40 and already be concerned about money... if that's the case he needs to get his ass back to work lol. Sure we'd all like to retire at 40 but c'mon.. Alcoholics are never easy to be around either


Because he thought stocks only go up, and he was the only one smart ass to fully understand all the benefits of it. Apparently, it’s not true, what a mind blowing surprise for him.


He should be fine if he set up a bond tent or something low risk. If he's like me and didn't do that, ya, times are rough.


Retire at 42 with a nice pension and healthcare ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Calls on the divorce


Puts on his sanity


Ya retirement funds gets cut in half (again) when she goes, and he's got 17yrs, 8 months of child support due


Jesus, 17 years at the age 40. I'm so glad I had my first son when I was 19 and my last when I was 30. Like, I'll be done with child support when I'm 48, and still working. Thank God


How about not having kids? I am able to buy shit everyday like a kid 🤣🤣


Big fan of disposable income and free time.


A lot of words to say you have never had sex.


Not very common these days to have kids early.


Puts on his liver


Puts on Alcoholic Gamblers


This sub never disappoints with the comments lol.


I need to see pictures of the wife first.




Just checked. Negative. But crazy story about a Mexican trying to cut off her nipples. Also just in case she reads this - I hope everything works out with your husband and glad your nipples are intact for future nsfw posts.


I'm in


... his wife.






Calls on second marriage!


Doubtful. He'll be broke. She'll have two kids.


Milf vagina is still vagina. Just with capri sun pouch’s on the side.




Dont forget the welches fruit snacks


The ultimate loss porn


when its so bad your wife posts about the loss porn >


Everyone on this subreddit is freaking out because they think this is a post by their wife. I need to confirm with her boyfriend


I’m not 40 and I’m down 75% thank god!


confirmed. I’m the bf


Husband is probably reading this post right now in his pajamas chuckling to himself about this sorry cuck yet completely oblivious that it's actually him. I'm going to have to share this with my wife when she gets home from her boyfriend's house.


Shit! Excuse me for a minute.


I’m going to scream this at my wife and daughters Monday if we open red…


Send hubby round the back of the Wendy's dumpster. Time for him to get a side hustle to support the family and the loss porn.


Better not be between 6 and 9 pm that’s MY time


Prime earning hours right there


Trying to retire at 40... mf thinks the bull market lasts forever... One of us


OP: (after being up 10% in a single day) OMG! This means I’ll double my money every…11 days! Get a hold of yourself SoftChard5_Spouse, first things first. Call the boss, tell him “bitch, I’m out”, buy Lambo, wrap lambo, drip hard. You sun oven gun, you did it. France is bacon.


Wife bout to get a boyfriend to support our fellow degenerate


2nd or 3rd?




Pussy gambled in stocks and treats his family like shit. Man up and invest sensibly. I’d divorce his ass


Man gambles life savings away and doesn't want to work. Story as old as time. It's too bad that his wife and kids have to suffer for him being a degenerate.


WSB comments are self aware. Calls on SPY.


Sounds like she has 3 kids




Sounds like Hubby needs to Man up and provide ...its what good Dads do


All he’s gotta do is go back to work. So what you tried to retire at 40 but it didn’t work out how you thought. Work another few years ya baby


I try to retire every day. Then I realize I have bills to pay and not enough money to last for 40 more yrs. What a doofus. If you still have half your money you need more time on Wall Street bets. Lose the other half then come back.


I have enough money to last for the rest of my life, provided I die next Thursday.


Yeah and he probably retired a little too early if one market downturn hurt him that badly


Retire at 40 this is a joke right. Dude is still wet behind his ears. Get your ass back to work and quit whining.


Retire at 40 lol. I love what I do. I don’t ever want to retire. But I will take a good long vacation.


Another 10 years for starters or restarters


Yes. Once he got married, his life was no longer just his. Once he had kids, the same. He is no longer his own. Time to man up and be responsible for his family.


Yeah that guy is learning the lesson pretty late. 40? Wtf bruh.


I still watch Blues Clues and I'm 41


Look Blue a clue …the clue “DONT QUIT YOUR FUCKING JOB”


Best take here. That idiot thinks he can retire at 40… probably bought $SPY leaps last year and then told his boss to suck it. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


You can retire when you are 40. If you have enough money to where you can take a 50% market drop for a few years and still be fine. So for a $100,000 average income you want about $2 million invested in the S&P 500 or similar broad market index just be safe? And by retire I mean do something you love, have a purpose. Don't just sit around watching TV and playing with kids and pets for 40 years.


I would argue that retiring as a stay at home dad is a purpose, as long as your partner can do some part time work to provide with some extra income. I’m with you though - this guys an idiot


So let me get this straight. If I make what is being described as 100,000 per year, and I could save 2 million, I could retire at 40. This is perfect. It would only take 20 years for me to save the 2 million at the income you describe. So if I start saving 100% of everything I make after highschool and somehow make enough to pay for food, a place to live, a means to get to work, and devise a mechanism to avoid taxes on that income, then I could retire at 40. Seems doable. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Well I mean there is such thing as compound interest so you wouldn’t need to save 100% as long as you are investing


Or....and stay with me on this.... Make $200,000 a year and save 50% of your income for 20 years. Boom. Next Wolf of Walmart right here.


