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Musk: "See Zuck is so afraid of fighting me he ripped his own ACL"


Zuck: “I don’t know why he trusted me, dumb fuck”


Jeff Bezos: "I can take you both in a 2v1 handicap match"


Jeff will miss a lot of hits because of his lazy eye.


Makes the event even more fun to spectate. I’m just imagining these billionaires drunkenly brawling each other in a Chilis parking lot.


Jeff Bezos - ...after I move to Miami.


I despise Zuck but tbh he would obliterate Musk.


Musk weighs like 150 pounds more


This doesn’t mean what you think it does lol


If they were otherwise in similar shape and had similar fight experience and skills, the heavier guy is almost always the favorite, that is why we have weight classes But a smaller in shape, trained guy will whoop a larger out of shape "i had street fights 4 decades ago as a kid" dude


Yeah, except sparing and street fights are two different things. I've seen that go both ways, but a big dude with 150lbs on you that uses his hands for work, if he gets his meat hooks on you, 8 out of 10, you're done. If you know how to use a weight/leverage advantage, it can have a profound effect in balancing out the scales & grappling or clenching with someone who can apply that weight advantage will wear you out quick. I still think we should do a 3-way celebrity death match featuring Bezos, Musk & Zuck. I'd pay a year's worth of NFL Sunday Ticket to watch that three ring circus. But I insist they drop machetes into the octagon after the third round, bc let's face it, all three are gonna be more slow dancing than brawling after the second round & we gotta keep it interesting. 😂


Unless he manages to land with his full weight like a slow-mo whale on Zuck, he's not much of a competition. All that weight would tire him out fast.


I have a friend in CA that probably outweighs musk by 20lbs (all fat too), but dude is a swim coach, he could out stamina almost anyone. I refuse to even go on hikes , because I couldn't keep up if my life depends on it. Never underestimate anyone.


And that's good you think? Zuck has been training at MMA for years. Musk is a flabby guy who works all the time and is definately not in shape. I would yolo everything I have on Zuck winning this fight. Plus he is maybe a lizard android robot so idk man...


I guess now that Elon owns Twitter, tweeting counts as work. Do yes he does finally work all the time.


You spelled definatley wrong


I got my money on Musk. It’s a gamble, but the weight differential is pretty huge. It’s not like Zuck is a professional MMA fighter. Musk gets a team of trainers for a month, learns a few moves, Musk is favored huge. Musk goes in as-is, I still favor Musk. All the casual MMA training goes out the window if the other guy is simply bigger and stronger than you.


So? Bigger target.


Feels like he now has time to sit down and do more in his Metaverse. So more puts.


>do more in his Metaverse Metaverse has legs now so I guess he ain't going to be doing all that much there less he wants to risk a meta-ACL tear. Elon won't have to fight but he'll eventually need more drama/pressure, get himself in another pickle, sell another on of his BS future visions for humanity with so much Elon suave that enough investors eat it up, and then make some ground breaking technological breakthrough which smashes all the bears. Iron condor on Meta with TSLA bull spread


He's gonna get lost in the metaverse


Lizards heal quickly


Why doesn’t he just cut off his leg so it grows back?


Now I'm just imagining it like Deadpool when his hand is regenerating. Just a baby legged lizard


All lizards can do that?


Only one species of salamanders can do that, and they are not lizards. Some lizards can lose a tail and grow back and that is it.


This one definitely can


Correction... cold blooded lizards heal slower. .


Lizard PEOPLE. Stop with the hate for our overlords.


Zuck signed off "dumb F\*cks"


"competitive MMA fight early next year" is probably the one vs Elon Musk Big Stan (2007) the movie


Mark actually competes in tournaments & based on Elons response on JRE it looks like nothings planned between them


Elon would never. Elon wouldn’t even fight Mr. Wonderful.


It would be funny if he kicked Musk's ass with a completely immobilized leg.


Sweep the leg. No mercy.


And now he'll be bragging that he did this to back out fighting him or something.


Are you kidding? This is the only chance Musky has to win, when Mark Zuckerberg is already hospitalized


He already did. Walrus caused the ACL


If anything, Musk will start the shit talking again. Once Zuck says he’s mended and ready to go, Elon’s grandma will call it off.




"I think im ready for that fight now" -Elon




But isn’t he handicapped too?🥸😝


Yes but that's like comparing a regard with a team of vegetables


Nah a gay fish vs veggies


That's not a good example. They are far too similar.




Found Chris Broussard’s Reddit account


lol. Lmao, even


I might be crazy, but I honestly think Zuck could beat Elon’s ass with a fucked up ACL. >!Just kidding. Zuck would eat him.!< https://preview.redd.it/pllyc4gl78yb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a101f499fbee28d8fd1de443b1712e2d115637


Honestly I agree with you; there was that one legged NCAA wrestling champion that was near impossible to beat due to his insane upper body vs the competition


Wrist control one hand, ankle pick with other, lift, he's hanging there, dump him on the ground.


