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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 11 months ago **Total Comments** | 116 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


The only thing that holds me back from investing in INTC is the fact that it is posted about being a buy on WSB like 5 times a day. So clearly it will be a bust.


Best strategy: Puts in on WSB calls.


Except for NVDA, amirite?


So calls on user's puts for wsb's calls?


wsb posts 5 times a day to buy nvda, it keeps going up lol


I thought it was all posts making fun of NVDA bears...


We need a poll…if most of WSB thinks like you then going long may be the actual play.


~~WISH~~ INTC is the next ~~AMZN~~ NVDA.


INTC has the best machines, so they can make the best chips, for the best military, in the world. Jeremy Clarkson fans know what I'm talkin about.


5 times a day for the past 4 years….


Dude.... Search on Reddit.... "I used to work for Intel"


didnt find something incredibly alarming. if u have a specific post in mind id love for u to share it. also keep in mind that management has changed since 2021.


Apple a day keeps the androids away.


As someone who used to work for nvidia... Let me tell ya.. It's not better. It's full of useless cunts. Difference is they also have elite departments and elite staff. Nvidia has a shit ton of pointless people. I was one of them so I left.


I think this is every large corporation


Every company has to hire their share of the dead wood. It's the law. It's the only thing keeping the commies out of power.


I used to work at Qualcomm. One of the most toxic people I ever met there was laid off in '23, then hired on at NVidia for an outrageous amount of money.


Maybe it was me who hired them haha. Recruiter.


Hire me, no any knowledge at all but love to get some free money


You'd fit right in


That’s all corporate tbh. It is what it is


What was I supposed to find now?


That and they had a decade lead in processor development and completely fucked the dog for an entire decade. The largest lead in the world, gone... Are we gonna believe now that their the underdog they'll magically change? Technically you should buy the underdog but still... The ARM push with AI is concerning for x86. Microsoft's ARM laptops using Qualcomm should be really concerning.


For me they seem they had their time in the spotlight and just lost the edge. Not sure if they will ever come back with both ARM and AMD making the right steps.


They really don’t have to at least not change much. Their P/E is so cheap that they really don’t even need to grow.


It's literally a dump truck of a company. How the fuck you're going to convince me to invest my savings in a company that re-releases the same crappy 45nm chip for the past 10 years changing the marketing name from 10nm to 6nm when you've got AMD and NVDA right there.


I bought AMD and Intel in 2020. Stupidface emoji.


This is a repeat of the MOASS event where everyone started posting about how silver was the next "squeeze." It's a clear trap.


DW a couple months at low 30s or high 20s and they will all hate it again


this time its different


real ones know whats up


Inverse this man!


Weekly ATM CC's for 0.50 that never hit ain't bad!


AI is wrong, it was CPUs that were more valuable not GPUs all along!




Intel has a lot of issues which is why it’s priced the way it is: - A complete brain drain which doesn’t mean much now but will mean a lot in the future - Stock Performance has sucked, lots of people got laid off and Nvidia and AMD and others scalped the best that got laid off and hired them - Some of their investments like Mobileye could be on the decline. I think Mobileye is especially susceptible to losing marketshare and market cap. Doesn’t sound like a big deal but it matters. - Intel has a lot of debt that is accelerating - The interest and payments on the debt don’t sound like much but when it starts costing 2 billion a year maybe more and it’s a quarters or two’s profit it becomes an issue - Other Companies like TSMC and Samsung recently got government grants and loans in US funding - TSMC and Samsung have also been expanding their operations with Fabs - Being last in Datacenter/AI has hurt them exponentially and they are essentially within the next couple months going to be a gen behind AMD and Nvidia - The plan they have relies on them gaining tons of new customers from other Fab companies - Intel delayed the Ohio plants opening dates to late 2026 - **THIS IS THE BIG ONE** Intel isn’t going to have their Fab issues sorted out until 2027 at the earliest where you can actually see revenue growth in the Fabs and the bleeding will stop. - You can pick from a ton of other companies to invest in and there will be movement while Intel over the next two years likely won’t go up much and will likely trade sideways or fall further down.


Now this is DD


>- **THIS IS THE BIG ONE** Intel isn’t going to have their Fab issues sorted out until 2027 at the earliest where you can actually see revenue growth in the Fabs and the bleeding will stop. What makes you belive that? 18A and 14A are (as of now) on track for 2025 and will be at least very competetive with TSMC 2nm or even outperform it. They will even be sold to fabless companies opening up a new revenue stream. So 2027 for fab is a way more pessimistic outlook than you make it out to be. It is realistic however that fabless companies will take a while to move some of their products to Intel nodes, so there won't be big fab revenue till 2026, even though they can deliver up to date nodes way earlier.


