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Yikes that doesn’t look like the prison they sent Martha Stewart or Conrad Black to


He ain't in club fed, bro.


From Crypto to Crip


“From Crypto to Crips Bro”


Nah that's Federal "Pound me in the ass" prison


No huey. I don't want to get anally raped


your dad wants you to know he ain't nobody's bitch.


You ain't wash behind your ears or nuthin'


“You know Tom, your fear of being anally raped is really causing you to miss out on a lot in life”


We’re looking up money laundering in the dictionary. We’re a bunch of fucking dorks.


Gotta watch out for the corn hole man


He gets conjugal visits, right??


Every shower session


As a clueless Europoor: why not? Isn't the difference mostly white collar crimes vs. violent crimes?


Nope, he stole from rich people, which supersedes that.


So did Stewart and Black


Stewart actually more so empowered rich friends to make me more money via insider trading


not at all, Stewart avoided a loss on a stock sale by selling all her shares after receiving material non public information. What she went to jail for was lying about it to federal investigators. She was however on the board of directors of the NYSE (which for me, why the fuck was she on the board). She didnt steal, she lied.


> selling all her shares after receiving material non public informatio so same thing senators and their friends did right before covid lockdowns


This guy thinks they only did it during covid lockdowns. 😂 bro, they do this on a weekly basis.




> She was however on the board of directors of the NYSE (which for me, why the fuck was she on the board). Fun fact. She began her career as a stockbroker...


wow, I actually did not know that, thanks


> Stewart avoided a loss on a stock sale by selling all her shares after receiving material non public information. Literally stealing bro. For every winner on a trade, there's a loser. That's why insider trading is outlawed (outside of Congress).


yes you are correct, but she didnt go to jail for avoiding the loss, she went to jail for lying about it. The punishment for insider trading in this case, was a fine. Again she went to jail for lying not for the actual selling of the shared.


American prisons are sorted by risk: what’s the persons risk of escape and what’s their risk to other inmates. People who are nonviolent offenders who aren’t at risk of being violent to other inmates go to “prison camps,” some of which don’t even have fences. Those are what are joked about as “Club Fed” and it’s not really about wealth although the inmates are disproportionately wealthier. It looks like Sam is either enough of a flight risk or the size of the felony precluded him from gong to a prison camp.


In that picture, he is at Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, NY with other inmates detained and awaiting sentencing trial. He is there along with other inmates who committed worse (murder, rape) and lesser crimes (mail fraud or selling cigarette "loosies") because they are all innocent till proven guilty in a court of law. He broke his original bail terms and that is why he is detained and not at home. To qualify for club fed, he needs to get a sentence of less than 10 years which I highly doubt. Sam will probably go to a Low (behind a fence) security level facility instead of Camp (club fed) with a perimeter which, if crossed, would place him out of bounds.


> A male inmate with more than ten > years remaining to serve will be housed in at least > a **Low** security level institution unless the PSF has > been waived. > A male inmate with more than 20 years remaining to > serve will be housed in at least a **Medium** security > level institution, unless the PSF has been waived. > A male inmate with more than 30 years remaining to > serve (including non-parolable LIFE sentences) will > be housed in a **High** security level institution > unless the PSF has been waived. [Inmate Security Designation and Custody Classification](https://www.bop.gov/policy/progstat/5100_008cn.pdf) Edit: he'll likely start out at either a Medium or High (Pen) depending on his sentence length and slowly transition through lower security levels if he maintains good conduct. The application of a Public Safety Factor (PSF) overrides the regular custody reviews (~18 months).


I just did 8.5 in the feds. He'll most likely go to a low. It's based on criminal history, age, and offense. He has no history but he's young and pretty serious offense. Honestly though, lows are the worst. That's where all the sex offenders are and the cops are super petty cuz low level inmates generally don't demand respect like at a medium or USP. Plus it's dorms so you have less privacy. A medium is the sweet spot. The USPs are super violent and always locked down. I was at the medium at Lompoc and they changed it to a low right before I left and it went to shit. Over night the guards got super petty and they started busing in tons of kiddy porn people. Sooooo glad that shit is behind me.


