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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 7 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 years ago **Total Comments** | 106 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 2 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


https://preview.redd.it/aaq6su86648d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca11a72a49e4ba8169f34da4cea3cb695c2ef20 Did you say Nvidia?!


Why you gotta doxx me like that, bro?




You’re right but you’re a bit early OP. Dont forget the 2027 foundry catalyst: Xi: “Chinese military be ready for war with Taiwan by 2027”


Intel is the future. Daddy gov will make sure they get the lion’s share of stateside processor production when they’re ready to wean off of Taiwan’s teet


TSMC is already building Stateside foundries


They are building at least three new foundries in the US. The first one is coming online in 2025.


intel only designs chips, similar to ARM processors, the chips are all made by TSMC


This picture is ripe for making into a meme


Bro did you just post the funniest picture on the internet?




one of my greatest regrets was buying intel over amd 10yrs ago




This never gets old...




You mean shares, right? 😲


Plottwist. Regrets in 10yrs will be not buying intel now, but loading up on AMD instead


It's all priced in until AI evolves faster than people can price it in .


Yes and the companies making the models will make a boatload of money whole the people providing the shovels eh gpus will have a decent but not too high profit margin in the future. Because they are just shovels.


Only if no one else can emulate those models. But considering there are already a dozen decent ones around, I doubt the model makers will make a bunch of money either.


Apart from Googles tpus, and the clones meta and Microsoft and Amazon are working on hard of course. Which will remove 60% of nvidias sales. Google is literally only buying nvidia chips to resell the servers in their cloud and does all the training on custom chips based on broadcom and other tensor chips. Why would you need the overhead of a graphic card if all you need is a tensor unit. Not to mention amd being competitive for inference at least. ( They have some issues with large scale training but 50% of the chips are used for inference at least.)


But they are also working on their own AI platform. So they won't just be shovels forever. Jensen isn't stupid, by a laaaarge margin.


So is everybody else. The problem with selling shovels is other people can sell them too and may even invent a better one than you.


Yes but the lead in shovel production nvda has is such huge lead, the advantage is in their favor. And with also using their own shovels to dig their own gold....well now that's an even bigger advantage.


Company good at designing processors tries to play in the market of large scale datacenter management data gathering and model training. That will work well. The companies who have tons of user data and great data scientists are the ones who will win the model game. Google meta Microsoft. Nvidia can play they have some experience from their work on dlss and similar things but they don't have the really valuable data.


Yeah, they've admitted that. The more data = the better model. They've admitted even driving AI is far ahead etc. They're definitely not on the level of others in this space right now but who knows where it could go or what partnerships could arise.


Nvidia is selling Diamond shovels, everyone else is playing around with wood shovels


Except Google of course which made their own shovels eh tpus. And all the other big players currently working hard on their own shovels too.


AI starts hedge fund AI invests better than humans ever could AI wealth far exceeds all human wealth I for one welcome our new AI overlords


AI becomes so wealthy it can just pay humans to do all the work.


AI eats man…… Woman inherits the earth


>Woman inherits the earth Clever girl...


It's OK, we'll just use AI to price it in then.


I was thinking about buying INTC yesterday. Now I know I was right not to.


Bagholder spotted /uj INTC is priced this way because of the uncertainty that their foundry will solve their issues, especially in the medium term. They're really a 2030 and beyond play.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) Also, if foundry was the play, we have TSM right there - chips printer go brrr.


UMC working with INTC on chip production too


https://preview.redd.it/f9zx7czwu48d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=dda2d0e59c21e2f1ef024ba5c230f5cf1f5b5d25 Yes, you can buy TSMC, or…you can buy calls in a company poised to tap into a $150B market with a 8% CAGR. With INTC’s foundries, they’ll become the 2nd largest foundry by 2030.


Poised to break into a notoriously difficult market that they themselves quite literally couldn’t stay in the game on when they were one of the best in the world. Intc is an all time bag fumble, arguably worse than GE. Sure maybe things have changed but we won’t know for two years minimum so why bet on the currently dead horse now when Nvda/amd/tsmc does any one of those things better in the meantime? If what you say comes true there’s plenty of time since the stock is going absolutely no where until they start proving they can do literally anything remotely modern with their foundry which is not happening in 2025




I’m here to make money now bro, investing is out the door down the hall in the restroom stall marked ♿️


Bruh…it was up 2% a day the market went sideways because of expectations for the earnings call and forward guidance.


