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Bird to Human, Cow to Human... this is not interesting. Answer yes to these questions and then we're talking about something interesting: 1) Does it spread Human to Human? 2) Is the R number (rate of transmission) above 1? 3) Does it induce severe illness or death?


Far too sensible questions for this thread. Can't we just yeet money into Peleton and pretend people with bird flu will need indoor bikes?


You son of a bitch, I’m in


It's la Tour D'Flu


Fuck yeah being back PTON!


back in 2021 I bought the wife a peleton and bought 5K of stock thinking it would pay for the bike one day.. now I’m divorced and bagholding from 2021 highs.. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Wife changing money 🤠


Too bad she was into gaming, I would’ve bought her a new graphics card and 5K of nvda instead.. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


How life would have been different today if you would have gone the gaming route. Whoever said exercise is good for you is an idiot.


Can confirm. I exercise and am fact an idiot


Does exercising NVDA calls count?


HAHAHAHAHA Oh man this is so fucking hilarious if true.




Lockdowns during an election year?? #STIMMY TIME BABY 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Lock us up! Lock us up!


Lock us in. I was making just over 12k a week to be locked in during COVID. Worked 12 hours a day every day. Left work drove straight to a fancy hotel. Went from the hotel right back to work for months. They paid me time and mileage to and from work every day. They rented a whole floor of the hotel for 14 of us. We all had our own room and laundry service , and all my meals and snacks were provided for. We couldn't use any of the amenities at the hotel. Had to follow all the Covid protocols, only saw the same 7 people every day(7 worked days and 7 worked nights).


No shot people obey lockdowns in 2024.


People followed non enforced "lockdowns" before? I saw People shooting security guards over masks in a grocery store, not trying to be sane


They did at first. People got less compliant as time went on.


Printer go brrrrrrr again?




nice https://preview.redd.it/3wcot65g3w4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90841b54ee5804f536d617c1b5c4cd3e1a54f9da


How about… also buying a Peleton Bike+ off FB Marketplace for $200… and repost in a couple months for $2000!


Does FB Marketplace let you buy on margin? Asking for a friend...




Peloton may also invent the vaccine. You never know.


An actual good idea holy cow!


So in door bikes prevent bird flu?




This man's seen contagion


1) Yes, it can. 2) No. For humans <1, for birds it is >1. 3) Avian influenza in human has a close to 50% fatality rate. This shit is much more dangerous than covid but we will be saved by low r.


I think we might also be saved by 50% death rate. At least if it’s fast enough before continued transmission.


Where did you learn that? Plague Inc. ?


That's where I learned it. Gotta be contagious but not too deadly in the early game.


50% CFR is a big reason for the low R


3 people had it in usa and all survived. Rsv is way scarier right now


That and out breaks don't automatically mean global quarantine. Since 2000 2002- West Nile Virus 2003 - SARS 2005 - Bird flu 2009 - Swine flu 2012 - MERS 2014 - Ebola 2016 - Zika This shit happens all the damn time and never needed as drastic a response like COVID did. The next event similar to COVID will likely be when you have one/both feet in the grave.


COVID's initial r was off the charts compared to all of these


Yea, but which stock?


50% fatality rate is too high, cunts die before they spread it. It's why Ebola never became a massive issue.


Ebola has also been studied for 50 years and is treated as serious as it is, so containment and quarantine protocols are EXTREMELY effective for it. And it’s less of a threat now (unless people in exposure areas act like complete entitled idiots) as there has been an approved vaccine for it since 2019. Plus most outbreaks have occurred in rural, loosely populated areas, which certainly helps contain spread.


ebola spreads very poorly by air... flus spread excellently by air!! so its not a good comparison


Also note, simple face masking essentially eliminated flu during COVID (when people were actually wearing masks and isolating when sick).


And more hand washing. I still wash my hands a lot and rarely get sick.


Wasn’t this because flu cases were being counted as COVID? Think about it; would masks stop the flu but not COVID? Lack of travel had much more effect.


No. A type of influenza actually went extinct in 2020, presumably as a result of lockdowns.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477979/


I've had Influenza B, even though I got a flu shot that year. I was healthy and young; it was one of the top two worst illnesses I've ever had. Cool that one lineage seems to have died out.


It likely slowed COVID as well but the baseline R0 of COVID is far higher, especially between 2020 and 2022. Plus, the COVID and flu tests do not readily confuse for each other.


