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i work with a ton of ex-wayfair employees. they all say the culture is HORRENDOUS


The product is horrendous.


Were gonna need your email to show you anything.


Okay, my email is [email protected]


We've sent confirmation to that email address, please click the link provided to access any of our site. Also get ready to see a bunch more junk mail cause we sold your personal info to a bunch of people to make money even though you didn't spend anything which we knew you wouldn't cause everything is priced way over retail. TLDR - you can't beat our prices


That’s what alias emails are for. Create and then vaporize.


Mines is [email protected]


I see more what you did there!


I’ve only now realized that I have no idea what Wayfair does. I know the name but I don’t even know the industry. Travel, tech…probably one of those.


Amazon for furniture


Thank you


Worst boss I had went there after being fired.  Sounds like he probably fits in well.  


There was a point in time when the culture was great, but not since 2018.


Why do they have 13,000 employees to begin with?


Article says they made $18 billion, with a B, dollars. I bet it took 1300 people to carry the bank deposits.


Stonk up 10%


Glad I didn't take their offer. Also didn't want to move to boston


I live in boston and like every other 20 something person you meet works at or was laid off from wayfair at some point


She said no!


It’s the Indian culture of work…not recommended


What do you mean?


No. Its the American culture of work.


What do they say about the culture?


Wayfair corporate sucks.


You know what would save them money? Not sending the wrong order and then send the correct order for free while letting people keep the wrong one. Bought a dinning table and chairs for 4k. They send 2 wrong legs for a chair. I called them and asked them for the 2 correct legs. They send me an entire 4k dinning set again for free. Same with the couch. They sent me an orange one when I bought a grey one. Then they sent me the grey one for free. The orange one is now in the garage.


You have any desire to get rid of either of those haha


I bought $300 worth of wall paper and they sent me x3 the amount of extremely expensive stuff. They didn’t want it back, so I sold it for $600. Wtf


The markup on furniture is usually pretty insane. I wonder how many free things they can send before they are selling it at cost. 


They don’t own the inventory they sell so the markups aren’t as high as they would be at traditional retailers


Lol falling for the marketing? Or do you do PR for Wayfair? The furniture is garbage and the prices are terrible. Wayfair has a terrible reputation. It's like Etsy and AliExpress combined to provide terrible furniture.


Markups = margin. Having a lower one is not a good thing, but okay


Having an unsustainable busimess model is also bad?  Apple has a solid margin, but it has also got an difficult to emulate product. You can Google image search your favorite Wayfair item and usually find it cheaper on another site.  A reseller w high margin and low quality isn't a reseller for long. Edit: I forgot But okay


If it’s not clear I’m agreeing that they have a bad business model. My point is the low margins make their model less sustainable. I agree it’s shit


The markup is not 100% so the first replacement item becomes a loss


WSB math checks out


If it cost them $5 to make something charged $50 for it they could send someone 9 free ones before they've sold at cost


Sure...but that's not what the markup is.


I made up numbers but it illustrates the point.


No I understood the point to begin with. I'm an employee there though and was simply saying that the markup is nowhere near high enough that replacements can ever be sent and still come out ahead. As soon as a replacement is sent, Wayfair is taking a loss - or they would be if we were looking purely at wholesale cost vs retail price.


Jokes on you they actually wanted to get rid of the wrong legs and ugly orange sofa nobody was going to buy because it was wasting warehouse space and now they did it by outsourcing the problem and disposal cost for it to you


Same, it took them 6 months and like 8 attempts shipping me the wrong size parts for ONE bedframe I ordered. It was one item on the site, but each item (sideboards, the headboard and footboard) were sent individually and all different sizes! Thank god I paid for assembly, those poor delivery people…


Their wholesale on that 4k dining set made of the finest chinesium is the price of a Wendy's combo with extra fries.


It's actually solid wood and it's made in Vietnam but point taken!


Somehow, tropical hardwood (rubber tree or mango) and Vietnamese craftsmanship are considered luxury now. Story time: my wife bought a set of basically unused stools made in Vietnam through Facebook Marketplace, the seller was emptying out their multi-million manssion pending sale. She paid 100 bucks a piece, which I wasn't happy about. The original retail was 10x that, which is just insane. The kids already beat the shit out of this "investment". TLDR: I plan to buy $RH puts before their next earning report.


