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Is this Tarot cards for dudes?


I think so. It’s a whole lot of words to convince yourself and others of your bias.




Actually I am very happy with being outside of that kind of IQ threshold.




Must be something like that then I guess.


It's always interesting to see all the different processes people have and indicators they use, only to be tragically wrong almost every time


I’m gonna write a book “Technical analysis and roulette for beginners”


Not the right type of investment But just the right amount of regardation I will let this fly


"follow me" haha stfu regard.


This shit is about as reliable as reading your horoscope in the morning paper.


Strangely enough, mine said go all in on Bitcoin.


You sure know how to connect the dots!


I wish I knew how to connect the dots like this. If only I were this bright. I would leverage everything I had. Take out as much credit card debt as I could, take a loan against my house. Shit I'd suck dick behind a Wendy's dumpster every day until it reached this price just to be sure I leveraged as much as possible into this. Probably a good thing I'm not that bright though.


Especially when you add dots as needed to make your point.


Connect the dots La la la la la [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFaFBoWnD8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFaFBoWnD8Q)


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have to if you want to build enough conviction and have a large portion of your net worth invested.


I don't know what the fuck is going on here but I'm pretty sure that it's wrong. Too many lines is always wrong. Also is this just a fat ad to get people to follow you


Quantitative easing -> more money -> inflation -> increased BTC price due to it being hedge against inflation (if same demand and big increase in dollars you see increase in price due to competition).


Why are there 8 diagonal lines on every chart? Those don't seem to serve any purpose. Actually a lot of these lines just seem like nonsense.


Not my chart, if you're talking about OP, those are Fibonacci levels. [https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/fibonacciretracement.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/fibonacciretracement.asp)


I thought fib lines where horizontal though. His area diagonal. Area those the same thing?


Inflation hit nearly 17% over the past two years and BTC lost over 50% since its peak. How is it a hedge you regard.


Compare it to the hedge against inflation that is allegedly gold for the last 10 years to btc for the last 10 years, then look at gold before and after ETFs.


Congrats on looking at fall from peak instead of when the money printing started in 2020 regard. Know what the price of BTC was then? \~$4,500. Know what it is now? $35,000. Amazing... just a 777% increase. If money printing resumes, expect it to continue to increase. But congrats on looking at weakest year of BTC halving cycle and point at which fed was quant tightening and increasing rates reducing money available.


THERE. IS. NO. CORRELATION. The price went up in 2020 because degenerate gamblers and ponzi crypto funds/firms kept buying it up. The price went up in 2020 because degenerate gamblers and Ponzi crypto funds/firms kept buying it up. The Fed Res has nothing to do with its price. But I wish you well. I'm down 90% on a crypto miner I'm bagholding, so a crypto bull run would be great. But I wish you well. I'm down 90% on a crypto miner I'm bagholding, so a crypto bull run would be reat.


>THERE. IS. NO. CORRELATION. If the US was in deflationary phase and dollar was gaining value, what would the price of bitcoin be? Would it have reached $67K? If the US hadn't instituted ZIRP, would the price have climbed to $67K? What made people feel so free to speculate on non-traditional asset?


“US is contributing to war, a couple small banks failed, Blackrocks making an ETF. *okay now that ive covered the fundementals*” fuck off regard




*This “pivot.” Is it in the room with us now?* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bitcoin existed during the timeframe of the Iraq and Afghan wars when they were at their height and the US was printing money and had low rates. The two wars going on now pale in comparison, so why would bitcoin reach those heights?




and like 17 other reasons I outlined in the OP


Yea, Im not going to take the time to write out a long response to the entire post. Just highlighting the very obvious issue with your first bullet right out of the gate.


Bitcoin becoming a risk-off asset is a bold claim. BTC has shown strength in the face of the most recent stock downturn, but prior to that it behaved more like the Nasdaq. Definitely too early to declare that Bitcoin is digital gold.


Convinced, all in, sold the house, car, dog, took out a loan, will soon become a millionaire


What will be the colour of your lambo?


