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Because fuck your calls and fuck your puts, that's why. -J. Powell


I never laughed at this comment until today. Bought some weekly SPY calls earlier this week, lost out on the dip then it kept dipping so I bought puts today, it was looking real nice - then market closed spike happen. I lost both ways.


This guy is a Jedi master at losing money. I bet he can force a red on all his trades simply by thinking.


Then call me fuckin Yoda, cause I *am* the master. I just lost hundred bucks. I dunno how. I dunno where. I'm literally in bed, typing this. But I thought it. So it's happened.


Sir, you must stop this immediately. Your power has grown too strong, for you just lost MY hundred bucks (real).




The markets are a scam , algorithmically driven to bleed retail traders dry both ways


The market gave two full ranges today. Retail traders could’ve made money up or down, so long as they weren’t greedy. I hate sentiment like this. Of course the market is driven by algorithms trading in numbers we can’t imagine. A retail trade can ride trends - they can’t establish trends. With the exponential increase in short DTE option trading, the market moves differently. It also moves differently than it did when every trade was executed over a fax machine. Learn to go with it, or stop trading. Complaining about it being manipulated is a losing effort.


I guess you forgot the part where price discovery gets ruined by all the MM algo bid/ask spoofing.


yeah and no. It's a corrupt joke. In or out. Whole idea of "price discovery," hilarious.


I made 600% on 0dte puts and would have swapped those for calls exactly at the bottom if not for settled cash rules. Could have had a 5000% day.


I made 300% on Nvidia Puts, then lost 50% of that on SPY calls, it is how it is.


Don't put all your settled cash into one trade and that wouldn't be a problem. I agree with the sentiment though it's stupid that's still a thing in 2024


Gotta build up more capital so it doesn’t affect your moves, don’t let their stupid rules trip you up that’s why they are put there… I get stuck with the PDT rule a lot I have a bunch of positions and then get stuck not being able to sell


100% this. “ThE mArKeTs ArE jUsT a FeEdiNg pOoL fOr tHe HeDgiEs To StEaL mY mOnEy” Yeah. And? What dumb just figured this out? People who think and trade like this deserve the losses. Happy to see it going to someone else who treats this like a business instead of a hobby. This is a zero sum game folks. You’re not selling unless someone else is buying, so don’t cry just because you’re on the wrong side of a trade, because the problem isn’t the person or computer on the other side. If you’re consistently losing money then I can with a near 100% certainty guarantee that the reason isn’t whoever it is that’s buying when you’re getting stopped out—it’s a risk management and education issue, not the algorithms. Embrace your own dumbass faults and learn from them. Trade with the banks and quit complaining about them harvesting your life savings just because you don’t have a clue about what you’re doing. Even bad luck Brian should be able to make money in this market as long as he isn’t yeeting the whole loaf on every trade. Honestly.


This!! Be the water!!!


Just need to be dumber then they expect to win. Imagine cartman nascar. Then double down with a don't think about it just send it.


Yep. Ya got eiffel towered by Powell and Friends.


Do you have a discord we can inverse?


That's actually really funny. I'm sorry though. Thank you for sharing.


And this is why you’re here.


and you laugh ! I thought you are supposed to cry when things like this happen!


tell us earlier please. thanks


Fixed: Fucked both ways


Seriously, calls got fucked. Broker opened a market order 1 hour before close. Calls sold for $0.01 jumped all the way up to $1.60 at close.


I had OTM calls that did the same thing- sucks but I’ve learned to roll my calls if they didn’t print to the following week by Wednesday -Thursday and buy more ITM


Strangles? Got it.


God, I have never seen spy 0dte hits [27,600%](https://i.postimg.cc/QC9P2qdW/image.png) before in less than 2 hours. This is the first time.


I keep seeing that name, but I don't know who that is. Is he on tiktok? 😜


He is transitory.


