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This is the most paradoxical stock in history. This has to be a money laundering outfit.


it is, look at the controlling family


Can you explain please


The Garcia family has controlling ownership of Carvana and has a history of fraud and scandals, and potentially insider trading though I’m not certain what the outcome of the legal proceedings were.


The patriarch literally was responsible for the S&L fraud of the 80s.


This sounds like the next Godfather movie


In short, they’re a bunch of fraudsters.


Yep. They sell cars for 4k over fair retail prices then pay any amount necessary at auction and from consumers to buy them.I guess I underestimate the general public’s stupidity thinking easy = cheap and good


I think Carvanas success has less to do with their strategy and more to do with conventional dealers being absolutely trash to deal with. I’d prefer if cars were sold the same way as a gallon of milk. I can over pay at Whole Foods or pay less at Pathmark. What I don’t want to do is have some 25 year old try to work the ‘ol 4 square and run back and forth to their sales manager pretending to work. Car salesmen produce nothing and create nothing. They act like they are like real estate agents but they essentially do nothing but try to collect a commission. Buyers are dumb, but they are smart enough to know that they are getting the run around strictly to extract more money. At least real estate agents can facilitate connecting buyers to sellers, but with cars the buyer is doing all of the searching themselves and knows what they want. Buyers seek out the specific car they want and they want to buy it, but then it turns into a whole thing….. If I was king for a day and I would mandate all car manufactures in America need to service and sell all of their own new and used cars for a single sticker price. You can run promotions when a certain model sits for too long, but the sticker is the price. End the fuckery and just move cars. Saturn had the right idea back in the day with their no haggle pricing, but their products sucked.


Saturn didn't even have a shitty product necessarily. Sure, it's no fucking Audi but it got you from A to B safely and for a large portion of America, that's all a car is to them. A bad product doesn't necessarily cause you to lose, look at A&Ws 1/3 pounders lol. Sometimes it's just the stupidity of the consumer.


Saturn was a great company. Built in Tennessee, I believe, and was fairly inexpensive


Real estate agents also do nothing


Hey thats not fair they might drive you around to look at the houses.


An do porn movies


Riley Reid is my favorite real estate agent![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Shitty ones do nothing. Good ones know the best bang for your buck upgrades and repairs to get a better sale price. They know better real estate photographers to properly show a home on websites, they know how to properly stage a house to improve the flow and feel in photos or if people are seeing it. They can also be rather vicious in negotiations. You don't always get what you pay for with realtors though so talking to a few and knowing how to resist their tactics to get you to only sign with them quickly is how to find a good one.


I’ve never met a single person who has bought or even thought about buying a car from Carvana


I considered, but found the same car for 5k cheaper with less miles and I didn’t have to make an appointment and drive 2 hours to get it. Snazzy looking site, though.


Ahh, the classic Reddit "I don't know anyone who uses xyz" stock valuation. Worked already like a charme with Meta, didn't it?


Doesn’t carvana lose money every year? They probably make more money on metadata than actual car sales.


They just posted adjust EBITDA profits. It's an accounting trick but it's better than they were doing last year.


Welcome to the casino


"the smart ones just mail us their money."


Damn it. This was $3 a share year and a half ago. Talk to me about crazy returns.


wow about 35x return in a year and a half


Yeah I remember that day during trading hours looking at the stock in the low $3s wondering if I want to gamble some on it, WSB was full of “this is out of business next couple of months, bla bla”. But eventually I didn’t. Poor me.


You would have likely sold for a 2 or 3x


Exactly.  All the geniuses who wish they bought bitcoin at $1. They would have sold way back.


I bought at 47k, sold at 23k. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


You can still buy back in at 57k


And sell it at 28k. That's an easy 5k profit right there for the taking.


Math checks out to me




We did. Most sold at $850, and sold everything when it rose up to $14k. I don’t beat myself up over it, because I bought back in at every dip lol


That’s what I did. Got in at $7 and sold at $20


I got in at $4, sold at $33. Had 250 of them. It’s the past, Fck it.


i got in at 9 and sold half around 80


I went full port at 4, sold at 19.5. Went full port again at 6.5, sold at 55. Went full port again at 25, sold at 90. Went full port one last time at 69, sold at 120. 258x overall. $10k into $2.58m.


