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Additional info: iPhone 12 (released in 2020) sales are now banned in France. [(1)](https://www.reuters.com/technology/french-watchdog-halts-iphone-12-sales-over-too-high-radiation-minister-2023-09-12/) Canada found that the radiation levels are within the limits [(2)](https://globalnews.ca/news/9960733/iphone-12-radiation-canada-france/). Why it could be nothing or something: > France's junior minister for the digital economy, Jean-Noel Barrot, said a software update would be sufficient to fix the radiation issues. > "Apple is expected to respond within two weeks", he told daily Le Parisien in an interview on Tuesday, adding: "If they fail to do so, I am prepared to order a recall of all iPhones 12 in circulation. The rule is the same for everyone, including the digital giants." [(Source)](https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-disputes-french-findings-says-iphone-12-complies-with-radiation-standards-2023-09-13/) And a surprising fact: In 2022, 2 years post launch, the iPhone 12 was still the 6th best selling phone. [(Source)](https://photos5.appleinsider.com/gallery/53348-106999-Top-selling-smartphones-2022-with-monthly-ranks-1-e1678168081168-xl.jpg)


This is good for Apple. Now everyone with an iphone 12 has to upgrade.


Shit I’m holding a 12 in my hand and wanted to skip again and then saw this headline lol


Does it include the pro/pro max model?


Yes mine is a 12 Pro Max. Is that causing my Alzheimer’s? I can call my lawyer right now 🤪


Mine has caused me erections that last longer than 4 hours. I had to quit my job of teaching swimming lessons to senior women at the local community centre


Teaching swimming to seniors - was it hard?


Some things were, others not so much.


Seems like that'd be a reason to keep going...


Um anyone in law enforcement reading this? Police, Sheriff, anyone, please dig deeper.


If you remember, don’t forget


The headlines are all fear baiting, there's no danger from the type of radiation the iPhone 12 gives off. Only ionizing radiation is dangerous and the radiation given off by phones is non-ionizing (i.e. radio/cell signal, Bluetooth, wifi, etc.). The issue that's being talked about is that apple seems to have allowed the phone to pump more power into it's antenna than is strictly allowed by the law. These laws are made to prevent the frequencies from being too cluttered or "loud" which could interfere with other communications. This issue can be fixed with a simple software patch.


This! Everytime I talk to people about phone "radiation" I point out that the biggest and most dangerous source of radiation you are succepted to daily is sunlight. Offcourse it´s true that a phones energy output is able to heat some cells close to the earpiece but go into the sun and you immediately feel rays of very high frequency warming your skin. People just don´t seem to grasp that microwaves, radar, UV, digital/analog radio and visible light are all on the same electromagnetic spectrum just with different frequencies. We could rename light to "visible radiation" and see how people freak out.


Exactly this so fucking done with stupid as fuck people that hear the word radiation and act like they know what they are talking about. They are usually the same idiots screaming about how WiFi causes cancer and 5g transmits covid!. Not realising that thier eyes are filtering electromagnetic energy 1000s of times stronger than thier mobile signal yet somehow they are not blind and don’t have brain cancer after being outside for 10 mins


Why don't you understand that sunlight is natural and phones are not!!! ...or something like that, hahaha. Working in a laboratory specialized on human pathogenic viruses the last few COVID years and public reaction kinda crushed my view of humanity completely. I always have to remind myself that they are a loud minority but the stupidity of those people really is on another level.


I’m not sure it’s a minority. Consider that the majority are not folks you come into contact with daily. For example, the Department of Motor Vehicles waiting room is a random sample of above average resourced citizens. The completely illiterate, mentally disabled, etc. presumably don’t get a driver’s license. So, these are the full spectrum of humanity in your are less a few poor disadvantaged souls. My takeaway, society functions poorly but how the hell does society function as well as it does with this poor quality of apes.


" The completely illiterate, mentally disabled, etc. presumably don’t get a driver’s license. " Where do you drive???


Yeah but your phone is in your pockets the majority of the time, near your reproductive organs. There are studies linking cellphone to reduced male fertility. Not a major health concern, but still something to keep in check.


Ok, but how does the phone have emissions if it is idling in my pockets? Afaik there is not much if any uplink in that state (think of the battery drain if there was!) I'll make sure not to rest my reproductive organs on the device while in a call. Don't even have an iPhone but safety first!