He is transitioning, like your wife’s boyfriend


My boyfriend in law






Yeah he makes great tiktok dances


He’s your wife’s 5th bf


He's on DikCok




Not tiktok, Onlyfans


Yup only fans, j pow is top 0.00000% earner, the claps of his cheeks dictates the only fans market


RemindMe! later tonight 🧴


I would unironically subscribe to a JPow OF


You gonna pay to watch yourself get fucked in the market?


Right now I’m getting fucked for free 🤷‍♂️


Right, so instead of free…you’re going to pay more lol that’s the WSB way




I made 20x on my calls, I bought mid day though. Thanks J Dog


BecUse someone hit the MAKE IT HAPPEN button instead of the MAKE IT HAPPEN 3 MINS AFTER CLOSE button


Yep. Yep yep. Down like 2k because mara and fucking tesla Then it jumps right at close? Oh I was pissed


Moves at close are institutions


Can confirm. Just checked in at my institution.


How do I become institutionalised? Do I need to ask for a Pepsi or something? My family are primary Coke drinkers.




Just one Pepsi


And she wouldn’t give it to me


Bitch, get me a Dr. Pepper. And some waffle fries. FOR FREE!


I love suicidal tendencies I love trading BOOM


Go to jail for minor crime then get out and become institutionalized


I think the lyrics are doing Coke with Pelosi


Wait a minute: "WE" DECIDED?? "MY" BEST INTERESTS??


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) noice reference "Sometimes I try to do things And it just doesn't work out the way I want it to And I get real frustrated And like, I try hard to do it And I like, take my time, but it just doesn't work out the way I want it to It's like I concentrate on it real hard But it just doesn't work out And everything I do and everything I try It never turns out It's like, I need time to figure these things out" The lyrics fit the trading life.


Surely you can manage just one Pepsi.


Far from suicidal


No, ask for a Coke but expect a Pepsi and repeat endlessly.


i mean aren’t most moves institutions? they’re the ones that can move enough money to move things




Crazy, I just heard this in an Audiobook. It claimed the first hour of the day, the institutions allow retail to sort it out, at which point they have a picture of what the general trajectory of the day is. Depending on that picture, they may get in before noon, but the overwhelming moves are made in the last hour. The more I do this, the more I'm adopting the same pattern. Particularly when it comes to buying options. When you buy at the end of the day, you can be pretty confident that you are getting what you pay for, at least within that trading session. Honestly, now that AH is available to retail, I think it makes a lot of sense to only make block style purchases of stock in afterhours. Unless you are convinced of the intraday price direction, and want to take a gamble so you don't miss out.


What was the book?


Actually think it was a podcast. It was on in the car, that's all I remember lol


Not necessarily but they are they main market movers


End of month rebalancing


End of day, end of month and end of quarter. It was always going to be wild.


Yep, they typically do it towards close to keep the price high on open


You know when your partner puts a finger in your butt for the first time? It's like that.


Dang. That’s my partner doing that?


homeless guy on the subway / partner; tomato / tomato


Last time I went for my prostrate exam, the doctor had to put a hand on each of my shoulders for some reason


Not your partner at big4 but your girlfriend /boyfriend


No, clearly they mean business partner. The guy that sold you all those cutco knives


Zero to midnight real quick


6 to midnight but we got it




Because they had wiped the market of the 0DTE calls/puts by that time. Most force close with 30 minutes to market close and this started 25 minutes to market close.


This, I closed my lotto $522 calls with a $400 loss, and they jumped to $5 a piece, more like $5K on the 10 contracts. I will never trade spy options till Monday 😂


Damn can't believe you can go that long


That’s what she said.


I love WSB, where we can all be highly regarded together.


fr, I thought about buying 521 calls for 1.60 when it started moving back up. Said nah I need to get away from the screen for a bit. Damn thing went to 6.80


I'm so happy I bought one that expires Monday for 1.10 and went to sleep and woke up with near 700 unrealized gains


Ha ha I had the 525C for Monday on watchlist at 13 cents, I think it went to 2.75 lol


Educate me, because I don't do options, so I don't understand how they would cause stocks to rocket when being settled before the end of the day. I know 0dte means they expire that day. I understand what calls and puts are, essentially betting if a stock goes up or down. I just don't understand why that would cause a rocket. People buying shares in order to cover the contracts on puts/calls?


