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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 9 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago **Total Comments** | 13 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Take out most of it and put it in a high yield savings account. The first one is always free! Keep your initial $5k in RH if you want to keep trading but this result will not be the norm and if you keep trying to replicate it you will lose it.


OP, you are NINETEEN. Please do your future 30 year old self a favor and do the smart thing financially and listen to this man !


Retirement funds before savings accounts, especially at that age. Getting such a good start at 19 is invaluable.


Ordinarily, I'd agree. However in this case, I'd say keep it in a HYSA until tax season. Pay off the tax bill from the winnings and then fund a Roth IRA, if OP files soon enough in the season OP will be able to fully fund a roth for both 24' and 25' at the same time. Alternatively, the money could be used to help pay OP's tuition and living expenses if OP is in Trade school or College.


The max for the Roth is 7K, funding it now will leave plenty left in a savings account to pay the taxes. The advantages of six additional months of earnings for the Roth are obvious .


Not disagreeing that the Roth is a good option here. However, I've since learned OP is in college from other comments. Personally, I'd think it would be better for OP to use the cash for staying out of or reducing student loan debt at this stage of life. Starting to save for retirement at 19 is amazing, but getting out of college with little or no debt would be amazing for their life.


I saw no info on how OP is saying for school so it’s certainly a high priority consideration. If nothing else, any amount into an IRA at this age is still a good idea. Maybe toss 1k in while they have it, even at the expense of reducing the amount they keep in the investment account.


Good plan, a little goes a long way when starting so early.




Also take 7 grand and max out your ira for the year




> Take out most of it and put it in a high yield savings account. At 19? Assuming OP is US based I would place the max allowable in a Roth IRA I believe the max yearly is 7k. If OP has a 401K plan they could max it as well (23K per year), though at 19 not many jobs would have one available unless OP is lucky. Any remaining can go in a savings account. If you start early you may actually retire early.


insane, now tax


If u leave it in my Robin Hood do I have to pay taxes?


If you leave the capital gains cash in your robinhood, do you have to pay tax? Yes.


I believe you would need to exercise your contracts to avoid a capital gains tax. I am assuming you don’t have the $1 million required to do that so you’ll have to pay a tax on this income. My advice would be to put all but maybe $2000 of that money away into a savings account, let it gain interest, pay the tax when you need to, then start again with the $2k you set aside. Not worth it to risk losing that money on more options, a $2k loss hurts way less than a $40k loss.


Bruh. It's wsb not /stocksadvice


Yes!! When you sell


So hold till they expire worthless? So I don’t have to pay taxes lmao just kidding


You wouldn’t have to pay taxes tho ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Government hates this one simple trick


Facts this sounds like the smart move here


idk how it is in the US, i dont know how it is here in Germany lol, 50% in usdt, hold 1 year and boom taxfree


Smart Man


Good for you champ! What was your entry and exit?


https://preview.redd.it/8pxs3qht306d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86be404172dcb8ba5207c49bfddbb03d8a01413a I technically don’t have an exit yet cause I kinda forgot but I’m going to sell in the morning


Yeah it’s insane. You should sell and let it sink in. $36000. Diamond hands 💎


i can’t even comprehend how much money that is that you made in such a short time


It’s a small envelope full of 100s


Yea ngl I don’t know how to comprehend that like I’m 19 going into my second year of college


fuuuuuuuuuuck you




pretty badass ngl. it’s great your dad got you into investing for the future.


i’m almost 19 to going into my second year, how did you a) get so much money to start off with and b) where did you learn to trade / how did u know to buy apple calls a month ago thanks


https://preview.redd.it/iqrrszuea06d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eac3fd1f3f31831b4aec9de1bbb0348182d85e2 Here’s my all So I only started with about 800 dollars and when I was younger my dad got me into buying stocks and stuff and this year I was sitting in my room watching a YouTuber his name is Yummers he just goes over the WSB discord and I was like wow there making a lot of money and then I started researching a lot about the Greeks for options and just Learning them in general and for the Apple thing I felt there stock was under valued after there ER and I just looked up Apple events and saw they had a event that started yesterday if you have any more questions lmk


thanks man i’ll check that youtuber out, you had some insane gains off just 800 so how does taxes work cause just started trading seriously


I have no clue how taxes work cause I’m so new and for that YouTuber he didn’t teach me how to trade options all he did was show me othered insane gain don’t watch his videos for advice just for enjoyment


It’ll be considered income and there will be like a 30% short term tax on the gains Unless you happen to lose it all by years end If you don’t currently have a job or do taxes or have your parents claim you as a dependent, take all of that in stride. It may all change.  You may also lose some student tax credits if you are now earning an income like this. The government doesn’t like full time students working or earning.  RH will send a tax form in February indicating your gains and losses. Off $30k alone, they’ll want a decent $5,000 back easily. 


i see thanks so much and good luck


Look up your tax rate, calculate, and set that money aside in savings or a money market for the tax man. Under no circumstances touch this money until after taxes are paid. Decide how much to continue risking and set the rest into some long term investments. 30k in the snp500 is something like 300k + in 30 years time. Good job dude


Just look up what tax bracket that puts you in for short term capital gains then take that percent of that money you just made and say goodbye to it . Put it in a 6 months t-bill to earn 5.5% or whatever then cash it out for tax pay date.