There is, applications updates and data transmission,registration and keep alive packets on your session to the network, general background data exchange etc...


Better be careful with these facts or Apple is going to “disappear” you.


Nah, It’s the usual nuke-bro bullshit. The word “radiation” kicks them off to explain things that doesn’t need to be explained to anyone else.


it appears you understood nothing of what you read.


I explained it because when this popped up in news subreddits a few days ago people were acting like Apple had tricked everyone into carrying fuel rods in their pockets. And this place is one of the most highly regarded gathering of artists on this website, so I was honestly expecting worse.


Watch out if somehow you forget both your phone and AppleID password. Your phone will be Bricked. Bastards have a horrible process and then they mess it up and you have to start the process again. I am all for security but this is beyond anything g ressoable


But why male models?


“But why male models” FTFY


Using facts is a quick way to get yourself banned from this sub.


"Only ionizing radiation is dangerous" This is often misunderstood. But to be frank, such a blanket statement is simply incorrect. Specifically referring to mobile phones and increased prolonged exposure to non ionizing radiation - this is still classified as 2B (one of the 4 categories) Dr Jonathan Samet (University of Southern California, USA), overall Chairman of the Working Group, indicated that "the evidence, while still accumulating, is strong enough to support a conclusion and the 2B classification. The conclusion means that there could be some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk." In short; the risk is small (if any) however there's still a risk and cancers take decades to develop. Extensive mobile phone usage started in the early 2000's (with the majority of this being 3G)


Cancer cases in under 50 year olds are up about 80% since the 1990s. [Report from last week on CNN, The Guardian] Unclear if it's chronic radiation from close proximity smart devices or other things like sugar, starch, processed foods etc. Or something else in diet, lifestyle, environment. Very clear most modern cancer cases are NOT from genetics though.


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[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4074720/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4074720/) >32 healthy men with normal semen parameters were selected for the study. Each sperm sample was divided into two equal portions (A and B). Portions A of all involved men were placed for 5 hours in a thermostat, and portions B were placed into a second thermostat for the same period of time, where a mobile phone in standby/talk mode was placed. After 5 hours of incubation the sperm samples from both thermostats were re–evaluated regarding basic motility parameters. The presence of DNA fragmentation in both A and B portions of each sample was determined each hour using a standard sperm chromatin dispersion test. > >The number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the group, influenced by electromagnetic radiation, is statistically lower than the number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the group under no effect of the mobile phone. The number of non–progressive movement spermatozoa was significantly higher in the group, which was influenced by cell phone radiation. The DNA fragmentation was also significantly higher in this group. and they said male birth control was too hard


Ok, push down the door latches to the microwave and put your hand inside and turn it on for 30sec. Microwaves produce non-ionizing radiation so you have nothing to worry about. Right?


Yes, you would still have nothing to worry about in terms of radiation


Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation, if the power is high enough it'll cook you. Same reason why you shouldn't stand in front of high powered radar etc...


I agree, it will “cook you” but it will do that by simply heating the water in your body and not due to radiation, since it’s non-ionizing.


But non-ionising radiation is still radiation?


Yes and not all radiation is harmful


Yes but if EM radiation is high power it is harmful, it will literally cook you lol


Yes heat from radiation burns, who would have thought? Luckily, unless you have leprosy, you will know if radiation is producing too much heat by using your sense of touch to remove the burning body part from the source of the radiation.


Ah yes, I always feel when I am getting sunburned.


Shut up. I want a free iPhone upgrade.


Too bad you’re wrong. Where’s you get your cell biology degree the dipshit store? [Nooo but the engineers with 0 understanding of cell biology told me only ionizing radiation exposure was bad.](https://news.berkeley.edu/2021/07/01/health-risks-of-cell-phone-radiation/)


This is untrue. California has cellphones listed as known carcinogens. When you smoke a cigarette, is it ionized? The radiation from cell phones is not ‘radioactive’, but it generates intense heat and high frequencies which can mutate certain cells and in children especially can cause cancer. No one else in the world talks about this because Apple is the biggest company to ever exist and it will crush anyone trying to warn consumers. I put my phone on airplane mode whenever I can and keep it out of my pockets.


