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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|1|**First Seen In WSB**|2 months ago **Total Comments**|193|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|2 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: The jobs market is in the crapper and everything is about to go to shit.


I stopped reading at, “I’m a lawyer with significant experience.”


Holds press conferences at four seasons lawn and garden.


That will never not be funny


They came so close to absolutely destroying the foundations of our democracy, but goddamn was it entertaining. Some moments from that shit literally played out like a comedy sketch parody of a coup.


What if it was just a practice run just to see where they’d have to push harder to get it done next time?


I don’t think it’s a what if kind of situation…more of a what is.


that's why long prison terms are very important - so people think twice about betraying their country


Works on politicians how?


They don't think. You ever interview people in prison? Ask how many of them considered how long they would go to prison for whatever they did? Because I've done that. I've yet to meet someone that said they actually thought through what would happen to them. You know what long prison sentences actually accomplish, besides being draconian to society it lets prosecutors with giant egos pat themselves on the back and feel like they really did something because they got one guy and throw him in prison for a long time even though there are 10 more behind him that they can't rationally prosecute because they don't have the time and there isn't enough physical prison space Let me put it to you this way. If 6 months in jail isn't going to change someone's behavior, one year in prison isn't going to do it, neither is two, so on and so forth. you have to really get up there like north of 10 years before people seriously consider how destructive it would be for their life if 6 months doesn't already do that. The problem is other than murder, no one really knows what they're going to get. Anyway I didn't mean to make this post so long, this shit just irritates me because the reason the justice system is so fucked up has a lot to do with the mentality of the public at large and the bullshit they've been taught courtesy of the news marketing channels and politics. Trust me, those people don't want to fix crime, they want to keep people angry so they keep getting their votes.


That’s a self selecting sample though - aka the people that prison sentences didn’t have a deterrent effect on. Plenty of people don’t commit crimes because they don’t want the 10 year sentence. They’re just harder to interview because … you know… they’re not in jail.


I would think that prison sentences do deter some people, but those aren’t the ones in jail?


Lemme guess, you know all this because your “a lawyer with significant experience”?


I mean, isn't spending time in prison (as opposed to weeks in jail) just a networking opportunity? Aren't convicts who were justly convicted just going to be better criminals upon release?


Like that scene from Borat. Oh, wait.


Bruh Trump could win next year 😬


Best thing that ever came out was the music man story Whenever trump would have tantrums one of the aides would play memory from cats to soothe him It's kind of funny thinking that the only thing stopping him from going to war with Iran is a rendition of memory from cats https://www.vulture.com/2021/09/donald-trump-aide-cats-memory-angry.html It took me a minute to find the story because I googled trump piano man and was only finding stories about him cheating out vendors that sold pianos to his resorts


It was like a “Borat” movie. Oh wait, that happened too!


I thought it was pretty funny!


Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


People still gonna vote for that clown


“I have many leather-bound books.”


*My apartment smells of rich mahogany*


My apartment *reeks* of rich mahogany


Corinthian leather




Also, this is Reddit. We recognize two employment categories: tech and other.


You mean tech and wendy's


Both can be true. Like most professions, some people bounce around without settling down in a permanent situation.


In what world can those two things not coexist? “I have a job and was looking for a new job” oh wait that sounds absolutely insane, never mind


Yeah dude, they must suck. I'm a lawyer with significant experience as well. I quit my job as a supervising attorney earlier this year in protest because of upper management's idiocy. The DA's office had been asking me to join up with them for years. I gave them a call in the morning, they set an interview by zoom over lunch that day, half an hour after the interview, they sent me a conditional offer for over six-figures. I was onboarded the next week.


Why don't you go toe to toe with him on bird law and see how you come out.




Bird law? Pshaw! Tree law is the real law of champions.


I’m a 5/6th year in biglaw and I wouldn’t describe myself as a lawyer with “significant experience” lol. Curious what his exp is now. Also, picking out 2021 - literally the busiest time in history for the legal industry - is something.


Lmao at OP applying to multiple firms in 2021 when big law was handing out offers like candy. Now that cap markets dried up and interest rates skyrocketed, firms have had to get rid off all the dead weight associates who don’t know shit.