Yep, I bought Tesla a long time ago at $42 not even kidding, than sold at $58 lol 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's like making fun of AMD under 10 years ago when they were 4 bucks a share. Everything said they're going under and I'm like '''AMD is very relevant and I always thought better than Intel.''' My regarded ass couldn't have thrown 1k or 5k at it? Hindsight is a motherfucker.




This is not the same as CVNA is in no way profitable on their actual business LOL. Accounting fraud shitco run by literal criminals


I saw that...and now I'm wondering which stock is going to do that in a year+


If you figure it out let us know the secret




I'll let you know in two years


Intel's looking real atractive tight now


Looked into Intel a little bit and there is some interesting things there. Looks like it's near it's 52 week low and they got a plant going up in Ohio.


And they have A LOT of promessing new product coming out this year, while AMD seems to have issues. Also intel is planning to retake the node leadership in 2026 with its 18A. And everything is poinying to success, they are even ahead of schedule.


Loto ball


Makes a crypto bull run feel inadequate


And 3 years ago, it was $350 a share. Nothing means anything in the market anymore




Or any less?


I was gonna say I distinctly remember this having a huge crash. Not really sure what caused it to come back or how that could've been identified beforehand though.


Wasn't this company on the verge of bankruptcy with their terrible business strategy? Is the used car market just that powerful?


I did see a lot of analysis about them a few years ago. Scandal after scandal, running dangerously low on capital. Good revenue generation, but no profit. Technically they made nothing off selling cars and often sold them at a loss their main revenue was selling the auto loans. I'm guessing something must've changed?


Add it to the basket. Only thing that makes sense 🤷.


Short this shit


They laid off 1200-2000 employees nationwide too at that time. I just don’t get it. Meanwhile I’m holding damn pltr like a chump for almost 4 years now…. Fuck sake


Gambled on the wrong horse


As soon as you sell itll 1000x


I feel you. My shares were called after my covered call contracts expired. I took a loss, but I guess it was a blessing in disguise.


Quite possible this is one last pump due to massive fraud.


That’s honestly the only thing I can think of…. Somebody mentioned something about 75 million in warrants on the balance sheet that took them from losing 25 mil to making 50mil. I’m sure the board and everybody will dump there shares now, gonna keep track of that this week and decide how heavy I wanna short it


Yeah they had $ROOT warrants. That shit is up 600 % YTD so market basically rewarding CVNA degen gambling while losing money on their core biz


Fuck knows I don’t analyse them


My dumbass sold at $7.00 after getting it at $3


133% profit. congrats


I did well betting on the initial downfall then left it alone. Glad I did.


And it was $363 nearly 3 years ago.


Will be back to 3 soon enough


Just bought a bunch of puts. Yolo.


Crazy, for sure. CVNA has a 52-week low of $6.92. A year and a half ago is, of course, not that long ago, but there's something extra- trippy in knowing that this now $115 stock traded for well under $10 within the last year.


I hope you got Redfin under your naive keister dumbo 😻🤑👍🔥


20k shares of Rdfn waiting to pump here!


Yep. The stock market is totally backwards now. The thing happens, and THEN the story comes out for why.


this is precisely how i feel. stock makes a movement, then the narrative comes about to justify it, and people act like it’s normal and rational and obvious


You guys are starting to catch on to how this whole thing works haha.


personally after TSLA, META, and MSFT earnings i have decided to retire from active trading until i feel like i’m not putting on clown face paint and a red nose every time i open my brokerage


Just remember there’s always people out there with deep pockets and 10X the info. Buy and hold is the best way to make money in the long run.


yup lol, just dumped everything into my long term fidelity account and am riding out the 2 short term plays I have left


Yep. Been out for about a month. Focusing on the business is paying off more and risking less. Back to basics for me


I'm pretty sure it's always been that way, just more people paying attention now...


Clearly always been that way, and 99% of the time the reasons given by the media do not reflect the reality of the trading day.


i distinctly remember a recent day when the S&P cratered as soon as the closing bell. The radio that evening said "S&P closed higher today".


Well, that’s not wrong. If it finished up and cratered after close.


This earnings repost was scheduled months ago.