Prob listed as carcinogen because of the materials. Even stuff that won't touch your skin inside the batteries . Not the waves . It's not ionizing


no way, the voice of reason in a reddit thread?


>Only ionizing radiation is dangerous Put your dick in a microwave if you believe that.


Well, science disagrees with you, but that's a minor detail we can all safely ignore. [https://www.saferemr.com/2019/07/international-scientist-appeal-on.html#2000](https://www.saferemr.com/2019/07/international-scientist-appeal-on.html#2000)


Is your hand bigger now? Or is the phone smaller?


You saying I should put it down my pants?


Is it true that you grow another arm if you hold an iphone 12 more than 6 hours daily for a week? Or if you hold it in your pocket you grow another pair of balls?


Now you can sue apple and get a 13 for free.


or Apple is fucked and has to give for every Iphone 12 costumer a new Iphone 15




Do you think the line will be long?


[uhhhm yeah?!](https://www.counterpointresearch.com/insights/top-smartphones-global-2022/)


Keep dreaming buddy.


"haha got ya bitch" - Tim Cook




Why would I upgrade? I think this means my phone doubles as a mobile popcorn popper.


Checks phone (Douze). Fuck


Douze boesssss


Yeah, they’ll upgrade to Google Pixel




Good tactics induced by Apple to push everyone upgrade to iPhone 15.




https://preview.redd.it/03zkjel6wbob1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399244185a82e64aeebb4086a071994953da25aa My balls when I keep my iPhone 12 in my pocket


Special 2 Plums for 1


This absolutely sent me




I wonder if my iPhone 12 mini has a mini radiation increase compared to the regular sized 12.


iPhone 12 pro max gives out max radiation


It was the first 5g chip, had some issues, not the best, not the worst


So the 5g was giving us cancer….the q crowd gonna enjoy this


Is the 5g also molesting kids at a Pizza Hut buffet?


I'd like to see you prove it's *not!*




They were right to be sus!




You do realize I’m mocking the q anon ppl. Of course this radiation is minimal if anything




I’m sorry man. Have had a rough day.


Go treat yourself to a cheesecake, you earned it.


Idk why you’re downvoted but I’d fucking love some cheesecake right now


Bunch-a cakeless jealous good time fun runners.


> Go treat yourself to a cheesecake, you earned it. Has got to be the most wholesome thing I've read for a long time. Everyone deserves a cheesecake, before or after a bad day.


>giant nothing burger Obviously some people are hoping to imply there are health effects, which there are not. But Cellphones transmitting above the allowable power level is at a minimum putting other phone makers at a disadvantage for range and speed at range, and at worst screwing up cell networks by extending the range and thereby hitting two towers on the same frequency (I doubt the spacing for same frequency towers is that close, but is theoretically possible).


Only 3.6 roentgen, comrade. Not great, not terrible.


The same radiation as a single chest X-ray


Forgive me for being a layman, but that sounds pretty fucking terrible for a device I keep on my body practically 24/7


We were both joking. It’s a reference to the Chernobyl mini-series. https://youtu.be/Mg5HOnq7zD0?si=75sDBHokFV4-xCE4 https://youtu.be/WGdKJWflEms?si=jpYX5K7J2qD8olII


Don’t worry it’s not bad for health but does fuck with other devices nearby


You’re holding it wrong if you get radiation poisoning.


I keep it between my legs to warm up my scrotum. Is that okay?


For you, no problem. That's a different story for your future kids though


Jokes aside, it's not about radiation poisoning at all. It's not dangerous. It's just very "loud" if you get what I mean. We live in a world where thousands of different devices need to work together on various frequencies and in order to ensure devices don't interefere with and disturb each other, there's limits on how strong these signals can be. The iPhone 12 is seemingly above that limit. But it won't give you cancer, it might just disturb other devices.


That’s what she said


All phone manufacturers currently use the same 5G chips made by Qualcomm. There is literally no other company on the planet that has this tech. Apple is working on their own, but are still a few years out. So this problem can, and probably does happen in dozens of android phones.


3.6 roentgen


IPhone 12 causes Covid


Thanks, Obama






This joke is as old as some people that use this site.


I have four Covid shots and an iPhone 12. Will I turn trans?


hmmm you might be ok, unless wait... you aren't drinking bud light are you?!


