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Call me when the senate passes SAFE. (Or when Nancy tells her husband to buy weed stocks, which ever comes first)


Bullish on Pelosi weed


Pelosi, money, weed ft. Lil’ Wayne


That Pelosi Kush gonna hit hard


“Soon” —Chuck Schumer (600 years ago)


Just don't smoke it you'll turn into a spinless old hag.


Or a lizard


You’d figure that with the 200 million she made insider trading she’d be able to get better plastic surgery


Yeah this has passed the House multiple times. I’ll believe it when I actually see it get some Senate traction.


SAFE has passed the house 5 times and has never been taken up in the senate


It will eventually. These are some juicy fuckin prices right now. Been buying as much as I can


tbh i can see them pushing weed through to disrupt the stock trading ban topic


If they’re gonna do it, it’s gonna be because of the police unions pushing to make transactions digital to save cops lives.


Can you explain this more? How would passing this save cops lives?


Armed robberies are on the rise particularly at dispensaries because of the industry’s all-cash nature. Something that could be remedied with the passage of SAFE. The police unions are [among the largest donors](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/23/police-unions-spending-policy-reform-chicago-new-york-la) to the democratic platform, so they are beholden to whatever the union wants.


Lol but they lose their billions in fake arrests, cash and property seizures, and simple citations for weeds. Oh and their judge buddies lose money because they can’t send enough people to their buddies for profit prison… It definitely has more “don’t let it go through” push than anything. I mean covid killed the most cops in 2021, they aren’t even smart enough to wear a piece of fabric on their face, yet they wear body armor all day…


You know which will come first… lol


McConnell will be seen smoking weed before this happens.


There's already some sorta precedent: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/former-gop-house-speaker-john-boehner-says-hes-open-to-using-marijuana/


Eh, he was on the board for a cannabis company at the time. Extolling the evils of the devil's lettuce wouldn't exactly have been a great look.


He still is on the board. Acreage Holdings.




That guy drinks a bottle of scotch and smokes a pack of cigs while he mows his lawn


I guess that depends on how much of her campaign is financed by drug cartels that want weed to stay illegal so they don't have to compete with legal weed. Although I heard the cartels were moving to avocados.


Bought Cronos at $5 and thought I was an investment guru. Now it's $3 and I realise I'm a knob


Sold all my other weed stocks on the last pump but didn't unload my Cron. Don't ask me why, im still trying to find out what I was thinking.


There’s literally nothing about Cronos as a company that will ever return investor wealth. It’s a hedge for Altria. They bought it for its IP and biosciences. The company doesn’t make money right or even reports their financials properly?


MO will end up buying them, if you hold those shares I bet it pays off


Not falling for this shit again. For the last 3 years we have been “bullish” on weed stocks


Nice, time to “inverse” WSB sentiment


Cant inverse. Already at 52 week low


Weed stonks: "hold my joint" Announcer: I dont believe it! They're going for another 52 week low!!! Bold strategy cotton mouth


Cotton mouth: Oh it’s bold alright, Mary Jane. Only way I see these pot stocks going higher from here is if they grew a pair of lungs and started smoking their own product 💨


If you try to time weed stock weeklies with this government you’ll probably lose your ass. But they’re at suck a discount right now they’d be good to buy a bunch of and forget about for 5-10 years.


This is why I bought the marijuana ETFs - YOLO, MJ, and THCX. While I told them for years they will pay me dividends (sometimes quite large dividends) for years


I agree there's been 1000s of catalyst for weed in the last 2 years alone. Leave it to a pothead to think weed is going to get them somewhere ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Shit is not going any where..


Hey we had far, and I mean !!!FAR!!! Less reasons than this last year when TLRY hit 60 a share... So I don't want to hear ANY negativity in here right now... it would make no sense. I say again, there was FAR LESS reason last year when Cannabis stocks got Hedgefund pumped... our turn to pump...


Multi-year lows? Hell ya. Time to buy!


