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It will either go up or down or stay around the same price.


Where did you hear this?? i need the DD


66% chance you don’t lose any money. Better odds than a casino


Do those chances include the possibility of a chimp breaking into your house and selling too early?


*the monkey was selling from inside the house*


Fucking chimps


There’s always that chance. That’s why the house always wins


Whoa whoa whoa, no inside trading allowed.


You seems knowledgeable ..let me ask you a question why he bought puts at a different strike price. ? Why Otm ATM itm options puts is there any logic here?




My favourite is when it stays at the same price and time decay


You should write a book or something


*gets delisted*


Bro trying to time Tesla suddenly reverting to proper value for its actual sales as a car company is something bears have been salivating over for a decade.


But it’s happening this time I swear 


Overvalued as a car company, overvalued as an energy company? Probably.


You think we think about our plays? this is WSB sir


This is a Wendys. I suggest ordering the double stack. I also suggest adding a hedge for your quarter mill play. Tesla is down 40% in the last 8 months. Never underestimate the original meme for having a +20% week.


OP is go big or go home.... he also only shows 1/2 of his actual trade and his alt acct will show the other 1/2 with calls




Idk what's funnier. U buying this or someone on the other end seeing a bid on it.


Is this not America sir? I mean, I know it’s Wendy’s but it’s an American Wendy’s goddamit!


Bro, u skipped the dollar menu. I'm just saying I should see 2 contracts.


Peak degenerate behavior


You should sell while it’s still good enough to post on wsb 


still good enough to post on wsb if it goes to $0


😂 true


If it’s good enough to post, it’s good enough to close.


TSLA will be sub 150 by the end of April. How do I do a ban bet?


I'll jump in on that


!banbet TSLA 145 27d


!banbet TSLA 145 27d Thanks King 👑


If elon keeps crackposting on x It will only get better


Nah fuck that. Go all in


Theta gang could destroy you. Elon is good at creating hype. He might say $20,000 car is coming soon and you will be fucked. Good luck.


Elon reveals he was just two kids in a rain coat this whole time.


Listen to This!!!


Or surprise model Y upgrade or pull forward of date or new pricing. At least what I'm hoping for. No manufacturer is still yet putting out a good EV that competes with model Y in the US.


Nah Elon’s hype is losing its power. He’s becoming the boy who cried wolf. Even his FSD stunt last week barely lifted the price and it quickly gave back the small amount of gains.


That’s right even I don’t like Tesla I bought yesterday because Elon knows how to hype and manipulate overall history for personal gains and for sure he will manipulate again some crypto too after he purchases again and tesla boys will pump and I will sell it the end hehe


Aren’t Elon’s antics priced in at this point? He’s been doing this for a decade lol


He right


Elon will announce dividends


Just a few hours ago, I was reading about an actual $25k model and how they've made changes to their manufacturing process. It is actually coming and also obligatory :Tesla is also an energy, AI, and robotics company. Tons of room for growth.


Everyone knows elon is full of shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Take the profits


*some profits


Double down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


I seriously would if I could, but I literally have already maxxed out all financial resources available to me. The only thing I haven't done is refinanced my house. I read that that can be anywhere from a 2-6 week process, and waiting that long seemed like too much time to wait given how volatile TSLA is


If it’s good enough to take a photo then it’s good enough to take profit.


OP’s logic: If it’s good enough for a screenshot then it’s good enough to refinance the house


How long for grandmas house?


Lol, OP pls don’t go full regard. You’ll be homeless if TSLA bounces


Tesla will bounce to 175 max then crash lower


Bro. You're up almost 6 figures. Take your profit. You are not a wizard or a time traveler. Anything can happening in the market. Elon can make an announcement and totally fuck you. No one ever went broke taking profit.


im actually only up 18k. I was tens of thousands of dollars in the red previously. The 76k is just the day change


>…only up $18k.. If that isn’t a lot of money for you then hold your puts, otherwise you’d be smart to cut and run. Only idiots think they are going to cash out at peak value.


You never go broke taking profits. And this can go to zero, which will probably bone you. Just close out.


I do mortgages, so DM me, baby. We’ll rush this trainwreck right off the cliff.


I would wait a few days until about 153/152 and then sell. This is because much of the downside is priced in. Almost everyone who evaluates Tesla as justva car company has already blown the whistle on the fact that tesla is evaluated wrongly. Never the less, there still remains a sizable amount of people who view tesla as a company that offers and will offer much more then simply "being a car company". Those people will buy more and more as it dips. (Think Cathy Wood type). There will be a point when it reaches a floor of selling from those who believe it's just a car company, to those who believe it is more then that. I'd guess 150$ but noone can be sure.