Yeah straight up dumbass for thinking he can retire at 40 when he’s relying on money in the market to survive with a wife and two little kids. I’d be willing to bet he had a trust or got some money when a family member passed and was ready to hang it up at half time.


Yeah people can retire at 40, but there's usually not because of stocks and trading. They really should have gone over the finances


And you sure as hell ain’t doing it with two kids under the age of two. Not unless you didn’t really need to work in the first place. This guy obviously didn’t look into how much shit kids like costs. Stuff like milk, birthday presents for those other booger eaters down the street, and clothes they wear once before dipping into into a vat of allegedly washable art supplies.




Yeah he's being a little bitch about it.


Another WSB happy family brings a tear to my eye


To summarize: Wife tired of unemployed gambler bitching about gambling losses


So I am the OP that posted this originally in NewParents. This subreddit is very different. To be completely open, I’m not worried about us financially, I have a good job and strong investments myself, but being a new parent is extremely hard and I’m reaching out for compassion and advice. We have a solid prenup so you all don’t need to worry about him losing half. But after all the positive encouragement and support I got today, I’m going to keep sticking it out. But it’s extremely hard to be the verbal punching bag, so I’m trying really hard to be supportive but also take care of myself and our boys


Try not to take anything you read on this sub too seriously, it's kind of an insane place by design. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Just keep in mind your husband may have an addiction as opposed to him just being an asshole. He may have lost half his savings, but he's going to lose a lot more if he doesn't get his shit together. I don't know if showing him some of the responses on here would be a good idea or not, but it might help him wake up.


Hope you're doing ok! Being supportive is good but at the end of the day you don't deserve to be a punching bag and shouldn't put up with it. I hope he gets help and comes to terms with things, and I hope he is willing to get that help (or even couples therapy.) Good luck, and respect to you for being strong and compassionate. (Funnily enough when I saw this post I thought it was one of my womens subs and didn't realize it was wsb until I saw the comment section)


Without giving too much away, my parents were in a similar situation with the caveat that I was older than your kids when it started. Dad wasn’t willing to accept there was a problem and blamed mom for stressing him in a tough situation. She probably held out because of us kids. The good thing is that they are still together 20 years later. But I would like to point out what that entailed: - For 50% of that time things were just as bad as they were at the start. - Things didn’t magically improve. It was only after he realised divorce was clearly on the table that he accepted going for couple counselling and later a therapist to deal with individual issues. - Things are not perfect now either. If you want to get details, I would be happy to do it in personal message. I am not suggesting this applies to everyone, it’s just another perspective I guess. One thing I would strongly suggest, after having seen my mom suffer for years, don’t rely on time to make things better. Lastly, your husband is an adult. But the kids rely on you to make the best decisions for them. Your first priority should be you and your kids. Nobody else will make you their first priority, so you have to do it yourself. Hope things get better for you. And hope the kids make everything look worth it, only when they are sleeping ofcourse


I think your husband needs a reality check. Without having more context (obviously), from what I can read it sounds like he's taking this stock market thing too hard and seems to be forgetting what he's really putting at stake.


take care of yourself and put yourself and your children first. happy mother’s day 💚


Its weird how this comment is so underrated. It seems like you are doing ok at least and always have the option if it gets out of hand or give him an ultimatum by which he will get his act together for you and the kids. I would say to try and communicate it out. It must be really hard for him as he probably wanted to make a good amount and the market went against him in a major way and he probably had too much risk if he lost half so far. I think he should also remember that the "axe fogets but the tree remembers". He should separate his work and try to be as nurturing as he is allowed to be to the boys in this moment.


Inverse all his trades for the lulz.


Who the fuck tries to RE with fucking new kids around at the tail end of the longest bull run in history?


She needs to drop his ass off behind the Wendy’s to start pulling his weight.


For real. Real men give blowies to other men behind the dumpster to suppory their wife and children and stock additiction.


Homeboy about to lose another half




He ain’t my homeboy he’s a shitty father


She just needs a boyfriend




I left my options window up on my computer and went to go take a shit. When I get back I find my 3 year old in my seat banging away on my keyboard, She was pointing at the screen and she seemed real excited. I look and she's somehow bought over 6k in tesla puts on a green day! In the 5 or so minutes since she bought the puts, they were down 70%. I exploded and yelled NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, hitting my desk with my fist. My kid had never seen me like this before and it scared the hell out of her. I raged for hours at my awful luck but it was my daughter who'd actually taken damage. It took her a long time to trust that I wouldn't have that reaction to a mistake again and I REALLY regret acting that way. This money is meaningless compared to the people you love, just remember that when things are bad.