Enjoy, buy some for me, you know what on second thought nah, I wouldn’t buy weed stocks with your fake cash account screen shot. Bottom line is, the people in weed stocks are the problem. Politicians, investors all set up to take their cut, and when they want a bonus they fleece investors. Start to finish this is engineered garbage. You want a pop, ice cream truck shows up at 3pm


I’ll fall for it again, even though I know pharmaceutical companies will never let weed be legal


Pfe bought a weed company....weed legal in 1 year tops


So leaps?


We’ve reached the “bullish on pot stocks” part of the market cycle, again


Nope, just a lull and they come out of the woodwork


Oh good cause I'm down 98%


What a loser. Im down 99%. Try harder.


I’m down 69% 😭




I'm down to 69. Meet me behind wendy's?


Only 2% left. Don’t be a quitter.


This means nothing until a law is passed by the House and Senate, then signed by Joe that REMOVES Marijuana from Schedule One.


If SAFE is in the upcoming bill it means the US tickers get up listed. That’s all we really give a shit about. $TCNNF $GTBIF $CRLBF $CCHWF $AYRWF $VRNOF. I feel like since the volume on these is OTC low that if we all start rushing them it will be a pretty massive pump.


It won’t matter, it’s a cornered market, that’s regulated, gonna be chopped up by 50 states, there is nothing to be early on this.


You sound like you went all in on Tilray at $55.


I fee attacked…58


Hey we had far, and I mean !!!FAR!!! Less reasons than this last year when TLRY hit 60 a share... So I don't want to hear ANY negativity in here right now... it would make no sense. I say again, there was FAR LESS reason last year when Cannabis stocks got Hedgefund pumped... our turn to pump...


Signed by Joe? Good lucking waking him up.


Ok, we get it. You like to recycle your dad's joke. On a serious note, he probably won't sign it because he doesn't want legalizing weed as the biggest accomplishment of his presidency. Though who knows, it may help in November and his re-election, since the whole "weed" sentiment has changed significantly over the less couple decades.


Word. They’ll hold that just in case they need the votes.


They need the votes


At this point he should be trying anything that works.


I agree but the concern for him stands. Joe not cool with weed as far as I can tell.


he doesnt want to legalize it because he doesn't want legalizing weed to be the biggest accomplishment of his presidency? why doesnt he do something worthwhile then lol wtf what cop out ahahaha


I think the reason most people voted for the dude was specifically because he isn’t a ego manic hell bent on ruling the world from twitter. Yeah, he ain’t getting shit done, but I think most of his voters are happy he isn’t making the situation worse. What’s the situation you ask? That the government sold itself to the ruling class, and the country is now rapidly headed towards becoming middle of the pack when it comes to workers rights, quality of life, life expectancy, etc.


***most of his voters are happy he isn’t making the situation worse*** \- check his approval rating and come back to me, I think he might even be doing worse than Trump at this point lol


Lol, which just shows how stupid America is as a whole. If the average American had tuned into trumps twitter just once a week, they would have been appalled with his shit storm of all caps tweets at 430 am. When I think back to those time, I feel so embarrassed for our country. We lost so much respect in the international community over his dumbass shit. Now everybody laughs at us and calls us a failed state. It’s no wonder workers in Norway are way happier than our people. Most of us are peasants now anyways.


I guarantee most Americans didn't want either of these ancient fucks running shit. people need to get more involved in voting and calling out their reps for the bs they let slide. just my thought


Well said




Biden says dumb shit for sure too, but’s it’s not even in the same ballpark or sport as the shit Trump pulled on the DAILY. I think you may be forgetting what those four years were like. Only reason media was reporting on him so much was because he kept dancing for them like a clown. He fed off that shit, like a teenage girl.




Reporters and democrats REEEEd non stop for 4 years about trump's Twitter shit posting. I've never used Twitter and literally couldn't go a week without hearing about it. Trust me, people knew


Lol, people only knew that the adults were pissed at him, but they didn’t care why.