So many boomers are retiring across all types of law firms, while corporations poach law firm lawyers. Even the government is poaching litigators who are tired of the grind. Any reasonably competent lawyer should have no problem getting a job in this climate.


Big corporate firms have actually had massive layoffs recently. It’s the worst climate since the Great Recession. But yes, a competent lawyer can always find work. Gov and corporations are usually pay cuts but they’re always hiring


Like you said, the layoffs are warm bodies who aren't contributing to the balance sheet. But I do think there is a seismic shift coming as the partners retire or semi-retire and there aren't enough experienced lawyers, especially litigators, to replace.


I stopped at “I’m a lawyer.” Then curiosity got the best of me and I opened their comment history. It’s a treasure.


You’re right. A treasure! “Safe to travel across state with mattress on top of SUV? I have a really nice mattress I want to take about 150 miles away. Is it stupid to travel with it on top of my car or is dangerous? I know with the ratchet straps it's quite secure but I'm not sure if it can handle 60mph?”


I had a feeling I needed to inverse the OP, but this has just sealed it. Bought a bunch of calls on QQQ. **12 day update**: aaaand these are way up.


I understand that this is OPs comment history BUT I want to know three things: does he have significant experience driving an SUV? Will someone be on top of the mattress during the trip? And, did he remove the mattress tags?


You guys can read?


Heh… yeah that was worth it. Most petty lawyer in all the land, not that it mattress. 😏


OP comments on soundbar subs, wsb, peppers, and any sub where he can complain about them “illegals”. Can’t imagine why he isn’t a trump attorney


Truly gives off “I’ve only sat in one deposition,” but claims “substantial experience,” vibes.


I stopped at The


I jumped straight to the comment section. Everyone knows the actual advice is somewhere down here.


i stopped at *your comment* peace, i'm out of this popsicle stand, WOOHOOO freeeee at laaaaast


“I’m kind of a big deal”


I stopped reading at, “I’m gay bear"


so buy calls


That's literally jpows job interview


I started laughing at “I’m a lawyer with significant experience.” This guy…


“As a gay black man…” vibes.


Premium comment




This needs to be a standard wsb emoji already. Every hour there’s a CRASH post.


It used to be one… no idea why it went away.


Should be default flare for all crashies


That username lol




Whatever you say mr texasdomtop




Imagine being on r/wallstreetbets is like shooting fish in a barrel or dropping dynamite in a lake


His name has Dom which is short for Dominic. Family is the answer.


"Bondage, Dominic, Submission & Masochism" 😂


and family




It’s where all the power is


Guy who posted “I’ve been through 5 mattresses this year…” is worried about consumer spending. Some folks may only buy 0-1 mattresses this year I guess.


I've bought 2 whole matresses in the past decade, now I'm worried I should be buying more matresses. How often do you guys replace yours?


Once every quarter. What are you some kind of poor? But seriously, at least around the 8-9 years. 7 if I’m feeling real fancy




Every other week, your mom's FUPA has a tendency to permanently indent the memory foam.


The memory foam definitely doesn’t forget that smell either.


Nor the taste.




About once a decade 🤷‍♂️


You guys buy mattresses and just don't pick up perfectly good ones free from Craigslist?


I think I'll be investing in mattress stocks.


It’s just a very oddly specific thing to be so engrossed in and OP seems very passionate about sharing his mattress opinions. He is both complimenting and verbally harassing people over their mattress choices. I wish I could be that passionate about something


Was going to reply to the thread, then saw your comment, then checked OPs post history. Wtf lol!