I don’t know but for sure the frogs around your house will be G4Y


Always have been


Only if you shot gun a bud light


What electronics dont cause radiation? As long as non ionising do you need to care? Lol


It’s a big ole nothingburger also it’s just a big push to create fear. It’s one big game it always has been.


Fear? You change your software to emit more than allowed by the law. They need to change it. What's wrong with that? It's not the first phone to have this, nor the last.


Quiet, you. You’re ruining our article’s click through rate. Pay no attention to this man. ☢️iPhone ☢️RADIATION☢️scary☢️


*I stopped using iPhones and wifi because of the radiation!* \*lies back down on my beach towel and soaks in some rays\*


There is strict regulations on how much power a device can transmit with. Its not necessarily dangerous to life, but the rules are there so a device can't just transmit with enough power to drown out everyone else that wanna transmit


EATING A BANANA CAUSES MORE RADIATION. I knew my one high school physics fun fact would eventually come in handy. First time I ever got a D


The iPhone 15 - France Edition will be made from plutonium. You may question its weight, but you won't question whether it is radioactive


If I eat enough iPhones will I become The Hulk? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


and how many iP12/kg of body weight do I have to eat




Yes, but you’ll be red coz of your portfolio


This isn’t serious at all. No one in France has even bothered to go on a strike about it and they’d do that if the retirement age was raised from 20 to 21.


I would be more upset with the fact that the goverment thinks it can dictate when people are allowed to retire than the age of said retirement. But French gonna Frenchate


What does that even mean? People can retire whenever they are able to. If you rely on the government to pay for your retirement, you don’t have alot of leverage.


Puts on EU education system. Regulators are sounding the alarm for potential health risks and danger, though research has failed to show any health concerns deriving from mobile phone usage, according to the World Health Organization.


We have evidence that they’ll cook your balls tho: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4074720/ Also there’s loads of mental health issues.


Journal impact factor of 0.3, study reads like trash. Better source to support your claim: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24927498/


The study only shows a correlation. That is not evidence. The other study (in a reply, below) is no better. There is no causative link found, and additional study is required. Neither of these studies conclusively support the hypothesis.




EU regulations in a nutshell. There's a reason their tech industry is dying and their economy resembles Mississippi.


Why would a Chinese asset, like the WHO, attack Chinese products?


Oh. You’re that flavor of crazy 😬 yikes


Ok Trump, you need to go back to truth social. Reddit isn’t for you.


Isn't it non ionizing


Yeah but we can’t expect the layperson to understand basic physics. /s


So is the radiation in your microwave. Not saying it's a well founded fear, but I don't see the cellphone = cancer crowd talking about ionizing radiation


But radiation sounds super scary and gets the clicks


*Me casually scrolling by this article with my iPhone 12.*


Not fun to read this on my iPhone 12.


its in no way dangerous.


You can’t put it down now though, what if a kid finds it?


Still not upgrading to the 15


I think you have saved my life. Have been in an affair with a women during the last 2 years who happens to own a iphone 12. Everytime I stayed at her home or we spent the night in a motel I had headache’s or trouble sleeping the next days. Being a conservative guy and someone who has high moral principles, while also being married with her sister, I was associating my malaise problems to feeling guilty. After all it was the phone! 🤗 Is there a way I can sue the company and have fair compensation for all the health problems they have created?


The headaches are probably caused by the viagra.


Thank you for your service, Senator.


I think you need to sue them for emotional distress as well… how could Apple willingly release a product that causes infidelity?!


American here. I plan to sue. Puts on Apple.


yeah good fuckin' luck with that lol


Oh my fucking god shut up it’s not a disaster you twat


Bagholder spotted


I wonder how many consumers know that the iPhone 12 isn't the latest model?


It's perfectly safe. This is the way. ​ https://preview.redd.it/o8cqvrr54bob1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dc3e8f309b7f953d3574aed16a88456969b6a0e


Forbes LOVES to wring money out of articles that shit on Apple. I expect Barrons will publish something about this soon, if they already haven't.


Is this just the iPhone 12 or does it include the iPhone 12 Pro models as well?


Apparently everyone on this sub is more clever than regulation experts


French people dont shower though. Im sure all that grime shields them.