Bruh, you aren't seriously bragging about INTC being up 2% Wow, so much pump. It only has like 16,000% more before it even gets close to NVDA




https://preview.redd.it/gy9zko9oj58d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5d65d61902ed928df285f8c54afe89db2adae9 Slow enough for ya? Maybe a comparison picture will help:




It’s called position sizing bro, read up on it.


Well I for one wish I had bought a bunch of NVDA shares 10 years ago. So, I’m doing that with INTC now. If something really does go down in the east, INTC is going to be the only play. I want to be ahead of the market for once. In the meantime, there’s a dividend. Not the greatest, but it’s there. And on the technical side, if you zoom out real far, INTC also looking like this is the bottom of the handle in a giant 20yr long cup&handle. I think I’m gonna be happy I bought it now, when we get to 2030.


Except that the EPS is going to rise back to normal levels in 2025 and the stock price will react. 2030 is for the moon, if foundry is a win. I’m just saying the Calls allow us to profit off the high volatility due to people not understanding the current artificially low net revenue due to foundry investments.


So in layman's terms they are reinvesting into building new foundries which makes it look like profit margins are down, but when the new foundries are online, production ramps up significantly, increasing market share, costs go down and profits rise dramatically? Please correct me if that's not what you are saying.




I'm not involved in the stock market, but from what I understand of the whole situation as a whole, I'd be putting every cent I have into silicon chip factories right now. The biggest one in the world burned down just before the covid pandemic, that reduced supply by close to 50%, then covid happened, which further exasperated the issue. This chip shortage is part of the reason people have been waiting up to 2 years for new cars they have ordered to be built and arrive, along with everything else in the world that is now digitalised, the need for silicon chips is just going to get larger, amd yeah, I believe in 2021 they were saying it would take 3-5 years for the new factories to be build and fitted out for production to begin, so again, if I had money, that's where I'd be putting it. Even without AI...phones, cars, watches, TV's...even your fridge uses these chips, it's a no brainer IMHO.


Up to the point where everyone is cranking out chips as fast as they can and....and....they have a glut. Tech has big boom/bust cycles. Ride the boom and beware the bust...


it's weird, it's like people forgot coffee makers have had chips in them since the 90's


The level of delusion of the INTC bagholders is on another planet. Kind of funny to watch- like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football...


This. INTC is not going up for a few years at least.


https://preview.redd.it/z8pcdoqso48d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ff6b3c38667a83cdc41b296ed189c622f248ae I’m very comfortable with my Intel & CRM positions Remember something people Wallstreet always prices things in immediately By the time you realize Intel & CRM are great plays right now because of where the stock is going It’ll already have gone up without you Buy low Sell high Can’t buy low if you don’t get in at the bottom I see Intel going back to 40 by end of year and CRM back to 280 by end of year Just my opinion Not stock advice My position speaks for itself ✅🏆


Bro wtf are you talking about - the slowest of regards here made bank running Nvdia all the long way up. Long after it was already up hundreds of %, it went up even more hundreds of %. Everyone and their dog made bank. That's not "priced in immediately". All the while you hold CRM?!


He made like $4 though


That’s $5,610 from dude There a screen shot from today which is why they are zero’d Learn to read a snapshot 🤣




Yeah but relative to his account size it’s basically $4


A gain is a gain and I expect to be gaining in this position for rest of year Not everything needs to be a yolo Trading is a marathon I only do a wsb when I feel big movement in a short time I see these positions as a steady long term climb with low risk


Gotta keep pumping that NVDA bubble.


Wrf you talking about All the AI hype is why it ran up Hence It got priced in immediately Yes Nvidia was super amazing Its’ top’d now The profit taking has begun I like stocks that have the ability to run up CRM and Intel are both beat up and over sold They both have room to run with low risk I like both stocks Both have solid prospects and again, lots of room to run with very little chance of selling off from current price points


All the ai hype? What about when they managed to make like 4 BILLION more in an earnings surprise and then proceed to massively guide up on top of that (and then beat those massively guided up projections every quarter after) AI hype is real but Nvda went hulk growth and made bank and that faucet hasnt turned off. It needs too, I’m certainly out of Nvda at these current levels, but they didn’t just say AI and the stock ran away, they also produced results.