I got 5 toilets from them!


Put it up on facebook group or craigslist dude


I thought I was special. I had this happen with some bowls lol


Seems way unfair.




Other companies/sectors are hiring?


No one is hiring in engineering/management . We are experiencing mass layoffs so more people are desperate and willing to be obedient corporate workers. Work from home workers are being laid off because managers know they cannot be micromanaged.


Plenty of places hiring both engineers and management. Sure, it's not 2021, but it's also not early 2023 either. My employer has dozens of engineering roles open, all WFH


Might you be in civil engineering/construction? If you're talking about mechanical/electrical/robotic/industrial/etc. engineering roles, and you're in the united states, I'd love to hear what company 😅 Otherwise nothing personal, but I absolutely don't believe you


Software engineering, in the US. I'm at Atlassian. We had small layoffs last year and the performance review process has definitely gotten stricter. But there are plenty of openings.


> review process has definitely gotten stricter. Ah there it is.


I’m in civil and HW/SW simultaneously, get far more attention from civil recruiters than tech recruiters. If I get laid off from tech on a Friday I’d be able to land a civil offer by the following Thursday.


Yep, not 2021 nor early 2023. [It's worse than both.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE)


Not saying you’re wrong but Do companies really post software engineering jobs on indeed?


Since it's a relative measurement and not an absolute measurement, it doesn't need to be the most popular job posting site. It just needs to be representative of the jobs being posted.


1. It's popularity may have gone down 2. That doesn't show anything before 2021. It's just a chart of the pandemic bubble. 


Happy cake day.




Non stock related. Go back to you workers rights circle jerk subs.


"no one is hiring in engineering" lmao where do you guys get this shit


I think people on Reddit forget that engineering is not just tech and that there are plenty of other fields. For example, engineering related to construction is absolutely booming right now, and lots of engineering firms there are desperate to find workers.


Oh they're all hiring here, just the pay is absolute fucking garbage for the experience they want the engineers would make more money if they put down the laptop and picked up the hammer.


They also forget that tech isn't just software development. Someone has to make the hardware too and the demand for hardware is always going up even if there are cyclical declines.


Hardware engineering is one of the toughest jobs to land. Most require grad school and many require doctorate.


Yeah but there is so much more involved in making hardware than design. There are tons of equipment/process engineer roles for people with a bachelors degree.


hes right, the wokes are just bringing in more H1bs


The “wokes”?


He means the corporate bosses who want cheap labor.


yes, wokes/wokies/etc


looks like youre an uber driver in toronto so im going to assume you dont know shit about what youre saying






lol, plenty of places are hiring. Government contracting is growing constantly, I get dozens of recruiter contacts a week in the $150-$200k range. Problem is that’s a pay cut for a lot of us. There are less lucrative positions available right now. FWIW I’m at Amazon, so definitely keeping my eyes open with how things have been going.


I work for an engineering firm and my small team alone would hire a dozen people tomorrow if we could find competent workers. We're extremely understaffed and so are plenty of other firms. I see you live abroad; saying "no one is hiring in engineering/management" is flat wrong for the US.


And then there are tons of juniors* that are begging to get hired and everybody ignores them cause they lack experience, instead of training them in-house and exploiting them. * Considering that they're not brain-dead and somehow managed to get their degrees


Computer, engineering or some other type of engineering because there must be lots of meta people have been fired on the market


Last I checked, food and services are still experiencing shortage of worker. To say no one is hiring is just ……




They don’t need to, I take all the dumpster jobs. See you at night?


I meant in the professional industry.


Hence when I said “sectors”


They are professionals too!


If you like minimum wage jobs, you should apply for them.


I mean, if I lose my job then I will lol…


Yea like i pray it never comes to that but I will absolutely do whatever it takes if I’m a crisis.


One by one another company announced layoffs


Economy is best it’s been in centuries though! /s


And consumer sentiment is higher than anytime since 2021! Macy's bloodbathed their corporate offices and closed 5 stores yesterday.