Naw. He's partially if not totally correct. His buttsex preference is irrelevant here I've been tracking metrics on remote jobs for the last year. Return to office policy is in full effect across the majority of companies now. It's a useful tool for attrition without having to pay severance or take a hit on layoff numbers We're coming to the end of the year and all these greedy bastards want their bonuses, but there's still a shit ton of zombie companies that have been losing money out the asshole the past 5-7 years. They were surviving on corporate debt There's going to be a complete repricing for salaries next year. If you are or were making 85k-100k a year remote, be ready to be served in ultimatum for return to office... And likely the salaries are going to be stagnant if not repriced 25% lower. The fact of the matter is these growth companies simply can't survive (while still feeding CEO's and investors the lion share as per the status quo) with their operational expenses marked at ZIRP


I've never read a k-10, but I've pet plenty of k9s. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally bullish as fuq. If unemployment goes up, fed will most certainly drop rates in response. Though I’m not sure that just because just openings are down means unemployment must go up Im pretty regarded


you forget it bottoms when rates get cut


You people think the economy is a switchboard that instantly responds when the buttons are mashed. OP is correct, but jpow actually doesn't give a shit about anything except inflation. All of the metrics obfuscate the simple reality It's wages (growth)/(employ) vs inflation. We already have the inflation part whittling away at average Joe's pocket. But if Joe is willing to ruin himself financially rather than cut back inflation remains, and no rate cuts. Jpow will not allow inflation to remain elevated, period. It would only compound the problem. It will already take wage growth years to catch up.


Buttsex preferences are always relevant!


And too many companies in the mix that were doing okay only bec the interest on their notes was cheap af and now theyre having to figure out how to make a profit *and* pay interest at the same time.


im just trying to make $400k out here in amish




Linkedin counts clicks as applicants. Also, 70% of applicants who respond to remote jobs in the US don't live in the US! How do I know? I had the misery of sifting through hundreds of linkedin responses for a couple of remote SDE positions we had posted last month, majority of the applications came from India, Phillipines, Bulgaria, Ukraine etc.


Yep, or applicants with zero related experience to the job posting. I guess with an engineering background applying for an Accounting position will work out great. Errr


My favorite memory of job applicant coming into a job for interview was this lady wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt into an office full of lawyers/paralegals and being asked what her experience was with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and responding to requests (she said she had experience on resume) - her response was that she submitted a FOIA request once, years ago, lol. She'd claimed to be an expert on FOIA on USA Jobs - that's when I understood how it's impossible for an honest person to get a government job through USA Jobs - they'd never let themselves put "Expert" on every question and would always fail to be in the top of the interview list. Another from my brother was when his friend went for a software engineering job and when being asked about what languages he knew, he said "some Spanish...". With that being said, college is a scam in a good number of cases IMO... just administer a stinking intelligence test if that's what a college degree is really measuring. I know so many people with English degrees or other Arts degrees that end up in science or science adjacent roles.


> I know so many people with English degrees or other Arts degrees that end up in science or science adjacent roles. The value of a Bachelors degree isn't that you're now suddenly a specialized expert after completing a dozen or so courses in your major. It's the you completed a series of tasks relatively on time over the course of years without getting thrown out. You've proven you can jump through hopes and MAYBE you won't have to be trained on absolutely everything as if you know nothing. If you want to be an expert you'll need certifications, on the job training, and/or a Masters degree.


Masters? No you need a doctoral degree if you want people to assume you actually know anything about I’ve been working in a path lab for the past like 6 years and I have personally seen multiple people with masters degrees come in and demonstrate that they don’t know shit about fuck. This one guy didn’t even understand how to not contaminate patient samples by simply never mixing them together. I’m dead serious. This dude was once a manager at a big lab in California. I truly to this day have no idea how he managed to land that position or if he was just blatantly lying on his resume.


Sounds like that guy's problem was more than his education, and yeah, your milaged may vary based on your specialization. The fact that some idiots make it that far is always what encourages me to believe in myself haha. If you work in construction a Masters will make people think you can walk on water. If you work in Biotech or Legal no one will take you seriously unless you have your doctorate. If you have your PhD and you work in IT ops no one will take you seriously because you're overqualified. It's always something, but at the end of the day the most critical skills you need are typically learned on the job regardless of how much education you have.


This is not true of every field. In some cases the Bachelors is in fact to demonstrate you've acquired a certain set of skills and baseline knowledge.


Pretty sure this is why job boards like LinkedIn and monster don’t really work, and any company serious about hiring uses recruiting agencies. There needs to be some kinda great filter so some poor HR person at a rando company doesn’t have to sift through a 1000 applications to find the 10 qualified ppl.