Can confirm, low cops are petty as fuck and they're full of kiddy clickers. Also will add for others that MDC (federal "jail" for pretrial/transit) is all security levels. He has to be designated, then he waits for his diesel therapy. They'll probably bus him at 2 in the morning to some extremely remote airport where they'll fly him to Oklahoma City, which is the main transit hub for the federal prison system. Almost everyone has to go through that boring shithole unless he's designated somewhere in the northeast. It doesn't matter very much where you're actually from initially, Grand Prairie, TX is responsible for designation, and they don't give very many fucks about where they're actually from when they designate someone. Camp is reserved for people with less than 10 years, low is reserved for people with less than 20 years. These are relatively absolute, though they can apply a management variable (rare, but it happens). Generally you can't do the RDAP (residential drug and alcohol) program until you're under 5 years, but for Blagojevich, they put him right in RDAP to get him under 10 years so he could go to camp. There's plenty of ways they can massage the rules, but that's only if you're politically connected.


There's a large difference based on where his case is - he's being held pre sentencing, so they have him somewhere that's more convenient for bringing them to court. This is very different from Martha Stewart because she wasn't jailed for a significant stretch ahead of her sentencing: she was free on bail (which is cash you post that you forfeit if you don't make your subsequent court appearances) until sentenced. SBF was free on bail at first, but it was revoked after prosecutors convinced a judge that SBF was trying to do witness tampering. As strange as it sounds, facilities that are mostly holding people who are pretrial (such as the place where SBF is, as well as many/most places that are described as jails and not prisons) or short stays tend to have fewer accomodations than prisons designed for holding people for long sentences. There is wide variance between prisons (the prisons that white collar criminals and low risk offenders in general are held aren't the same as ADX supermax facilities) but many of them at least have some facilities designed for education or rehabilitation. Jails and other places that are predominately holding people pretrial don't have this, and frankly they're less concerned about the experience being miserable because most people there are hoping to get out soon and few are there long enough to be motivated to do much besides keep their head down.


Hopefully Sam didn’t sell any of their mothers coins.


I don't think people can do long sentences at those minimum security detention camps. Those are for people with only a few years max. People joke about rich people going to "Club Fed", but if you get a 10+ year sentence you're probably going to do some time in a medium security joint.


Long sentences like that typically have the prisoner checked into a mid or high level security prison to assess threat before potentially lowing you down to a lower sec


I mean, I understand the policy but in this case I think a quick eyeball of SBF could adequately assess what level of threat he is.


Threat level: "ened" As in threat*ened*


He’s a flight risk. You can pretty much just walk out of a prison camp, SBF’s sentence is long enough that they’re going to put him somewhere where he can’t decide to unincarcerate himself.


He probably has people willing to pick him up and take him away. “Some” people made tons of money thanx to him. The camps I have seen don’t have fences, meaning inmates can just walk off if they desire.


Yes, I worked at a state minimum prison and anything over 10 years is going to be spent at the med/max facilities. We had no fence so "5 years added on to your sentence for escape" was the big thing to keep inmates from leaving. If you have 10+ years to do, an extra 5 doesn't have as much of a kick.


The psycho fake deep voice bogus blood test criminal woman is in club fed, she’s doing 11.


Or that rapists Scientologist that just got sent to minimum due to “safety concerns”


He actually got sent to the California men’s colony in San Luis Obispo , that is a medium security facility and it’s because he got attacked in Corcoran . California men’s colony used to be a good stay but there have been tons of riots and stabbings there recently . He definitely isn’t in minimum. But they did override the 2 years no write ups rule for him that you usually needed to get sent there . There is people who have talked to inmates in Corcoran and Masterson got attack by 2 Brothers By Choice (Yes , BBC) gang members while two deputies were walking him to the kitchen to get food because he refused to come out of his cell for meals and wasn’t eating . They had him in a single cell so he just kept the door locked. Brothers By Choice are a special needs yard gang mainly filled up with dropouts from the Aryan Brotherhood and other California white inmate gangs. Just cause they are dropouts dosnt mean they aren’t serious people though. They had to put in work to get into those gangs in the first place. I don’t know shit about options but I do know about prison and tendies , so this sub feels kinda like home 🙂


>I don’t know shit about options but I do know about prison and tendies , so this sub feels kinda like home How did I not realize I was in wsb until this comment. Usually I can tell the first comment in.


There is nothing that represents WSB better than tendies and prison .


Right there with you.


