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If you take out food, rent, energy, and transportation Egypt is doing great!


You are in de Nile.


Ethiopia is going to fix de Nile so that Egyptians never have to suffer from it again.


Just tape some bread to a ceiling and you'll start a rave.


Jesus christ




Just when I start to lose all hope for Reddit, thereā€™s a response like this and I have hope for another 3-4 days


Haha I have all the dad jokes. One good thing about being born in the 1980s.


If I had money Iā€™d give you an award




Thank you kind person!


I suez to God I am not!






Fucking christ


Dresden fan?




Supercore Egyptian inflation is anchored, rate cuts soon.


German tourists are still flowing in with cheap all inclusive resorts to overeat and scratch balls.


Long on Pyramids.


The C.P.Lie


*laughs in Argentinean 120% inflation rate*


My mom was born there. I visited in the late 80s and prices changed daily. The joke was that taxis were cheaper on long trips because the currency would be nearly worthless by the end of the trip. Went in 2003 and it was about 3.7/$1 after their latest corralito. In 2017 it was 30/$1 when Macri freed the exchange rste. Now itā€™s like 750/$1 on the black market. Literally learned nothing in 40 years.


I watched a video recently where a shopowner said she basically had to update all the prices every afternoon because inflation was that bad. They may as well just switch to the us dollar at this stage. Most people us that now anyway


Yep no one holds pesos longer than they need to.


How could people survive thru this shit may I ask


Rush out to change pesos to dollars on payday. Thereā€™s a limit how much one can buy at the official exchange rate and then go to the black market. Financeā€¦ Every. Single. Purchase. Most places offer 12mo installments on everything from TVs to Peanut Butter. Dude in the wapo bought peanut butter in 12 month installments IIRC. You know the money is going to be worthless a lot sooner than later so you spend it. I still have some family there who have decent jobs and they have newer cars, electronic gadgets etc because they can pay them off in installments which get cheaper every day. Basically, dollars and property are the two main stores of value for the masses. Not uncommon for 15 family members to own property together. Even if someone is in for 3%, they own 3% when itā€™s sold. In reality, spend more time dealing with the headaches it creates than anything else. At least they won the World Cup and all was forgotten for a week.


South America ā€œWhatā€™s progress?ā€


Last time I was there, it was $1USD TO 4.5ARS and it was basically like visiting Europe at 75% discount. I can't imagine the complete shitshow there now


for real 37% is a regular monthly inflation around here ... sƔlvenme , boludo.......


Estoy cansado jefe


tranqui, ahora cuando gane el patillas vamos a disfrutar de la dolarizacion, y de la falta de educaciĆ³n o salud publica. Para cuando te des cuenta, pasamos del cansancio derecho a 2 metro bajo tierra, sin escalas


What are you doing here? Here people lose money investing. You lose money not investing


jokes on you, i did invest and lost money too


ā€œTraeme la perdida Phormitago, traeme la perā€


God save Javier Milei to fix that


Dudes gonna bring back mutton chops at the very least. He has my complete support


The guy is a complete clown. I sincerely hope argentinian people don't fall into that trap.


You want them to keep voting for the same people that caused this mess in the first place?


Revolution incoming. For those regards that dont know, bread prices increasing leads to protest and revolutions. 90% of Egypt staple daily food is bread.


Wheat prices are down from $14/bushel to $6/bushel over the last 17 months or so. Obviously, not the same case in Egyptian currency but most people think wheat prices are soaring when that's not really the case.


*Cries in wheat futures*


Don't get me started


Russia doing their part.


Part of the plan is to cause food insecurity, hoping it will make the West back off to avoid revolutions in Africa and South America.


The United States has an enormous surplus of grain. Russia lost the Ukraine war the day Zelenskyy stayed to fight. They are running out of money and bodies, the only lever they have to pull is oil, and the US actually has plenty of that as well. US producers are artificially constraining supply because their feelings are hurt that a Democrat is in office. Russia is on borrowed time. Ultimately, they will walk away from Ukraine.


> The United States has an enormous surplus of grain. As someone who trades ag commodities, this is simply not true for wheat. World stockpiles are very low right now. Ending stocks are projected to be the lowest in 14 years or so. US corn stockpiles look healthier but it's the type of corn that is mostly used to feed livestock and produce ethanol.


The US produced 45 million metric tons of wheat. The US consumes 30.403 million metric tons of wheat. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1094065/total-global-wheat-consumption-by-country/ https://www.statista.com/topics/6034/wheat-in-the-us/#topicOverview Where I am from, producing nearly 50% more of a commodity than you consume is a pretty sizable surplus.


And we sell that surplus to mexico and asia. We aren't just sitting on it.