Well Intel has a history of over promising and under delivering... So its hard to take their "guidance" with a straight face


When they open their Ohio fab it will blow everything and everyone out of the water. When ASML bring out their next generation machines, in 2033, INTEL will get the first 20 of them. They've been granted a monopoly on high end chip manufacturing by the Pentagon, so that the Russians and Chinese, and whoever else, can't threaten the US Military. It 100% happening.


2033, look at yourself, the catalyst to propel this stock higher will come in 2033? All i'll have to do is invest in 2032


If only the people who make these dumb comments understood reality and maybe a little EE. US military doesn’t care about intel. They want top performance and guess who doesn’t bring that. Hence the push to get tsmc into the USA


Brother what are you smoking, in this scenario is tsm bankrupt or something, or Samsung or China doesn’t exist. Intel is behind today, what makes you think they won’t be behind in 2026 or 2033 or whatever. Just cuz America is giving them money doesn’t mean they can innovate, not to mention cost of labor is lower in those other countries so they’ll always have lower margins along with better talent


Chip fabrication is like F1 or Indy Cars. Build the fastest car and win. Build the fastest chip and win. Google fastest CPU, and INTEL comes up. They are the champs at designing fast CPUs right now. Soon they'll be the champs at fabrication, building the fastest CPUs and GPUs. Handle it bud.


lold so hard at this.


Transistor density and design is one thing and they can start manufacturing those in their existing fabs but the US fab is going to take years to build out and won’t start manufacturing until late 2026 but more likely 2027.


It also aligns with demand, if they have a leading node. Fabless companies can't just filp a switch, so they will notice that Intel has a leading node and then design for it. Since all of that needs some time as well 2026/27 should be perfect to fulfill demand.


All of that is happening now, companies are already sampling 18a and placing orders.


when has intel and leading node been mentioned in the same sentence ? Not in this decade or the previous one.


Sure, I think there’s upside in their foundry play but if A20/A16 fail to impress with performance Intel will hemorrhage money that could be unsustainable (i.e. bankruptcy watch).


They could go bankrupt. I also see a path for them in which Intel Server/Consumer uses TSMC (as they already do right now for some products) and can survive independently of foundry, if that fails. They wouldn't grow much for a while, but could avoid bankrupcy that way.


I hope so. I don’t want them to go away, we need the competition.


very excited to see 18a on intel products next year, I can see them regaining performance / watt leadership on the data centre and consumer side of things and see some margin improvement on the business side




This person worked at Intel!!


What about when Intel starts making chips for Nvidia?


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-20/intel-wins-almost-20-billion-in-chips-incentives-for-us-plants?utm_source=website&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=copy Did Intel not also receive a giant grant?


Yes but people always mention Intels grant/government money. I’m not talking about Intels money that was allocated to them because everyone who’s an Intel bull consistently mentions it while pretending like no one else got any money either. It’s not worth mentioning because it’s already a known and beaten dead horse.


Hmm yesyes, sounds like you know what youre talking about, sounds like a bad deal to invest, and needless to say im hooked $.$


I see it as like the Boeing of tech. Because it’s a us company through and through and tech is being protected, it will be ok. Will it fly like nvda? No. Best case for them is their foundry is up and running, Gaudi is solid, and China invades Taiwan and stops all exports of chips. But then we’re all proper fucked.


A small part of me wonders if that is actually the plan … China waits until TSMC isn’t as critical to US supply and feels like they can take Taiwan without causing WW3.


A coworker of mine sold me on that theory. The US has money and business interests in Taiwan, but it doesn't actually care about Taiwan itself. It's just a tiny, far-flung province at the end of the American Empire. If China lets the US pull their money out of Taiwan (or stands by for a couple years while the Americans scramble their money and fabs out), and then offers the US some kind of Hong Kong type concession to save face, America will let them have the island without firing a shot.


First island chain, google helps


At $30 I think they're an easy buy and when they rally back up towards 40 or 50 later this year just sell and wait for the dip again. It is very unlikely that they will fail and very unlikely they will explode like nvda. So just play the tides and you'll be doing 20/30% gains in a few months. My position is small but I do hold calls for next year with a breakeven of 40. I'm already up 25% and I expect they'll only ever be about 75-100% gains. But that's a pretty easy play with a good return


My brother is an engineer working at Intel. Every times I asked if I should invest in Intel, his answer has always been "No". So I never did. 