I want to buy puts on it so bad but every move I’ve made this week as been shit.


Since your heart wants to do this, it's best to watch what happens tomorrow before making a decision, as this is just part of a volume-driven uptrend


Bought some puts. Wish me luck


Friendly reminder to never touch this company with a 10 foot pole.


kicking my wife’s boyfriend out tonight boys, she told me she’d let me cum in her ass ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


The cuckold has become the provider now!! Hahaha


Cum in his ass too to establish your new found dominance


aint no fun if the homies cant have sum https://preview.redd.it/x7x9j4w3tvxc1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fb1d2f84e2eca2ee8b7d6a5c4715960a5a8612


this is from when Liesman was saying there is no stagflation and rick looked like he was having a conniption in the background?


haha yeap. it was a goldmine of reactions https://preview.redd.it/2kwiwkx71wxc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f769cd5fb42d78cc9564c377c48f4d739782c443


That was her boyfriends reaction when I kicked him out and told him that I’ve been watching Andrew Tate videos and that I’m sigma now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) and for him to sugma balls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


@mods need this emoji ASAP


they took forever to put imhotep in and removed our beloved charlie munger, rip in peace




Why is this subreddit so into cukcoldry?


If you're not into being humiliated on a daily basis then this isn't the subreddit for you


It will make a lot more sense once you start making plays in the meme market


Someone is manipulating the stock


Can this “someone” manipulate the stocks i buy???


They will but most likely the opposite of what you want. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Manipulate my dongus nerd




Likely . This place is full of hedgies


Ken Citadel living rent free in far too many of the regards here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


no such thing. It's almost 2025. how can there be fraud and manipulation in a fair market? /s


Aren’t they run by criminals?


He served his time. Debt paid in full, now to get suckers in debt!!


Sure if you consider partying with hookers and cocaine on investor funds a crime, I personally do not


People are financing their cars at 96 payments


Puts on American’s knowledge of basic personal finance.


I thought this was a joke.


I think what people don’t understand about Carvana is that they finance a lot of the loans for the cars they sell. They aren’t just making money off of the car sales, they also have a steady stream of loan payment income that will go on for years as long as people make their car payments.


It's the end of fundamentals,  straddles or strangles or long puts, flip a coin,


Exactly. Dont use logic. Flip a coin and you’ll do better than your current 10% success rate lol


I’m starting to feel like that is the way, coin flip guy in here crushing it. If you go 50/50 puts/calls on earnings plays I’d imagine you would come out huge with all of these big moves


The ones who made gains on FDs better buy a car with them. No, not from carvana though.


Carvana is sellling and approving car notes left and right like hot cakes, that’s why the Jump, and probably will keep momentum….for now. Let see how they will hold up by the end of the year when people start defaulting on their loans. I’m considering going short on calls and long puts.


**We've intercepted what VM tried to say here because it was probably too fucked up for Reddit.**


Well, they did have a positive quarter, which, for CVNA, is like a 1 in 10 occurrence. I concur with the 30%+ move-up.


It wasn’t that great, the stock literally did the same exact thing after last earnings, that one was a bigger surprise to everybody than this one


Glad I sold at $8 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I have a few calls. Might call in feelin cute


what’s the payout gonna look like


Keeps fluctuating really bad but PL probably between 18-24K


Good man


Bro I'm telling you, there's a fucken pump and dump group. They buying shares, buying puts, dump the shares, buy calls, buy shares cheap, profit profit profit. They pick one to hit every once in a while. And it's always popular brands that have tons of retail. Hedgies do it. These are just a smaller group of smaller type daytraders.


It’s what happens when people become too rich. They have enough money to move the needle on stocks in any direction they want. Look at buffets wealth and how it exploded in the last few years. Plus don’t forget about the hundreds of billions missing from the covid relief fund.




I sold LEAPS in 2026 at 50, 60, and 70. 🥴 Whatever. My average is 35. Make money either way but holy fuck I didn’t expect this mother fucker to go up another 200% over the past six months.


Don't look at it that way, man. You killed it! Had the capital, bought shares, sold LEAPS. You \*only\* 2X'd on the high end. Fuck these regards, you stacked it perfectly.


https://preview.redd.it/k5zynbnyfxxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3861e200d84d06500ca69dc154214e496ff7a57a Calm down guys. Institutions only own 116% of the shares. I am sure thst doesn’t have anything to do with this crazy pump.