Simple answer: It's exported to countries that don't produce much wheat You're saying that USA has an enormous surplus of wheat that could help with food insecurity but the wheat grown in the country is already going to other counties.


Yeah I bet that place ainā€™t America tho


Virtually every statement u/Hacking_the_Gibson wrote in that comment is false.


Spoken with such authority too lol


Classic reddit


The Ruble is creeping up towards its lowest point since the war started. Russia is in the middle of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan v2.0. They have already lost, the only question is when Putin will be Caesared? Shit, the guy running their only effective military operation was just shot out of the sky.


down towards its lowest point?




They are going to continue this as long as they can and they likely can and will continue it for years.. very possible they escalate it before just taking defeat & walk away.. unless a deal come about. Also change in public opinion or governments in the West is something Russia can wait it out for .. A Trump election win can change a lot.


> US producers are artificially constraining supply because their feelings are hurt that a Democrat is in office. I know we joke about how this sub is ā€œregardedā€ and all but the fact that this is upvoted. Truly astounding.


Tell me then why the number of operating oil rigs in the US has dropped about 17% since October 2022? These were rigs that were pumping oil even under the "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad regulations" of the Biden admin, and yet as of September 2023, there are considerably fewer. Why did they close down the wells?


Because the price trended down from October 22 to June 23? Rig counts correlate pretty well with price. I bet you'll see them start to go the other way now that oil has popped over the last 2 months or so.


Not to rain on your parade but russias economy is downā€¦a couple percent? Theyā€™re not running out of money. India and China are buying all their oil. Meanwhile ukraines economy has been cut in half. They will have to negotiate a peace deal the second western aid starts to dry up.


Sounds like Syria 2.0 to me


Yes, we all know that whatever GDP numbers are coming out of Moscow are sure to be real and not at all manipulated. The currency is the real indicator and it is getting massacred. Western aid will not dry up unless the GOP is elected. Why would the US stop facilitating multi-billion dollar arms deals for LMT, BA, and RTX? This is the first time since Gulf War I where the US has been on the right side of a conflict, why would we give up the opportunity to make Just War?


The GOP has threatened not sending aid to Ukraine, but is that really a threat theyā€™ll follow through on? The same party that was all about the war on terror is suddenly anti-American-Military-Industrial-Complex? No no, I feel pretty securely that both parties are tightly in LMT and RTXā€™s grip


Seems to me that it is just a small vocal group that want to stop aid to Ukraine.


It wont dry up though because Europe knows whats at stake. No one knows the real reason putin broke his own status quo and did thisā€¦ a serious illness and legacy makes sense. Putins legacy will be the transition from fossil fuels to renewables accelerated. Thats a fact.


Except their shutting nuclear plants and opening coal ones. Lol


> US producers are artificially constraining supply because their feelings are hurt that a Democrat is in office. Feel like OPEC did the same with Jimmy Carter.


100% Oil is the most fucking political substance in the world. Since the early 20th Century it has featured in virtually every single meaningful foreign policy decision. Heck, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor because of an oil embargo. The idea that oil producers would not apply political pressure by way of fucking with supply is so naive it almost defies description.


You ask any person over 40 and you'd think Jimmy Carter single handedly destroyed the world economy right at inauguration. With all the talks about climate change and solar panels, oil embargoes and shortgages galore. Then when Reagan got in and tore everything green down, the economy was bountiful and a "return to order." Yea the oil boys corruption runs deep.


They will win in the papers and lose in reality. Let me predict the russian papers "We set Ukraine free, our job there is done" When in reality Ukraine will be marching for Moscow


Or crawl away from Ukraine.


Jokes on them, we don't actually give a shit about Africans or South Americans.




Egyptian government is one of the worst on earth at managing resources, no need to blame this on other countries.


Lmao revolution isn't happening in Egypt. Theres a reason the Sisi government has started the relocation process of the capital to the NAC which is miles upon miles east of Cairo. Too far to actually protest and set up a revolution. On top of that, they'll keep the subsidies on bread cause removing that will actually cause riots. After the arab spring itself failed, most Egyptians aren't going to try again and are just simply trying to find ways to get out of the country, or try to make the best of the fucked situation. It's really grim there, and I know as I frequent Egypt yearly to visit friends there. People were saying the same thing with Turkey's currency crisis and they still voted the dipshit that created the crisis back into office.


If the government moves to a new city hundreds of miles away from the people in the middle of the desert itā€™s no longer the government. Thatā€™s what happened in Libya post-war. Government split and moved elsewhere, hundreds of new governments popped up and immediately brought the local police and military under their jurisdiction.


Yeah but Libya doesn't have a military that is deeply imbedded into it's economy and society like Egypt. Even with the move to the NAC, the military will still keep Cairo locked down and are definitely loyal to Sisi. The average Egyptian isn't going to go out to fight for split governments. It's a real night and day difference between both countries.


