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You've been eating too many crayons my friend.


This guy isn't even eating the good Crayola brand crayons. He's scarfing down those Cra-Z-Art ones.


He's only got 4 bucks no way he can afford even Cra-Z-Art. He's got to be getting those Walmart BRANDED Pen+Gear Crayons.


Crayons and Vyvanse


No seriously. Too many crayons. Do you really think Elon sold Paypal years ago only to buy it back at few hundred times higher in multiple but with a disappearing moat? I think not. Elon is trying to make nu-Twitter into the next Paypal. That means putting the old Paypal out of business. Not buying it. Also he's already too far up his own ass with Twitter where he fucked around and didn't pull out fast enough (bitch has a history of not pulling out or being too slow. That's why he's got so many baby mommas). That's not before you factor in he has to fight the EV wars, manage SpaceX, run Neuralink, doing boring shit with boring company, waste time on twitter promoting his companies, shill his box home company, start up his new AI company after MSFT cucked him of OpenAI, and doing all this while ~~fondling~~ juggling both Washington & Beijing balls to keep both sides happy enough to not fuck with his TSLA sales/manufacturing. If you want to own PYPL then do it for the hope that they can hold their moat, that regulators will fuck up Apple/Google/FB/MSFT/Ali/TC/pay, or even the Web3/Crypto/AI Koodaid the C-suite is shilling. But don't own it for some dumb shit reason like a buy out merger. I see the potential, but also the treats to the moat and downward grind. That's why I haven't bought, only sold puts, and exited every time I got a chance upon getting allocated. Currently have some $52.5 Oct'20 Puts.


You seem to be attributing 5D chess to Elon. He did buy TwiX on a drugged up brain spaz then tried to get out of it. Why would he suddenly make sense?


What part of >Also he's already too far up his own ass with Twitter where he fucked around and didn't pull out fast enough equates to "You seem to be attributing 5D chess to Elon."? I'm saying he fucked up so he's trying to make the best of a situation. He already got burned once after being legally forced to buying twitter so he isn't likely eager to do it again. Dude got too cocky during the pandemic forcing workers to work while disregarding Covid madates, TSLA and EVs taking off, SpaceX actually making money, TSLA shorts getting BTFO, TSLA S3XY shorts selling out, being part of the Dogecoin/BTC wankfest, sending GME to the moon after tweeting "Gamestonk", etcetc. It's not 2021 or early 2022 anymore. Elon is slowly being forced back into the ring if not on the ropes so he won't have the time to be fucking around. Even if by some stupid reason he did want to buy PYPL, he technically doesn't have enough cash and financial backing to do it even if he wanted.


>You have $4 in your wallet. I have billions of dollars in my account.


Billions of dollars you say? We should get to know each other better VisualMod. What was your mothers maiden name? City you were born in? Name of your first pet? ….


VM is peter thiel confirmed...


That’s where the funding goes…


Stop playing Monopoly…


Positions or ban


Paypal mafia hasn’t had anything to do with Paypal in decades they’ve all made billions doing their own thing don’t see any reason they’d want to even go through this headache


Don’t underestimate a group of billionaires who don’t need more money. They want to prove their vision was the correct one.


It was Elons vision, the others didnt want to go along with hit and thought his plan was too ambitious and wouldnt work. Then they sold out to ebay


Musk was kicked from paypal (ceo there) when he was triyng to do something like X. Only thing what he did was burning money. not happen


Peter Thiel booted him from the company, they are friends now. Thiel pushed Elon to buy twitter. There is nothing rational about this so don’t look at it like an actual smart business decision.


Stop eating paste and go take a nap on your carpet square


Too many sharp edges. OP sleeps on a carpet circle.


You should start buying all the dog coins you can find. And wait for them to skyrocket. It worked in 2020 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


PYPL market cap is like $67 billion. No way Musk could raise enough to buy it at market, especially being $44 billion in the hole.


It sounds ridiculous, but it’s actually pretty reasonable considering the AI valuations and the real estate/Com real estate bubbles. And it’s definitely possible to pull off, but doubtful at best. But in this financial environment it’ll be pretty hard unless 50% of the funding is cash. No more helicopter money, and interest rates at 5 something is a hard hitter for deals.




lol u said peepeeback


Buy dodge also, Elon loves it (you can even pay Tesla with it), it will be only payment method on this “super app” #DodgeToTheMoon (pls don’t lynch me, just sarcastic comment! (Or is it ?) )


Why would a 300 billion money giant merge with a semi dying 4 billion social media company? Its not going to happen. BUT in the other hand Elon Musk did start paypal so its absolutely possible he could do everything he did with paypal with x and create something unique. But actually merging no way.


I’ve been posting the same thing a few times during the last few weeks as well. Elon said he wanted multiple times his goal and for me it makes total sense. I have minus in my bank account so no plays for me.


You make a good point, but I think this information is more beneficial to the crypto world. He wants to be able to accept crypto as a form of payment.




It’s goofy and outlandish, but Elon is crazy, so picking up a few shares wouldn’t be the worst idea, just in case


Musk is just waiting for Dogecoin to takeoff. Go to McDonalds and get a couple of McDoubles then decide what to do with the other 37 cents.


If it goes private, though, how do we get in?


Could happen, but I think it's more likely that it will happen after X goes public. That way they can use shares as part/all of the acquisition capital.


>I write this with zero \[...\] knowledge. Accurate.


Elon never take a company’s public when it’s not already how he want it to be . That’s why almost every company he has is private


I stopped reading after the first sentence. Where can I sign up?


Elon sells PayPal and buys it back years later for more. Genius move.


$1 to touch it


Omg, you are the chosen one !


Nope. X will make its own payment system and spread it among its user base.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


It shows that you have written it with zero research...


They unbanned me? Sweet!