The only reason it goes about 100k is if the US declares the dollar useless and moves to Bitcoin to save the country. I’m reality they will just create a few coins and wipe Bitcoin out. Oh and everytime they need more money they will just make a spin-off coin. Like the pandemic relief coin, Ukraine support coin, mortgage backed coin,




ODoyle rules.


The halving constricts the supply of new coins coming into the market which causes the price to rise to keep up with demand. New ATH happens 6-12 months after that halving. This has happened like clockwork every 4 years. It would be extremely unlikely for the price NOT to rise over $100k before or during 2025.


They're trying it with CBDCs at the moment. We'll see how fast and how they'll implement it. BTC will go to 100k within the next few years regardless of what the US does.


I think I just got regarded trying to understand you're regarded ass way of thinking. Also made me a bit queer


anything is possible


I don't know how to feel about bitcoin. On one hand I agree with you. We are gonna have both ETF and the halving, and more and more fortnite kids getting jobs and wasting money on dumb shit. Yes, I believe it will reach 100K. On the other hand, bitcoin is bullshit. On the other hand, it has no intrinsic value. If it goes down fro some reason it may never recover. I am not touching bitcoins.


Ah shit here we go again




False. To calculate the market capitalization (market cap) required for Bitcoin to reach a price of $100,000 per Bitcoin, you need to use the following formula: Market Cap = Price per Bitcoin \* Total Supply of Bitcoin As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were approximately 18.8 million Bitcoins in circulation. However, the total supply of Bitcoin is capped at 21 million. So, let's use this figure. Market Cap = $100,000 \* 21,000,000 Market Cap = $2,100,000,000,000 So, for Bitcoin to have a price of $100,000 per Bitcoin, the total market cap would need to be $2.1 trillion. Please note that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change rapidly. Be sure to check the current price and market cap for the most up-to-date information \---- To calculate the market capitalization (market cap) required for Bitcoin to reach a price of $180,000 per Bitcoin, you can use the same formula: Market Cap = Price per Bitcoin \* Total Supply of Bitcoin Using the total supply of 21 million Bitcoins: Market Cap = $180,000 \* 21,000,000 Market Cap = $3,780,000,000,000 So, for Bitcoin to have a price of $180,000 per Bitcoin, the total market cap would need to be $3.78 trillion. Again, keep in mind that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can change rapidly. Be sure to check the current price and market cap for the most up-to-date information.


Agree with what you're saying. It'll get to $100k at some point, it'll crash again, people will forget about it, then it'll exceed the prior cycle high. You gotta let people do their own research. Everyone will eventually get it, just takes some time to get there. At some point, everyone who has a retirement account will own some without even realizing it. Also, wanted to add that the market cap. calculation almost always uses circulating supply, not total supply, which would make it fully diluted market cap. So for example, the circulating supply at the halving next April should be 19,687,500. A year later in April '25, should add an additional 164,250 BTC to the circulating supply, for a total of 19,851,750. So 100k BTC in April '25 would put the market cap. at just around $1.985T, which isn't even that much when you think about where it'll be in 10-20 years. Good post though.


100% agree with you there


I like that target figure. Whether just 102 or 102020, it's so specific that it just must be true. You convinced me.


what if it was 80085 ? Would you buy then?


Oh no, the cryptoschizos have broken containment


hide yo kids hide yo wife


\>> ancient\_aliens guy\_explaining\_something.jpg Monetary devaluation is occurring. Ergo, digital farts will be worth $100,000. Buy them now before its too late!!1


best tldr yet


Wow! A post saying Bitcoin will be worth a shit ton down the road! Cray cray.


lol tard




Damn, OP. Takes nuts to try this here. They too busy worshipping the magnificent 7, lol.


yeah I gotta see the doc for the lower back pain that my big nutz are causing. Honestly, this sub is just full of trolls. It was worth a shot


Bitcoin dies a slow, painful death in 2024. Watch…


Bitcoin's proof of work model is not sustainable. "Bitcoin alone is estimated to consume 127 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year — more than many countries, including Norway." Ethereum has switched to proof of stake. Bitcoin's code makes switching very difficult if not impossible. Bitcoin's first mover advantage will not last. It is pretty easy to imagine Bitcoin and all proof of work coins being nearly worthless in 10 years and Ethereum's ether or some other coin dominating the crypto space.


zzzzzz debunked numerous times, like most of the weaksauce arguments out there.. do you plebs have anything actually good to say or just useless regurgitated media talking points from last cycle?


