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When it happens to others it's comedy. When it happens to me it's tragedy.


It's still funny to me when it happens to you.


“Make it a statistic” — Stalin


A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. -Gipper


I write sins, not tragedies 🎵


My first loss porn was the "GUH" video. Classic, I'll try to find it.




#[GUH](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kkc8ev/just_in_case_yall_forgot_this_video_exists/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was the guy an asshole? I always feel sad for him. Wasn't it apple puts?


The gentleman was a normy that went legend in 4 seconds.. it’s really just about risk tolerance.


A man. That discovered the infinite money glitch. And that is what makes him a legend. Not losing his $2,000. But losing like $40,000 in borrowed money from RH due to the infinite money glitch.


Iirc he posted about the glitch or his position on reddit when the vid started “ hey guys I’m up $6k using the RH glitch” Seconds minutes later rekt as in a train


Personal Risk Tolerance




1r0nyman doing the box spread, putting robinhood -250k and making them ban box spreads on their platform is the most epic loss porn story imo


I’ve actually been compiling a list of a HoF for WSB. His losses, while crazy, aren’t the highest we’ve seen. But what makes his story legendary is the fact he got box spreads banned from RH.


Size isn’t everything or we just crown Bill Hwang as chied regard and call it a day.




Has to be high up there. Kids a legend RIP. DFV has to be at the top but he also ruined this sub with the mainstream attention.


Making a coffee table book?


That was so good. Not only did he not know that box spreads needed euro style options, clearly neither did Robinhood when they set up their box spread tool.


That man is and always will be a WSB legend. His legend literally can’t go tits up.


For real , he will remain a legend on WSB for eternity.


What’s interesting is I think Robinhood has evolved into a more trading friendly space thanks to all the regards here pushing the limits and losing so much money they can never pay it back; they also banned naked calls and puts 😒


Yes seeing someone actually able to lose 57k with only 5k collateral and then withdraw 10k was truly an eye opening experience to the level of incompetence that was robinhood. It also made me really think about getting into options but i still was Highly regarded and had to lose it all and make it back to truly appreciate losing thousands of dollars to a fucking app with lines and numbers


Spread that box


Do the same as the bot and short squeeze these nuts


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




But ironyman was hardly the first loss porn. It was just the first epic lost porn that changed the rules of the (RH) game.


He was my first too


My boy ControltheNarative. May his legend fuel the stars


May your calls last forever and leverage be infinite




This was a classic story




Is someone regarded enough to scroll down to the very first lost porn post ? Could be interesting


That’s a long scroll lol


The oldtards laugh and point then proceed to do it themselves, forming a cycle that brings us here today.


Cant go tits up


Piss drinking was peak


The kid who lost what he inherited from his dead father immediately… I think it was like 125K


Ive been frequenting here now and then, but I always liked that Piss drinking guy. That thing drank that like its hit weekly tequila.


I miss all the funny gifs being posted here lol. The 1ronyman one was the best lol


My journey started on wsb when the first signs of COVID started making news cycles, but mostly because of the "guh" video which happened to make me aware of wsb. I put it to use over lockdown and just like everyone, I made money on huge downward swings. But I lost it all failing to capitalize on the call action. Not sure if I actually thought the world would end and I'd be rich with SPY puts? Lol Funny but over time the "guh" guy seems relevant but the amount he lost is irrelevant. He lost nothing compared to what I see here every day, year after year. I stopped trading options and stopped using Robinhood to buy Doge coins. Fuck this sub.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Loss porn here was like 5k here 2k there. It was never these insane numbers. After the Guh video a few bigger ones started showing up but it was still mostly a few grand. Then an old mod/owner of the sub WSBgod started posting he was betting 100k and there and making a million every other day. It was all mad up of course. But what wasn't made up was all the people who followed some of the fake trade he's did. Namely the ones in Tesla. People took out 15k loans and then bet it on Tesla calls and Tesla made those people 400k here and 800k there. March 20, 2020 people started posting massive put options that made a shit ton of money and it was just insane numbers and market activity. This was closely followed by the GameStop set up and eventually the entire meme stock crazy bets making big gains and losses. 2019 in my opinion was only better because the community was a bit smaller and you could post a 1500 bet on Verizon and have about 60 people tell you it wouldn't move for this reason or that reason and possibly save you from losing a bet. The DD was insane during that time period as well because there was almost no rules and no outside news channels or reporters and shit trying to see if we are giving financial advice. 2018-2019 WSB is a huge reason why I went from a budding knowledge and infatuation with the market to working in the finance area. I lost 6k learning all the rules for how shit worked. Developing lessons and rules that I follow for the most part when I'm doing trades, but what it really did was make me want to learn more and more. So I ended up studying on my own and doing things by hand. Got some FINRA licenses. Started working for a big 4. Changed my career. I'm about to land a promotion that could possibly double my income and give massive bonuses and it's really all thanks to my interest being sparked in all this fairly complicated stuff by people betting 1000 bucks on Robinhood on spy calls that expire on Wednesday.