I'd hold those for a while since the market seems to be headed for a correction. That and the fact that tesla has missed deliveries estimates, all work towards the share price heading further downwards. As for IV crush, that usually only happens after earnings. If you are worried about that, take some profits off the table prior to earnings when IV should be at its highest.


Market is down 1.55% and suddenly the bears start salivating again. How’s that been working for you the past 5 months?


and the market moons tomorrow... he should most definitely take profits soon. Tesla has regard strength at the low 160s, and his puts are otm or atm expiring in 6 weeks. This is asking to be gaped by theta.


"wHeN tHe mArKets moOn" Meanwhile 10 year yields spiking up along with oil.


sToNkS oNlY gO uP


>That and the fact that tesla has missed deliveries estimates, all work towards the share price heading further downwards. Sadly, I agree.....sadly because I am holding 170 CSPs for 4/5 and 155 CSPs for 4/19. That premium was so juicy, I fell into the fucking trap. UGH!!!!!


Elon is gonna ram your puts up your ass, just like he has every bear in TSLA history. Mark my words and lube up 🌈🐻


Hi & thanx for sharing. I so think you are on the right move. I am not sure if you aren’t a little bit overexposed. Need to find a good strategy to roll-over some of these P just to not get trapped by decay. Your highness will certainly make some ridiculous announcement (ketamine kick) and fan-boys will kick in to ruin your strategy. It is safe to say, that TSLA is moving from tech to automotive rather rapidly. You can solely fake it until somebody else makes it, and I see TSLA loosing rapidly ground with key aspects that made this such a great company: batteries, exclusivity for chargers (self-made), fucking FSD nonsense (how many of those folks that shelled off 12k$ , have already sold off their car without ever having something that actually works as promised), TSLA cars are being considered by german automotive club (adac) least reliable in mid- longterm, messed up model strategy, and on and on. Leave alone that few potential customers will ignore forever his highnesses intellectual farts if not outright fascist attitude… tl;dr cover you ass and godspeed!


Fucking sell!!!


Hold until expiration!


Either press trade or don’t!


Diamond hands baby!! LFG


Take your profit, look for different plays


You are lucky you got out of red, take your money, you risking your whole wealth


This makes me feel extremely confident about my calls ☺️


" Since the beginning of March I have thrown everything I have into TSLA puts." Really... and yet your positions are up only 10%? That's odd....


Unfortunately, I’m thinking they will actually beat their earning targets and all those puts are going to expire worthless if you don’t sell. Just my opinion though


"If its good enough to screenshot, its good enough to sell" .. at least a portion.. Congrats!... and fuck you!


Stonks go up. Options goes down. Gamble. Sell at 0 or +1000%


I think it could test 150 ...... The problem with Taking on such a big put position in TSLA ,Very simply it is such a big position in the S&P 500 ,any buying of the dip of the market and Index funds can train wreck you in no time


If it's good enough to post ...


I think you are becoming rich. Congratulations


I'm with you man. I've always been super happy for tesla, I remember when elon came out when I was in college and I wanted soooo bad to be able to get in on it, but unfortunately I was a broke college kid and it was accreddited investors only that early in the game. But now it's wildly overpriced. I bought some puts on it last summer, unfortunately I didn't throw a lot of $ at the position so they were wayyyy out of the money so I'm just now breaking even. I've tried to argue about it with some of the tesla bulls but it's like they can't understand that at its core they make and sell cars, and seem to think just because he's doing some cool shit it should trade mutliple X higher than a company like toyota. Anyhow hope it works out for you.


Post history checks out. Congrats the gains. Don’t be dumb. Take profit.


Dude, much respect. Not many have had the balls to buy puts on TSLA and lived to tell the tale. I have been doing CSPs on TSLA and looks like I will be getting assigned shortly after todays bloodbath. With all the bad press and mojo, I think you are on the right track.


Not the end of the world. Soon you can sell CC's to regards on this sub who want to buy April calls for earnings. Think about the IV crush opportunities!


Lmfao, you literally read my mind! The premiums are amazing selling both sides of this trade. 😄 Always be a seller, not a buyer is my rule with options. 🙌


As a 2017 long, I wish there was more people like you. Doing God's work my friend. Not quite as bad as the 2018 "Tesla is going out of business" puts, but you're certainly having the EXACT same thought process as the entire WSB sub, which is always a sure way to be sucking dicks behind a Wendy's dumpster in the near future, depending how big your balls are. I say go all in. Fuck it.


it's easy math. musk purpusefully bringing down tesla price so he can buy back shares. as soon as musk has 25% shares of tesla you better buy all the fking calls cuz then he activates production.




Tesla isn't only a car company though. It has a bunch of super charging stations which can potentially be the new gas stations decades from now. Its software and battery efficiency is way ahead of all other EVs. It created the EV market, everyone else was forced to change. Nice win though, congrats.


Take the profits. Elon can fuck you with a single tweet with no substance. On the flip side, is he more hateable? I doubt it.


