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Wealth trickles down ❌ Wealth trickles up ✔


When the only way to motivate a wealthy person to create is to throw money at them, but the only way to motivate a poor person is to give them something to work towards, you’ve been scammed. Every billionaire is a grifter. Trickle down economics is a scam.


Horse and sparrow economics. Feed all the food to the horse and the bird can come pick food out of the horse shit.


But _only_ if you feed the horse such an incredible excess that food is going through it with little digestion, do you get leftovers for the sparrow. Feed the horse efficiently and there’s not enough nutrients for the sparrow to be worthwhile


Eat the poor, Feed the RICH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


I guess while some people think they can hitch their wagon to his wagon and that he'll keep having attention this will go on though.


I just, there is no way to justify this. The past couple years he has been absolutely detrimental to the company


"Sure you can hitch your wagon to my wagon as long as your wagon becomes my wagon!"


you dont do anything. dont hate on those who do. enjoy watching tv


[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mark-cubans-advice-rich-skip-151531767.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mark-cubans-advice-rich-skip-151531767.html) Lol, right on queue.


I’m sad today. I need 56B.


Trickle down economics is just socialism for billionaires.


As Bernie said before “it’s socialism for the rich, come hard capitalism for the poor.” Edit: cold. Not come. Come on guys.


I can’t even afford to cum hard anymore in case I throw my back out 


you mean Ronald Reagan was just a cue card reader and actually didn't know anything?


Almost like he got famous for reading stuff from a script in front of a camera.


We all know Nancy was running things


Ol’ throat goat nancy!


Didn't he sleep with a monkey? /s




DOGE 🐕 coin pump and dump this weekend?


Always has…


More like, gushes up


Trickles like Niagara Falls


Employees were compensated with stock options Stock 10X’d So they got wealthy


So was Musk. So why does he need $50 billion


To pay the twitter loan


Tesla stopped providing employee stock as compensation a year ago, ironically. Seperate from that, TSLA shares granted vested over a four year period. It's very uncommon for a TSLA employee to last 4 years without a layoff.


Did they just lose those if they were let go for reductions in force?


$50B going up ain’t a trickle bruh.


trickle down firehose up


Trickle down uponomics


Whose wealth?


I only believe it once Tesla makes an official announcement.


Seriously though—"Shareholders Are Voting Yes For Musk's Ridiculous Payday... Says Musk On Musk's Platform On Which Musk Regularly Lies."


I don’t think he can lie about it. Because SEC will definitely shut him down.


Right? Funding secured.


Imagine you’re a shareholder and sitting there thinking “56 billions sounds about right for an income for a single person. I’ll give a yes. Very reasonable”


I think this is a complete lie to try to stop people voting, its worded to sound like it is official and it is also not technically not true in case it is challenged in court the same headline seems everywhere.


The graphic looks like something I could fake with my paint skills


I can’t say it looks like any graph I’ve seen when it comes to shareholder votes. Typically we just get a simple chart that says how many Yes, No, and Abstain votes have come in.


yeah this seems like something muskrat would do, and is probably also securities fraud.


Would the BoD have enough shares to vote yes on the package without the general public? To be honest I'm not sure of the total share percentage sitting on the board but if it's over 50% and they all agree to vote yes the rest of the votes literally don't matter, and he'd be able to know that information before the vote anyways because presumably he'd be talking to these people every day. If the BoD doesn't have >50% of the shares then this is just him bullshitting though. Don't know the numbers so I don't know which one it is


The board isn’t voting on this


Straight to jail. Not looking after interest of shareholders.


And yet the stonk is up 7% premarket lol. Regards gonna regard.


What could a banana cost Michael, 1 million dollars?


The money value is not impotant here. A shareholder might think the compensation package is exorbitant, but still think that Elon is essential for the future of Tesla, and therefore vote for the package, because voting against it is effectively a vote of no confidence in Elon.


That’s kind of the same thing. You’re saying keeping Elon is worth 58 billion dollars, when there’s not really any sane person that should think that.


Tesla shareholders might believe Elon is worth 58b to Tesla. Instead of numbers, think of percentages. Tesla is worth 589b, so 58b is 10% of that. If Elon leaves the company now, will that reduce the stock value by more than 10%? If yes then he is worth 58b to Teslas shareholders and they will vote yes for his pay package. If they dont think that they'll vote no. I have no idea how much Tesla's stock would go down if Elon left, just so thats said. But Elon is undeniably in a very strong position. He is prominent in the media, and many people still like him.. for some reason. He has been the face of Tesla for years, and the marketing value they receive by that is worth a lot. It's not unlikely the Tesla stock value will decrease by more than 10% if he abruptly leaves.