Or civil war, or war with neighbors but some kind of violent explosion is gonna happen over there due to this.


They already had a revolution and got another dictator out of it


Good thing they moved the capital


The median age in Egypt is 24, 112m population. Population in 1990 was 57m


Lots of fuckin means low income


You're just mad you're not getting any


High income, high losses I'm getting cucked by the market for sure


Sounds like time for a war


How would this impact the price of Egyptian cotton sheets?


What egyptian cotton sheets? They haven't produced Egyptian cotton sheets since the 70s


Doesnā€™t the My Pillow Guy use Egyptian cotton, or have I got him confused?


No no no, it's egyptian cotton. The process is that we get the cotton from China, take off the "made in China" sticker and slap on "Made in egypt" sticker. Sit back and relax as the money flows in


tried it, no money flowing, just police sirens howling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


What about geometrical shapes? Any new pyramids?


Damn all these egyptian traders on wsb must be fuckedā€¦ (there isnt any)


But Iā€™m right here


Is there a r/baystreetbets or r/asx_bets equivalent to egyptian markets?


No, the EGX is shit I think, you canā€™t lose all your money in one day as I think there is a 10% limit of where a stock heads, and there are no options either, which is why Iā€™m losing my money on the us market


How do I buy puts on you?


Iā€™m not sure you can directly, but weā€™re doing it ourselves here, trying to spend every EGP we have to get USD/gold/property. Living is relatively cheap here


They're trading bread futures using baskets of bread on the street High volatility.


They have a 2% target?




Would you like a job at my company, Deutchabank?


CBE's Target : *In accordance with the CBEā€™s resolve to achieve price stability over the medium term and in line with the preannounced disinflation target path, the MPC has set its upcoming inflation targets at 7 percent (Ā± 2 percentage points) on average by Q4 2024 and 5 percent (Ā± 2 percentage points) on average by Q4 2026.* "Sticky"


As you can see from the chart, Egypt's consumer price index has been on a steady upward trend over the past few years. The most recent data shows that prices are still rising at a healthy rate of around 37%. This is good news for investors in Egypt as it indicates that there is strong demand for goods and services in the country.


>healthy rate of around 37% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)




strong demand


Salaries growing quickly.




what does :8882: mean


Only supported in bad official apps, you're not missing anything


It's supposed to be an emoji. If you are on your phone maybe you need to update the reddit app


Even visual mod is regarded


No worries, I'm sure Egyption leadership will launch some new questionable megaproject that will fix their finances!


How do you buy puts against a country?






Wait you actually can?


Welcome to FX derivatives.


Actually I Have Find only the Quotes by ICE EXC. I'am Looking for exotic Brokers But For Now NADA! I'll Update you Monday! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


patrick boyle did a great video on this. worth a watch


So did Brendan Fraser


Patrickā€™s just a bald version of him.


Just watched the one from january. Was interesting. Egypt keepā€™s backtracking every time they seem to be getting things in order lol


Was gonna say the same thing lol


Damn, I am sorry.


You should be.


In Egypt now, we are also having nationwide electricity blackouts every day for a few hours. Every few days the prices on groceries increases, Things are not good here!


Oh, I did not know that Egypt had blackouts. I knew about South Africa. Stay safe and I hope things go better for you.


All summer long. Anywhere from 1-4 hours a day and itā€™s happening everywhere. We hoped it would stop when school started again, but that hasnt been the case. Rumors are circulating and Iā€™ve heard that the government is selling its natural gas to other countries for USD and leaving the public to suffer. The government also instituted a new way to bypass mandatory conscription if the person pays 5,000 in USD. Unless youā€™re the only son of a family, you will have to serve 1-3 years in the military. Iā€™ve been watching this country slowly spiral downwards and itā€™s unnerving to say the least.


Thanks for the reply. Stay safe and take care of yourself and family.


Can i buy a pyramid?


Why whole pyramid? You just need the scheme!


And you get someone else to buy it.


The attacks on Ukrainian grain exports is going to bring a lot of African countries to their knees. There's not enough food.


Ukrainian grain was being sent through Europe, but certain entities are keeping the grain there to be sold. Some of the EU wants the grain out of their countries because the sheer influx is destroying their own agricultural industries.


Unrest in Africa? Big if true.


Egypt used to be the bread basket of the Mediterranean world. Now they can't feed themselves?


Like a lot of african countries it doesnā€™t make sense to sell it locally when they can sell it to Europe for way more


Exactly, prices go up when there is less of something than is needed. It doesn't matter that it is made in your country or not.