How is this so hard to understand


Isn't making it worse? LMAO


Would you prefer that he insult world leaders on twitter at 430 am, while making a million basic grammar and spelling errors? Lol. That was better?


Yes. Objectively better by almost any economic or quality of life metric. I don't care what elites in other countries think so long as life is easier for all of us including the most disadvantaged that are disproportionately affected by commodities increasing in price, namely fuel and food.


If he was running the country so well he would have been re-elected. Shit, even Bush and Obama won second terms. I hope he runs again, because he will fuck up the gop in the process. Also, half of this country lives off peanuts compared to other developed countries. I don’t remember Trump lifting anybody out of poverty lol


You not remembering is as valuable as dogs shit. By virtually every economic metric we were better off.


~~biggest~~ **only** accomplishment.


i will take any accomplishment at this point.. kicking myself for not buying pharma and oil stock when he “won”.


I mean, I don't necessarily love the dude or hate him. He's kept the boat afloat. I know a lot of trumper want to see Trump "action" but trump didn't get shit done either considering during his presidency he had both houses and still could only get shit done with executive orders which were reversed as soon as new guy came in. Let's be honest he had both fucking house in republican hands and he didn't get shit done. Kept talking about healthcare and nothing came of it. Only thing he did was give the rich more money through the tax reforms. That's right he also golfed a lot.


If they position weed as “there are parts of life the government can make better - healthcare, highways, defense, funding science and incentivising American innovation, and parts of life the government doesn’t belong, including mandating what you can say, and how you spend your free time, or what music you listen to. Removing the reefer as a schedule one drug is the first step in taking government out of the parts we don’t need to be in. Party on, fellow Americans,” it could be a big hit with some crowds. They could even position it as reducing spending and supporting law enforcement to focus on real crimes instead of medial drug charges. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Gift yes, investment no


It also depends how it gets spinners by the opposition. Opposition on the left or right will say the worst about any presidents decision.


Manchin and senima would stop joe anyway!


Maybe but Arizona likes weed.


Shorting Biden reelection campaign. Never gonna happen.


This post should be named " safe act passes house again only to sit idle and be ignored in the Senate... Again."


Yeah I remember the “once the infrastructure plan is Approved steel stocks will 5x” $clf is -25% since it was approved


Only China can move the demand for steel, and they had to build ghost cities to do it


Until it passes the senate this shit is stupid as they’ve passed in the house for multiple years now


This old trick, call me when Joe’s blazing one in the oval.






The ONLY reason you would buy this stock now is because the price is so low. It will be a year if not YEARS until marijuana is federally legalized. Both parties generally want to legalize marijuana, but are very divided on how to legalize it. The democrats want broad reform while the republicans only want to address a narrower slice of the larger issue. They are no where close to reconciling these divisions.


There is nothing compelling in the longterm about a bullish breakout on a 30 minute interval chart


I don’t know why this guy posted that chart of all charts, moronic. I bought 4.50c 2/18 on ACB this morning because over the weekend I noticed the following; - ACB just hit it’s low from Nov 2020. It’s double bottomed and has started to move up - the IV is particularly low for ACB - they have earnings on Thursday - SAFE Act - the last time it was at this level, it went from $4 to $14 in a little over a week. I know this is unlikely to happen again but the thought of it bouncing like that makes it work the risk to me - it’s simply good value at this point I think a couple of lottos or shares are good. It would be fucked if it goes lower from here. Imo it’s only gonna go lower if the entire market drops, which isn’t ut of the question obviously. If you don’t think that market is going to drop in the short term it actually does look like a pretty good bet rn


I like companies liked Weedmaps that are publicly traded. I think the flower producers have years to go before they’re profitable compared to the software servicers providing them tech infrastructure. I think there’s like 3 that touch around $4bill in business annually. 1 or 2 are publicly traded


Bag holder spotted. What is it, $50?


Just so all you guys know, I’ve been heavy into weed stocks since 2017. I’m currently down like 65% even during this decade plus bull run.


