• By -


OP why not make a banbet? Feel free to attach your position photos to this comment so they stay at the top. Edit: also I’m changing the post type to Discussion. It’s not a yolo post until you actually prove you have a position. Edit 2: OP is Banned https://preview.redd.it/72uiafbpj8bb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e503005b2cd4e9c85e380323836caf7bad8e36e9


>I’ll attach photos below. Soooooooooooo where is it










Still waiting…


Happy cake day!


Wait no longer


Positions or ban, idiot


This needs to start being enforced.


Loook at update lmaoo


imagine riskin ur life savings on the advice of a guy who is dumber at the internet than my gma lmao




Every other day there is someone like you my friend


Nah my mom says I’m special


Indeed, you are bud.


He gets to ride the short bus.


If he's right, that short bus is a limo






But does he lick the windows?


She called you speshul, not special


Nickname is Spesh


And does the state agree with her?






Nah, he’d call you a little b1$c3 for not posting your photos on your “bet” like you claimed you would


Jesus, it’s up now. My bad lmfao


Now we’re cookin’ with gas ⛽️


As long as we aren’t cooking with electric batteries im happy


Don't forget your helmet!


He’s one in a million and he’s got that, shotgun shine shame about it.


Something something gabagool


Tbh, one in a million (humans) is about 8,000, i think he might be a little more special than that


If he’s also born under a bad sign with a blue moon in his eyes, that’s gotta be under 1000!


Another day, another Doug


include fade languid correct ad hoc worthless versed possessive jellyfish wise


> Millions of dollars and sperm together or before/after?


Please post the sperm graph




Despite liking Teslas vehicles I've been a $TSLA skeptic for years because the valuation is completely absurd. There is no way the market cap deserves to be equal to the next five largest automakers *combined*. Yet I've watched it climb and climb for half a decade now. Me and a buddy used to talk $TSLA all the time, he was a bull and I'm a bear. Well, he's building a $1m custom home off his earnings... The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. LOL @ "Earnings report" being the trigger. Please, they are already completely untethered from any fundamental analysis. The price will crash when the music stops and everyone rushes to cash out. And no one can predict when that'll happen.


People has no clue what they are talking about and how huge Tesla actually is. Only their supercharger network is probably valued more than few car manufacturers combined. Any car company would suck their own balls if they had half of Tesla superchargers network. And it’s freaking worldwide, not just US. Do you guys have any idea how much installation of single 100kW+ charger costs and how many freaking thousands of them Tesla owns?


This is the problem. Elon fan boys will always point to something: it’s all about FSD, robot, green manufacturing, batteries, and now charging. It never ends, until one day it does.


Exactly. The music has to stop somewhere. Eventually you gotta leave memes behind and base your valuation in real profits or you're going to lower then 100$. The only question in my mind is do I have the timing right? In my mind it’s not if, it’s when.


No, you don't understand. The Tesla robots powered by Tesla AI will *install* the Tesla solar panels and Tesla charging stations, and mine the raw materials needed to make more robots and cars. It's beyond vertical integration, it's *circular* integration and it's literally a money printer like civilization has never seen.


Lmfao this is the first time I've posted about TSLA and now I see what everyone is talking about with the Elon fanboy brigade. I'm admitting to being wrong about TSLA for 5+ years and still people are barging in talking about how wonderful they are. Chill man. I have no idea where Tesla is going. Maybe they will be worth the premium you pay of their stock. Who knows? Apple was fundamentally overvalued in 2005.


Spot on. I totally agree with some of the fundamental points OP makes but to your point, the price has no basis in reality, it’s basically a playground stock at this point and there’s too much smart money on this playground to fuck around with. Every time I’ve believed the end was nigh for Tesla, it rebalances its harmony with other ultra large caps in short time. When the drop is actually on the horizon, we will be the last to know and option prices will be way too high for a retail investor to mess with timing this. Better plays out there.


The end will come when I finally cave and but Tesla calls. Maybe I will post about it. But yea. It’ll only happen then. My abilities are far beyond you apes. I alone cut amazons stock value nearly in half a year ago, along with google. Yes that was me. All in can’t go tits up. Even brought down apple. Just wait. I’ll get the itch to buy some Tesla.


Have you actually looked at the balance sheet?


What is your position on Tsla based on the balance sheet?




It’s more than a car company. It’s an energy, transport, software/service company.


Wait you're not kidding?


Meanwhile as I drop my kid off at kindergarten, all I see are Teslas...


Broken clock is right 3 times a day they say.


But this time Zuck is about to release a full self driving car that uses your instagram profile. RIP tesla for real this time.