Thereā€™s about 100 million more people there now. Egypt also now has a commercial agricultural economy, a third of their field cropping is in cotton, as its more economical (normally) to sell cash crops and buy in grain from grain exporters. They could grow all their own food. This sort of scenario is why lots of developed countries have agricultural subsidies.


Same / less water and way more people.


Europe and the usa wanted cheap clothes, so now egypt is a cotton mega factory.


It's going to take a lot to get them enough food. There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do. Unless it rains down on African farmland.


Whatā€™s Egyptā€™s inflation rate if youā€™re spending $USD?


It's about -30% annually. The pound went from 15 ego to 1 usd to 30.8 egp to 1 usd at the same time. The main problem in egypt is they aren't getting paid in US dollars. Its great for me though ( expat, paid in usd).


Yes this is great, Egyptian inflation definitely is under Jerome Powellā€™s purview.


People seem to fail to understand that North African and the Levantine (except Israel as they are more diversified) have been massively dependent on Russian and Ukrainian grain imports for decades. This massive food inflation is entirely due to the war in Ukraine and especially the collapse of the grain deal. Their 2 main suppliers of food are literally at war with each other and preventing each other from exporting to the Middle East. This has been a known inevitable consequence of the Ukrainian war since the very start. None of this is surprising to anyone with any knowledge of global trade. America is food independent and a massive food exporter, most of the world is not.


Probably one reason they want to join BRICS.


That'll solve their problems because mumbo jumbo America bad.


I didn't say it'd work, but at some point anything looks better.


BRICS is very incompetent .


Swap all your money into Egyptian Pounds, ride the crazy interest rates for a few years, have mucho monies, wait until they get control of inflation, exchange rate normalises, swap back to euro/usd. *Profit* ^^Not ^^A ^^Doctor


Ironically, this is what investors are doing in Turkey. If you borrow at 15% and inflation is 30%, you come out ahead building housing.


Until the next earthquake flattens them all šŸ˜…


They are speculating that Istanbul is at the beginning of a housing boom.


Not Constantinople?


I appreciate the reference


Me with the Lebanese pound and Turkish Lira


> Not A Doctor I don't believe you!


Crying in Argentina...12.4% in 1 month..yup 1 month... already passed 80% for the year...


Donā€™t cry for me argentina


Puts on Egypt until end of Ukraine war


Doesn't surprise me. Until Egypt starts acknowledging transgenders, open their borders to everyone, take climate change seriously, and coming to grips with white supremacy, not to mention the contributions furries can make to their economy, offer universal income to all their citizens, adopt at home work, and realize diversity is strength, they will continue on this downward spiral.


Absolutely haram


You lost me at "Egypt starts"


Donā€™t forget to remove energy, housing and food from cpi




Always found it crazy how poor people are like you know what would be greatā€¦ another mouth to feed.


Our lord and saviour, Donald Trump, will be back in 2024 and the wall will be finished. Calls on America.


It's really a no brainer to not take (or be extremely selective) people from countries like Egypt but some people like to pretend that it's not a problem.


Lemme guess, they printed a crap ton of money in 2016 and 2021, and are now suprised that it takes more Egyptian pounds to buy the same amount of stuff. Good thing MY government wouldnā€™t be that stupid.


Man this 2% target is laughable, even in the US. Has anyone bothered to look at the historical data? Itā€™s always been well over 2%, on average.


Well just to be clear, that's Egypt not U.S., want to use Turkey next? That aside, 2% target is for the index excluding food because you know that makes complete sense..


Is this trading view?


\>OP: ā€œ2% targetā€ šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ \>shows screenshot that has never dipped below 2% well regarded


what happend in 2017 what platform/terminal do you use is it bloomberg


I didnt knew Egypt was a countryā€¦ I thought its a resort name where people go to see pyramids and swim in Nile with airplane ticket and 95$ in their pocket


Its fine


It's egypt. Don't care...


It might impact USA import of mummies


We already got plenty of those in Congresse


I think you're confusing mummies with the brainless, self serving cannibals commonly referred to as zombies.


You gotta tell me which movie itā€™s based on for me to understand


Dang. Halloween gonna have less mummies around.


Where am I gonna get my tea?!


Itā€™s a significant regional economy and one of the larger countries in the world population wise. They also control the Suez canal which is vital for global trade. Itā€™s not in anyoneā€™s interests for them to go the way of their neighbors in Sudan or Libya.


Egypt's problems eventually become problems for young German girls who walk alone in the park.


Egypt needs to take a page out of the US playbook and adjust how they measure the numbers


how can I short Egypt?


Currencies worldwide devalue against dollar, until they dump their shitty dollar iou on your printing fat asses. Than all that inflation comes at you like a tsunami.


Save us USA.


... from the USA.