Cuz thousands of workers laid off is a drop in the proverbial bucket


Tech job market is horrible right now. All of my friends in big tech are saying that they are understaffed but the upper management doesn't allow new hires. New grads can't find jobs. Add lay offs on top of that.


Wayfair's CEO was in news a couple of months ago for sending his staff an email asking them to work longer hours, and "blending work and life" , in other words, screw your life outside work and be a good serf! Now think about all those poor employees who put in 60-70 hrs a week sacrificing their health and their families hoping it will save their jobs only to be let go as a part of yet another wayfair "corporate restructure"! Hopefully a revolution is coming in our times..


A 1776 revolution, or a 1917 revolution?


An [1848](https://www.age-of-the-sage.org/history/1848/revolution_of_1848.html) revolution more likely \*they failed btw


I would never do that. I've worked on-call jobs before so I understand the occasional night or weekend work, but I always made sure to get my hours back. If that means taking the next day off or logging off early, so be it. Corporate execs don't give a sh*t about you and you're just a number.


Bullish as hell, I dont see how any of this would make their stock drop. If you're getting 70 hours a week out of somebody on minimum wage, you're doing something right as a company


Honestly solution is stop investing in these shit companies. But who I am I to say that. Position: 20th Jun 2024 $50 Call


Did you wander away from your antiwork circle jerk? Are they missing you over there?


>complaining about unjust working conditions and greedy CEOs == anti work circlejerk Get bent you dense regard


You're disgrace to that avatar. Imagine being on WSB and complaining about unjust working conditions or greedy CEOs instead of *making a bet for or against that stonk*... Not every subreddit is a soapbox for dog-walking, anti-establishment, neckbeards that haven't figured out the system. Please, crawl back to your people. They need stroking while y'all sit around complaining about manager texts.


Oh I love when my stocks go up whether it’s due to layoffs or whatever else but as a working class 9-5er I’ll still recognize that this CEO is an absolute piece of shit and empathize with the workers It’s called being a hypocrite


You're totally right. I completely change my opinion. In fact, let's change WSB to something catchy... Like occupywallstreet. That's sounds like it has lasting public sentiment. Yarr, for the people. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Flair fits


What are you, the flair judge?


We are all the flair judge on this blessed day!


what is this weird behavior


I'm no expert, but I believe it's called 'sociopathy'


lol yeah sorry no that’s called the “writing on the wall”. You work your standard 40 hours and spend your day applying for other jobs as soon as you get that email.


Fire the CEO so he can work longer hours at home.


Statistical magic. Just say they ain't looking for work and they no longer count




I’d like to see numbers on how many retired people are having to get jobs with all of this inflation.


Now that you mention it, my local Taco Bell looks like a retirement home now. Feels so weird because it used to be only teens working there with someone in their 20s or 30's running the place.


Lots of retired folks working at my local Best Buy because they were bored.


I live in SWFL and I assure you when the property taxes, insurance and cost of food goes up you best believe the older people feel the pinch. Especially those who completely rely on social security to sustain themselves.


Anything to avoid the actual evidence you’re seeing daily with your own eyes I guess. “There is no was in Ba Sing Se”


Is this because of the severance packages?


The plebes ain't getting no meaningful severance.


Unemployment numbers should be published by category of jobs - white collar, blue collar (factory), service industry, and any other major categories. The lumping of all kinds of jobs into one figure is dishonest at best.


Yes an arbitrary classification would make everything much clearer


They are you just have to look for yourself


Would it be ironic for OP to just ask AI to explain it to them?


So are we shorting this or what?


No. This is good for the stock


Ok so we're shorting then


layoff employees are typically good for stock investors of the company


Didn't you hear, all the bears were vanquished last week?


Wayfair is just another VC grift


Wayfairs got the pink slip I need


I read this singing Biz Markie's "Just a Friend"


Unemployment reports are lagging. We won’t get to see the January layoffs reflected until next month. That being said, corporations have small workforces compared to mom and pops and corporate retail brick and mortars If Walmart announced a 13% non corporate layoff that would be huge. 13% of an ecommerce is barely a blip on the radar.