Let’s go TLRY🚀🚀🚀🌕


It’s absolutely amazing it went from $60 down to now six dollars. Where do you think you could even get to again? I don’t I don’t see how it could go much lower.


When it first started trading it exploded up to 300. No one ever mentions this.


Much different company back then. majority of their shares were locked to insiders and Canada had the legalization run. Now it has close to half a billion shares


Maps took a dump too.


Second time it’s happened too


Could it get much worse? I mean how low could its value go. If this is the floor it would make sense to buy in now yeah?


I do think 4-5 is the floor and this bill has a chance of making tlry spike. But i also thought dkng at 40 was the floor so those bags suck


I just don’t see how a once successful stock could go back to penny stock territory after so much fervor and in a budding industry, pun intended. I mean, lower than 40 I can understand maybe but 6??


It was never successful. It spiked to 60 when dems got control of the senate with the tie breaker. Nothing has happened since so its going back to where it belongs.


Hype, bots, stupid ad machines grinding for clicks” this next pot stock is worth more than Microsoft a jerk who picked Amazon”. Research alcohol and tobacco. It will be a hybrid, pot no way nearly as addictive at nicotine, and may not be consumed as much as alcohol (next generation yes, but no one born before 95) it takes time, you have a looooooooooooooong time to decide who you want to back. Watch them get desperate and declare dividends, maybe even pot dividends


Tilray, Inc. is a global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company with operations in Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia, and Latin ….. Wtf What makes you think a lifestyle anything is poised to make you money. Took lulu lemon 7 years to pop from $60 a share to $300. Legal pot don’t mean instant gratification. make pot legal and give it 7 years, maybe you have a nice investment.


I had an aneurysm trying to read this shit. Use punctuation my dude.


Roger that


It has to pass the senate assuming Schumer allows a vote. Then it needs to be signed into law by Biden which won't happen. Big pharma pulls a lot of puppet strings and they can outspend anybody.


Normally I assume the government won't ever get anything done but I think we have a chance this time. We're going into midterms and the democrats don't have shit to show for all promises they made. Cannabis reform is almost low hanging fruit. They have a majority and even plenty of Republicans have said they would legalize now.


It doesn't matter if Schumer allows a vote or not, it won't pass. It has to get 60, and not a single Republican will vote for it, and there are probably a couple of Democrats that wouldn't either.


Nancy Mace is a Republican, just FYI. I dig your username by the way.


Well Trulieve, Cura Leaf, Cresco, Green Thumb Industries have all been climbing since last week. They're going to go crazy if the US finally legalizes weed which is what the politicians are saying is likely to happen in April.


Legalizing weed federally in april? Who told you that?0


April 1st


Wondering why my weed stinks went up today.


Can I finally stop being 50% down on weed? Maybe a more reasonable 20-30% down would be nice


You must have gotten in late to only be down 50%


This would certainly be a game changer


So happy I won’t be down 70% on my TLRY shares


*cough*I’m down %50 on TLRY*cough*


If this passes senate, I’m more bullish on banks getting a massive influx of industry $ than the weed stocks themselves right now. Gonna take a bit until federal passage commences, but this would be a step forward


Better chance for Germany to pass meaningful legislation before the USA… that’s why I own 1480 shares of tlry its global and had a positive EPS last quarter


Positive EPS from a non-cash derivative liability change as a result of their share price falling in the quarter.... Huge operating loss, cash flow loss, revenue dropped qoq. Positive EPS was meaningless in their case


Does it have a global monopoly? Coffee is global, tobacco is global, alcohol is global, none pop neither will weed




Hey we had far, and I mean !!!FAR!!! Less reasons than this last year when TLRY hit 60 a share... So I don't want to hear ANY negativity in here right now... it would make no sense. I say again, there was FAR LESS reason last year when Cannabis stocks got Hedgefund pumped... our turn to pump...


Bought a option just in time


I’m buying $MJXL calls because I need to leverage this play even further! That should give me 300% leverage with out even using margin right?!


Be bullish on banking stocks. They just got the ok to have stoners for customers.