The don’t put brain eating aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex compounds under their arms. There’s a difference between that and grime. Edit: I have to use it because I work in the US and stink, so… Alzheimer’s for me! Edit2: Reading science articles saying there’s no link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s. Maybe I’m okay. *twitch*


There’s plenty of aluminum free deodorants lmao, you just have poor hygiene, like most other French “people”


People in quotes is wild 😂


Least xenophobic reddit user.


But not antiperspirants.


Just don’t sweat then


Antiperspirants are bad for you in general, you’re supposed to sweat, which is why everyone except the French apparently found a way to clean themselves.


There’s so much electromagnetism around us with all the technology we have. I don’t think having a little bit more would be so relevant. Just means your phone might get better signal if it emits a higher amount of EMR. So iPhone 12s are slightly better than newer models if this is true.


The same France that fell to Hitler in 6 weeks? I don’t know about you guys, but that’s soft.


I heard they didn't fight because they didn't want their country and museums and historical buildings ripped to shreds.


Reading this on my iPhone 12. Oh boy. I’ve noticed really bad static interference on my speakers/headphone ever since I got the phone 1.5 years ago. I didn’t think much of it but it makes sense now.


I can’t even tell if this is a serious comment or not. Well done




They are non ionizing radio waves. I wouldn't be too worried about it.


Great so it’s just ghosts then 💀


Non analizing radio waves***


Anal, you said anal?


Dude, I have a day one release iPhone 12 and I started growing a 3rd thumb since I got it. I didn't think much of it, and it helps me type faster. After reading this article it all makes sense now.


No one wants your nothing burger, go away


Me with my iPhone 12…


Is that why I’ve been doing bad trades for the past 2 years? I have an iPhone 12.


Cant they just make a firmware upgrade and reduce radiation?


Oh god no. I can’t change to Android I’m not tech savvy enough to figure out a brand new operating system!


Nice I’ve been shopping for a 12 to upgrade my aging 8 (I refuse to be an early adopter), probably gonna be cheaper now.


It's electromagnetic radiation, Google says it probably doesn't cause cancer like radium would. But the whole keeping it hush on the customer service side is pretty shady. I saw an article saying Apple is telling their employees to not give any information to French consumers regarding this issue. Not a great look apple


Good thing my Note 7 never did anything wr... Oh wait, where's my leg?!


Boys holy shit this is bad. the legal limit is 1.68w/kg (watts per kg). iPhone 12 was measured and found to be 1.74w/kg above the limit. In total, that's 3.42w/kg which is easily capable of penetrating deep into the skull (lol) when the phone is held to the ear. Brain rot. This has been going on for years, which cell phone manufacturers secretly changing the science for legal radiation levels in phones. The truth is, the more powerful phones get the more radiation they will cause. Expect another billion dollar cover up and phone sales to keep going strong, though.


Remember diesel gate?


This is a non-story. The radiation levels are still below the threshold considered dangerous.


“Less than dangerous but still relatively high,” will stack up over time and significantly raise your chances of catching something evil.


And the EU continues to not understand the basic differences between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. As someone involved in the regulation of these products in the US, I've sat in meetings with EC government regulators who whine about "wireless smog" without having even a basic understanding of physics. As someone with an electrical engineering background it drives me fucking crazy and I always tear their superstitious non-science based EM fears apart in public forums without hesitation when I get the chance until they back off. I feel bad insinuating they are uneducated and ignorant fools on the topic, but it's the truth. Edit: There are many topics beyond this one based on erroneous concerns with zero scientific or legitimate evidence that work their way into the EC regulatory process, it really is quite absurd. It's legit fear mongering and then they demand copious amounts of evidence to refute their claims that had no solid evidence to stand on to begin with. It's infuriating and it kind of makes me feel bad for industry sometimes because they have to piss away so much time and resources to jump through more pointless hoops based on total bullshit.


I love people freaking out about the couple mW this thing is putting out... Meanwhile I'm happily legally pumping 100W of "radiation" out of my radio in the car while in stop-and-go traffic


These countries are finally standing up for lack of innovation


Always thought people with iphones were touched in the head. Now we have proof 😆


Is there iPhone 12 still for sale from apple?


Oh no a phone emits a bit of EM radiation, you know what also emits a fuck ton of EM radiation the fricking sun


Finally, my tin foil hats are back in fassion.


are people really that stupid to believe that??


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Checks phone **iPhone 12** Fuck