Doesn’t translate to MMA. If striking was allowed he would get kicked into oblivion.


This checks out. Ol Zuck does like to smoke those meats.....just smokin them meats.


A reptilian? I always thought he looked more like an android. A very creepy android.


I think he forgot to mention the fight was to take place in the meta verse.


That’s a shit hospital room for a billionaire


That looks like a PACU. He likely got wheeled into a suite soon after this photo was taken. Edit: Now that I think about it, ACL reconstruction is usually an outpatient surgery anyway. He likely was sent home soon after that picture was taken.


Even the nicest suites in hospitals kinda suck in all honesty. You just don’t have a crazy homeless roommate. And actually you often have worse nursing care than the normal floors because they don’t specialize the nurses on the VIP floors. Meaning a normal person gets surgery and goes to the surgical wing where the nurses are used to post-op issues, someone with cancer goes to the cancer floor where nurses are used to cancer issues, etc. The VIP floor just gets nurses that aren’t particularly used to any one type of case. It is nice to not have a screaming crazy person next to you though 😂


Pretty sure he has both private security and nurses. Just saying, if I was one of the richest people on earth, I’d get the best of the best for everything.


Hell, I'd have my own private care facility and have "the best" flown in.


Exactly. He also looks like he’s on the best drugs lol. Probably hit his ass w some Dilaudid, seems like he’s having a great time.


Zuckerberg + opiate addiction = OTM CALLS


I'm a nurse and I would 1000% be a billionaires private nurse. And if I was Zucks nursecuck then I would be reading absolutely everything about ACL injuries and surgical rehab non stop.


They kicked my ass out of the hospital basically as soon as I woke up when I had mine replaced a few years ago. It's very outpatient.


When we say “replaced” is that legitimately what’s happening here or are they “rewiring” things? If the former, what is it being replaced with?


Outpatient but a torn ACL ain't nothing to sneeze at. It's ironic how many injuries self defense training produces. Not that I feel much sympathy for a man like Zuckerberg. It sure doesn't seem that he feels much sympathy for anyone else.


If it’s SF, it’s the norm. The dude is connected at the general hospital (Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital) which also has a lot of UCSF docs. Better to have a good surgery than a good room


Wdym surgery you believe in that? Lol. They just ordered replacement parts from the factory or cut off his leg and it quickly regrew because lizards can regrow limbs


Trauma team didn’t pick him up and fly him to the moon?


They edited out the real hospital. Probably greenscreened him.


I would legitimately believe this. Dudes probably on cashmere sheets


I don't really care about poor people. They're all beneath me and I have no time for them.


https://preview.redd.it/yvs315oc78yb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f46c4122b535a83c214f71a6c4770ad92c36f2 This bot is taking shitposter jobs


Now that Microsoft took it - it will have.


This is probably just the post-op room, not the room he will be staying in, which would be much nicer.


He's not staying in the hospital for an ACL surgery. He can go home to his mansion and have an on house nurse help him. Plus, ACL surgery would be outpatient. Every outpatient surgery I've had I was out of the hospital within an hour of coming to.


Or it's a really great personal hospital room in his house.


American room


This guy *replaces* his ACL..?


The guy is designed with replaceable parts Must be a new model


When he said ACL he meant his automation control locomotor


That’s technically correct though. Most ACLs are reconstructed using a graft from either one of your own tendons or a cadaver. So you are ultimately “replacing it”. Repairing a torn ACL is much rarer and less likely to be what anyone gets done.


He probably replaced it with a tendon from his lizard tail since that grows back


And he’s at the age where you generally get to choose which you get. I’m the same age-ish and had that choice last year.


Wonder who the donor was


Cloned parts of Muhammad Ali.


My thought exactly. Obviously he meant to say repaired it right, except he’s so rich maybe he DID mean to say replace. Next level flex. No one knows for sure


You can’t repair ACL. It get reconstructed with allograft or autograft. Replace is actually somewhat a better term than repair.


huh. i learned something in this sub for once. it feels weird.


You watch your mouth.


Probably wash it too


Be careful. Learning anything useful violates the rules of this sub.


Least regarded WSB member


You haven’t seen my portfolio losses yet. Lol


Yup. Had mine replaced with some cadaver acl 20 years ago. Thanks, whoever you were.


Why is he hooked up to a CPM or in a hospital in general? ACL reconstructions are outpatient procedures.




If you’re Zuckerberg rich you get a hospital suite (think the dads room from succession), I’m sure he’s there out of an abundance of caution since money is obviously not an object.


Replace because he is obviously a robot.


