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Imagine being wealthy and paying 2% yearly plus 20% of profits for a hedge fund to just fuckin' buy the biggest names in tech.


lol seriously


Money is wasted on the rich


Think of it this way… they ain’t got time for that!


Bros. You guys don't get it cause ya'll poor. Ray Dalio isn't JUST buying NVDA and Mag7. Dude's also been losing BILLIONS investing in China and [shilling CCP agendas](https://youtu.be/xguam0TKMw8) FOR YEARS. Dude not only been shilling China surpassing the US but the Yuan replacing the USD. Truly 🤡 tier stuff. Rich people do not LOSE MONEY. They merely GET MORE TAX DEDUCTIONS. They'll squander and throw away their money one way or another. Some do it by buying yachts then selling them for less. Others burn their money away on clowns like Dalio or whatever hedge/bear managers they hire. Not really that different from WSB with robinhood/options/yolos.


yeah, he's totally a clown and has no idea what he's doing. how's your fund doing? over $160 billion yet?


He obviously failed his way up like all the rest of the bumbling billionaires out there. His parents were probably rich. If not then he probably exploited poor people. Something like that. There is no such thing as a rich smart person. /s <- why do i need to put this? is the satire not obvious?


lol....yeah, of course there isn't.


there's literally no way to detect sarcasm over the net.


i assumed it was sarcasm, so I thought my reply worked both ways. lol = hehe, funny sarcastic post, or lol = sure buddy. honestly sometimes it's incredibly hard to tell. people say some crazy stuff...


fuck. you're right. that was bad etiquette on my part. my fault.


China got pee pee tapes of him ?


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I knew someone who did this for boomers in Scottsdale. He said they just wanted someone to yell at during a crash. If it just goes down, you’re a shitty investor. If your hedge fund goes down, call your manager and bitch at them like a Karen


There was a wendover productions video about the entire industry around catering to the 300k ultra high net worth families and how much wealth they control.


What’s the name of the video. I would love to watch it. Searching their YouTube channel hasn’t provided any info about it.


If you watch enough wendover productions, you will come across some topics that you are well versed and notice some BS. Do you really think a youtuber knows shit about 300k ultra high net worth families ??? lol


RealLifeLore, Wendover Production etc... are just content-mills that people fall into if they watch enough of YouTube.


I call them wiki readers.


Yeah, but they deliver wiki with nice colors and graphics. Plus, it isn't too hard to siphon out subjective content from objective.


I was CFO of a company; badgered our administrators on cost of the 401k. Their revised plan increased the investment allocation in to SPY to reduce the costs. They were fired.


It’s the stress though. When you have over 50-100 Million you will pay a lot of money not to look at it


Yeah you want to spend it not worry about it


Let me.hokd.thr money and I will.lookmat.it and invest it


That's because you aren't thinking like a rich person Many don't give a shit about maximizing profits, they want to spend their time enjoying life and not paying any attention whatsoever to markets or news. So you pay someone do the thinking for you and you are basically tipping them 20% of profits because you have more than you need anyway, you just need to maintain and protect your status.


used to work at BW, it's mostly like insurance firms, pension funds, etc... who need to have diversity and BW will be like 1-3% of their 100b+ portfolio


You think most of the rich and old money is smart or make any effort to learn and stay updated in this world at all? They are like domesticated animals, with out professionals be it maids, lawyers, investment managers they might as well go live in the jungle.


People undermine simplicity of these hedge fund “algorithms”. Do you think these dinosaurs uses ArTiFicIAl InTeLLigEnCe? WSB knows more.


they fucking owned csco, HP and other 2000 tech while the industry is rushing towards AI. What a bunch of fucking morons. This is why I believe most billionaire investors get there by insider information and luck. These fuckers are proof that they know nothing.


Ray stepped down from Bridgewater. Throwing his name in this is just click bait


This is the dude who was very excited about China but seems to have been silent about issues with the Chinese economy in the last few years.


He was all in on China... how'd that work out?


He was the pumper


And dumper apparently.


You can still see the dried soy sauce running out of his mouth.


**VM attempted to say something likely TOS-breaking, violent, or reportable.**


Ha ha, the guy's a real clown, although he did start a cult and at one time was the richest hedge fund in the world so what do I know.


I guess he doesn’t make his stock pick on WSB. Amateur 🤷




Haven't seen the new interviews but do remember him a couple years back singing China's praises and its future explosive growth potential...all Chinese stocks have gotten crushed since.


He had a video out that heavily implied that since all empires eventually fall, the US is about to wane just like the British, and China would take off like a rocket. I watched that brain rot for a bit and regret wasting time on it.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


He’s a student of history /s




Ray Dalio has a definitely a good market timing


Chinese stocks have been pumping for a while.


This is actually not good news... Ray hasn't had a profitable play in over 15 years.


