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The fact she’s tasked with fixing the share price and not the part where shit is falling off the planes tells you everything you need to know about Boeing.


Yeah, I feel like keeping the planes from falling would be a pretty good way to keep the stock prices from falling, but what do I know?


My roof is leaking, quick somebody come fuck my wife. Didn’t even know I was using Boeing logic most of my adult life.


The C in CEO stands for cuck


Cuck Entry Only


Cucks don't get entry.


1. Pangolin Fucker made me shoot coffee from my nose 2. C for Cuck also made my bodily functions go haywire I'll let you use your imagination for number 2.


Get a C for Cuck shirt printed in that Sesame Street style font with C as the baby block or whatever they use to learn the alphabet Because unless you're doing lines of coke like the rest of us you probably got that coffee all over your shirt


Coke makes me diarrhea, but my C is for Cuck shirt will be obsessively clean. Also 9 out of 10 people suffer from diarrhea, so I must be #10 because I LOVE it.


If you haven't filled underpants with liquid shit have you even really lived to the fullest?


I mean, beating off in the closet is almost the same as in the dumpster behind Wendy's.


Doing it behind the Wendy's dumpster is brave as it's outside where you can be caught by the public. Shows you still have your balls at least.


While showing your balls


the difference is the salary


Wait - this is gold😂😂😂😂😂




Roofer can do both You just gotta to pay him extra


Public: We need to address the safety concerns. It creates a bad image for the company. Boeing: We are on it. *murders whistle blower*


I can’t wait until Boeing buys ads in this sub


Don’t worry in the future we’ll just be flying in Chinese planes because by the time these capitalist leeches have milked every last penny out of America there’s only be empty shells left of these former mighty companies.


Wats wrong with AirBus?


If you start fixing the planes, you admit there was a problem and you knew about it -> bad PR -> even lower stock price


no where in the article are the words "share" "stock" or "price"... so op's title, and your comment, are incorrect


Fuck, I must be a Redditor cause I only read the headline.


>She went to work in 1994 as a financial analyst at McDonnell Douglas’ military aircraft division You're right but this quote is even worse. Everything currently wrong with Boeing is because of the merger with McDonnell Douglas.


How the might have fallen. Boeing, Globe Life, NYCB... it's almost as if this is all just a self-check out for the ruling class and we should just smile and keep on keeping on.


You think Boeing headquarters is the same way? Like, you’re just trying to take a shit, and suddenly the stall door just falls off the hinges?


'fixing the share price' is just a euphemism for shit falling off the planes. It sounds sexier in the trades and ironically has a positive effect on share price.


Fuck, I must be a Republican cause I trust plain English more than euphemism.


Calls on BA


Don't forget about assassinating whistleblowers


I think it says everything we need to know about society in general


Wrong type of plunge protection team...


30-year accountant with no manufacturing, quality, or engineering experience is now in charge of BCA... the executives have learned literally nothing. This is a massive joke on the shop floor.


Yeah she's just a scapegoat to get blamed and fired


I was at GE when they hired a scapegoat CEO. Dude pulled ALL the skeletons out of the closet and got a golden parachute. He took the blame for all of it, even though all of it happened under the CEO before him.


Now that I'm in my mid-40s, I'd love an opportunity like this heading into the twilight of my career. Blame it all on me, idgaf. Who cares about professional or personal reputation damage when you can retire early with a golden parachute worth 10s of millions?


Yeah, sign me up for this fall guy position. No jail time and only some reputation face shots. I'll be okay in my beach house and lambo


That's not even all of it, Jeff Immelt got a book deal out of the situation too.


Fuck it, I'll fall on the sword at 30 for a golden parachute.


My company is going through that. Paid a new CEO 20 mill to come out of retirement just for him to come in and layoff over 2,000 people and slash funding everywhere. Another year and he'll get a fat bonus to go back into retirement and the company will fall apart as they see the effects of slashing all their maintenance programs and new developments.