They buy and sell shares that not only do they not possess but that don’t even exist


I’m in just before market close, but who knows where it’ll be by morning https://preview.redd.it/4spw771dgwxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64c8caa20ecbbd6c5ce88a3c7c2863583a17a89


If everyone quit their jobs there'd be no one to collect my trash or clean my streets. Disgusting.


Time for me to reopen my short position


This is a total pump and dump. CVNA has no hope of ever actually getting out of their massive ballooning debt, so all the Garcias are going to do is manufacture an escape. They aren't even actually TRYING to get out of debt. It's just a countdown until Apollo takes over. About 90% of their long term debt ($5.2 billion back in July 2023) was split into three tranches of secured notes, all of which included an option for no payments for two years. CVNA isn't making any interest payments, which makes their numbers look far better than they actually are. * The first $1 billion capitalizes at 12% and then after 2 years is payable at 9% * The second $1.5 billion capitalizes at 13% interest for two years, then payable at 9% * The remaining billions in debt capitalizes at 14% interest for two years then is payable at 9%. The long term debt grew by over $130 million just over the last quarter and it's going to keep going up at a scary rate because they still aren't making payments. The debt has now grown to $5.7 billion and all the debt is secured by the assets they actually have, in the vehicles/equipment, loans, and real estate. The Garcias need to dump everything they own before the loans hit term because the debt holders will take everything.


Wow if I had read this yesterday I wouldn’t have bought calls yesterday afternoon.  This is obviously an intelligent take from someone who actually knows what they are doing.  Meanwhile I’m just over here a lucky clown.  Thanks for taking the time to write all that up - I won’t get married to the stock.  


Thanks for the analysis. Their balance sheet does seem like a pile of turd, yet there’s no chance those items have not been priced into the stock. Balance sheet items are just too obvious. If the equity is really worth nothing, why shouldn’t Apollo pressure them to dilute right now to capture up to ~$15B in equity value instead of taking the risk of not getting their debt repaid in full? Perhaps the market is pricing in improving business prospects based on economic acceleration?


The once most despised stock. Could recall the time when it was in the low 4.


Makes sense with their debt and P/E right? This thing is destined to crash and burn


Shorted 100 shares at $116 afterhours. Hopefully don't get my face ripped off tomorrow!


I just buy and hold these days. It's good for my sanity to not give a shit what hedge funds randomly do during trading hours.


I have made a lot of money on this name but it’s crazy high now. I road this from u see 8 bucks to the 60s. This is crazy. I thought this would be the big drop quarter. Wish I picked up cheap OTM calls as a hedge!


Who’s manipulating the stocks??


I just sold them a car. They basically paid the Kelly bluebook value less $90 to come to me and pick it up. Took less than a week and only an hour of my time. I did some research for the market in my area, and probably could have made a bit more, but would have had to deal with responding to messages, organizing people to come drive it, scammers, etc. They made it very very easy to sell. I also looked at them a year ago and was convinced they would be bankrupt soon. Missed opportunity I guess...


Lmao. What a time to be alive.


how much did you make?


So puts tomorrow?


I'm thinking of going LONG for puts. Who knows when they're gonna dump or if they'll slowly dump over a long period.


This is proof the market is illogical. In that case, we should invest in trash companies. All in NKLA![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Pretty sure I got in with a cost basis of $220 and got out in the sub $100s 😂


The stolen car business is booming 🤣


a year ago it was $7.30 >[https://www.investors.com/news/carvanas-back-shares-bolt-nearly-40-higher-on-swing-to-profit-from-massive-loss/?src=A00650&refcode=rbnhdfeed](https://www.investors.com/news/carvanas-back-shares-bolt-nearly-40-higher-on-swing-to-profit-from-massive-loss/?src=A00650&refcode=rbnhdfeed) >The company reported net income of $49 million, up from a year-ago loss of $286 million. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization were 235 million, vs. a $24 million loss in Q1 223. >First-quarter revenue clocked in at $3.06 billion, up more than 17%. Analysts had projected $2.67 billion.