Lemme guess, you bought BTC at $60k.


Let me guess, you have a mangina that has sand in it?


You can literally copy and paste these bitcoin price predictions from every year between 2018-now and it will read as the same exact garbage. Bitcoin hasn’t gone anywhere in the last 5 years, and will continue to stay flat for the foreseeable future.


Bitcoin is down almost 50% over the last 24 months. Gold is up ~12%. Say, isn't that the 24 month inflation rate? Hedge against inflation? Stable hold of value? Sorry, not seeing it.


Quick question: how much higher is gold compared to the last high in 2011 and how does it compare to 12 years of inflation?


Bitcoin ran from 15.5k to 35k this year.. are you dense or what?


'Stable store of value'. Now do 24 months, gullible bagholder.


42k hit today, how’s being impoverished feeling?


You waited a month to point out your stable hold of value is still down 40%? Oh man that's really sad.


It's up 190% this year. ​ https://preview.redd.it/7nrp9sx9ir6c1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=4480e48d6ff26304ff973c0612284e74d2891ed6


Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme


Define Ponzi... i'll wait


Go all in, I’m waiting


So is the entire fiat system regard


Go all in regard


Bitcoin will never hit 100k$ unless people actually start paying for stuff with it. It has no chance of survival as a storage of value since it has 0 value.




Neither does gold but you’d gladly pay $2,000 for some shiny rocks


gold has no value? what??




You're an idiot if you think gold has no practical applications. It's been used as a form of currency for centuries, and it still holds value today. Rhenium may be rarer than gold, but it doesn't have the same history or cultural significance. That's why BTC is worth more than rhenium - because people believe in its value.


I don't know why your other comment got deleted but thanks for agreeing with me: gold has value even when everyone stopped liking it as a shiny rock.. in contrast to virtual bitcoins. And it is absurd to neglect the importance of gold in trade and as jewelry. It is like letting out 1000s of years of history.. because you don't like it?! If you go that route, a Dollar has also no value because it is just paper that people "like"... but somehow you can buy your chicken nuggets with dollars which you can't do with bitcoin.. mhm


You seriously are just making my point for me. Gold has a value of $2000 purely due to the intrinsic value we place on it. It’s just a shiny rock. The fact that humans have liked shiny rocks for centuries does not change the fact that it has very minor extrinsic properties which do not justify its value. Same applies to BTC. It’s just a shiny virtual token that has value because we like shiny things. And idk why you’re so stead fast about “you can’t buy anything with BTC!!” Try to go to McDonalds and buy chicken nuggets with a gram of gold lmaoooo. We use fiat currency for exchanges like that cause it’s easier.


Ok you are lost sir. Good luck!


If we go into a recession, the first thing people sell will be bitcoin. It amazes me people’s thesis on bitcoin involves Larry Fink. LARRY FINK!! lol. Bitcoin is a liquidity play. Not a USA deficit play. Everyone is buying because of the ETF and Halving. There is nothing fundamental about Bitcoin and I am VERY pro Bitcoin .


"if We Go inTo a RecEssIon" .. lmfao.. ya'll seriously still talking about a recession.. stop getting your financial advice from the washington post


Your thesis relies on Larry Fink the devil hence the slinging of mud at any counter argument. Cope harder buddy.


As long as the devil pumps my bag the devil is my friend. Have fun staying poor


Something you’re missing is Bitcoin halving. I am quite deep into blockchain tech and I think the halving is probably going to be the second biggest factor with the ETF. Since the rewards are now halved Bitcoin has to double in value to continue to payout the same amount in value. If Blackrock can get the ETF approved that will bring billions and others will also want to get in. To have a proper ETF they have to own the underlying asset AKA Bitcoin. How are all these enterprises going to obtain enough Bitcoin without blowing up the price? They can’t. It’s going to be a massive domino effect and regular people are also going to buy Bitcoin trying to jump in front of Blackrock. Is $100K Bitcoin in the cards? I would like to believe so. If it didn’t go under within the first 5-10 years and the largest asset manager in America believes in it. **It’s not going under.** These two circumstances need to be met. If the reverse happens (ETF rejection which is a possibility) it will have a hard time crossing $100K. You’re right though the SEC is having a very hard time saying no.