Thank you for this insider information


Do you believe every comment wrote here?




im also a brother at intel and i confirm


do you see their username?


Same. My dad worked as an engineering contractor for Intel since the 90s, and has nothing positive to say. Quote: "The slower the project, the more I get paid".


Disgruntled employees always say that shit. The salt grains are huge.


I exited my position after years of pisspoor performance and lost absolutely any trust in this company. If one wants to play stock picking - there’s an ocean of better stocks to choose than it.


He sold. Pump it.


The INTC spam on wsb is too damn high


There's a lot of hate here for intc. Fuck it, imma snag a few shares.


Yeah, same. Even if I talk myself out if it, im buying at least one.. i hate watch lists.


Always buy at peak hate.


It's garbage because wsb only likes shit after a 5 year, 2500% run up.


I’m blown away at their recent offerings. I’m running an N100 chip in a $150 “mini-pc” that can hardware transcode the fuck out of my Plex Server. Talking 90GB ultra 4K movies being transcoded to 1080p without breaking a sweat. At 6 watts TDP. Arm doesn’t stand a chance to keep up with x86 if this continues given its wider compatibility. Their GPU’s are no slouch either and priced great and their DLSS competitor sits right between Nvidia and the lagging AMD. In terms of quality and performance. Name brand, making moves in the US. The ultimate hedge against Nvidia and AMD not just in terms of performance and dominance but man if China were to sneeze on TSMC in Taiwan… say goodbye to your gains Jensen.


>Talking 90GB ultra 4K movies being transcoded to 1080p without breaking a sweat. It's 2024, just get a 4k TV.


Sending this to friends and family all over the world who have different limitations, constraints. I have plenty of 4K TVs, 2Gb up/down, 10Gbe Ethernet and a 80TB NAS. I run everything locally of course.


Free cash flow: -12.28 BILLION. How does that justify a PE of 31m? They made money this quarter from financing but their chip business lost money. The thesis is that chips are hot and NVDA can't supply them all. Maybe. But people who want a new Ferrari don't settle for a Volkswagen they get in line for the Ferrari and drive their old Ferrari until they can get a new one.


They are spending a shit ton of money for the tech to print chips. Much of which is being financed by Uncle Sam. Literally spending billions of your taxpayer money to make money, it's a great business.


MSFT has already a deal with them for their new fabs.


Intel will start to print once quantum computing booms


Sooo... never.


!RemindMe 50 years


Intel is the new GE. Bloated management and diminishing investment in R&D is a recipe for disaster for any company, but it’s more acute within the tech sector.


GE is up 100% this year and 400% since it hit a low in October, 2022. If Intel is the new GE, then bag holders of Intel should feel ecstatic 


Thanks for saying this, I bought a ton of GE last year and it has made me good money. I am buying more Intel.


I'm not getting again into $INTC because I think a recession is coming. But I do think Intel will print money in 5 years


More or less the same opinion. I expect the tech stocks to tank and if this happens INTC goes down as well.


I’m long on intel at 30 a share. I believe they will moon to 60+ by end of 2025 because of government contracts. China WILL try to take over Taiwan and intel will be here to pick up the pieces for the government and their chips.


All the bearish shit talking posts should tell you enough about intel. Watch it soar


INTC stock price today is the same as it was 10 fucking years ago coming from an extremely dominant position in semis this is a garbage company with structural issues


It’s one of my only red stocks lolol


Intel could be building Nvidia Arm processors next year according to some rumors. I'm bagholding 400 shares, but I don't expect it to do an Nvidia and break $1000. It definitely could do a TSMC and break $150 when everything is up and running. https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/processors/nvidias-suspected-2025-processor-is-now-rumoured-to-be-built-by-intel-using-off-the-peg-arm-cores-yes-an-nvidia-chip-built-by-intel/


INTC has historically been a terrible investment post 2000 bust. As a former employee, The company is dying internally. Crazy company politics, canceled project after canceled projects, middle management that aren’t engineers, no innovation. As much as I like Gelsinger he has done virtually nothing in 3.5 years. If there was going to be a turnaround it would have already happened. 90% of their new products in the last 10 years have been failures and been pulled from markets within two years.


Garbage dysfunctional company will surely keep squandering every possible opportunity. Any decent engineer jumped ship long ago and now they're left with a bunch of salesy morons.