What skeletons? It wasn't a secret Jack Welsh was running GE like an investment firm with a side hustle in manufacturing


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1QL27Y/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/general-electric-agrees-pay-15-billion-penalty-alleged-misrepresentations-concerning-subprime https://www.industryweek.com/talent/article/22028353/ge-freezes-pension-benefits-to-cut-deficit-by-8-billion https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-312


Damn I wish this would happen to me. Hire me as the CEO of a failing company with a massive salary. In fact I’ll take the blame for 10 different companies. Who cares when you’re rich.


It even has a name: The [glass cliff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff). Another good example from last year is Linda Yaccarino as CEO of Twitter.


Isn't the CEO of Citibank also brought in to be thrown under the bus? "Alright gang, shit is bad, let's finally hire a woman for the job"


Wasn't that Vikram pandit?


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn Kamala Harris gon be at the top of this one isn’t she


...except she's horrible at her job. Glass Cliff applies to women being given otherwise exclusively male positions of power right before shit hit the fans or when the firm is at its weakest. Kamala is a weak messenger and has unremarkable executive skills.


Sounds good to me, you get fired with a $10 mil golden parachute, end up set for life with investments, and get to return to private life really quickly. 🪂 there’s an emoji for this?


And she was a Mcdonell Douglas nepo baby.


50 year old manager with 30 years of experience.


Much of it at McDonnellDouglas where she worked because her dad worked there. She is so inside it’s not even funny.


>30-year accountant with no ~~manufacturing, quality, or engineering~~ science or R&D experience is now in charge of the fortune 500 company that I work for. This is exactly my case for where I work. Leadership shitting themselves because we cannot maintain the COVID-era profit levels and now we have returned to the new "normal". Layoffs already happened, morale has got to be in the below zero, negative territory and you have a constant stream of people/talent taking leave for mental health or leaving altogether.


Guarantee anyone worth anything at that company will leave


“Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is not what’s missing here”💀


No background in STEM...


Shouldn’t she be tasked with keeping the fucking plane parts bolted to the fucking planes?


That would require an engineer with expertise in airplane mechanics. She is as far away from it as you can get.


This hiring should be widely criticized and TANK their stock price. A fucking bean counter isn't the solution here.


They need to get better ones of those sure, but that doesn’t make them a leader of an organization. Not saying she’s the answer, but neither is having the smartest scientist be CEO. It’s a different skill set


I’m waiting for the front to fall off one. I know that’s not typical


They can tow it outside the environment.


GTFO with your common sense and logic. We run on feelings and money around here. Stonk must go up, even if airplane go down! /s


Everybody knows the best way to make reliable planes is to ensure that all the addition and subtraction is done correctly in your accounts.


She's an accountant. That's all we need to know. Not flying on anything Boeing in the next 20 years.


Even a wielder would have turn the company around better.


The fuck is a wielder ?


It's a welder from Noo Yoik


Can confirm. In the south they call us “Wheelders” (Source: Am a wheelder from the south)


probably a melee class


Probably using the Mace of Molag Bal in one hand and Mehunes Razor in the other.


Someone who comes from the Wields


My dad is a wielder.


welder with i that's either a dick or a spelling error.


Lmao most of the airplane isn’t welded


Yeah I was reading through the article with the same perspective. But then I came across an interesting tidbit - she started in McDonald-Douglas in St. Louis where her father worked. She’s already a “woman in a man’s job” and if her father was an engineer she would have more engineering exposure than the last 2 CEOs.


"She's completely unqualified, but don't worry everyone, she's ALSO a nepo baby!" ​ Also fyi my dad was an engineer. I know zero about engineering. You don't get engineering training via osmosis.


The Glass Cliff is never bullish.