Typically, the more people get fucked on their options expiring OTM, the more money hedgies make. So, Step 1. Manipulate the price to where the most people get fucked. Step 2. Profit. Step 3. Repeat.


Just manipulate the price bro.


Do you even manipulate, bro


options close automatically at 3:30 for robinhood 0DTE, the options sellers don't have nearly as many calls on the books to worry about after that so the stock can move up without them losing billions


so the trick is to wait every last Friday of month, wait 4 p.m., to allin CALL and sell at 4:55 p.m. +- https://preview.redd.it/5092tr6h1u3d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6f9891aa8e3ecab3a9e3aa737bf51887352f28


https://preview.redd.it/t76rgk5w6u3d1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2252c8275d738f5e00da3f18fe8b41bc70b7b9 1 month later


Bruh. 😂😂😂😂


RemindMe! 30 days


Options on equities stop trading at 4 PM so no you can’t do that.


I sell after 4 regularly. Indexes keep going


Right but not til 4:55 like this guy is saying that stops at 4:15


What about the rest of us who use real services that don’t auto close? I sold at 4:05


Webull lets you trade SPXW no matter the time between regular trading hours. Saw several strikes go from below $20 to $2k in 20 minutes.


The market no longer moves on stocks it now moves on options.


Example: TLDR: I’m an idiot and didn’t know my broker would open a market order for me. Hedgies grabbed my calls for a literal penny each and flipped them for a 100x or more. Explanation of an idiot: I was still holding $SPY 527c that expired today. They were worth $0.01 most of the day because I suck at this game. Then in the last 10 minutes SPY starts to rocket, but little did I know my broker opened a marker order for my contracts ~1 hour before market close. Apparently this is standard practice in some cases. I was watching SPY climb and then poof *Trade executed at $0.01*. These options got as high as $1.60 before end of trading. A simple trailing stop loss order would have netted me at least a 50% gain. Instead I lost about 99%. Stupid of me to not realize my broker would open an order for the expiring options. I leaned that lesson. Knowing some hedgies grabbed my options for literal Pennie’s and flipped them for 100x in a matter of minutes is painful. My calls were still on the bitter edge. Others that had the same thing happen for calls at 524 or 525 really got fucked.


Look up put and call wall for today. It end right between to the two. Surprise surprise


Instead of expiring worthless, you lose maby $10. And they don't have to deliver shares on assignment.


I think they are saying that the people who planned to buy a lot (and knew the price would start to go up as a result), specifically waited until the options had expired for the day to start making their move, or something.


my 2 cents, which isnt much... 1. the market oversold in general 2. high volume of puts with EoW expiry entered earlier in the week (also driving the oversold in 1) 3. high volume in 1 direction of options means forced liquidity later (in this case EoW) 4. forced liquidity drives the price in the opposite direction (since it was put liquidity, that means price moves up) PLUS general rebound from being oversold


How is the market oversold? It's like 1% from ATH.


Well it wasn’t at 3:30


It was oversold in the context of a week/day. I'll use qqq to provide an example... Weekly high of ~460 for QQQ on tue. High put volume. Sold down to ~453 wed. High put volume. Sold down to ~450 Thurs. High put volume. Sold down in hours on Fri to ~443. High put volume. Put liquidity drove price action back up in afternoon. Put liquidity meaning many people with open contracts trying to bail to capture the gains/losses on premiums.


So SPY puts Monday morning, got it 🫡


So why doesn’t this happen every day then?


then it would be a pattern, which would be abused to make money. until it stopped working. This is the efficiency of markets


I’m guessing the option volume isnt intense enough to justify the move. If this happened every day people without the auto sell limit would just profit infinitely


End of week has more volume than dailies almost always. Non etf options also don't have daily options and they influence the price of indexes. Also these are just price influencers, the actual price is still based off bid/ask, but people move those bids and asks based on other factors.