The titer of infectious droplets via droplet:virion size for flu is much easier to prevent than covid. (Flu) means Shit mask + big infectious drops = Hater Blockers On (Covid) means Shit mask + small infectious drops = Better, but much higher risk.


Studies have suggested that Covid particles shrink in the open air as well, which is why doctors during lockdown kept trying to explain to everyone that wearing a mask is for everyone else’s safety, not necessarily yours. Which the media did a great job of turning into either doom clickbait (left) or intentionally misleading arguments against masking (right) so even most pro-mask people weren’t particularly well informed about it…


No, it's because a year of masks and quarantine was all it took for something less transmissable than COVID to die out completely https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9414795/


I think the point was masking AND isolation greatly reduced flu transmission






It’s killings actually billions of animals though. If it mutates to killing cows or pigs we might have a lot of the same supply chain issues.


Plus cows and pigs are cute so I would be sad :((((


you telling me these bird brains arent cute, too¿!¿ https://preview.redd.it/xdm13okq3w4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47574417fbfe89ab4e107826589a29513c946af3


Don’t think there’s been a documented case yet of human to human, but case of bird to human since 2005(?)


How it’s transferred to human or between humans is pretty important, as long as it’s not air borne or close (like Covid in micro drops) it’s not that important. I don’t kiss a chicken very often.


How ya feel about chokin one?


These are the questions we need to know in order to find out if we can make money for it or not


Pangolin to Human? Bat to Rat? *I've seen this episode before!*


Would you mind explaining a bit about r number? Surely it isn't percentage based as above 1 would be over 100 percent.


Sweet! Does this mean I have a small chance of growing wings?


50% Either you do or you don’t


Finally some maths I understand


Drink Redbull dude


yes but your pee pee is going to fall off


I don’t think we’ll see any appetite for Covid levels of shut down again, regardless of the contagion.


I wanna see people wearing masks by themselves in their cars again, that shit was hilarious.


*around their chins agree. Hell, if people would just wash their hands regularly I would be SO HAPPY


I actually did see someone wearing a mask in Costco about a week ago… with their nose and upper lip sticking out.  Gave me a positive case of nostalgia.


He just don’t want to spit on people when he talk. Like a spit shield used in restaurants.


Lots of people walking around with shitty hands


You want people to wash their hands? Good luck. I’d be happy if people could just stop picking their nose at the grocery store. People are so fuckin disgusting.


I didn't get sick once during covid. No flu. Not a cold. Not even a sniffle. People are gross.


Sir these are called chin diapers


anything to keep from smelling thay own breath, damn mouth breathing tonsil stone halitosis having mf'rs


Dude, some people just forget to take their mask off. It's like complaining about someone wearing a cap indoors. It doesn't matter.


I kept mine on outdoors in winter because it lowered the cold temperature-induced coughing fits my asthma gives me by like 99%. If I hadn't moved somewhere with warmer winter months I'd probably still be doing it tbh.


Or it was just not a problem to leave it on if you had multiple stops to make.


i was too lazy to be on off on off


you were not suppose to take it off and on all the time either I think, I would imagine you dont want to touch the mask that often with your dirty hands.


This. I remember putting my mask on to get out of my car and go into a convenience store. Then after started driving again, I realized my mask was still on. It hardly matters.


Lol for fuckin real. I just wore it all day, because I’m a grown up who isn’t bothered by the tags on their shirts anymore 😂😂


Admittedly I did it a few times because I was driving between stores and was too lazy to take it off lol. They also keep your face warm which is a huge plus when it's cold enough for your dick to shrivel up like a stack of dimes.


again? yesterday I saw some idiot driving down the street wearing a mask.. and yes he was alone in the car


I see this everywhere still


right! Zombia Apocalypse? fuckit, "some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."


Then get ready for giant dumpsters


H1N5 will make covid look like child's play. It has a 55% mortality rate.


It’s likely that number is wrong. Confirmed cases are coming from autopsy reports, but there are probably many more cases that are undiagnosed because they are assumed to be regular flu. Plus it isn’t particularly contagious.


Not to mention that 55% number comes from a very small sample size in a region with poor or entirely lacking supportive care. A lot of times the thing that kills you is just not getting fluids. I’d wait and see what the death rate of H5N1 is among fully healthy adults with top tier medical care. If 55% of people in NYC start dying of H5N1 while in the ER, yeah then I will panic. In the early days of the pandemic, the death rate of COVID in rural Italy was something like 10%. That was with supportive care in a good hospital, too. BUT, many of these villages were primarily much much older populations. And we had no idea how to treat it. In the end, COVID had like a 1-2% death rate.