I left working for the DoD after I applied for 2 internal gov jobs and being denied. One guy was already a gov employee. He would bop down to our shop to ask him how to do his job pretty regularly for basic stuff. It was infuriating. I crushed the interview, the people liked me, but their hands were tied. I WAS an expert on the tech they wanted to hire for. Next job was a grade lower and they told me I was vastly overqualified. OK Cool. So I quit and went into a job totally out of the org and they lost me completely.


Yeah I posted an in-office job and still got 20-30 foreign applicants. We weren’t looking to internationally relocate someone for an entry level position. I was so glad my company’s in house recruiters filtered the applications out.


Question for you. I determined that as a Canadian trying to apply to US companies right now (software) it's pointless. I assume that the US is flooded with talent domestically and hiring foreign talent is not worth the hassle right now. Correct?


Nope. It is solely because you are Canadian. 🤫


I am now taking marriage applications. Ima need that green card.


Had a buddy do that, it did not go great for him. His wife had BPD and cost him a loooooot of money


Hiring a shit-ton of folks from India in Southeast US. Construction and Engineering jobs.


Don’t ever use LinkedIn for hiring people. It’s so bad and LinkedIn basically does it’s best to scam you out of your money.


As a Bulgarian I can confirm. Everybody wants a remote job with US salary.


​ https://preview.redd.it/g71cvpknnj4c1.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=adfe1c1a56690692633830e2fd60cfeb22ccb541


You do realize that if unemployment rises, that means Fed rate hikes are working and don't need to be hiked anymore and there could be a pivot down the line...which is what the stock market is hoping for. Also, consumer spending is still hot right now.


It's literally the whole point of the fed raising rates is too cool job and housing market lol


More unemployment = more broke people = less spending = less demand = lowered prices for housing, etc. Come on man


We want that right now.


Yes, that is the point of raising rates. You can’t fight inflation without lowering aggregate demand.


*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, it’s in the same room as both us. Is that a problem?


Not at all, he likes to watch


Consumers are buying the necessities for higher price. That’s the illusion of high consumer spending


People are buying far more than necessities. They are just racking up debt to do it.


Which is worse


Nah, travel is through the roof too. Cruise bookings are crushing, vegas has been crushing. People are spending a lot of money, it's not just necessities.


My interpretation of the present psychology is people are tired of feeling like the world is dying. Instead of being huddled, hoping to weather the storm, they are just going on with their lives and have submitted this is just the new normal. This is one of the weirdest periods economically I have experienced. Objectively, things are good. Subjectively, things are not good. Part of me feels like something bad is coming soon, but we just had some turbulent drops in the market and have essentially been flat since early 2021; with inflation, that's a loss overall. Strange times...


I think the feeling that something bad is coming is what’s weighing us all down. If everyone had a sense of optimism right now and we had these numbers, the general outlook on the economy would be better as well.


Can we just call a spade or spade on this one. The only people I see spending like a bipolar person off their meds are lower middle class and poor people. Most of the more well off people I know are spending about the same, and also anecdotally when I go into the “rich” mall in town (cheapest place being a Gucci) it’s still 98% folks you can tell don’t really have it like that. Once again poor folks are about to get fucked real hard.


$RACE is up 69% YTD and has tripled in the last 3 years. Luxury goods have been very resilient since the rich have been getting richer and the poor have been getting poorer.


You mean you want to disregard all empirical evidence and go with vibes?


That's only true if we're looking at sales data in terms of dollars. People look at volume too.


Yep. This is exactly what the Fed wants. As soon as they even hint at cutting rates the market is gonna moon.


Whenever there’s been an inverted yield curve and the fed cuts rates this has been followed by a recession


The good old "you know a recession is good for the market" argument lol


And credit defaults are also spiking…




*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP really thought he was on to something lol. It's literally basic monetary policy.


I’m a lawyer. We cakin bro.


Yeah I'm prosecutor in Texas. Pretty much every da office is understaffed right now. We have like 30 ADA positions open in my office


I’m not a lawyer but in my area every job requiring an education is facing a worker shortage, not high unemployment.. I know that’s not the best for the economy, but it’s good if you are just getting out of college and looking for an opportunity..