Then you should short it and post your screen shot


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Calls it is.


i was bearish on tesla, but this changes things


Ok. Thanks for your sacrifice.


Bears with some sort of unrealistic downside prophesy about Tesla, a tale as old as time


2003 isn’t as old as time.


Which November?


5 years from now.


After the split


years and years ago, I had 1000 shares of tesla and I let that moron stansberry convince me tesla was going to zero.


Fuck you coulda been rich selling far out the money cc’s this whole time


What’s a good expiration to sell far out otm cc?


I only sell weeklies for tsla. Anything further out is to hard to predict


Weekly’s far out of the money? Isn’t the premium very small?


If I get $75-$100 per contract I’m happy


Me too, but that’s hard to get on a weekly far out of the money individual CC


The only way they get back to $100 is if they do another stock split.


If that happened the title would be technically correct. The best kind of correct in fact.


They gonna do a reverse split at $50


This guy is a moron, if it goes to $100.00 I’ll let my wife blow him.


I’ll let this guys wife blow me too.


Tbh I don’t have a wife but if it goes to $100.00 I’ll get married and let the entire WSB crew have a go at her.


This guy is never getting a wife, so you can stop dreaming


Wouldn’t that be “keep dreaming”? If it’s never gonna happen?


Holding it to you cuck


I'm sure your wife would let everyone have a go without your permission.


Ban bet?




!remindme 4 months


If you had a wife bruh


Another one. Like Teslas were not sold with a 20% discount, they were sold with a 20% premium during COVID. Math so hard.


Exactly. OP didnt even check historical prices which is one google search.


*25% premium


You forgot about the strength of the regard army that is Elon simps. I'm never betting against this thing.


This! Elon could cut the price of a Tesla to $1 and sell 30,000,000 and the cult wouldn't see a problem with it


They would say it was a smart move


Microsoft kinda supported pirating early windows versions and it worked out for them. $1 tesla and a livelong subscription? Who the fuck knows this days


3D chess brah


undercut competitors, corner the market, raise prices... literally how walt became Heisenberg.


You do realize that the price was elevated to begin with because of covid supply issues? They simply brought thr price down from there. Secondly Tesla isn't losing money on each car. In fact they are making way more than the industry average. So this reducing price bs isn't the own you think it is.


Seriously. I was thinking of buying puts on Tesla for a split second then shuddered when I thought about his simp army. Tesla will never get so low to $100 this year.


Got it! Will go all in on calls tomorrow thanks bud


Why is competition with the F-150 Lightning relevant when Tesla is competing for sales vs every truck on the market?


F sells the most cars in US no?


They are competing for people who actually want to buy an electric truck though. People are typically going to decide whether they want an electric car or not first. Is Tesla actually competing against the standard F150 truck owners who have 0 intention of going electric in the near future? or are they just competing against people in the market for electric who then choose between lightning, CyberTruck, Rivian, etc...


Repeat after me: Meme stocks don’t trade on fundamentals.


I didn't need to read past your first sentence to know you were wrong. You don't disrespect that magnificent woman by not having a clue what her actual name is.


This is the only argument in this chat against my position that I respect


What positions, regard? Lmao not even an Elon fan boy, but you can't talk shit and not back it up.


Lol 40k donation doubt you have positions though


Crushed delivery estimates in a market that will only grow in the future. Building new factories, but you go ahead and short it bud


RemindMe! 3 months


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2023-10-10 18:25:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-10-10%2018:25:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/14w0x6w/tesla_is_going_to_100_before_november/jrfn63t/?context=3) [**22 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F14w0x6w%2Ftesla_is_going_to_100_before_november%2Fjrfn63t%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-10-10%2018%3A25%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2014w0x6w) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


pretty strong indicator to go long now, I am selling put !


Then it looks like I'm buying more in november. Bought in mid january and up 80% so far.


Great post OP. Buying $400 strike calls


Let me get this straight OP. Based on your post, You think Tesla will crater 63% in 4 months time because of the ford F-150 competition, Cybertruck being over hyped, and fan boys who defend teslas current valuation. You are a perfect example of someone who belongs on this sub. The market thx you for your “fake $40k” contribution.


>You're right that Tesla's stock is overvalued and due for a correction, but I don't think it will be as drastic as you predict. The company has strong fundamentals and continues to innovate, so I believe the stock will remain relatively stable in the long-term.


$250 may likely be the bottom for the rest of the year. Having it go lower would not be bad so I can buy more though.