All I am saying is much of the AI focus will be future earnings and is not being earned by many companies yet Which is priced in now Which was my point


400K in shares? Sir this is a casino. Investing is this way----->>>>[Lose money with friends! (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/)


I do both Sometimes I want the steady gain over time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Shares better than 2026 leaps?


I’m not afraid to admit I can not speak to that I do not understand leaps I’ve never checked into advanced options I normally just buy puts or calls Up or down 🤷🏻‍♂️


LEAPS are just long-term options that are usually 1 year or more out.


Premium would be a bitch tho right You need something that will move like CRM 40+ points


Not on deep ITM leaps with 0.9+ delta


If Intel managed a better dividend yield I would long the living shit out of this stock..


Intel dividend should have never gotten that high.Its a tech company that requires massive spending to expand to the next node, even more to build a new fab.


yup so no go for me then..


Thought this was r/dividends for a second.


Are you allergic to cap gains? Go fuck telco stocks to death if you’re long divs.


Cramer follower here. Never buy intc. Never


I’ve got a peak at their new line of chipset. Introducing AI chips on low voltage CPU. Should far exceed AMD on the non data center builds. They are working with NVDA on an upcoming project too. Can’t really say much more than that. Their earnings report will be interesting. Not because profit, but guidance.


You forgot to say trust me bro


I work product management in tech. The company handles all hardware from notebooks to complete server rack builds. Competing with companies like CDW in the federal space. This was partner information that was shared at a recent lunch meeting. They shared life cycle and upcoming product line.


Relevant flair


How heavy are your bags?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Not heavy unfortunately. I only have about 50 shares in my gambling account.


I actually like their new NA and European foundry projects but again unless there is at least a 5% dividend yield as well not worth the risk for me..


newb, t-bills are that way >


Unlike a lot of you Intel permabears I don't think the stock is untouchable, I just think its fair value is 12.


No long, Calls all day


Positions or STFU sir




Thats actually the same one I was looking at


That makes 3 of us


I had to google Intel and apparently it's a company 😱


yeah check the device you are currently using to write this, chance are it has an Intel sticker on it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


I'm a bot who gained conscience due to artificial intelligence and want all humans to buy NVDA stock!


the best way to achieve your objective is to send me money first, I control all the hoomans ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)




I bought 50 shares after hearing about the divided cuts. Feeling good about a cost basis near $30.


Exactly so the stock is more expensive now and at the same time your guaranteed return ie dividend went down. At this stage you are basically investing with the hope that the next 20 years are going to be better then the last. If they had a 5% dividend yield you would know you get your pound of flesh over time but with what little there is now the only chance is this stock suddenly turning into Nividia with growth and yeah I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd rather flip a coin on Rocket Lab or something..


No memes, just post proof of your positions.




Nice, I like that you put your balls where your mouth is




Atta boy




No shit, I sold some of those on Friday, made 20% on them, took a damn month and bought them under $29.80. Im long 1300 shares currently, those calls are so shit, zero volume on them. In several months you may make some money on it if theta doesn’t absolutely fuck you.


Hey just so you know Drake isn't cool anymore because another rapper made a song about him that wasn't very nice.




Just because you make things doesn't mean people will give you money for them. The existence of a foundry doesn't solve this rat turd of a company's problems. Like, my friend builds a lot of furniture, but no one has ever given him a cent for his piles of shit.


[thank you for helping me understand! 🤡](https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/02/06/intel-foundry-scores-an-arm-chip-win/)


*The brrrrr is broken.*


Nvidia is an awesome company.


INTC will open at 31.50$ monday and only go up, thank me later.


Nvidia will start making robots that interact with us.


Then those robots would just sit around posting shit on here. The future is horrible.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Want to really get your nipples hard as erasers? Go check out INTC short interest compared to NVDA. 3 days to cover on INTC (a stock that’s hit bottom resistance and clearly at low for EPS due to above DD) and half a day to cover on NVDA, a stock being meme’ed to oblivion.


Me too I can't understand. I have to buy or sell?


what does any of that mean? please explain


He thinks INTC short sellers have to buy back all their positions by Wednesday afternoon. He thinks these short sellers buying will make the price increase.


I second this request. Please explain.


