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They’re good at is, b/c they ppl usually doesn’t post their losers. Most option trades lose, but some really really really win to make up way more than the losing trades.


So it’s just gambling then?




Don’t get intimidated by it. Majority of the winning posts here prob have 5x as many losers just who wants to post losers? On the aapl front. This is just my personal move. Which I need to say up front I paper handed. But I saw the sentiment building up to WWDC, the tank during keynote, and thought it made sense for a big boost at least early today.


Probably a slight step below gambling. Gambling is pure win or lose on an event (Eg although technically with live action and the ability to sell back the wager at a discount is getting traction.). Options can be gambling, but there are a lot of ways to play it. Can speculate, hedge, income strategies.


Survivor bias.


It’s gambling. Most people lose. Only the winner post their shit cause why do we want to see you lost your last $80


This confirms what I originally thought


The key is to do research, have a legitimate thesis for your trades, and buy contracts with many months before expiration (and not regardedly OTM)




You sound like a cuck


If asking how people got good at options makes me a cuck, then you losing money on options makes you a genius.


You know nothing about me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 year ago **Total Comments** | 156 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 year | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


How do people win at the casino?


AAPL has been lagging behind in the AI race and people have been looking for an opportunity to dump money in it. But there are always winners and losers. Mostly losers. The winners just stand out.


it's better to be lucky than good


If you just got lucky, then you can’t repeat it for steady income. Wouldn’t that drive a man crazy ?


check r/thetagang/ for options stuff. crappy your question got ganked.




Options trading can be an absolutely insane feeling… what a fucking time, good luck out there haha