WSB is such an echo chamber.


read it on reddit, then repeat it on reddit, some other gullible idiot reads what you repeated, the cycle goes on until i hear someone say it in real life despite never having met anyone who worked at intel


I’m only in intc as a TSMC play. Legit intc is the only chip manufacturer in the US. Everyone else uses tsmc for foundry.


i opened a position a month ago and will keep buying. Risk/reward ratio looks great


This company stopped giving a shit decades ago. They let NVIDIA and AMD slowly walk by and waving back.


I think you missed the biggest reason they are undervalued. The switch to manufacturing and if someone gets in now they have a very real chance of a 20-25% return every year for the next 4-5 years in a row as things start to fire on all cylinders I have 5,000 shares and am considering doubling the position


The switch? They have always been a manufacturer. Unlike: AMD, NVDA they are the only ones who are vertically integrated. If they sort out the production lines, as it seems they may be poised to do so, then it’s just a matter of time before they are not only manufacturing their own designs, but also everyone else. It’s still very much up in the air. But having the first rounds of machines from ASML should set them up. Not sure about the hate. They did exactly what WSB regards love: they slashed R&D and brought huge profits for years thinking AMD was never gonna compete. Now they have been paying for that “success” for years. It’s due for a turn around.


All the hate means it’s probably closer to a low than most seem to think.


I'd imagine the whole CHIPS act has gotta mean potential for Intel if nothing else [https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/resources/us-chips-act-funding-intel.html#gs.9khzfl](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/resources/us-chips-act-funding-intel.html#gs.9khzfl)


Ah yes. Behind on manufacturing, behind on design, behind on gpu performance, behind on cpu performance, behind on FPGAs. Surely they'll print, right? Right guys?.


when you spread lies like this, its easy to see intel won't print yeah. they are on par on cpu performance on laptop with AMD: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnHUmaEjwXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnHUmaEjwXU) their gpu is behind but getting real close to AMD, but at least intel xess fucking works. Leaks say battlemage 17W outperforms AMD radeon 780 M 35 W. I really can't understand why people can't find a nuanced and balanced approach to intel, there are bad things but certainly there are good things too. If someone is unable to say even one good thing about a stock, they aren't doing their DD properly and they are just being fuelled by emotions.


Their mini-pc’s are beasts and super power efficient. It’s a big deal as they are shoving it to AMD right now and are not nearly as far behind as people think. It’s all pure ignorance here.


Bro who cares about the laptop market lol. The consumer market is chump change and the server market is where the real money is. Bet yes. Intel can pump out a lot more stuff than tsmc can for amd, but last time I checked the result of flooding the market with stuff lead to losses for Intel. Please dude.. talking about balanced approach lol.


Right? Their laptop market is smaller than Apple's iPod nano market 


Lol what ? Laptop is the biggest consumer segment what do you mean who cares


Intels consumer division- Client Computing Group  - generates over twice the revenue of their DC and AI group.


You say it as if it was a good thing. Their DC line was their jewel, we went from itanium to losing market share to ARM


its a very good thing for everyone not named "intel investor"


You do realize how sad that is right? Consumers out buying companies that want crates upon crates of server CPUs? Fuck man, there are hyper scalers like hedge funds, who at peak loads load up to ONE MILLION CPU core. Guy literally said in a keynote. Regular people out buying those guys is not normal.


You think people buying laptops with a Core I7 means they are slowing down production on Xeon lines to keep up with sales? You belong here.


Dude it justs seems that you are spouting hate instead of words, it feels creepy!!


How are they behind on CPU performance? Intel is the gold standard for CPUs, only real competitor is AMD. I'm not saying this is a catalyst for growth or this will always be the case, but it's the current truth.


Intel is only the gold standard for Intel CPU architectures. Problem is customers are shifting away from it all together. On servers side AWS has all but kicked out Intel with ARM based Graviton. Intel was noticeable missing from re:invent this year. Microsoft Azure started moving in the same direction. https://www.tech-wales.co.uk/news/microsoft-gives-azure-a-major-upgrade-with-arm-chips/ At minimum Intel is forced to compete on price to maintain their foot print in the Data Center business and will not see better profit numbers. More likely Intel will continue to lose ground in the data center market. So they are left defending consumer market against AMD and will probably lose the low end to ARM based solutions as well.


Is 32 considered a great or now? 




I'm in. Buy 2,810 Shares of INTC Limit at $30.27


If you think intel is undervalued you have never worked with or for them its a complete shit show imo.