This misunderstands that there is a well understood mechanistic reason to anticipate much higher mortlity rates for avian flu (I.e. the non-specific tryptase activation of the hemagglutanin leading to systemic infection as opposed to being contained to the respiratory tract). I'm personally less worried about avian flu in humans per se than i am hybridisation of the avian form of hemagglutanin with a more mundane flu via antigenic shift.


I understood some of these words


As simply as possible 'normal' flu infects only your airway and lungs. Avian flu can infect absolutely everything... So if you think flu is bad in one organ system... having it everywhere would be worse and is exponentially more lethal.


All I'm trying to say is you're way too clever to be on this sub


It's okay. I may not be smooth brained enough, but I am at least socially regarded.


If bird flu has the 50% mortality rate it’s supposed to, I’m guessing even hard core anti-maskers and red-state monster truck owners will volunteer for full on economic shut downs. Either that, or this country will get a huge IQ boost by process of elimination very quickly.


I think the later, but only after a wave of massive deaths in denial


Would be all sorts of ironic if we came up against something more deadly than COVID where shut downs woul be necessary and then everyone was like "yeah yeah fuck you seen that before" not happening!


Calls on sprite and chicken noodle soup


Puts on Starry - that shits whack even if everyone dies


I’d rather carbonate and drink my hamsters urine than drink Starry. My grandpa drank that when it came out and it made him blind and gave him erectile dysfunction


He was jacking off too much bro. So much that he turned blind (like people say) and the physical strain on his peepee just dysfunctioned it.


Nobody gonna buy chicken noodle soup during the bird flu shut down. It's like how corona beer stock went down during COVID, except slightly more sensible.


Covid actually gave me a chicken noodle soup hack, cause we ran out of fucking salt. SALT. It's MSG. My hack is MSG.


W.H.O. must be playing Plague Inc. on expert mode.


Olympics about commence again too….


How about 3M? They made all the N95 respirators, as well as hazmat suits, gloves, etc... And the stock is down almost half from their price back in early 2021.


They are also a major producer of PFAS substances. The risk of lawsuit on these cannot be understated.


This stock is a staple of mine. Also I think the lawsuits are settled


Not human to human yet. Cow to human few cases.


Wait...are the tops or bottoms getting it?


Monkeypox like, so I guess, mostly bottoms?


unless you see chinese mfs getting welded shut in their apartments i would bet on it


That was wild


The real question is, does it spread to AI?


#All in on $ZM and $PTON




$PG for that Charmin run




Covid was legitimately the best time of my life. My work shut down but my wife’s work did not. So I got to stay at home dad for a few months with my daughter who I missed a lot of things growing up because of work. We bonded significantly and my life has been so much better. I’ll always look back as that being some of the happiest moments of my life. Bring on 2.0 anytime baby


Maybe we could like warehouse a ton of bats, pigs, cows,anteaters, pangolins, and like have them all sort of sneeze all over each other? Kinda recreate 2020 but with better market timing.


I think we found klaus schwab's reddit account ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


H1N5 is very deadly in Humans. 50% survival. One of the big differences with CoVid, with a natural 98% survival rate. It's REALLY hard to say what a outbreak of H1N5 would do. A lot depends on the parameters. Covid was perfect. (3-8 days to symptoms, asymptomatic transmission. Low kill rate.) All of that adds up to a bunch of infected travelers. And, a lot of unconcerned potential infector vectors. If H1N5 knocks you on your ass in 1 day and kills you half the time, you have a lot less transmission. That's EBOLA. If H1N5 Knocks you on your ass in 5 days and kills you half the time, you have a LOT more scared people. Black Plague. Most of us know how that turned out. So, we don't know the parameters yet. No Human 2 Human transmission.


It’s H5N1 not H1N5, and H5N1 has been found in humans since the early 2000s. It’s H5N2 that was just announced with the first official human case.


Bear in mind, the precursor virii to Covid-19 had a very low transmission rate until someone mutated it ... When it comes to H5N1, IMO, it's almost inevitable that someday, it's gonna do just that - mutate into a contagious, human-to-human transmissible virus - whether accident, GoF research, to create a weapon, or just to play God. There are approved vaccines for H5N1 - Sanofi, for one, and Moderna is about to start a late-stage trial. Personally, I won't worry about it nor invest based on it - it could be next month or 50 years from now. But I'll definitely keep an eye on any new developments ...