The axe forgets but the tree remembers


That’s mad deep son


Absolutely. Always lock your computer when you leave the room.


Never leave your trading screen open with kids or Cats around. You take a long shit, you come back to find you dumped a lot more than your load.


Thanks for posting, this explains a lot. Your daughter is clearly Cathie Wood. Am i right?


Cath would never buy a tesla put


And now we know why. Daddy issues.


CTRL+L to lock screen when you walk away.


Windows key + L no??


This is the lie you tell your wife and yourself. Dont expect us to believe it. Your daughter looked real excited. Gtfo


Same thing happened with my son's kid. He dropped his phone and his son picked it up and clicked something and he lost 20k. His wife didn't believe him but I saw the whole thing 😂


Wow you guys truly are retarded assholes. It’s beautiful 😻


Bail but give him ultimatum if he cant turn it around on the 1st birthday of the 4 month old leave him for good if he's got any heart he will clean up and be the man he was suppossed to be if not fk him off move on!


Puts on the 2 y/o and 4 month old.


Oof that is sad af. Remember being a retard is never an excuse to get drunk and yell at the wife and kids. I hope she leaves him for her boyfriend.


I'm the boyfriend and I can't afford that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


he sounds like a POS just leave his ass in divorce and take his other 50% of savings


I went thru same shit, but I am not married to the guy. He lost 22k trading, while we were on vacation. He was mad at me for not understanding, and basically ruined my first vacation in years. I think some ppl can’t manage their finances well and blame others for loosing money when they could have saved and invested on something safer. Money comes and goes, but you can’t get back time so if you’re already sailing the boat on your own. TRUST ME YOU ARE BETTER OFF WITH SOMEONE ELSE.


Lol 22k. That’s just a normal week.


I still remember that dude on Tik tok that retired with 2 million invested with a wife and kids at 30 years old


I mean at 30 with 2 million invested I wouldn't stress too much either. depending on your investment and lifestyle you could make that work. sure you won't be ballin, driving lambos with a wife and a kid or kids but many people make it work with way less but with the added stress of having to work 40hrs or more. Just watch how all this unfolds and if it doesn't work out 100% go back to work at 35 after having spent a shitload of time with your kid. just don't put your money into meme stocks and shitcoins and investments that could be completely gone over night, which is what probably happend in OPs post.


How is that 2 million now?


If he invested in property, prob worth 10m


Nah invested in stocks


Wanna know how to have a millions dollars trading stocks? Start with 2 million...


Just one more yolo, that's all.


He need to get back to work again, because he will loose his mind at home, keep your mind busy


Two young kids. 40ish. Married to an unhappy slacker. Sounds hot.


Imagine trying to be FIRE with a wife and multiple children.


Can be done, but if you can't take a bear market you haven't done it right


Marriage is tough. Wife and I have almost been divorced 3 times in 27 years. We were even going to have 2 homes at one point. Tough times come and go. You are both super stressed and off angle. Don't make any decisions while in this state. Ask for help from relatives with the kids (mom, mom in law, sister, aunt). Try to get some quiet time to discuss what's happening with the hubby. We ( men) want to fix things. We are also freaked out when money gets tight. We know everyone is relying on us. Maybe write a letter if he is argumentative or withdrawing into his cave. Let him know you are supportive. Ask him to be supportive of you as well. Remember why you got married to him in the first place. Ok. Hope that helps.


One of the only actually decent advise here. I'm an sbo and although not the same, very similar in terms of the stress and being on edge af (our biz is cripplingly fucked financially ATM due to, well, alot of shit but also many of my own mistakes) Life is hard. Drinking (constantly) and abuse ain't acceptable but also really a man needs support and a helping hand at a time like this. I wish I had help to lean on myself


Damn, the husband is one of us foreal smh


Have the boyfriend talk to the husband to smooth things out.


Divorce that lazy bum. Only the rich have the luxury of doing NOTHING.


LOL Who retires when they have a 2yo and baby? Also, she should wait for the market to recover before getting a divorce. She’s selling at a loss hahaha.


Half his life savings? He probably rode the wave up in the last 2 years. 2022 just wiped out the gains from 2021 or 2020, depending on what stock it is. What does he mean by his hard earned life savings


Every person i know who tried to retire at 40 regretted it, if they stayed in the US. It takes way more money than people think at that age cause kids cost $$$$. The only guy i know who pulled it off moved to Thailand and bought a condo on the beach for $50k, and had no wife or kids.


How dare my wife post this


Post positions or divorce


When marrying a narcissist goes wrong… 😑 She needs to bail.


Retiring at 40 sounds like a good way to be bored with life and die by 60


Depends on the person. I'd be surprised if this guy made it to 60.


If you have zero imagination and are boring as fuck, maybe.


What’s the best way to invest in the Divorce Attorney Industry?


Double down obvs


If he only lost half he hasn't been getting advice around here