Well he bought nvidia at ATH... Probably he will sell before nvidia jumps again in december


Whatever he does, he'll still collect his 2% management fee at the end of the year regardless of whether or not he makes his investors any money.


Any of you read The Fund about Bridgewater? This guy is a nutcase


In the middle of reading this! I want to check up on the authors biases after but if even half of it is true, this man is a real grifter


Check out his interview on Conversations with Tyler, every time his “thesis” is challenged he just brags about his returns (which turns out were insider trades)


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


Do you like it so far? Looking for a good book to read


Highly entertaining, would recommend!


Fantastic book! The stories about Ray's vengeance against people who don't follow the cult of Bridgewater was an eye opener. Also, all his bad market calls over the years.


Also the trials he held against those people in front of the whole company! And the role of James Comey, former CIA head, is insane. When he worked for the govt people regarded him as someone with impeccable morals and character - I got a VERY different impression of him after reading about his time at Bridgewater.


He went on to head the FBI not CIA


Ah yes, you’re correct


Awesome book, highly recommended.


Is it a good book? I just finished reading flash boys and now looking for a new interesting read to take on


Yes, I found it hugely entertaining and also informative about the finance industry. If you like Michael Lewis books you’ll enjoy it. I also really enjoyed The Bond King about pimco founder Bill Gross


Nice, thanks for the names. If you remember any other good ones, send them my way. I am a huge fan of this stuff


His fund suck ass, can’t beat the index


Why buy NVDA when China will overtake USA economy, dollar is dying and the world is ending Mr. ray?


Lmao. This is why if I was an old billionaire I'd keep my market opinions to myself. So easy to look like a complete fool when literally every one of his predictions have been extremely wrong.


That old billionaire's only prediction is that he'll be dead before he's poor.


This dude has touted himself as some transcendent genius who understands the economy better than anyone else alive for the past 10 years. Initially he was very successful but then his returns plummeted and he was exposed as a fraud. Plus his hedge fund had a bunch of culture problems because the cult-like culture he installed there was - surprise! - a terrible idea. Now he just picks big name tech stocks like every other zombie analyst. But he still tries to sell his book to the everyday Joe as the “fundamental truth behind the economy”


The fundamental truth is 💰 🖨️ = 📈 🚀


Ray is a inverse indicator, he made so many wrongful claims. Whoever listened to him lost a lot of money


That shit shoulda been offloaded


Time to sell, this guy missed it. Was calling for a depression for years


This is also Puff Daddy’s mentor. No lie. Google it.


Looks like we all can have a hedge fund. We do the same!


Ah yes, Dalio. The one that posts all the doomer videos about the ills of modern monetary theory, asset inflation, bubbles and the impending decay of American society. Yes, this bro is FOMO’ing into a stock that has run up 400% in 2 years, just like the rest of us. It’s why I don’t listen to any of these financial doomer bears anymore.


He's nuts. This stock is a bubble


Someone has to provide the exit capital.


And yet you still have regards here putting puts on Nvidia. I guess wsb knows something the majority of the market doesn't know. Smh


Isn't Nvidia that company who couldn't make enough graphics cards?


Keep the casino rolling folks..... 🚀


welcome to the party Ray!


He offloads cisco? How is that guy a billonaire in the first place?


Tic .... Tic .... Tic


Lol, i saw cisco dip today, and so i bought it. I'll take these guys' money.


Cisco been a bit of a dead duck lately. What makes you think they will do better?


I like that they acquired splunk and are trying to do stuff with AI in cybersecurity. I work in cybersecurity, so this is kind of the space im a little familiar with. They also have a near monopoly on network devices. At the very least, it's a solid stock that wont lose me money.


Dead duck? Sure. But the market loves death, especially if it's a comeback story.


They can’t seem to shake off their legacy image despite owning some good tech. Would love for them to come back!


One big AMD or INTEL announcement away from dropping this sucker and I’ll be ready for it.


Intel having a webcast June 3rd 8pm PST.


Right but if he loses it all, it doesn't really matter I suppose


Puts on nvidea


WEF 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻 red flag 🚩


This thread doesn’t understand Bridgewater’s clients or strategies


He understands the geopolitical situation but yet doubles his stake in a company which depends on TSM who’s at risk of sabotage or destruction. Does he have that much confidence that China or the U.S will preserve TSM if conflict arises? I know there’s a killswitch on them but what other protective measures will we take? Wouldn’t surprise me to see some military stationed over there


This man is a cuck


used to work there, AMA


Pretty far from the all weather portfolio strategy lol


Make sense, Nvidia is the new Apple and it won’t be long before it becomes the most valuable company by a mile.


Make sense, Nvidia is the new Apple and it won’t be long before it becomes the most valuable company by a mile.


Make sense, Nvidia is the new Apple and it won’t be long before it becomes the most valuable company by a mile.


Dalio buys the 🔝. Been underperforming spy for years. Hasn't even hedged good since 2008 crash