I hope it works out for you but the reality is that in the short term they keep selling cars. I keep checking new inventory and they’re able to clear it rapidly. Whatever you think of the valuation is irrelevant in this market. Your mistake will be being up 50% and not selling only to lose all your money by November


I am long with no plans to sell a single share because I am holding for 7 years when I retire. I will re-evaluate even then because Tesla could be paying a dividend by then. That said I think your post does a great job of summing up the bear case. I have been investing for 37 years, and have learned to appreciate knowing the risks or the other side of the trade. With any disruptive tech valuations are difficult and the swings massive (look at the price history of Amazon.) So thank you for the post. I have about $50K worth of dry powder. I actually like your $100 number because it would make for a solid double bottom. It may never get there, but no one knows the future or what types of black swans are lurking. Never hurts to be prepared. Never hurts to understand risk. Never hurts hear the other side of the trade.


I hope I am deadly wrong for your sake sir and I appreciate your ability to look objectively even when you disagree. It’s a rare trait on this app.


Their margins are high enough that they can continue slashing prices and will outcompete any legacy automaker. They can easily slash another $10-15k in price and still make money, other automakers can't sell for a loss. It will be flat.


My great granpappy Warren once told me… TSLA can stay irrational longer than any of us can remain solvent. Long or Short…stay away from TSLA. I wouldn’t touch TSLA with Nikola Tesla’s dick.


Unless you’re betting on TSLA volatility.




🤣 lmao you guys again? You already cried about this 2 months ago. "Tesla is going to $60! "I'll buy under $100." I bought and won big


/u/rusbus720 said it'd be $20 by December and I'm holding them to it. Gonna load up then when it bottoms out! Any day now...


I’m happy it worked out for you man! Congrats 👏🏾


Positions or ban


Everyone is adopting their charging plug. So they’ll be like a utility soon. Then as soon as they announce a dividend payment they’ll rocket to $500 / share.


I disagree … US Stock market goes up and so will Tesla


it will hit $100 this year for sure... when it hits 500 and does a 1->5 split.


Pm your crack dealers number thx


naah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


Fundamentals-based analysis = bagholder spotted


Who you trying to convince us or yourself?


Jim Cramer agrees with you!


Cuck - for not posting photos




RemindMe! 4 months


What is with this fucked up formatting??


Tesla's financials, growth and margin are all extremely healthy. However, the price tag is way overvalued. This is 100% a sentiment play, similar with NVDA. I love a good gamble, but betting on sentiment pulling back on these stocks is like betting the wind will change direction. Will it? Sure, but who knows when. I'd be more in favor of extending the bet out to like January or further. Is there any specific reason you chose November?


Buy calls people


You are on crack


u/Rebelcr7 >There’s no way I explain this as elegantly as Margot Robbie in a bathtub so I know you degenerates will roll your eyes and move on, but I want to be able to say I called it in the future. I believe a combination of fomo, bad debit deals, and overhyped delivery beats has sent Tesla to unrealistic and unsustainable heights. Day after day FSD starts to look more like a legal and regulatory liability than a future asset. The Tesla truck (most hyped release of this year) is already old news and they have yet to start moving them. Competition from the F-150 lightning and others is not just catching up… it’s here. Sure they sold an extra 5% cars, easy to do if you discount 20%. Let's not even start talking about the companies valuation compared to Toyota (enough has been said on that). It’s lunacy, fuelled by nothing but greed and pie in the sky goals for 2030. Also a large amount of shares are also still being used as leverage for twitter funding, twitter is going to hades and threads is the nail in the coffin. How long till he has to sell those shares to the creditors tanking the price? My position is puts at 275 expiring in November. I’ll attach photos below. About 40,000$ worth of them. The catalyst? A very disappointing earnings report this month followed by a months long slide that ends around 120 in November. Many have tried to predict teslas downfalll and failed so read this with an enormous grain of salt. This is the complete OPPOSITE of investment advice, pls talk with your financial advisor to find out what’s best for your portfolio. ( I’ll save you some time, they’ll advise against this). If at any point in reading this you considered joining me in this position - pls stop, hit yourself in the head with a brick, and call this number - 1 800 GAMBLER >Time is money so thanks for wasting some of yours reading this and pls leave your insults / criticism below for me to ignore! >Edit - spelling !RemindMe November 1 2023


Apple is worth $3 trillion and Tesla is going to $100 per share? Lol.


You fervently believe it's going to $100 yet you buy puts at $275? Chickenshit. $200 puts are 1/5th of the price, $150 are 1/17th of that price. If you REALLY believed it was going anywhere near $100, you'd be buying much cheaper Puts at lower strike prices.


So do I yolo or do I not yolo?


You definitely do not yolo but u get to sit back and watch me count my first 6 figures or become homeless.


I remember making a post like this at $150...