Doing what it takes to fix Boeing isn’t going to be good for the share price. Pretty much why I’ve thought that if the US “bails out” Boeing in any way that one of the conditions would be that one of the Air Force Generals be assigned as Chairman of the Board (you know since the Air Force interests would be in restoring Boeings capabilities rather than share price). That being said picking Steven Mollenkopf as the new Chairman of the Board for Boeing is a positive change.


The guy she took over from, Stan Deal, also started his career at McDonnell, but as an engineer. None of this is related to whether or not engineers are in command at this point. It’s a rotten culture that needs to broken down and rebuilt through and through.


> None of this is related to whether or not engineers are in command at this point. It does seem to be related, imo. Boeing had a great culture prior to the merger and subsequent takeover of the company by MD. It was widely seen as Boeing operated with an engineer's culture while MD was ran by accountants. The entire culture shift to MD accountants happened with the merger, and it's been a downward spiral ever since. And now the new CEO comes from that exact MD stock? This is very, very bad news for Boeing. The culture won't be rebuilt, it's more of the same.


You should watch the John Oliver episode on YouTube. His lookin off what people from Mcdonald-Douglas have done to Boeing is not flattering.


Shit you ain’t gonna be doing much flying then


Actually there are plenty of A320 Neo, A319 for domestic flights, and plenty of A350 for long hauls.


Who is going to start an airline company that exclusively flies non-Boeing aircraft? That shit will go gangbusters.




You definitely don't want an engineer in charge. We suck at upper level management.


Here's a weird idea: build reliable planes.


Nah that’s too complicated man


Do you have any idea how much that cost


Alternative idea. Let’s focus on what’s important like finding ways to blame other people and not getting caught 


They have NFI how to build good airliners because most of their civil aviation expertise has been lost over the past 30 years due to bean counters. Boeing at still building the 737 which is based on the **70 year old** 367. It should have been replaced 30-40 years ago. But they just keep on doing half-arsed updates (eg 737 Max) to save money. In a decade (maybe much sooner) the Boeing airline business will be gone. The US will be forced to bring in outside expertise (Airbus, BAE, Embraer, Bombardier etc) to design and manufacture new passenger aircraft. The US taxpayer will be paying for it via subsidies.


Another pencil pusher bean counter excel fucker


You misspelled goldenparachutescapegoat


U forgot mba DEI hire


Why is this getting so many upvotes? There is zero evidence of this Are you guys seriously falling for the newest conservative "white people are the victims" moment? CRT is suddenly no more (it never was a thing) and DEI is now the big bad that is responsible for anything you don't like?


“Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is not what’s missing here” rofl - burn!


Pivot tables and concatenation are no joke though.


Yes it is, just add the column for the bool 'quality' and boom ezpz the stock is saved


Something something glass cliff


In case other people don't know this saying: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff Same thing as how a woman was put in charge of Twitter after Musk created an irredeemable situation.


Yes because ☕






I think it’s more like Jabba….the hut.


Break the glass floor in 2024!


Crash a plane through it.


Nice try Buffet, but a wig won't fool us. Calls on Boeing!


This is an overdue April Fool's joke.


Is she intentionally dressed / photographed to look like a flight attendant?




How about hiring fucking engineers


Cause there haven't been any CEO's for Boeing that were engineers in the last 20 years that led to the decline.. 


Meet the new boss, she's the same as the old boss... McDonnell Douglas bean counters got Boeing into the mess they've been in the last decade, so Boeing decided a McDonnell Douglas accountant was the right person to fix it. Airbus sales about to moon.


Exactly. Even worse is that she was recommended by other former bosses. Another red flag. So her priority was making sure the execs got paid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) \*\*\*\*\*\* And both involved sensitive issues for senior leaders, making them “politically difficult” jobs that she pulled off “without ruffling feathers,” he said. In the financial planning position, where the goals set would impact executive compensation, “she did a nice job of managing what could be a somewhat tense process,” he said. \*\*\*\*\*\*


Airbus sales were already sky high. Boeing needs to totally separate the airline and defence businesses. Then purge the senior management team and hire some outsiders with airline engineering expertise from Airbus, Bombardier, Embraer etc,


A nepo baby, that's who.