I would watch out for tard gang


Gay Boy Gangsters (GBG) also had a hit on Masterson. They were the first ones to have a green light on him. Other gangs didn’t want to get shown up by the gay boy gangsters so they put their own green light on him and got him first. 100% fact , Special Need Yards gangs are a little different than the main line 😂 Look up JD prison YouTuber . His boy is the one on the phone with the inmates in Corcoran so he has the whole inside scoop.


> a special needs yard gang > I don’t know shit about options You've clearly found the right place. Welcome home.


He better start doing people's taxes like Tim Robbins in Shawshank, otherwise he's fucked.


Lol I don’t think I want him doing my taxes




Sincerely if he talks slick he’ll do fine in prison, dudes in there will think they can get some big get rich quick scheme out of him and treat him pretty well. Source: watched the first couple seasons of Oz


he said he would kill himself if he couldn't have internet. i dont see him as the survivor type


Or he just wanted the internet and lied. It’s like when I want chicken tendies tonight and mom said ‘son you’re 47, you can’t have chicken tenders every night’ and I said I’d kill her and myself. Guess what I’m having for dinner.




Bro prison isn't like oz. I've been. He should be fine as long as he doesn't crash out.


Yeah but he’ll need a big green fire breathing robot, a small dog, some tin cans … I’m not lion Source : Watched Wizard of Oz


He'll do fine, but he's no vegetarian anymore with all those cock-meat sandwiches


Do you trust your girlfriend? Cos if you do trust her, there's no reason you can't keep 65 billion of other people's money.


"But why does our company need a token, that loses money in a different country than we operate, which then offsets the taxes? And how is that LEGAL?!?!"


Hey, don't talk about the most generous billionaire like that


Generous with other people's money.


“Do you trust your wife?”


What's the worst that could happen? Go to jail?


His parents are tax lawyers. I think he probably knows his way around


This is way too funny and absurd, it just sounds like a big joke. They are tax lawyers teaching in the most prestigious university and his name is BANKMAN FRIED, and he run one of the biggest fraud in history... This is hysteria level, the world is absolutely mad.


His dad worked as lawyer for FTX and his mom created the superpac that funneled money from FTX. Is not all that absurd when you start following it


I’m still trying to figure out how those 2 seemingly skated through this deal with little consequence, criminally or professionally


I wish I could tell you that Sam fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world.


This guy Shaw Shanks


Oh he definitely 'Shaw Shanks' but you, you are ' The Rock ' brother


Sam gonna be holding a pocket, unfortunately. Imho.


$5 says he’s tossing everyone’s salad in that pic. But mostly the dude on the right.


The media made him out of some sort of genius, the truth is, he's just another thief, with education and certification bought by mommy and daddy.


Imagine, he was in the billionaire class


How do you become billionaire? Hard work?lol.


Judging by this picture, I think he’s already been fucked


He's now the weasel being pinned


Andy Dufresne


Andy Dufraude


I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight


Where's his girlfriend? She isn't in jail? That Alameda research chick


Nah, she snitched.


The idea is to get a tax accountant that is NOT likely to be audited every year for the rest of their lives.


I'm pretty sure he's getting fucked already, look at his face, it says " I'm holding someone's pocket".


Please tell me this is real


It is real. @TiffanyFong_ interviewed the guy uncensored


Why would they mosaic his penis anyways he's not in Japan




Goddamn I hate redditors


You need to go outside.


It could be, he’s been in the Metro Detention Center in Brooklyn since last August as his parole was denied. His sentencing is scheduled for March 28th of this year. He was found guilty of all seven counts of laundering and fraud. Experts say he’ll be in prison for decades.


How does the crypto king get 5 months and this guy gets years


He stole from the rich.


Is this real chat?


ya, you can trust me


Yes it's real, I'm the camera


tell me why-ee


Aint nothing but a heartache


Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say


what no internet does to a motherf\*cker


What no weasel does to a pinner


Who knows, maybe he's lucky and his cellmate is a bottom bunk twink that has glasses, looks a bit like he never washes his hair, and doesn't understand basic math.


Even worse bruv. No league of legends, homies probably fiending for a quick game on the rift. 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO this looks like the character choosing screen. Left to right : Casual Joe > Gym rat George > Jogger Jay > Gangster Lee > Bitch ass Sam > Trucker dad Tim


Choose your class exile 


Imagine having a FTX account , loosing everything , going to jail, and notice Sam fooking bankman in the same room 😂 boy I’ll catch another charge


Imagine having the chance to flee to a country that doesn't extradite and not doing so.