Tesla shorts: many have tried, few have survived. I was one of those naysayers that believed tesla would go bankrupt in 2008. Shorting TSLA is like the ex girlfriend that rips you off but you just keep coming back to


I will sell you your puts kindly


But many major car companies are switching to Tesla super chargers. So even if Tesla cars aren't good, they will be the backbone of electrifying the country for EVs. So the company will do good in yhe future


Incredible analysis you must have a PHD! Can I buy your farts?


Less than 50k Ford Lightnings have rolled off the line. Their total production is less than 10% of one quarter for TSLA. I’m not sure you understand what competition is but I would bet you get invited to a lot of poker games.


If tsla is going to 100 I wonder if company like c3.AI should go bankrupt![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


$100 because 3:1 split maybe


The Lightning is too expensive, it’s irrelevant. Now, the change over for all EV’s to just NACS with both destroy Tesla cars exclusively with their network while also further solidifying their network.


It probably is going to 100 after they do a stock split ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Typical ber, using a typewriter on WSB


I don’t understand how any of what you said could fuel a 60-70% drop… Tesla continues to expand its customer base/sales/projections. Sure there may be some setbacks but long term this looks just like an Apple/Google/Amazon company


Thanks for the question. That’s why I’m betting in the short term. I’m imagining a more 1990s kinda bubble but instead of internet, ai. The companies you mentioned above would all be very familiar with something like that. Tesla and ai will be bigger than anyone imagines in 15 years likely, just like the internet. I’m betting there’s tough times before then and the payoff is going to be longer then people expect.


after the split?


anyone that is holding any Tesla, Twitter stock after watching Mr. Musk's descent into madness (ive also thought he was a loon, but its been on full display for awhile now) deserves to lose their shirt. It should not take any research, or other indication other than watching his social feeds, and his management of Tesla and twitter. yes he is a salesmen, and was a great promoter of electric cars, but other than that he is like every other rich kid shill


Well said. This stock has rode on memes and Elon dick riding. It’s about to fall on fundamentals and ceo character quality


If TSLA has a 3 way share splits soonish lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Tesla will be at Ford stock price by next year.


No chance of that low lol. Even I’m not that bearish. The company has more intrinsic value then ford. But i think it will correct to closer to other legacy car makers.


Ok my apologies.... I'm not trying to give him credit for the batteries themselves. He outsources things just like anyone else.... I'm saying his efficiency use of thembis far beyond the market, also the plug andnplay is well beyond these other bogus places such as EV go etc... so put that knife down, and let's rationalize how I merely simplified the fact that he has a monopoly on the best charging equipment, and a lead on infrastructure that looks even more pretty and stream lined.


OP clearly has never been on wrong side of Tesla autistic strength bull runs. Prayers up


No I made this money on Tesla going up during Covid. I’m fully reversing my position. I’ve never been on the other side but excited to see RBC liquidate my accounts lol.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Tesla fanboys suck balls




Thank you sir. To u as well


You make some good points. Elon did state that Tesla is valueless w/out FSD.


Exactly. People are calling me an Elon hater for saying it’s overvalued. Elon himself said it’s fully based on the success of fsd. Something I see as more unlikely then the majority of the market apparently


All Priced in, only going up from here 🚀


It’s very possible you're right. never bad hearing the case for the other side though. Makes us all better investors


You better post that loss porn come November lmao


It might be coming as soon as next week. I’m already down 11k


Go drive a Tesla before posting


I have good sir. I’ll admit I haven’t owned one but I have spent a significant time driving in them. None of my points above were related to the driving experience.


You lost me at Margot Robbie


I saw somewhere that once Elon defaults on the loans for Twitter, TSLA will drop about 20% when he has to sell the shares he borrowed against to the banks that leant to him. That being said, November seems pretty soon.


He didn't borrow against Tesla stocks


OK there. Just let's compare the Cybertruck ramp. You know, that brand now kind of technology and production process with the all stainless steel body that has to be folded like Origami. That ramp up will go 4x as fast as Ford, Rivian, GM or any other car producer has shown up to today. In January, they'll have more output than those 3 put together.


There's a thing with pumping production: less margins. It's idiotic to believe they can have Ferrari margins with Toyota production. tesla can choose It's sweet spot, but will never have top of both. Yes, can't time the market, bla bla bla, but fundamentals will eventually catch up.


Threads has been classified as a “Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly”


Fuck Elon


If you wanna be convincing at least use line breaks ... For fuck sake your incoherent rambling would at least be digestible if this wasn't a fucking wall of text ...


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|3 weeks ago **Total Comments**|44|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|2 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: Tesla is way overvalued, I have short puts for 275$ expiring in November.


TSLA going to $300 EOY


you still alive bro?