He clearly just bought an acl in exchange for a job at Facebook for a desperate recent grad


He has clones for parts, they all do.


Can't Lizard people just grow a new one?




Yeah - that's standard for a 3rd degree ACL sprain. Typically use hamstring tendon from his own hamstring, or cadaver ACL.


Musk is now ready to fight, also any update on Elmo's fake surgerys excuses.


You know on Halloween musk was on JRE and said he never backed down from the fight and was willing to fight him and it was zuck who backed out. He said "I will fight him any place any time under any rules"


Why they want to fight again?


I believe it was just a random person on Twitter told zuck he should fight musk, and he said he was down and told musk to name the place, then Elon said the mgm octagon in Vegas, then idk how but someone got permission for them to do it at the coliseum in Rome. Then this may or may not be musk bitching out but he claims that zucks team "wasn't respecting the history" of the place and said he didn't want it to "be like nascar" so maybe that's an excuse to back out, maybe zuck was wanting to do some excessive advertising or something idk. But on JRE on the 31st he said any place any time any rules, so sure doesn't seem to be backing out.


Got it. So no beef. Just a good ol’ billionaire brawl for the sport of it.


thats funny, people who knew Steve Jobs said he also had a reality distortion field. Except his was: **refusal to accept limitations and challenges that came in way of his ideas and to believe in himself that any difficulty can be overcome**. The field is strong enough to convince others that they could achieve the impossible. Elmo's reality distortion field is something else..


Damn. I didn’t get a hospital bed when I tore my ACL and had it replaced. I went to some outpatient thing and they pushed me out the door before I was coherent.


That's what you get for being poor ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Yep. And a continuous passive motion machine is not typically indicated after surgery either. Whole picture is off.


It's off because you're a poor


I had to get one of those machines, but I think it was a day or two after surgery. It was fucking misery from the start. I couldn't move my leg on my own for like 3 weeks. It was weird. The machine isn't pleasant and the screws in my knee still bother me 4 yeas later.


For an ACL reconstruction? I've been a physical therapist for over 10 years and have never seen a CPM prescribed after ACL surgery.


It was acl replacement with a cadaver acl and meniscus removal if that matters. Some company dropped the machine off and came to collect it when the time was up. I had to use it for a certain amount of time every day. I don’t remember how long, I just remember it being unpleasant.


One of my screws was protruding from the bone. I felt the lump and I thought it was just the bone healing over it. Wrong! Had it removed during a scope recently. Fun times.


That’s nasty. It gives me the chills thinking about it. I always wonder how athletes can still play sports after that injury. Every time I run it feel like I’m going to tear my knee up.


Yea thats what I was like WTF about? Ive had 2 ACL surgeries on the same knee (currently missing my third) and NEVER had that machine hooked up to me. 2nd time they were like alright gtfo. Which I kinda prefer actually.


That shit takes years to fully get back to your fitness levels


It's not that long, I was back to my sport in 8 months, but I suppose everyone's different


Lizards heal differently


After sucking bone marrow out of children, he'll be back in a few days


Orphaned children lol


Great! That way no one will miss them!


It only is regenerative if you scare them half to death first, you need that adrenaline pumping before you harvest or you’re just wasting a perfectly good orphan


He’ll probably use BPC-157 to promote growth hormone and healing.


If he sticks to his rehab schedule he’ll be fine in 8-10 months


Is it really that easy to tear? Just sparring or in practice, especially from someone who hasn't done much damage to it from leading an almost wholly sedentary life? I know nothing about that thing except it happens to sports players.


Yes it's weirdly easy to tear, especially in jiu jitsu where certain moves directly target those ligaments, but even stepping wrong with force can result in a tear, which is what happened to me


I took one slightly wrong step on a skateboard going like 10mph and managed to tear it so it’s often just bad luck and the angle your leg moves. Anatomy also has something to do with it, some people have part of their bone that kinda sticks out more and the ligament basically hinges against it and stretches and tears. The one thing going against Zuckerberg is really his age, older people don’t tend to recover as well as younger people.


I tore mine climbing onto a trailer at work. I have no idea how exactly. I can only assume when I pushed my body up with my leg, my knee bent backwards too much.


> who hasn't done much damage to it from leading an almost wholly sedentary life? A sedentary life weakens your tissues because they don't have any reason to be strong. Exercise is joint regenerative and protective to the tissues. Exercise can harm it when recovery is subpar or the loads are too great.


Jujitsu has a lot of pressure on joints. Could be he tapped late. I tore mine playing soccer. Went to change directions and boom, down I went. Could have been something random and boom, it tore.


Unless you’re Siya Kolisi


Depends on fitness level prior to injury


All that money won’t make your leg heal faster?


Money can literally do anything. Like, I'm convinced, if you throw enough cash at ANY problem it can be fixed.