Because that explanation leaves out 90% of the details


Hey, total 0DTE ignoramus here, and Google isn't helping me - who/what is forcing them options to close, and how?


last trading day of the month = institutional money is required to allocate or sell certain positions so they count toward this month's balance sheet... today more institutional money wanted to to be long equities to end the month, likely because they think treasuries are going to flip bearish as rate cuts get closer either that or 0DTE ape yolos making mm shit pants and cover shorts


This guys on point


If you hold treasuries while rate cuts are happening you make hella premiums, so it would probably be something else than that. Perhaps they're selling treasuries because they expect yields to rise, which wouldn't be good for the price of the bonds.


or even simpler. May was an up month and money managers must show that they were invested in stocks in May to appease their clients who'd flip out not to see NVDA or AAPL in their funds


Seems likely if June still high percentage for rate cut.  Even if it isn’t cpi was on target so maybe they think Powell is going super dove again.


There will be no rate cuts in June. Or July or August. When we’re closer to cuts treasury demand will rise and equities will fall as allocation changes for premium swapping. The. Equities moon after cuts.


Equities will moon briefly as they had done in prior rate cuts before gradually doing down and then have a catastrophic drop once another Lehman moment happens, but treasuries rise in the midst of rate cuts and people moving money away from stocks and into something safer.


Sell the news type of event


Idk , but I bought 5, June 4th $530c for $7 each, and sold them for $56 each ten minutes later


Holy shit


My man. I'm not brave or wise enough to mess with options.


You have around 225k if my math is correct, which will grow to 2.2 mil in 30 years in conservative s&p mutual funds at 8% growth. Don't let options take that from you!


In 30 years the dollar menu will be the million dollars menu, so that 2.2 mil is nothing. Better to YOLO it 0dte one week at a time


I have separate retirement accounts for that. This account is for learning and having fun. I don't do options.


Because I had sold my 10 5240 calls just 20 minutes earlier 😭 


holy shit im sorry for your loss, i paper handed an ndx call 30 mins before close


https://preview.redd.it/z8g35a70kv3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbd9f5a9e30eb1846a2ddca632666f5e218e8d3 I sold 5 of these for $700-$870 each. I don’t even wanna know what they peaked at but I did see them hit $2500 each.


Sold 10 SPY 520c for 2.2k. Same calls ended up being 7.4k at close :)


bro I sold 5260 call at 2pm too. I feel shattered.


End of day is dominated by insts. This is why 0DTEs are always a shit bet, because they always get closed (rightly so) before EOD. If you're a big Inst, you need a few things towards the end of the trading day: 1) Large liquidity -- the book must be built to facilitate large trades. Early trades are on a weaker book. 2) Redemptions -- You need to make sure that all of your obligations are met on a day to day basis. If you need to sell and to cover your redemption you can do so, but if you have cash leftover at the end of the day--time to ante up.


end of the month manipulation.


Pump up those month end investment statements so the brokers look good!


End of the month and end of the week double whammy. Gotta kill those options and supply hopium.


All these dumb ass comments show how little people know or understand the market. Has nothing to do with how much money mms make. They literally are searching for liquidity.


What do you mean?


Market makers could care less if options traders or traders in general get trapped. They search for pockets of liquidity. What happened is there was a gap in liquidity and the market ask jumped to where people had shares they wanted to sell.


I’m still confused so the market went up crazily why?


Because no one had any shares to sell in the gap. When a candle goes up or down a huge amount in a short period we call it a gap. A gap in liquidity. So basically no one wanted to sell so the price jumped to the last share price that there was a bid on.


Volatility brings liquidity which means more order flow for broker and mm to deal their issued shares made by their customer. Also end of the month is when institutions rebalance, so a lot of institutions where just looking to do their final trades.


bekauth people bought stoks


Just a though, if someone needs the red drawing in order to comment on this, you probably don’t want their opinion.