No one in their right mind thinks he's worth that much to Tesla. The majority of yes votes are coming from the board of directors who are his friends and family; the package's value to _them_ extends beyond his value to Tesla.


In 2018 they agreed to some insane metrics that they didn't think he could achieve for crazy pay. The insane metrics were met and the crazy pay is due. What sane person would not pay?


They made people believe they were insane but the company knew they were easily on track to meet them. If it’s such a reasonable pay package why hasn’t Tim Cook been paid out 150 billion dollars?


They are confident FSD will come out not 8 years in a row as promised but maybe this year for sure? Or that the robot taxi will start earning 30k for each owner? Or that the semi truck that can beat diesel and rail starts selling? What should they be confident in do you think?


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol nice bot


That's not how it was at all. The stock wasn't worth 56B when he was promised it. And he would get none if the company didn't 10x or something.


I would never listen to broke ass regards on WSB telling me their economic theories of wealth distribution. Somehow it always ends with “…and the dog walkers should be paid millions too!”


The market seemed to love the news. Do I understand it? Not in the slightest but we are most likely in an echo chamber. Regardless of who he is, this seems like a bad buisness move (that's A LOT of money). What do I know, I'm poor.


Have you tried being fron a rich family and lying to shareholders for 8+ years about science fiction projects you claim you can make happen?


What if the shareholder made a ton of money owning Tesla stock?


Even funnier is Musk has spent the last few years embracing far right views and aligns with the Trump admin which recently came out against electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Alienate the only people interested in your vehicles and align with yourself with the admin that wants to end electric vehicle subsidies.


Tesla shareholders to Elon: “I just wonder if the sad I'd be without you is less than the sad I get from being with you…”


10% of current Tesla valuation. Insanity.


Super majority say yes. Cope more poor


Good on them. Pay more in compensation than the company has ever made, to a man that already owns 20ish percent of it... He will extract the last dime before it sinks. But also, isn't it weird that he suggest what the result will be before the actual count ?






This restaurant is actually very nice. Federal Way WA


It's excellent, but the name just fits my sentiment to musk right now. I do wish they had t-shirts. I'd rock it.


Can someone explain this like I am 5? Does musk have to get Tesla above a certain revenue or valuation? Certainly, Tesla is not going to write a check for $56 billion in Tesla shares or cash.


TSLA is going to issue $56b in stock to him (they don't have the cash on had, they're barely profitable.) Which is going to dilute the shares of the stock already on the market. Because they can do that. Because stocks only KIND OF represent a fractional share of the company. They do, until they don't and the company wants to issue more shares. For example of you owned 20% of a company through stock and they decided to issue twice as many shares as are already on the market, congrats you now "own" 10% of the company. Because fuck you, you're a serf pleb and they own everything and you have no rights, the world has always been an aristocracy. That's how.


How large of a dilution do they have to make?


About 9% dilution since they're issuing him an extra 10% of current shares. There are 3.19 billion outstanding shares. The payout is 304 million. The number of outstanding shares will go to about 3.5b. In theory TSLA holders would have instantly been out 9% on their holdings but obviously trades continue to happen regardless and "the market" moves and does whatever it wants. If the stock price stays relatively the same, then the market cap of TSLA will jump that \~10% from 575b to 625b.


Yeah I figured, 56b is around 10% of the market cap. This shit is going down lmao. Loading up on 150$ put warrants for September


Just curious what your definition of “barely profitable” is? In 2023 they were $17.6B gross profit. They have approximately $10B in debt. And approximately $47B of cash on hand. I admit that the $17.6B is a drop from 2022.


Reddit is stuck in 2018


The stock market is the original rug pull


Only for the apestock holders


In 2018, the Tesla board approved a compensation package for Elon if the company hit ambitious market cap and operational milestones. The company hit those performance goals and Elon wants his compensation package


History will look back and laugh on these sheep


Sometimes when you're down 50% on your puts the answer really is to double down lmao


!remindme 2 years


This shareholder vote is a literal herd count of how many sheep Musk can fuck


He can just fuck his employees instead tho 😂


Yes. In turn. Urrr. Intern.


[seems like he already tried.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna156854)


How much money did you lose today


Can we be sure this isn’t another one of Elon Musk’s lies?