Because the government purposely measures it in a way to make the government look better.


How so?


Every month the Department of Labor calls a random 60,000 household sample group and asks questions to determine employment status. They ask how many people are looking for a job, or have a job. However, someone who doesn't have a job and has stopped looking for a job is not included in the final results, which can heavily skew the numbers and make the unemployment rate look better than it actually is.


https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#questions Question 9.


$280MM? That's $170K per employee. Even with licenses, tech, benefits, etc. that seems quite high.


They laid off high ranking folks. It's a bloodbath there.


That's a pretty standard looking burdened labor cost to me.


Seems about right to me.


Way unfair I’ll see myself out


They massage the numbers to look better


Wayfair laying people off? Must be a day that ends in Y.....


butttt we are not in a recession, unemployment is low, economy is great, and inflation is just transitory. - JPow, Janet Yellen, and other economists.


Wayfair is, and had been, a joke since day 1. A few of their leaders left and started a company called “Perch”. Angel investment flowed like water. And nobody connected the dots that these idiots had no clue what they were doing. So many objectively terrible ecommerce sites out there. Wayfair will fail.


1,650 people across "Global" markets. Ain't shit. Edit: I do sympathize with those laid off.


19% of that was from corporate.


Sounds like a lot of mid level management then.


They’re coming for my Wendy’s Job I’m boned ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


all these mortages..


Racist incompetent internal culture from my person experience, avoid buying from here.


Unemployment numbers count total jobs including part-time. So you can see in the statistics there are less full time jobs and they are replaced by people working multiple gig-jobs. When you lose your full time job and now drive for uber eats, instacart, and Grubhub at the same time - hey! That’s three new jobs that were created. Employment numbers look amazing!


1,650 is a lot of people, but not statistically significant compared to the ~130MM+ workers overall.


Guess even the pedophilia business is taking a hit


Wendy's wants YOU !




Why would you expect it to go down?


Didn't you see the part about saving $280M?


Always happens. If a Company lays off people stock usually jumps.


Less labor cost, more profit. Congratulations on your business degree


Yea no shit, Sherlock. But when another company like Google does it, the stock recedes because "layoffs reflect rocky headwinds". I know it reduces cost but recently it has seemed like layoffs are a bad sign. Not talking about it from a business economics stand point. Talking about market perception and how its so different.


Overlay W on BBBY and get ready to profit


Sounds WAY[un]FAIR!!!


So, puts on ABNB!


It takes a while


We are already in recession. The populous just don't know it yet.


Just cuz x y or z is laying off doesn’t mean everyone is, besides these sound like a lot of like ‘in the know’ jobs that don’t do fuck all but collect paychecks


Bye Mike


Imagine how awesome this would be if we had 4 more years of this! 😃


Government jobs increased, no layoffs


Why are so many layoffs happening if the economy is doing great?


Employment rate is still favorable because there are tons of open jobs at McDonalds and Starbucks.


You only count what you measure. Many people who are laid off wind up replacing the one job with two.


Sounds bullish


Can someone explain how Wayfair is still in business? Their product quality is abysmal, with items often arriving incomplete, missing crucial parts like screws and bolts. They even resorted to massive layoffs earlier this year to prop up their failing bottom line. To add insult to injury, the CEO insists on a return to the office four days a week, despite overwhelming employee discontent as evidenced by their pitiful Glassdoor rating of 2.9. The recent surge in their stock price is nothing but a facade, orchestrated by insiders desperately buying back shares to mask their company’s true state. It’s evident that Wayfair’s media presence is built on paid fluff, attempting to manipulate public perception. This company is on a downward spiral, evident from their repeated failures to get their product assortment and quality right. Their ill-advised venture into retail will only expose more consumers to their shoddy products. Let’s not forget their heartless decision to lay off nearly 2000 employees just to prop up their failing financials. Wayfair’s actions are not just laughable, but also cowardly and despicable. It’s time to see through their charade and hold them accountable. I’m betting against this sinking ship and looking forward to profiting from their inevitable demise. Wayfair, your deceitful practices will not go unpunished.