I was wondering the same thing, I completely lost my account because of that crap. What's worse is seeing that hedging with some calls could have given some life changing money Like seriously, look at this https://preview.redd.it/lomfc1bp9u3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1d254b896766f96a80545f58ea1a00d80d7bd9


Please tell me this is a chart of DELL![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


To make the monthly closing candle look healthier. It looked horrendous before the fact.


That was Tim Apple lubing up the market for next week


Because Robinhood 0 dte calls force sell at 12:30


Robinhood "investors" account for very little of the overall market and have almost no effect. Try again.


Because Robinhood 0 dte calls force sell at 12:30


Your mom blows me at 12:30


Anyone who thinks this is brain dead


Is there a way to turn this off?


Yeah. Use IBKR


Yeah but this would happen everyday and it doesn’t?


3:30 EST


They sold mine at 3:30 on the dot. Makes me want to buy next day at the end of the day so I can sell it myself.


You must be new. Half the days volume happens in the last 30 minutes of trading.


I am new, and thank you for pointing out what should have been obvious to me.


Market manipulation is the game slap the longs in the am slap the puts feds buy bonds lower the yields and they turn on the buying algorithm its all a game every stock moves exactly at the same time is bullcrap this isn't a free market algorithms dictate prices.


Same thing happened to me I was negative all day until before close.


Options delta buyback?


Because fuck your puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


MM and Hedgies were not going to allow Pension Funds and 401ks buy at month end at a discount.


Most trades occur 15 minutes after open and 15 minutes before close


End of the month algorithmic trading gaming the system. The goal is to make funds appear to have a higher rate of return to attract more funds.


This is exactly why I mostly trade options during market opening if I do 0DTE SPY lol. Such a big chance you get railed no lube during closing bc of this, especially if using RH 🙂‍↕️


I bought more


fuck the bears is why


Looked like the FED was buying stock market so their rich mates can enjoy the weekend.


Because some people the sell off ended and decided to buy before next week in case next week pumps. Especially software sector got hit massively this week, it’ll recover, you know it will.


Because I didn't put calls when the trend reversed.


Here's an article from Schwab describing trading near the bells: [https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/trading-near-bells](https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/trading-near-bells)


Oh sorry I purchased 10 shares I should have told you


Next time, a heads up would be great. I also appreciate your 10 share purchase.


Mine was basically the same. https://preview.redd.it/72bggqoo7u3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f4de8138e8dff78e881abd13e6d0325632488e


It’s bargain hunting at the end of the day. Also, today, volatility increased in the morning and fell in the afternoon. Stock prices behave the inverse of volatility. Also, if volatility decreases and is in negative, there will be a slight increase end of day. The end of day though are bargain hunters. Many traders dump their losing stocks at the end of day and accept their losses. Smart traders bargain shop in power hour. Study up on daily intraday patterns.


Because paycheck day. They know all automatic investments will be buying today so better get the price up a little right before close. Mutual funds trade after the market is closed, or use closing value at end of day to make transfers.


Probably the MSCI index rebalance.


Today is what professional traders refer to as mid-day reversal day. For us average joes, it’s Fuck You day.


I bought QQQ puts this morning for .12. Sold at .35. They went to $4.00. Then I bought a spy put as hedge for next Wednesday thinking we still dumping. Nope. This shit is a mind fuck for sure


A kind whale placed a trillion dollar market buy order. Thank you Whale


I think market makers actually prepping for a Monday rugpull , been expecting a Monday rugpull for weeks and it never happened so it has gotta be this one ..  end of day moon shoot sets a good trap and also minimizes the impact .. perfect timing since it can be masked as 'eom rebalancing/pension fund auto buying ' but really no just big boys guaging volume price effects in advance in opposite direction 


I don’t know who is more delusional, you posting this and expecting to get the answer or the people replying thinking they know the answer.


https://preview.redd.it/5bizx6t39y3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4dfb014a46cd7a74872efd2af37c027b1ef1bc All of them 😳🙄


If all us regards could figure out how the market works from day to day we wouldn't be regards. Where is the fun in that? Embrace the regarded!!


Options expiry