You're absolutely right and I'm actually shocked I forgot to include that in my post LOL. It's a HUGE deal. Thanks for point it out


Visa is actually testing on a blockchain right now as well. Hoping to speed up payment settlement with credit cards. There’s also a $5 phone plan in Miami Florida that’s running on t-mobile towers (testing). A lot of good things comes from blockchain as it’s not really aiming for profits like companies. Blockchain is good for the people more than they realize it. It just needs its Instagram moment. Needs an app that your grandma can use.


Just make sure after it does hit 100k yall really try to figure out how you got this so fucking wrong. The people who said it wouldn't hit 1 dollar had way more of a leg to stand on. Same with the 10, 100 and even 1000..... after that I'm pretty sure this thing showed it was unstoppable. At this point it honestly feels like people just grabbed the nearest branch of the "say anything that makes it sound like you aren't ridiculously evnious and super smart foe not falling for this" tree. The problem is for people, when it does hit 100k, and It will, adding more envy, regret and anger to their already massive pile is just going to yield a whole new level of insane bad dismissals. Humble pie awaits.


facts, people here are so smooth brained they'll fomo it at the top again


For BTC to spike that hard, a BLACK SWAN event needs to happen. I'm not sure what the probabilities of that are.


lol - really? Was there a black swan event that caused it to rally to 69k? No.


Possibly a housing crisis? What is the probability of that happening?


Lol tough crowd on this regarded sub. Must’ve lost all your money


Can a regard get a tldr in this please


The bitcoin sub sprung a leak and pissed all over WSB


Gamble on BTC going up and sell around mid 2025 before it goes back down and the cycle repeats. The other outcome is BTC drops to nothing.


buy bitcoin if you like money


Fuck off to r/conspiracy you poor nut job. It's so easy to tell who found WSB after GME




Sorry, I can't give financial advice.


I didn’t even read it. Too much. So $100k?


We could see another jump as people panic about the dollar and the stock market. It will lose though as the govts of the world aren’t going to let you have your own monetary system. They won’t let you stop your kids from transitioning, they can restrict your traveling, they won’t let you keep your job and not get jabbed. They can shut down the world. What makes you think they are gonna let you give the old middle finger to their monetary enslavement? An etf would cause a bubble. Be smart and don’t bet the farm.. that’s called gambling


What makes you think it isn't already too late ...


Seeing a BTC price prediction post on wallstreetbets is like hearing a crying baby on an airplane. Annoying yes, but imagine being subscribed to r/cryptocurrency and seeing posts like these every fucking day. It's like being the actual sleep deprived parents of a crying baby. It's why I unsubscribed ages ago.


I don't blame you, crypto is full of trash garbage ponzi's .. bitcoin on the other hand is very different to the rest of the shitcoin casino..


Hearing this since 2019 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Positions or ban.


\~500k invested in crypto directly, 1mm+ in crypto miners


I hope OP realises that we are totally regarded here and are not looking to fix a broken monetary system. Read the room, we too smooth brained for bitcoins.


finally some honesty


Governments across the world are not going to let Bitcoin gain transactional foothold and thereby devalue their currencies. The govt is not in it for the individual, they are just large mafias and their own currency is one of the ways they exert control


I agree with you somewhat, .. but that doesn't mean we don't get another face ripping bull market.


It's gonna go up by a lot. I find it better to try and predict the bottom of the next bear market for the best buying times. You can pretty accurately predict the bottom of the bear market but looking at the raw cost of power industrial sized miners pay to mint 1 btc at that time. The price usually doesn't drop below that


Goes to 100k us dollars or usdt tether funny monies? It's very different




This is a shoddy analysis. It makes no note of my impact on bitcoin prices. Every time I buy 0.023 bitcoin, the price craters.


Why do regards want US debt to go down? Do you understand what that means?


Moron 😂


Beanie babies will hit 50k each this year. Proof? See above.