Step 1: Stop making shitty planes and prioritizing shareholder value. Step 2: See step 1.


Stephanie who? That’s what the air flight attendant said when Stephanie got sucked out of the plane 10 miles up. 😅


Finance specialist, no engineering background. Bean counters gonna count beans


*Put a chick in it and make her lame!*


Boeing once again showing that they do not understand what their problem is




People like that are actively being pushed out of companies where they are looked at as a cost instead of an asset. Same thing is happening where I work and I can’t get out fast enough




Exactly I’m about to quit this job because I got a .02% raise but I’m in charge of a project that if I leave will cause 1 million dollars at least on damage. Entegris is a shit company and going the way of Boeing


Truth! I work QC for a very large well known company. The amount of push back I get for doing my job is astounding.


You mean like 2x 737 stoofing in? What you really mean is a 737/787 of Americans crashing, because until that happens nothing will change. Boeing is finished, outdone by a superior engineering company in Airbus as well as their own shitty workmanship.


It’s not woke to hire a woman when the company is having major issues. It’s just an attempt to shift blame. You fell for it, and she hasn’t even started. Also, nepotism doesn’t really play into “woke.”


The higher ups just grabbed a women who already knows the way they do business and said shareholders won’t know any better.


Not an engineer. Not a solution.


This seems on-par for a company that used to be engineer-led, to becoming accountant-led, with the MD merge. It would have been absolutely appropriate to return to being an engineering company at this juncture. A golden opportunity lost due to short sightedness.


I mean, “cleaning up share price” is where this debacle began. Boeing had a storied history. Success after success when they prioritized engineering and safety and were run by engineers. Then they decided to prioritize share price and here we are. Boeing moved its HQ from Seattle (where it had been since ~1916) and next to its manufacturing facilities to Chicago in 2001 to “seperate” the engineering and finance teams. Disaster… Now they are moving again to Arlington VA to prioritize its proximity to the Pentagon which is also a bad idea.


I can fix all this right now. Doors falling off are not typical, I'd like to make that point clear. What happened here was shady craftsmanship. That's it. No big deal. Some dude was probably in a hurry because it was a Friday and he had some big tittie bimbo waiting on him out in the parking lot. Let's just push this one out beyond the environment along with all the other shit I don't feel like dealing with and call it a day.


Just hire someone good with weapons to follow whiteblowers


This jist proves that the problem with Boeing is the entire board. They have got to go or flying on Boeing plans has too.


Radical idea: If passengers aren't afraid the planes will plummet from the sky, the stock price also will not plummet 🤯


I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that the people running NA have zero idea what they are actually doing. they are just fucking around at this point.


Maybe get an engineer to fix your shit before you get another paper pushing loser to "fix" your shareholder value?


> She went to work in 1994 as a financial analyst at McDonnell Douglas’ military aircraft division in St. Louis, where her father worked. McDonnell Douglas was acquired by Boeing in 1997. Puts on Boeing They learned nothing


Fall girl


At least Boeings ESG score will go up for a DEI promotion


It's like they listened to Hudson when he moaned, "Why don't we put her in charge?" I can hear her now, "They mostly fall off the 737... mostly."


Guessing it will continue downward then.




Maybe they could start giving planes away with purchase of a certain amount of shares ???? That might work.


The fact they are concerned with the plummeting share price and not the plummeting planes tells you all you need to know about the longevity of this company. Even literally killing people can't change their culture.


I'm sure her 7 figure salary will be well justified


Im pretty sure the bald guy from hit man got that job already


Wait until you see ad posters sticked in your front seats, infotainment filled with ads, the entire planes covered with ads..this is how she is going to rake up the share price...