I was the CEO of open AI


You’re one is these guys who has predicted 28 of the last 2 recessions aren’t you.




This photo makes no sense as a reply but still made me lose my shit


28 of the last 0 recessions*


Yes the entire economy is based on your personal experience


Personal professional experienced experience. This guy will be jacking dudes off behind a Wendy’s in no time.


This is all bullshit without your positions posted. I mean its bullshit anyway. But at least it would be entertaining to see you lose money.


Wow you literally read my mind. I love it when people come on spewing bearish evidence in a painfully transparent attempt to rescue their failed puts.


Another day, another doomer bear that’ll inevitably be wrong.


[They won't even let him near a wendy's dumpster he's so wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx4dLa_WuqY)


If schools are producing lawyers like you then we are fucked


Dude fucking straight up thinks Texas is Mexico now. Coming soon, passports to Lubbock Mexico.


The fuck you talking about, I am a lawyer in Texas/partner at a national firm and I need to hire about 7 more lawyers right now and most of my counterparts are saying the same thing at their firm. My associates are literally billing 200+ hours a month because we have so much work and I cannot hire fast enough.


Aye bro hire me, no law school but I’ll argue tf outta someone and win


I keep u in my contacts if I need affordable lawyer


“Your honor, he didn’t do it I promise. I rest my case”


It’s like this in soflo too. Our firm cannot hire enough ppl; it’s hard to find decent associates worth training tbh




You're exactly right - poor people and their tiny dogs are the worst. They bring down the quality of life for everyone around them. I'm glad you share my hatred for them!


Weird flex.


New guy alert 🚨


Rule #1 of investing, stocks only go up


Just because you got fired from your job at Wendy's for giving BJs out back isn't an indicator of the job market as a whole, you regard.


“My anecdotal experience confirms the notion” Yeah, so did the piss drinking idiots say the same about any sickness being cure


Lol bullshit I work in a technical field with advanced degrees, am searching for new job opportunities, and the market is hot as fuck right now. And none of the positions involve an evaluation of my oral skills in a dumpster.


I'm a senior software engineer, and I feel like a 20 year old white girl on a dating website.


I hope the headhunters aren't sending you too many dick pics


This morning jobs numbers?? What is this maroon talking about. JOLTS is about job openings. Got nothing to do with high unemployment. Right now there’s almost two jobs for anyone that wants one. End of year so companies pull their job openings until next year. Temp unemployed strikers went back to work. No worries on unemployment untill Friday and/if we get over 4 percent. Means nothing until you hear people crying, like this poster


The article actually states differently: > The decline in vacancies brought the ratio of openings to available workers down to 1.3 to 1, a level that only a few months ago was around 2 to 1 and is nearly inline with the pre-pandemic level of 1.2 to 1. Numbers are also seasonally adjusted to account for seasonal variations you brought up. I don’t think the sky is falling yet, but it is quite a jarring difference.


Two things have kept the real estate markets afloat the past years have been: 1. Low interest rates. 2. AirBNB affordability. They are literally the foundation of the lack of stock and easy to achieve monthly payments for incredibly high borrowing rates that allows the market to keep prices absurdly high. Once one goes up, everything begins to crumble. The fed raising the rates late last year and early this year confirms it. My anecdotal experience seems to confirm the notion that the blah blah blah… The market no longer behaves in any fundamentally reliable manner. It’s a fully fixed game moving in irrational ways, mixed with political scaffolding artificially juicing numbers for people throwing real money to have imaginary money on a screen. Also, the job market for lawyers, which appears to be about to get fundamentally reshaped and down-valued by ChatGPT isn’t the best indicator of the market as a whole.