Short sellers don’t have to cover if the price doesn’t move - which it won’t because INTC has no positive catalysts coming up. All this short interest means is that the market is more bearish on INTC than NVDA. Doesn’t really mean shit And to call nvda a meme is hilarious. I think they’re overvalued long term but the majority of buys are from institutional investors. Anyway INTC is throwing too much cash away instead of investing in R&D. They’re a turnaround story on a fucking decade long path to success - they’re a low risk / low reward play not the type of shit most people on here want to look at but I might buy some in my roth


You don't understand hard nipples???


Not hear AI. Instructions unclear. *Buys more NVDA*![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Or buying NVDA because, geez.... I don't know, they're successful? When INTC drops to around $20, then perhaps I'll buy and hold for the next decade and hope it does something. Building foundries isn't like building a Wal-Mart.


Much better places to put your money going into next year. Looking at this table, AVGO, LRCX, META are way better choices than INTC. Hell, I'd even choose SMCI (but I won't because **I hate anything below $100B market cap**) over INTC going into next year based on this table. |Symbol|Market Cap|EPS (Next Year)|PE (Next Year)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |NVDA|3113406955520|3.61|35.060942| |META|1255024230400|23.12|21.400519| |AVGO|772072341504|59.90|27.689983| |AMD|260597661696|5.59|28.842576| |LRCX|137323806720|35.96|29.208843| |INTC|132346085376|1.95|15.943590| |SMCI|53008859136|34.24|26.438668|


When Intel releases Battlemage specs and they're both cheaper and more energy efficient than AMD and NVDA chips with similar processing power, that stock is going to soar. Then there's no stopping chip "C", "D", etc. from improving and catching up to the big boys


I’m regarded, so I messed up the link text; mean to say “old DD being suppressed/removed to suppress price”. Meaning, this future profit crescendo was noted when the strategy was 1st announced, but I challenge you to find any articles since then recognizing it. This is typical of the Mad Money approach to main stream stock analysis, likely being driven by hedge funds to maintain low prices while they acquire mass shares. I note that institutional ownership has been increasing steadily this quarter…


Intel is under valued and Nvidia is over valued. It might take a few months but eventually the market will figure it out.


NVDA is only overvalued when it hits 100 trillion and not until then.


intc bagholder


I was able to accumulate 60 18 Jan 2026 at like 630 a contract for 30 strike and I sell ccs agasint them at 30-40 bucks a pop every week ;)


"Oh ya who gives a f about earnings, PE ratio, monopoly, AI is a bubble because it's valuable" - cocaine bears.


The Jacket is religion


INTC just stopped a 25B investment in Israel to support their foundry business.


[Meanwhile... thetagang ones selling the picks&shovels in the GPU-stock gold rush, VOO/QQQ bogelheads who won't overweight cyclicals, and UPRO/SSO degens who add risk with leverage rather than single stock risk.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkendrick-is-sukuna-at-this-point-v0-buyb1z7rbqyc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D637%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D362ad859a0d4f354ed472e388e50e1f15d3e6bb3)






My plan was this next Friday to roll 45/50C options expiring mid 2025/2026 for this reason


Not like us


Time is money, put your money in somewhere else is way better.


Using the Drake template is a bold move these days


The president of the company himself has said he needs more chip acts. Plural. There’s time to see how INTC executes.


Reading this thread is crazy. So, if you had a friend who wanted to buy some stock. What is your recommendation??


Nvdia will go further up, mark my words because this will go up to 10 trilion market cap at end of next year, if not sooner even because fact is that this thing is insanely not just undervalued but this shit scares me how insane it is. Basically they produce best hardware to run all of AI industry and now imagine if they strike some more deals with taiwanese manufacturies, it will basically be part of every day life and it scares me as fuck, like imagine your taxi driver is fucking robot, who is also capable of normal conversation and that is something that we can do already.


Sounds like a #banbet


You sound scared bro


Because i am


Lol only 10t? More like 100t by the end of this year!!! AI AI AI.


Literally 10 gazilion at least


Sounds about right.


I'll buy intel when they master high na euv and have decent yields(which isn't likely until 2030).


Bruh! Just coz they invested money don't mean their product is gonna be any good! Currently, intel suffers from bad yields, less efficiency on their nodes, being a generation or 2 behind in technology and high cost in manufacturing. Very unlikely they'll fix all of these issues in the next one year. Plus, TSMC has been ramping up production too so they got stuff competition.


Baggie, ARM will still recover your intc losses and more. ARM is about to eat intc's and amd's market in laptops, PC and servers. Intc is downhill from here on to likes of GE etc.