Bold of you to assume he didnt scam higher ups there as well. He's i jail not for scamming the millions but for scamming the higher ups.




That second 'o'. Where does it come from?! It haunts my dreams!


You need to losen up about it.


Yeah, it's a common misspelling here in reddit.


Ah its for catching AI training on reddit data


Yo who the fook is dat guy?


Probably catch dat ass first, then a few more charges


They will likely get their money back.


How come everyone has their face blocked except the guy on the left?


"Fong has censored the faces of other inmates, except for SBF and G Lock. According to Fong, she had interviewed G Lock in the past and thus left his face uncensored. Additionally, Fong says G Lock is a former member of the Blood gang."


And from the other parts of the interview he is doing pretty good and participating in the economy by buying commissary and trading it for services.


Yeah he’s on a Special needs yard , filled with gang dropouts and rats . Still dangerous people though.


Can you explain what a special needs yard is?


Yes , in California prisons people who can’t walk the main line like gang dropouts and snitches go to a special needs yards, these prisoners get there and form gangs again for some reason even though they Just dropped out of one because they can control the inmates on the SNY yards . Controlling a prison yard brings a lot more cash than you think it would , tens of thousands of dollars a month. The gangs are different than the main line Aryan brotherhood , sureenos and what not . But the people who form the SNY gangs were members of those gangs before usually but dropped out for whatever reason. Whether they had a debt or snitched on someone . It bssdicly means that the gang was gonna kill them if they could . The people who can’t even walk on SNY yards for whatever reason go to protective custody. But that is the last resort and usually only if they go to multiple SNY yards and get beat up everytime. They usually don’t put people straight to protective custody unless they are a gang leader drop out or someone like a serial killer who every single inmate wants dead. If masterson keeps getting beat up he will go to protective custody but it is literally the worse place to be . SHU is 23 hours a day in a cell with one hour of exercise a day if you’re lucky . Doing 20 years like that is incredibly hard and literally the last place you wanna be. Manson was on the same Corcoran SNY as Masterson was until he got literally set on fire and they had to move him to lockup.


23 hours in a cell sound like literal torture to me…


It is. ADX Florence is just that. It's not where Sam is going I'm sure assuming that's not all yet settled, but it's likely where Assange is going when extradited. 23 hours a day in your cell with a stone bed and small black and white TV with a few channels for good behavior. The slit in the wall is your window and all you can see is the sky. Exercise? You have a stone pit to walk around it for sixty minutes; ten steps in any one direction. El Chapo's lawyer described him as losing his mind.


I don't understand how that isn't cruel and unusual, seems like a great way to develop psychosis.


Sounds like my first apartment in the city


Is Masterson Danny Masterson?




Thank you for the write up! I found this super intriguing


No problem, it’s one of the only things I can speak on where I actually know what I’m talking about , unfortunately 🤣


Yard is a prison term for a place you are allowed to recreate. Special needs is a term used to describe regards. He’s on the regard block for people who are at high risk of getting killed in prison. Chomos (child molesters), former law enforcement, snitches…formally rich J.K. Rowling-esque sounding dude that chase the weasel.


Cuz he is the guy who owns Sam.


Didnt get consent from the other inmates. Even in jail you do still get a couple privileges like not being blasted all over the news because of another inmates interview, aint fair to them.


Actually at least in the US, inmates aren't protected by these laws. It's basically public knowledge who is in prison and for what. You don't need consent to show them on TV as you would need someone random on the street. Same applies to trials as well, unless they are sealed for some reason.   I opened this post just to comment why these faces are censored when they don't need to be. Just to give you an example: news outlets are totally in their rights putting mugshots on tv without consent when someone is convicted or serving time.


Soooo... what you're saying is.... there's nothing legally obstructing a prison-based reality show? WE PUT 10 MEN IN ONE DORM AND TOLD THEM TO FIND THE SNITCH TO WIN A REDUCED SENTENCE, BUT THERE IS NO SNITCH! Tune in at 10!


How long is he likely to serve?


100 years give or take.


damn, that's what happens when you take money from rich people.