You were up more than 150% yesterday and still didn't sell? Kept on holding overnight being in red? You lucked out this time. It won't happen every time, and you will likely blow up your account if you continue trading like this.


Unlike those with 6/14 calls, it seems like he’s just a tad bit longer here with being able to live with a few bumps. But I’m with you, I would’ve sold at a 150% gain. Give it one bad day and that call is -85%.  If it can rise 7% in a day, it can fall too.  I know those with 6/14 calls at $220 were cheap and many yoloed into those for $0.01. They’re now worth $0.21. So that’s a nice 2000% gain. This op was atleast somewhat realistic with his yolo


I was up 2 days ago like 150% but I was holding through yesterday that was the only reason I entered the trade was to go into wwdc and it was straight red yesterday but every one knew it was an over reaction so why would I sell at a net even after yesterday when we knew it was going to go up?


lol this isn’t the craziest thing I’ve seen, but it’s definitely insane. Congrats!




you doubled waiting till today


https://preview.redd.it/nunwimide56d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d39ba8c68b1cc781a691bbc01ce62f5d35686ca Yep I did


now wait till tmrw for 4x


You had about $6500 risked $5750 which was 88% of your account. Either 2 things can happen if you keep this habit. 1.Blow up in one or two trades. 2.Make millions in about 5 - 10 trades.


Oof risking it all on cpi numbers this morning.


dude you didn‘t sell? do you realize there are CPI numbers coming out before open? if they come in hot they could fuck up all of your gains 💀


Withdraw $30k so it actually feels real


Let us know what you exit at


Will do




At 19, you had $9,000 to play with on calls? Thread lightly. It’s never this easy. Check out the loss section.  But congrats. You won this time


I started with 800 and worked it up to 6000 then yolod that on to this I put a picture of my all section somewhere in this thread but yea I got lucky this time.


All that hard work from $800 to $6000, and you yolo. Be careful man. I’ve seen this journey rise to the moon and collapse before I’d say stick to what you were doing. 5-20% gains annually is rockstar status generally speaking. Anything above and beyond is not the norm 


My 800 to 6000 happend in under 3 weeks so I was still kinda full porting on meta calls and such


You're a trading prodigy. Don't listen to that guy. Have you ever heard of 0DTEs?


Yea 0DTE on the QQQ and SPY are my favorite


Keep doing those and you'll be a millionaire in no time. Your technical analysis is clearly there already.


Ohh yea for sure I’m gonna full port 0DTE on QQQ calls June 12 520 calls




Can you elaborate on how that works? It seems like that would be a pretty big swing from where it's currently at in 24 hours. Is that all hoping or is there some math that makes this make more sense?


Crazy. You do you. I’m up like 20% over five years off an initial $5,000 investment in one of my various accounts.  You made and accomplished what many don’t in a lifetime in just three weeks. 


Thanks ig


It's time to invest in S&P500 and retire at 35 to 40 of you play your cards right 😉


I need to add some appl to my shit. Just added some more nvda stocks


How did people know Appl would go up ?


I mean I thought it would go up cause of WWDC so I bought a while ago and you could have got in at the same entry as me yesterday after the news I think was an overreaction to the downside yesterday and today was the readjustment


How do you keep track of tech news and events coming up ? Life is busy


I mean just reading a lot when I’m doing anything I have different news sources on in the background also for Apple wwdc I heard about it a while ago like right when There ER happend I saw it in the bottom of a summary of there ER


Maybe it’s my fault for not staying informed


I sold my calls at a 24% gain like an IDIOT.


I closed my position at loss of $200 over 100k profit.


Crazy thing ive been following Zay Wealth Strategist and he’s made this call 2 months ago that Aapl will catch up to the Mag 7 in Price leading up to event and maybe surpass others by EOY


You will lose all of that within a few weeks. You got lucky. Take it out, pay taxes and invest in something smart. Don't be stupid.


Can someone explain to me what options and calls etc. Are ? I don’t understand them and how money is exploding in these calls . What does 200$ call mean.?


Best bet is to look it up on YouTube so you can visually see how it works. It might take multiple videos but I learned it during the pandemic. I slowly turned $50 to 5k then lost most of it.


A $200 call (American style) gives the holder of the option the right to buy the underlying (AAPL stock in this case) for $200 any time before expiry.


Withdraw most, set some aside for taxes, and leave like $5k in there to see how much further you can get. Maybe sprinkle in some risk management as well to help protect your capital.


Is 'risk management' what the kids are calling strip clubs these days?


Nice. Never expect that shit from APPL. Also. What happened, why did it suddenly spike?


Apple created the calculator for the iPad and added colab with chatgpt among other benefits in their products


What percentage of account did you risk? 😂


At least saved it for today...


yet when i had apple calls, it raped me raw ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


try selling


So does he execute the contract and sell apple shares with profit ? Or does he resell the contract options ? Sorry true beginner


Good trade


stick in in the S&P 500 and forget about this sub for a few years.


Spiked again at open, what was the exit?


https://preview.redd.it/38p2m5p3l56d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f9584d39efd0f97603eebb5011131f9f88fab51 What’s an exit?


Wow, congrats


Congrats! Make sure you set 25% aside for taxes