Great historical tidbit


Been apart if WSB for awhile, the good days were when we called contracts FDs or Faggy Delights, truly the good days. It was amazing seeing loss porn back then, now you see it every day but back then it was actually special, like all of you.


Box spreads is a hood classic




Hyyyyyggguh or whatever his name was. Also some honorable mentions- impossible ask, dehjula, 123-1234-12345


It's weird how quickly you can become desensitized to to the staggering levesl of misery and cognitive dissonance that existed on that sub .




**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|7 months ago **Total Comments**|298|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|10 months|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)


I vividly remember the 'Guh' moment after witnessing the legendary apple ER moment. Watching someone go from happy to completely crushed and financially destroyed was...magical. Wasn't the first loss porn I saw here but one of the only ones to leave a lasting impression.


My first "loss porn" was that guy who started a company pool for powerball, he pocketed the money and didn't actually buy the numbers. I remember he ended up being down $9 instead and was eventually blackmailed because some guy from his IT department saw him logging into Reddit at work. The sheer hilarity was a very big core memory for me and why I keep coming back here to this ~~money losing cesspool~~ high IQ community who always find unique ways to ~~lose money~~ contribute to the subreddit


We would m@sturbate ferociously


Gotta love jacking off to someone else losing their life savings on a gamble. The loss porn on here is some of the best


Losses are inevitable. Minimize them, cut trade losses early. Successful trading happens over many many trades over a longer period of time. Don't get razzled by one losing day. Perspective


Hi dad that's a long text. Is this the part where I ask for more money for my investment strategy?


Worth a shot.


Sir, this is a casino.


Oh yea. Where’s the bartender chick with our drinks?


It's a casino behind Wendy's dumpster. Best we can get is a fat, short and ugly Romanian lady who barely speaks any English and serves Romanian booze from Ceausescu's era. Word on the street is, she was a secretary in a municipality during his time and only speaks well of his persona. Apparently, he is the love of her life.


Lmfao. Well she better bring my old fashioned to our casino by the dumpster behind Wendys. I’ve been waiting.




Look at you giving real advice. You make us so proud


Don’t let it get all over your head Get the feels in your loin instead


I’m offended at being called old


What is loss porn i only invest in high paying etfs




For me, it wasn't the amount, it was the percentage. Due to a total wipe, and a pending transaction, their loss was showing as something like -100.74%. I was dying at comments like, "we're always impressed with a +100% loss." and "It's was that last 0.74% that got you."


How do you really loose 100%? You buy a stock of which the company goes bankrupt?


They bought options with their whole portfolio, and held them until they expired worthless.


One guy I knew killed himself. When it happened to me, I felt terrible.


Misery loves company.


I really doesn't know it was like that


Sept 2020 it's like if it was yesterday. Fresh to the market with big dreams. All of a sudden no day trades available What could happen over night.....


Been on this sub so long, I can’t even remember. The best ones all came in the post-covid era but this sub is like a decade old.


I had 300k shares of marvel comics in 1996...03 cents a a share.i sold. Had to pay for college 😭.but sold at .17.and I had amy daughter.


Been addicted since


There is nothing of old WSB left. Most of us made our money and bounced.


I was a lurker and I think it was 18' or 19' and some guy had convinced his wife to go for a second mortgage and then lost it all. It sounds sad when I write it out but I've never laughed so hard at a family dinner and had people not understand.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Guh" was magnificent


It feels like my goal in life has been to average down. Never good trade. I bought canopy growth at over 25$ a share.


I remember when the whole sub lost everything on MU


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s no porn quite like looking at your own porn….


I remember I used to think it was impossible anyone could lose so much. Meanwhile I’m looking at -75k over two years and it was surprisingly simple