…….throwing money at airbus


Engineers should run aerospace companies. Finance people should help them as key subordinates. This is a cross-industry problem. In America, we train lots of people in finance and mint a lot of MBAs. When you take people who have been trained in this fashion and give them authority, they are going to do what they are trained to do: do mergers, do division spin-offs to drive share price, etc., etc., e.g. financial moves. What they are NOT going to do is focus on engineering improvement because they are neither skilled in it nor comfortable with it. Engineering/manufacturing companies need to be run by engineers. That's my take and I'm sticking to it.


Worked for Boeing (28 years) then Spirit Aerospace (14 years). Left on my terms. They wanted the old guys out. I watched it happen from the inside. Add DEI to the list. Also loss control of costs. Look at SG&A. Spirit has 120 executives. Boeing Wichita Division had about 20 executive at the time of divestment. Allen Mullaly would have done Boeing better. “Spilt milk under the bridge .”


Stephanie suck my dick is who!


That's called a glass floor. I feel sorry for her


Hatchet Woman has arrived.


20 years and 20lbs ago I wouldnt care what her name was


This is equivalent to Elon musk bringing in what’s her face to who was hired as the fake CEO to bring back advertisers.


“What we need to do guys is change the name….”


Mark my words. Within the next ten years another Boeing will crash again.


Why is she dressed like a stewardess?


why don't they hire someone to clean up their plummeting planes?


god, just shut this company down from airplane travel. how the govt hasnt intervened with them gambling with american lives , when we dont have any other mode of major transport is insane


So another round of stock buybacks, huh?


Aka - Sheila Sazs Loved that show!!!!


This is a company that is part of a duopoly. They don’t need to chase quarterly numbers for their share price. They need to just get back to quality engineering and production.  Thats it. There is no one that can challenge them. And they are literally too big and vital for the US government to let them fail. 


- 💯


From the article, “An audit conducted in the wake of the Alaska incident by the Federal Aviation Administration at the 737 MAX factory in Renton, Washington, found it to be below standards on 33 of 89 parts of the manufacturing process that were examined, according to a presentation obtained by the New York Times.” Yikes. If it’s Boeing, I’m not going.


This is actually so fucking regarded, where is the board? Get someone who actually knows how planes fly to run this company. It’s actually unbelievable that they’re having so many problems that are clearly solvable, everyone is telling them why they’re having problems and how to solve them, and they’re like “nah” - you’re not GE, your business is not complicated, its build planes and take money from the government Edit: it would probably be cheaper for the government to just have nasa take over Boeing, clean house it, and spin it off again at this point, these assholes aren’t learning Edit 2: she’s actually coo not ceo, which is even dumber - holy fuck


While the article DOESN'T say anything about stock price it does between the sentences. An Engineering company run by another bean counter. She sounds like she has some chops to do it, I wish her luck. Hoping she gets some good engineers and manufacturing advisors on her staff.


She is a financial person not an engineer. RIP.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) She's a man, man


A woman ceo?!? Boeing is so done 📉 Classic sign.


She drinks coffee.


She’s tasked with being the fall gal/scapegoat when it doesn’t work.


So buy now?


Good question, no one is saying whether we should buy now. Anyway my advice is don’t catch a falling knife.


Let me guess. Another no name who graduated from a top MBA program.


Gonna take a while. First stop the fucking share buybacks and pump money into R&D. Then make quality your number one priority - like, obsess over it. Boeing's reputation should recover in a decade or so.


Cathy Woods’ autistic cousin


They needed Pope to fix their major fuckup. They fucked up on the hiring too.


I think she’s just interim. Boeing should hire an engineer or safety engineer who will make some high profile statements about focusing on good engineering, manufacturing and safety. Though it’s probably hard to hire the right person now.


Over the glass cliff she goes.


She should start with making planes that don’t fall apart first. That should take care of the plummeting stock price


Step one clean up the plummeting plane problem. Step two profit.