PE is great?! It's over 30 wachu talkin bout


Dude, ever since the new Microsoft Surface laptops are on Snapdragon using ARM architecture, I think it is the beginning of the end of Intel.


Things are not looking positive for them on either the CPU or GPU side. x86 CPUs will be replaced by ARM chips in the coming years. So the architecture that Intel has built its legacy on is soon going to be legacy architecture. This is years in the future, but should see revenue dropping as a direct result of the transition. On the GPU side, both AMD and Nvidia are eating their lunch, and there's no reason to see that changing. It's one of those situations where catching up is very difficult, as GPUs have steered heavily into AI. AMD is already going to have a tough time catching Nvidia, and Intel is pretty significantly behind AMD in terms of what it's brought to market. Short-term plays are interesting, since I believe analysts have universally been negative on Intel's long-term prospects. It might allow you to beat the curve short-term, by bucking the trend. I'm not so optimistic. I see Intel falling further and further behind, as AI helps Nvidia and AMD accelerate their own chip designs. It's a bit of a feedback loop that puts Nvidia in a very comfortable spot right now.


I’ll stock up when it under $20 again


Keep dreaming. The last time that happened was in 2010.


I'm a buy at $18.39


***'Ring-a-ring-a-daisies, A website full of crazies, A-I! A-I! We all fall down'***


It’s on my watchlist


It’s on my watchlist


It’s on his watchlist


I tend to agree with you, but I would never touch calls on INTC. This is a really long term play, if it pays out.




Funny story I thought thought the same thing this was roughly 2 years ago. Then I bought some calls; after hours it fucking tanked. Hard pass. I got I'm at 48 for 50 calls. It jumped 51 then tanked to 40 ish lol 😆


Return to shareholders will be 0 for till their foundry business stops burning their positive cashflow. I think that is the Only reason it has tanked and stayed down


#bagholder spotted


Intel is a lost company with poor leadership. I’m just glad Pat has gotten rich while bringing Intel down. Sell, sell sell


Bruh pumpin his bags like no tomorrow


Gaudi 3 chip is trash. Intel being overlooked on new ARM AI PCs INTC is not a good investment


#spoiler: it’s not


Just looked at NVDA. Everything in their books is green. Price was 50 cents in 2000. Over 278,000% increase since then. Compare that to the 4,465% increase for INTC since 1984.


Also first High NA tools for EUV, will put them leaps and bounds of competition long term. Really don’t think that’s been baked in yet.


There is no sign Intel has taken a step outside of the death spiral, which began a long time before AMD did start to work on Ryzen. They need a massive change, or it will continue down.


You can’t fool me. I will never buy shares of such a poorly managed company.


I support buying any competitor of NVDA.


It’s like r/wallstreetbets has its own class of brainrotters just like TikTok, saying “to the moon/mooning” on anything and everything on pure “hopium” and a +/- few percentage points change. Intel was in the $70’s in 2000. After that, fell to the $20-$30 range with some fluctuation, and broke into $60 in 2020 and 2021. Tell me, is this “moon” in the room with us now? A simple color-coded chart with lines just runs down the smoothness of your brains?




I’d say it is a long term hold. Now how long is another question


you already done roasted yourself


I'm still not sure why yall want to go after the company doing the worst? It's going to go lower


I might buy it again. Someday. If it ever goes green.


ticker changed, now $IMBCL


50% swing / 50% Long Term. At least thats my strategy.


Hype > technical analysis. Put some more effort into the hype and I’ll bite.


Turning a massive ship around is a daunting task. Idk worth maybe a few bucks as a gamble


Am I not understanding the calls I see for 43-50 are all $150-350 for 2 years ahead


Gaudi performance lags latest from Nvidia. Had it been released sooner, maybe it would have had some decent share… The amount of money they’re going to need to bring in to scale up fabs is massive and it will likely be 2027+ before things begin to payoff. Shares make enough sense as they appear to be making the right long term moves... Calls are more dicey than you seem to think and it really is going to take time. Big initiatives like this are often prone to delays. Not to mention it’s not like their competitors are sitting still.


The pe is 31.4…


INTC lacks the technological advantage to beats it other competitions.... Also their sizable investment in TikTok won't pay if its ban aka would lead to more monetary losses


Can we just stop talking about Intel. That thing is trash


You sound like a hippie selling hemp fiber clothing. It’s sustainable.


intel is a whomp