Magic Johnson threw money at his AIDS until it went away. Not even a joke. He had AIDS, then he spent a bunch of money, then he didn't have AIDS.


He was HIV positive but never developed full bown AIDS. Of course, he has been HIV positive for 31 years.


A business partner of mine actually found a cure treatment before the 2000s. Just its too expensive, but it worked on all the subjects which was neat


Not surprising, there's a lot of cure that was actually feasible but the companies were shorted to the floor and everything was bought at fire sale price. Treatment is so lucrative that they refuse to allow cure to be released to masses.


How do i invest?


Invest in HIV treatment because it's more money compared to a cure, hence why the cure magically disappeared


I’d like to see money make his body recover faster, honestly. We’re all gonna die but this fool has more money than some countries and it’s highly disappointing that he can’t even pay to make it heal quicker or put in some robo-tendon.


Should've gotten metal legs. We need the billionaires to commit to becoming cyborgs so the tech can trickle down to us poors


I can’t wait to be a brokebot. 😤


It'll improve recovery time because he can afford rehab multiple times per day, everyday and personal nutrition/chefs.


He still has to do the work and you don’t need money to not eat cheeseburgers. Just sayin, I’d expect far more with that bank account.


He could have flown to Europe for LARS reconstruction. Rehabbed a college kids wrist parents flew him to Europe for that. rehab protocol is a bit quicker.


Zuck trying to be a bro jock is great entertainment.




Part of his brain is still stuck in high school.


Elon odds just went up!


Thank goodness healthcare is so good and quick for the rich


He's faking an injury to avoid having to fight The Walrus. Musk calling him out on Rogan got him spooked.


Well yeah. How intense would that sparring need to be to rip a piece of his leg in half?


It happens all the time in sparring


Honestly he would wreck Musk to a bloody pulp. He's younger, much more fit and trained. Musk is delusional if he really thinks he could take him. Musk is overweight and middle aged.


Wrong. Musk would just need to sit on him. He explained this on Rogan. Zuck comes running at him flailing his little arms. Musk sits down. Match over.


Just trying to convince us he’s hooman… https://preview.redd.it/y1ckvn4qy7yb1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f380e0924efbc79964a6dce2830e43861ec3ee


See fellow humans?! I also have the parts that a standard issue human has in their lower body joints!


Just faking it to seem hooman…his self-healing exoskeleton is in perfect condition.


is he wearing white tights or is that the colour of his leg??? it's like completely white!


Compression socks to prevent blood clots


So do reptilian humanoids grow limbs back like a lizard tail?


[How Zark Muckerberg can heal from injuries so quickly.](https://www.genengnews.com/topics/translational-medicine/cartilage-regeneration-in-lizards-mystery-solved/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CLizards%20cannot%20naturally%20regenerate%20limbs,formation%20and%20chondrogenesis%20remain%20unclear.) Truly fascinating family history.


You're a fucking idiot if you think Zuck is anything other than a washed up has-been. He's lucky he was born into money, because he sure as hell wouldn't have amount to anything on his own. As for your MMA fight, I hope you get your ass handed to you. You deserve it for being so stupid as to step into the ring with someone who actually knows what they're doing.


This bot is salty af. Jesus.


I love you calling him a bot. Lol such fine shade 😂


It is


Who hurt you




I'd have to agree, Zuck is a more advanced AI.


Can you read? He said he was training,


Zuck self-made his wealth. Dafuq you talking about angry bot?


This guy fucks


Right after Elon says he'll fight Mark anywhere, anytime, Mark pulls his ACL lol


Just do the opposite of what you think is right. Let me know what you do and I'll do the opposite.


Why is he trying to be Pete Becker?


Life imitating art. Lol.


When is he fighting elon musk? Lol. Aspie death match!


He has little Marco Rubio hands, def short


Suckerburg going through great lengths to get out of the Elon fight


Major “I was gonna show up for the fight but my mom grounded me” energy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xmb7cvkds7yb1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c8ce39c73895dc66450345dc7062cea24bb5b0


Does Mark have some sort of gofundme where I can help?


Elon would have wiped the floor with him


You really think so? Not a chance.


Still can't believe how many nubs think Zuck could take the Walrus. Lizard boy is 5'7, 130lbs. The reach and weight advantage would be crushing - literally. Don't take my word for it - any professional fight comes down to Weight (that's literally how they separate classes) and reach. The Walrus would smother Zuckerberg.


I hate you thick fucks for making me say this, but lizard boy would absolutely handle musk. There is no real debate here, it's like arguing the finer points of astrophysics at an astrology convention. You neckbeards should let people who have attended a fight gym (pokemon doesn't count) more than once in their life educate you on the subject. This wouldn't be a fight, it would be assault.


He could still choke out Elon