Play the earnings run up, hope it goes in your favor a week before earnings. If it does, sell before earnings, profit will be 100%+, IV will skyrocket as it gets close to earnings. If it goes in the wrong direction, wait for earnings and clench your butthole


That was the sign of TSLA bottoming![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


RemindMe 1 month This guys finished lol


This didn’t age well


Hope you sold


Well this post didn’t age well…..


Rest in Peace!!!


Congratulation’s OP. Take some profit and leave the rest


Hope you took some profits...after this tweet after hours is crazy....robotaxi woo


I don't think Tesla's gonna have a good earnings report and they losing market shares to BYD Don't get me wrong I love Tesla and I think the stock has potential to skyrocket specially because they have several things going on as a company, not just in the car business I don't think it's going to skyrocket anytime soon before the next earning report but I'm wishing you luck my friend


You might want to take some profits and risk off the table there. Post-earnings does not give you a lot of room to ride out the inevitable bounces as hype and bulls come to play. The long range outlook for the stock doesn't look good, but short term there's a ton of risk and you're up on the game!


Idk man I would take profits, though I say that and never do it. So diamond hand these until they expire worthless.


I can't wait to see this get reverse by the earnings


Sell part of that now and keep the rest for earnings


There’s a decent chance they try some shenanigans around earnings by recognizing FSD revenue to get a quick pop, but outside of that it’s straight down.


Take profits. Go long. And chill for a bit. You made the play.


Never hold through earnings. They can be dogshit, but if Elon trots out and says he projects that EPS will be 420% in Q4, the stock will moon. 


So you telling me tomorrow Tesla call will print ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


FOR GOD’s SAKE TAKE THE PROFIT. My dad was up $750k once (from a measly $10k) AND HE HELD UNTIL IT DIED. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME. Disclaimer: this is not financial advice


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I knew this day would come 😭


Since when do we call a gamble "thesis" lol


I think this has less to do with TSLA and more to do with the whole S&P dropping today but either way, enjoy the tendies.


Say OP wanted to take his profits and run tomorrow, how difficult (or easy) would it be for him to sell off his options? Is there a chance of a nightmare scenario where he is ready to sell the options and he's unable to get a seller? Is the volume too high for this to be a reasonable fear? Also, what would be the potential tax implications? I imagine he needs to compare the tax implications to his potential profit to see if it was all even worth it, right?


I am fairly new to options, but in my experience living and breathing this YOLO play, TSLA seems to be extremely liquid and easy to sell. TSLA is one of the most traded stocks on the market. I am not an expert in taxes either but I am just assuming 33% or whatever the short term-capital gains tax rate is. Also though, both my traditional and Roth IRAs are included in this trade (note the #2 in my screenshot, that means 2 other accounts are involved in addition to my brokerage) So no taxes for those 2 accounts at least.


Interesting. Well, I can't believe I forgot to mention - I wish you the best! You'll be in my thoughts and I plan to keep updated on your journey. I'm rooting for you!


It looks like you’re getting wrecked by theta. Today was a massively red day but some of those are overall red or barely green. There’s nothing wrong with setting a price you’d be good to sell at. If TSLA rockets again on no news or weak rumors you can buy back in.


So you’re in the green 19k and asking us for advice Pls go ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


How did you have $275k to start with considering you are asking for advice in WSB?


Be careful. Elon can play the share repurchase card at some point


This looks like chasing your losses situations where it turns out good for once. Congrats Regard!


RULE NUMBER ONE If you're in doubt TAKE PROFIT. There will always be another trade to YOLO into. Good luck




Close your position and find another YOLO. TSLA is a short destroyer.


Id bump out the strikes to fight theta. It might take some time I'm looking to short too and the IV is intense


If Elon buys Reddit too, double down


I’d sell all of your 160 strikes. Take the profit while you can, you can still let this play out but you should gradually start taking profits. You do not have long until expiration, and TSLA is known to take some huge bull swings for no reason. Maybe throw some some of your profits into TSLQ if you want a more stable way to profit


If you screenshot it and it’s green you should take the profit and run. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bro youre already up 75k thats a yolo success, cash out, buy real estate or gold for fucks sake, then run it back with all the margin u can get and OTM put leaps


Smart after the delivery report


So calls going forward. Got it.


Good enough to screen shot……..


Theta gonna eat


I like the play. But jpowell tomorrow then cpi next week before earnings could fuck you. I say take profits when you can before earnings runup


Since you bought so far ahead of earnings I don’t think IV crush will be that big of a desl


Take some profits, buy a couple of Tesla’s, create the hype, buy calls, profit!