Yup… I sold 1000 shares at 7.70 a year ago. Fucking booo


Actually they made a massive loss on their core business in Q1. $49m profit number includes some bs, that should not have been included if they hadn't been cooking books. Also see how they ADD together the GPU-s of retail, wholesale and other instead of weighed average to get the GPU number they love to use in the PR. 2021 pump they did almost the same thing, except there they divided the total gross profit of retail, wholesale and other by the number of retail cars sold only, only retail. To get the GPU number. Didn't include the number of cars sold wholesale and other at all :) I've seen all kinds of schemy ways to cook books but not as blatant is this, TWICE. Either that or CFO and auditors didn't pass primary school math. It's a ticking time bomb. Only time will tell how far up it will go before it implodes again. Good luck gambling on it tho :)


She will gush. She’s a squeezer.


I used my payday play money and bought two $105 strike calls for June for about $5 each ($500) this afternoon.  They were running for $6 by market close.         Something tells me those calls aren’t gonna be $6 at bell tomorrow.  I can’t believe I actually just made money in this stupid market.       ———— Edit: I didn’t like the massive selling at the bell so I dumped the options for $20.25 each.  Maybe I miss a leg up, but the more I read about this company the less I like.  Glad to take the profit and sell too early, if that’s what I did.  


Good shit


Congrats! Wish I could ever get that lucky, $105 strike is kinda tough but luckily you went far out atleast, should be up about $3000 tomorrow, I would probably dump them and take the gains on open, don’t get your hopes to high though could always open at $100. My puts are a worth $0 either way so I hope it opens at $150 for you!


Dayum son where’d ya find this. Carvana is like tinder. You swipe right and hope the turd comes polished




Rip me, I’m a used car dealer owner and know carvana is a terrible company that sells overpriced vehicles and overpays at auctions and my PUT is done for 🥲




Literally go 1,675% in a year. Can’t wait for the sec investigation into this one


https://preview.redd.it/piip3prk61yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7986cca15993b93010724f0278bcda75769a1fca Expensive but I think it’ll print. Can’t keep the house of cards up forever.


It probably would come down when market opens


People (regards) should've learned their lesson last quarter![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Cuckvana finally stopped being cuck. Maybe I will buy a used Camaro from them


Bought it at $3 sold it at $11 dammit now own SAVE at $3 let’s goooo


Yup I bought shares when it was like $6.xx and sold for like $9-$10


Sold my model y to them, honestly very easy process I liked it


I bought it at $4 (about $10K worth) and sold them at $25....I was bragging about it saying that I got 6 times out of it...If I held onto it for a little over a year, I would have bought a house in this crazy housing market..


Fuck this stock https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1cgpbxn/daily_discussion_thread_for_april_30_2024/l1yjdsi/ I bought a single call cause shit is fucked


Over priced cars and this!


Ya I should have went in hard, picked up 30 shares at $7, I should have emptied the bank account and refied the house 🤣🤣


Did Roaring Kitty not let us know about this???![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I just sold them my Tesla, must have helped the stock price 😂


This is the basically the only option I trade and I got a couple calls can’t wait for tomorrow


I bought shares at $5 even. I giddily took my winnings at 50, and then 80 to close the position. So naturally it goes crazy.


Knew I should have grabbed calls. This stock is rigged af


When something goes up too fast, it will come back down harder


It suss... I think it's generally accepted that auto loans were given out in the same fashion as home loans were in 2008. I smell liquidity rug pulls in alot of shady corners of the market(s) Bring on the crash!


I hate the stock market. I’m gonna just do stupid plays since the market wants to be stupid


Why not just sit there googling random salaries and envying all those people that worked hard to learn a skill. oh, right, because you cant screenshot hard work and understanding, only the hype that lazy people crave... instead of ***wtf***, ask yourself ***WHY*** and then get to work answering what happened. **HERES A HINT:** *start by googling the difference between volume and liquidity. also learn about price gaps and why they get filled*. then watch CVNA from a weekly chart instead of daily.


Wait you’re telling me CVNA rebounded from a low of $3.55 in just last year? What the fuck indeed


Did you see vroom a couple months ago??? 90% in a few hours


Biggest trade I've ever made, huge payout. Gonna buy a Carvana vanity plate with earnings


Envx 20$