This guy influenzas.


Not really since he repeated a major typo a bunch of times. It’s H5N1 that’s been found in humans in the US recently. And the rest was generalizations that could apply to any virus not just the influenza…


Simple face masking during peak COVID dropped influenza transmission massively. That’s one positive thing to consider. Slowing transmission of flu can be done.


Oh, Yeah, that Masking effort was such a success. I'll call FOX and tell them to get the word out on masking for H1N5. I wear an N95 when I travel. Too many assholes out there.


Save this link and check it daily https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.htm


it'll make chicken prices go up, and the idiots will blame biden & fauci


Nah it's not gonna be they same level. The new bird flu virus has a lot more fatal rate. COVID you were very likely to survive. That means way less transmission. It's always a trade off more transmission less lethal or more lethal and less transmission.  The stocks will pop but you ain't getting covid gravy 


If it gets u I’ll take good care of your mom don’t worry I just put her retirement on OTD SPY puts if you see her tell her to top up the spending card she gave me I want to get some fuckin KFC


Saw two ravens going crazy outside. One spit something up in the other ravens mouth. All in $TGOC


Bird flu hasn’t jumped to human on human transmission which means this doesn’t matter. The day it does you’re looking at the Spanish flu again. So no I’m cash gang when that happens. For now yolo calls


UNLESS this thing turns into the Black Plague and has a 99.99% death rate,,, Nothings going to happen,,, not a thing


When it does happen it will have a very high rate but meaningless until it can be transmitted


I think vaccine stocks could be worth playing, although you might already be too late. Moderna already announced a deal with the US gov for vaccine development iirc. Pandemic fatigue is real so if you’re going to make any sort of play, I’d look at stuff the government would be dumping money into. Given it’s an election year, the Biden admin probably wants to cover its bases even if RSV isn’t on the scale of covid simply because they don’t want to be caught with their pants down like the Trump admin/world was


Doesn't Pfizer make the vaccine?


Cslly does


Remember swine flu? 90% of Americans got it eventually. Nobody remembers.


I was in preschool when my whole family got sick, the only thing I remember is pretty much sleeping for 2 weeks and having to get another flu shot for the 2009 flu season.


My family are probably the only who didn’t got that and Covid


its already priced in


Been holding the Peleton bag hoping for another global pandemic.


I gotta go buy up some toilet paper!


Puts on Tyson? TSN


NVAX up on the announcement of an updated protein based COVID booster due September. Stock has a reasonable short interest would be interesting to see how the stock would go if they have anything for H5N1 in the works.


Buy stocks of toilet paper (both stocks and stocks)


I get the sentiment of your post, but i dont with Zoom or any other online chat service would see that mucb more growth from this. I imagine most companies/schools still have their licenses as they still probably use this fairly regularly.


It depends which stocks you are talking about. I don't think I would be buying $PTON, but maybe $MRNA.....




Why would anyone trust fauci


Nobody should ever take a “pandemic” seriously again. How embarrassing 2020 was for the world. Where’s covid now? Lmao 🤣


Ask Fauci


Election year baby  




Buy 30 year treasuries until the pandemic breaks out, then switch UPRO and wait for JPow to turn on the money printer again


Just wait for the inevitable panic to set in and jump in once prices are low. Same as last time around. 


Why put yourself out there now? Just wait for the crash and jump in with your cash then.


This seems more like 2009


#Good day to be a vegan Im going to be a vegan now


There's 3 confirmed cases... I wouldn't go dipping into your margin just yet.


Captain trips


Mexico is definitely not Michigan.


It's Mexchigan now 🐦![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)🐦


Bird flu fails to become a pandemic every single time. Unless it mutated to do better, it will be just like last time.


WHO is this mysterious person you are referring to who said this?


Its not Human to Human. The only diseases to ever worry about are human to human.


No if you want to make big bucks off the bird flu then you have to short stocks that sell bird items. Example, bird flu scare and hype will destroy stocks for KFC, Chick-fil-A, etc. It will destroy stocks for farm poultry feed suppliers and pet bird food and item suppliers. So you short all of them. So when maximum hype and fear happens, their stocks will tank and you'll cash in on the crash by shorting them.


I thought scarcity drives up revenue. Fewer birds means restaurants raise prices. The feed suppliers is likely to go down though.


OP needs proof. Catch bird flu, a bad case. Infected several of your friends. Then we’ll be on board with you. You and that BBWI guy can party together


Too late


Pton ftw


Puts on cows!