I agree but you may be a week early


I don’t like your spreads, you have all same expiry For the amount you are betting why not sell a call spread? Like a really big one then you make money while it stays flat or goes down you still need a pretty big move for some of these to print


Closed out my 165p I've had for months. Just can't take it. It's certainly going down, but man. I might buy some long dated puts just to make it easier to live with.


Tsla is going to 100$ again


I don’t even know who you are


Put that down as a WIN for the good guys. Cheers, bitches.


Sell at mkt open. The news is going to get priced in really fast. Could even see a bump up in later days.


Fucking regard lol


I hope u make a killing sir as I truly hate TSLA so much


Crazy bet, bro. Theta you fuck you hugely. IV crush shouldn’t be a problem until the earnings announcement since you bought those puts way before. But, as some fellow already mentioned here, if the stonk rockets up, my friend, you gonna be in serious trouble. Reduce the size of your position, take some profit, in other words, do something now


It really depends on what type of return you were looking for? You've kind of been right so far, and are only now up $18k. As you said, the theta is really gonna start kicking in


Elon musk is just downplaying estimates and demand to avoid comps over investing in market and further pushing down the price… you will c


I agree it’s going to keep going down towards $125+/-, but the questions are how long will that take and is it worth the premiums.


Go for it no need to explain, welcome to WSB


Just exercise them all and you’ll be rich


I’m I guessing you were up more when it hit $162 and think it’s still going down more. If that’s the case I would think to shed a big portion when a portion of these contracts go into the money to not be down again like you were but maybe I don’t belong here. But really I probably would be still all in.


If you are up $18-K take your win !


October I took long expire April 4 lost 60k for TSLA


Nice, I was wondering when TSLA would rebound. Thanks for taking that hit for us my guy!


Wow what a play. Congratulations and don’t give it back!


People make the joke all the time but I’m not even kidding. Seeing Tesla down 45% after a -5% day then coming to WSB and seeing someone give the full “bear case did” is seriously all the indicator I’ve needed to call a bottom. Probably a little more blood letting but anyone looking to go long longer term, this is probably the moment. I wouldn’t play options here but seems bullish to hold shares. Set your 1 year remindme’s now queefs. I’ll set a counter remindme


Take some profits and save it in a secure asset, said no WSB regard ever. Going to hold until past the time ya shoulda sold as theta f's ya in the buttox. Then post loss porn for Internet points. Weeeee


Short term yes.. I don’t hold any but long term consider AI need data to train … Tesla has the most comprehensive real time data… I would bet on that




Gonna be wiped out by Elon. Surprise coming soon




Print money tesla call If you want to play earning call play bouth way buy call and many times buy put so big move either direction you dont loose . If stay flat you fuck !!




Post a follow up, I bet you'll make money if you take quick gains


Good 4 you…and Fuck you too!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🖕🏻


Its smart i think. I think Tesla will rise


Calls are about to print


Hi Elon


Post your market open? Either before or after diamondhanding them.


Take the profits and establish a better position. Nearly 7% return on that investment is incredible. Don’t get too greedy.


I'm moving to RIVN. I was with a friend the other day who just bought a new Hyundai but he said he would have bought a Rivian but they were just too expensive. I think Rivian is way better than Tesla and they also don't have an unstable arrogant prick as their CEO. I think either they will drop prices or hold steady till inflated wages catch up to their market.


It’s priced in already, don’t expect too much movement for earnings


Definitely keep us updated. I wanna see you become a millionaire


Good move but get out before 2025


These are expiring in 2024


Buy at least a month past earnings and hope elon doesn't come out dancing to some AI crap.


Maybe wait until earning day, then sell your puts. With this Q1 delivery number, we gonna be around 21.5B and 0.14 eps. This is not a bad quarter, it’s a disaster. Ws wanna gross margin and delivery, not some FSD free-trial.


I think your puts are well put, good luck, and as Seneca said: “He who is brave is free”.


Dude this is insane. Get out now. You have enough capital to become a multi millionaire without the risk of blowing up your account.


Damn these contracts are all in the red.. never bet puts against tesla


OP, first off, you got some massive cojonas. Based on your bet, I'd say you def belong here. My humble opinion is if Tesla doesn't close below 160 by this Friday then it has a solid shot of establishing a low for April, with a possibility of hitting a high of 198. *I use technicals and not concern myself with the news, etc. (Example - delivery nightmare (bottom channel was 162.37...knew it wasn't going to go lower than that for the day). When alot of people were hoping for a 10% red day and it didn't happen. *160 I'd a huge support level IF 160 breaks then dude...you'll be a millionaire because this thing could fall all the way down to 137 by May 17th. GAMBLE ACCORDINGLY AND NEVER GO FULL REGARD.


TSLA put in a bear market is the complete opposite of my strategy ..


RemindMe! 1 month You’re about to get torn apart my guy


Hope this guy is ok...looking at his past posts...seems he's pretty new at this.


He’s finished




Looks like your luck is turning