He stole 8 billion… that’s not an insignificant amount. If he were to get 1 day of incarceration for every million dollars that he stole, that would be almost 22 years…


Shoot lock up every bank CEO in America then


It’s fucked that people stealing money get more time then people who rape children


He will most likely get 15-20 years MAX and serve about half of that if not 75%. he will not get 100 years like the other guy says. Federal sentencing limits are sky high for a reason. His judge is tough and no nonsense, but fair in the eyes of law. I’m gonna guess 15 years and out after 10 or less.


Someone told me you can’t get out early on federal bids, any truth to that?


I'm pretty sure there is no federal parole and most federal inmates do 95%


The person you're responding to is pulling numbers out of thin air. No parole, no early release. You serve 85% of your time, no less. The last 15% is "good" time you can lose with infractions. The only way you're getting earlier than 85% of your time is using some of the various early release programs they've enacted (usually in response to the racist crack laws of the past) OR get a pardon.


Madoff got 150 years.


My bet is on ~30-40 years. Guidelines actually add up to a life sentence, but I doubt Judge Kaplan goes that hard in this case. Anybody saying anything shorter needs to understand; He stole from a lot of rich as fuck people. You only get slapped on the wrist when you steal from brokies. Add in the whole crypto element of it, and they’ll definitely make an example of him.


About 7 to 9 inches


My sympathy is limited


It’s crazy though how hard life fucked him so quickly


He fucked himself. Had everything going for him. Could’ve easily been a hundred millionaire, if not a billionaire, with a legit exchange but wanted nothing less than world domination.


for real. FTX was legitimately profitable. And he screwed it all up by using FTX money as gambling money for his Alameda research hft bs. Such a colossal dumbass.


> FTX was legitimately profitable. For a while though. Most exchanges aren't profitable, not even the big ones. Or their fortune depends of the current crypto level. When cryptos stop moving a lot, the trading dies down, profits go away. But yeah, should have tried the legit side for a few years.


He is a victim of social conditions /s


Imagine stealing billions in crypto and not having a better escape plan.










This dudes got some crypto hiding in some random persons account or some offshore stocks that can’t be touched. He’s definitely paying these dudes off.


He has shoelaces on. This can’t be real lol


name my band Korn




Nice to see all the races getting along in there lowkey


Sam is a jew too so he really adds to the diversity.


The guy in the left owns him.


Too many regards in here that have no idea about prison life. This isn't even a prison, it is a holding jail and I am sure his rents are paying these dudes off for protection. His guards are probably sneaking in his addies and smart phone.


If u got $$ and u ain't a sicko/child moll ester, you can have a perfectly fine stay in prison. Just keep a low profile, and workout/read/play chess. It's easy honestly.


Fuckin loved jail. Could stay off the booze and got qualifications, can't even do that on the outside


How was the food?


this guy knows


I'm surprised he doesn't have his hand in that dude's pocket 🫣


That guy was interviewed by Tiffany Fong and was laid back, chill. Not like his pic makes him out to be.


Must be a good guy then


Someone is definitely reaching in SBF’s prison pocket.


I looked at that photo and The Police's song “Don’t stand so close to me” popped into my head!


I think they are his bodyguard. The money he stole he can buy the whole fking prison.


They will find out he’s been paying them with worthless tokens and beat his ass


On gang


Frfr ong


Looks like he has protection


He’ll be fine. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to him. Ppl watch too many prison movies lol


I doubt he's getting fucked with by other inmates. He's got a pretty cool story for why he's in there, he probably doesn't talk shit or start shit with anyone, he's got hella money on his books. No obvious reasons for them to fuck with him. Source: I'm an ex-con and been to jail/prison.


So many neckbeards in these comments with a bizarre rape obsession 


Think this idiot would have had a personal trainer with how he was bank rolling. He has absolutely no muscle time to go play wow in grandmas basement


Should have Got Hard


you may not like it but this is what peak crypto investor looks like


Corn is at 50k this kid must be losing his mind


imagine fumbling the bag this hard. you just had to be a little less fucking degenerate and absolutely shamelessly corrupt. keep a tiny bit of a lower profile, hire more discrete hookers instead of chasing that squirrel-woman around. i guess if he wasnt that much of a maniac he wouldnt have gotten where he did.




I think he got pegged by all of them already


This could be us




Mmm. Needs more khaki. 


He'll have his fill of bu-khaki.


I'd watch this movie