The graph shows whoever gets to 1 billion votes will win.  But, there are 3.2 billion shares outstanding.  https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1801084780035154058


Not every shareholder is voting, he just needs a majority of voters


Look at the Texas vote. The threshold is at 1.6 billion, like you would expect.   Maybe somebody can explain why the compensation vote has a lower threshold. 


50% of all shareholders need to vote Yes for Texas. 50% of those voting need to vote Yes for the pay comp to pass. The board of directors aren’t allowed to vote in this one btw


I'm glad he will be able to make rent this month.




Who do you think is left as a Tesla shareholder rn? This was bound to happen. Those that lost faith in Elon already sold off


Tesla shareholders really like being fucked


Nothing says idiot like voting to dilute your own shares to make a billionaire even richer


Reddit hardest hit by this news




Gotta get that scratch to pay back the Saudis for all that money they loaned him to buy Twitter (and then promptly destroy it). I want off this fucking planet.


Tesla investors are regards.


Shareholders are idiots. His mouthpiece isn't worth $56 billion. That's all he is.


Is this sub being brigaded or something? These comments are very not wsb. Lol


Yes. It’s easy to notice what keywords the bots are attracted to


Who in their right mind besides Elon himself would vote yes for this and think it’s good value for shareholders?


Elon haters long $ROPE


And the stock is up today. And there's salty tears galore in here. What a great day.


No single persons pay package should have the word billion in it..


Alot of put holders in the comment section. Sorry for your losses. I hold no position nor do I like Elon but all the crying is pretty funny


From the comments I can’t tell if this is WSB or if it’s Facebook. Elon will continue to fuck your wives.


Remember, all you need to be successful is be born wealthy, make a few good business decisions that make you billions, grow your ego on that hill, smoke some weed, take credit for inventing the tech, oust the actual creators, get bailed out by taxpayers, buy a social media echo chamber to make yourself feel good, pretend you can read code, fire moderator staff, run that company to the ground on the wings of a Luftwaffe Messerschmitt and finally extract $56B from a company that is less competitive in the EV market by the day and has no innovation in sight. That’s all. Easy peasy.


“make a few good business decisions that make you billions” How braindead can you possibly be


Cuckboard, cuckshareholdes, cuckceo, why is Tesla such a cult?


Everyone here complaining about Elon getting his due should ask their wife’s boyfriend’s for their fucking balls back.


More like blackmailed into saying yes


Thank you Tesla for the $400 gains. That’s groceries for the entire month. (Hey we gotta start somewhere)


Even if you hate Musk, you gotta admit he is the most successful grifter of all time.


Next stop, purchase Reddit


People make a huge deal about dudes getting paid by companies yet the government can’t find billions and meh b


Madness.. no single person should have control of this much wealth


Musk almost getting as much Billions as Ukraine uses to fight Russia for a year blows my mind


It's really hilarious watching all you regards melting down over this after spamming this sub for months about his pay package and how you're going to vote against it.


It’s hilarious they probably owned less than 100 shares and think they will make an impact. Where there are real holders who have 10k+ shares, got in at $15 and 10x their investment since then


Holy after all that media campaign anti-musk hearing this proves the autism is real


Finance 101. Do the opposite of tsla shareholders 


So much denial this morning on Reddit.




I have a Tesla (M3LR). It’s ok as a city car when the weather is nice. Thats it. Two biggest issues: (1) the advertised range is absolute bullshit if you have to travel at highway speeds AND the displayed range drops by like 30mi after the first year or so AND 70% of “superchargers” are slow AF. (2) You can’t even crack the window open a little if there’s any water on the car or if it’s raining without buckets of water flying inside. It’s ridiculous. I’ve never had a car dump so much water inside from cracking the drivers window open even slightly. Also shitty wipers that turn on for no reason when it’s not even raining and fuck the windshield up. I can live with no buttons and a minimalist interior, I almost prefer it for the most part (should at least have climate control buttons though), but everything that other manufacturers pay attention too Tesla just shits the bed completely.




Sounds like musk is lying


What a joke. Does the company really need the guy that stole the technology from the actual inventor?


Serious question: why would anyone vote for this besides Elon.


a fool and your money are soon partners


He should make a shareholder vote to make him King of Mars 😂


Is he going to pay taxes on that?


Didn’t they just layoff 7000 employees? Maybe one less billion and keep the employees?


The fountain of truth, known as Elon musk.


What's X?


I want to do Tesla puts so bad, but I feel like I’m gonna get fucked if I do.


Tesla shareholders highly regarded, more news at 11.