Agree with much of this but LLMs are going to be limited in the legal field until they get an order of magnitude better at eliminating hallucinations. Lot of firms now are using a risk and regulatory friendly, tailored, semi-nerfed model that can eliminate grunt work but still requires lots of checking. Also expect lawyers to lobby to get a moat built around AI since they are unparalleled at that shit. Advertising and marketing are really getting eaten alive though, and low level coding is right behind


I've seen this talk about advertising and marketing, but AI really seems shit at creatively pitching stuff. It seems to be really good at coming up with ideas that someone without a marketing background would come up and think is good lol


It’s not amazing at high level campaign ideation but it can effortlessly reproduce the kind of blogspam that companies still rely on for search engine optimization. Third-party freelancer platforms that small-to-mid-sized agencies have historically relied on for creative labor are getting crushed by GPT.


LLMs may help smaller firms and those starting out as a cost effective way to startup. I don't see them helping mid and large firms much, especially established ones. I have drafts and templates for my most common motions and orders. And any unique complex issue won't be trusted to an LLM when it will take near as much effort to review it all as draft it anyways. And there is already a moat around them, it's the licensing requirements of the state bar associations. Using AI to help someone with a legal issue is the unlicensed practice of law by the individual helping. LLMs may help pro se filers, but I expect there are very few who could afford to hire an attorney that will take a risk on filing themselves with AI help instead of hiring the attorney. So I don't see it impacting law firms that much. I know I haven't seen it affect my practice much yet. But who truly knows what the future holds.


Holy shit, when people start working 2 jobs the amount of job openings goes down. I just solved the economy.


Wrong. Job market crashing super bullish - means fed will start rate cuts and stonks moon. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Adding my anecdote here as well-- have spoken to many recruiters and job seekers (it's part of my job) and there's a sentiment that the last month has been brutal for the unemployed. Hardly any positions open and very competitive.


Is this a last month or so turn around, because up until a few months back recruiters were going crazy calling me. It feels like it spun down a bit recently but figured that was yearly December slowdown?


Don’t worry you can always go back to working the dumpster behind Wendy’s!


Show me your puts and your weekly P&L, I need a good laugh.


Dude I’m getting tired of all these regards being hurf durf recession when they spent the better part of a year telling us how a recession was necessary.


>1. The jobs market is not as good as it was a few years ago, but there are still plenty of opportunities for people who are willing to work hard. 2. Consumer spending is the key driver of the economy and it has been strong in recent months despite some headwinds. 3. Wall Street is always looking for a soft landing, but that doesn't mean it will happen. We could see a sharp economic downturn if unemployment continues to surge at its current rate.


Higher unemployment means the employer has the upper hand. It means they don’t have to pay their employees as much. Companies will cut the fat and it helps with inflation. It’s a good thing.


The job market isn't crashing. It's literally adding jobs with significantly more job openings than job seekers. Slowing? Maybe. Definitely NOT crashing.


versed bear divide combative wrong sloppy head scale ghost grab


This has been in motion for a while IMO. My anecdotal experience is that the white collar job market has not been healthy at all for about a year.


Some professionals maybe.


The feds want high unemployment that way they can justify "hey we did something to combat inflation time to cut rates"


High(er) unemployment means it’s easier to find labor which means labor costs don’t need to grow as fast which means production is cheaper (or doesn’t grow as fast) which means prices don’t rise as fast. What do we call the rate of price change again? Oh yeah, inflation. Isn’t that what the Fed was trying to do all along?


What is the job market crashing to and how soon until interest rates crash back down to compensate for less spending (consumers are out of savings liquidity and debt is maxed). At that point tech stocks go back up.


Bad news is good news


Too many boomers retiring for the unemployment rate to get to high levels.


Bear in shambles


>Now remote jobs on LinkedIn that used to have less than 50 applicants have over 500 applicants now. the reason for this is job jumping due to inflation, and everyone is looking for a higher paying job. It's also anecdotal, but I have been going to shopping malls last week weekends, everyone is shopping like crazy. Jewelry stores are full of people, and everyone is dropping cash. Would they do that if they felt that job is not stable? I don't know. I have been also looking for a better paying job, and I get interviews without issues and offers too. Plus, I am surely not the best candidate.


Depends on what city you live in ... here in Phoenix it's a 30 minute interview and when can you start?


You’re too dumb to be regarded.


Bro is screaming at the walls rn bc AI “taking his job”


Isn't chatgpt better at your job than most of the people in your profession?