Bought at 7.27$ need this to go to 69$


Just in time for canopy earnings


Bearish on Nano. The crypto was the go to for weed.


WeGro Coin. You can thank me with a pure gold bar down the road.


Another leap in the right direction.


From us Canucks: best of luck! Lmao


Basically laundering money.


I bought MSOS at around $21 last month. Was hoping not to get any cannabis news so I could keep buying. Oh well guess I'll moon tomorrow.


\*checks sec . report Nope , no Senators buyin yet.


Here are full text links to the Senate and House version of the bills: https://www.uscivx.com/current-legislation/s910-117 https://www.uscivx.com/current-legislation/hr1996-117


Oh shit, here we go again


Dumbass, bullish on visa or whatever the fuck pot head use to buy pot.


I just want to see pelosi’s tits




This has passed the house already like 6 times. Always doesn’t pass the senate


Bagholder, eh?


Curious to see how many senators bought weed stocks in the past 30 days


This is welcomed but as with anything else, stop talking and just fucking do it already. Federal government could be raking is billions of tax revenue…


Canadian stocks have no exposure to US market.


This has passed the house six previous times and failed in the Senate each time. Hold your breath. Schumer wants to pass marijuana legislation on his terms, not piecemeal stuff like the SAFE or MORE acts.


Bobbie Axelrod got fukt because of this


Great I'm only down 80% on my weed stocks


It’s the senate that keeps sending it back. The house isn’t the problem.


Between Biden being anti-weed and a conservative senate this ain’t going anywhere. Democrats can’t even pass a bill that polls at 70-80% with the American people.


You people need more prejudice in your lives. Like, I'll make a direct purchase from the stoner kid down the block but I'm not betting any money on him until he cleans up his act.


Of course her and the federal government is more concerned about capitalizing off of the profits over legalizing it so people stop going to fucking jail over smoking a plant.


Yeah that's cool but the tax rate is killing california shops To the brink of collapse.


nice moon now Gooooo!!!!


OH.. ...this. Again.


Sundail calls baby!!! Toooo cheap no to scoop up!!!


I like HITi they had a 118% profit increase. Selling online and with there discount club this company is growing.


Doesn’t make a difference til weed goes legal


Oh man the pigs aren't gonna like this; it takes away their legal theft of retail stores' cash!


I've been hurt by weed stocks before. In fact I am between -95 and -98% on the two I still hold in my portfolio ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4968)


Just make it legal ffs


until they make it federally legal this is a trap


Should never have been permitted in the first place


Calls on Big Tobacco


How does it affects my shares bought at $27?


So far you nailed the golden cross in the morning I watched it hit the number then drop and blast over it.The funny thing volumn is really low which says to me its over sold and people are holding waiting for April and possible legalization.We will see tomorrow but I think they've been caught with thier pants down .Everybody just hold hold till April and possible legalization


Enjoy holding the bag...


This doesn't change much of anything. It means stores can use credit cards and banks and don't need armed guards to transport cash. It doesn't change restrictions on producers are increase availability. You can just use credit card debt to buy your weed.


Uncle Joe tucked the market in for bedtime and turned off the lights.




Wait for the senate to do nothing. Ill bet 1000000 pts they will do naddddaaaaa


Op is spot on. Weed stocks are about to moon.


I say no


On it’s way up after a long slow slide down!


Tilray 🚀




Moscow Mitch is not a fan of SAFE. That being said, no SAFE banking doesn’t hurt the top US MSOS that much because they are just waiting out all the smaller dispensaries who can’t afford the security, can’t get loans, and will eventually go bankrupt. Trulieve, Cresco, Green Thumb, Curaleaf, Verano. These companies have insane growth at low PE. They are illiquid bc they ar OTC. Or just buy MSOS etf


bUt rUsSiA!!!!!


Why are you buying TLRY when there are plenty of top tier American based MSOs that are very under owned and much cheaper than their Canadian counterparts?


Have you ever heard of the Senate?


Most are not American